Asparagus officinalis.
The variety denomination is ‘M256’.
Asparagus is a dioecious species with individual plants being either male or female. Asparagus cultivars that have been most commonly used for fresh market green asparagus in the major growing regions of California include, Atlas, Grande, Ida Lea, and UC157. These cultivars are all produced from crossing a genetically unique male clone with a genetically unique female clone to produce F1 seed.
‘M256’ is a new and distinct male asparagus hybrid that is used to produce asparagus cultivars that have commercially desirable traits. ‘M256’ can be distinguished from the closest varieties known to the inventor by its ability to produce offspring that have a higher proportion of marketable spears with tightly appressed bracts, and a significantly higher total yield when yields are added over several years. The variety is further distinguished by its ability confer early spear emergence to its progeny.
Pedigree ‘M256’ was selected as a single plant in 1982 from the hybrid ‘Ida Lea’, which is from a cross between asparagus cultivars ‘F189’ and ‘M138’. ‘F189’ is from a cross between ‘F111’ and M.O.P. (Male Open Pollinated). ‘F111’ a single plant selection from ‘UC66’. ‘M138’ is from a cross between ‘F120’ and M.O.P. ‘F120’ is a single plant selection from ‘UC309’.
‘M256’ was selected as a single plant and propagated by tissue culture. ‘M256’ was used in a hand cross with ‘F189’ in 1982. In 1987 ‘M256’ was planted into a female block in Field 6AS. ‘M256’ conferred early spear emergence to its progeny. In 1989 ‘M256’ asparagus crowns were transferred to a female holding block sufficiently isolated from other asparagus on the field station to produce hybrid seed of the genetic purity required for use in a field trial to evaluate ‘M256’ offspring. In 1990 the seed resulting from pollination of many of the females in the holding block with ‘M256’ was used to plant seedlings in a new trial.
Cultivation ‘M256’ can be clonally propagated by crown division. The distinguishing characteristics of ‘M256’ are stable and reproduce true to type in successive generations. ‘M256’ is usually grown in isolated plantings of clonally propagated plants along with a female clone to produce F1 seeds. Recommended cultural practices for ‘M256’ are similar to those of other asparagus plantings for seed production. Plantings can be established using 8-week old seedling transplants or 1-year-old crowns. Performance can be good on soils with low (Riverside, Calif.) or high (Delta regions of California) organic content. Rust and asparagus aphid should be controlled with spray regimes. Periodic genetic tests of parent clones are typically conducted to verify genetic purity, or identify any problems that may arise. Some ways of maintaining genetic purity include hand harvesting of stalks with mature seed, planting clones in rows of all males and all females so as to be able to identify any volunteers of the opposite sex within the row, practicing no-till farming, applying pre-emergent chemicals to inhibit seed germination, periodic inspections and seedling removal by hand.
Plant Characteristics
The attached photograph,
Typical foliage of M256 is shown in
The following data were obtained from the longest stalk and are the mean value of measurements on five separate plants unless otherwise indicated.
The colors presented below refer to colors in The Royal Horticultural Society color chart and are the most common colors observed among the plants measured.