Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Mandevilla sanderi (Hemsl.) Woodson.
Varietal denomination: ‘MANZ0030’.
The present invention comprises a new Mandevilla, botanically known as Mandevilla sanderi, and hereinafter referred to by the variety name ‘MANZ0030’.
‘MANZ0030’ is a product of a planned breeding program. The new cultivar has large white flowers, glossy and smooth dark green foliage, bushy plant habit with excellent branching and flower production and fast flowering response.
‘MANZ0030’ originates from a hybridization made in a controlled breeding program in Amatitlan, Guatemala. The pollinations were made in 2014.
The female parent was an unpatented, proprietary plant identified as ‘DIP-252’ and having larger sized bright red flowrs, a more vigorous growth habit and larger foliage than ‘MANZ0030’.
The male parent of ‘MANZ0030’ was an unpatented, proprietary plant identified as ‘DIP-291’, with white flowers, a more vigorous growth habit, less flower production and smaller foliage than ‘MANZ0030’.
The resulting seeds were sown in February 2015 and ‘MANZ0030’ was selected as one flowering plant within the progeny of the stated cross in December 2015 in a greenhouse in Gilroy, California.
The first act of asexual reproduction of ‘MANZ0030’ was accomplished when vegetative stem cuttings were propagated from the initial selection in March 2016 in a controlled environment in Gilroy, California.
Horticultural examination of plants grown from cuttings of the plant initiated in March 2016 in Gilroy, California, and continuing thereafter, has demonstrated that the combination of characteristics as herein disclosed for ‘MANZ0030’ are firmly fixed and are retained through successive generations of asexual reproduction.
‘MANZ0030’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary significantly with variations in environment such as temperature, light intensity and day length.
A Plant Breeder's Right for this cultivar has not yet been applied for. ‘MANZ0030’ has not been made publicly available prior to the effective filing date of this application, notwithstanding any disclosure that may have been made less than one year prior to the effective filing date of this application by the inventor or another who obtained ‘MANZ0030’ directly from the inventor.
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be basic characteristics of the new variety. The combination of these characteristics distinguishes this Mandevilla as a new and distinct variety.
The accompanying photographic drawings show typical flower and foliage characteristics of ‘MANZ0030’ with colors being as true as possible with an illustration of this type.
The photographic drawings show in FIG. 1, a six month old flowering potted plant of the new variety taken in Andijk, The Netherlands in May 2023, and in
FIG. 2, a close-up of a flower on the same six month old plant taken in Andijk, The Netherlands in May 2023.
The detailed botanical description was completed in May, 2023 in Gilroy, California. The plants were growing in quart size pots in a greenhouse. They were about 5 months in age.
In the following description, color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, 2015 edition.
‘Rio White’, Unpatented
Plant habit:
More compact, minimal
More vigorous, larger
plant with some vining
Foliage length:
25-30% shorter
Foliage width:
20-25% more narrow
Throat color:
Light yellow
Golden yellow
- Plant:
- Form, growth, and habit.—Perennial or sub-shrub, herbaceous younger stems, woody at base of older stems, semi-upright, with slight tendency of developing vines depending on season and light intensity. Time for producing a commercial, flowering plant approximately is 18-20 weeks for one plant in a quart size container.
- Plant height.—22 cm.
- Plant height (inflorescence included).—22 cm.
- Plant width.—19 cm.
- Roots:
- Number of days to initiate roots.—About 20-23 days at about 22 degrees C.
- Number of days to produce a rooted cutting plant.—5 weeks at about 22 degrees C.
- Type.—Fibrous, a little fleshy, free branching.
- Color.—RHS 155D.
- Foliage:
- Arrangement of leaves.—Simple leaf, opposite and decussate.
- Immature leaf, color upper surface.—RHS 137C.
- Immature leaf, color lower surface.—RHS 138B.
- Mature leaf, color upper surface.—RHS 139A.
- Mature leaf, color lower surface.—RHS 137C.
- Length.—7.1-7.7 cm.
- Width.—4.0-4.4 cm.
- Shape.—Ovate.
- Base shape.—Rounded, slightly cordate.
- Apex shape.—Broadly acuminate.
- Margin.—Entire.
- Texture, upper surface.—Smooth, glossy, glabrous.
- Texture, lower surface.—Smooth, glossy, glabrous.
- Pattern of leaf veins.—Pinnate.
- Color of veins, upper surface.—RHS 142C.
- Color of vein (midrib), lower surface.—RHS 145C.
- Bulging between veins.—Absent to weak.
- Petiole color.—RHS 138B.
- Length.—1.1-1.4 cm.
- Diameter.—0.2 cm.
- Petiole, texture.—Glabrous.
- Stem:
- Branching characteristics.—Moderately free branching.
- Quantity of main branches per plant.—4-5.
- Color of stem.—RHS 138B.
- Length of stem.—13-17 cm.
- Diameter (at about mid-point).—0.25 cm.
- Length of internodes.—1.2-3.5 cm.
- Stem, texture.—Smooth and glabrous.
- Number of climbing tendrils.—0-1 slightly stretched.
- Inflorescence:
- Type of inflorescence.—Raceme of several flowers, emerging from nodes of the stem.
- Number of flowers per inflorescence.—7-10.
- Blooming habit.—Continuously through the summer months.
- Quantity of flowers per plant.—About 8 in various stages of development.
- Lastingness of individual blooms on the plant.—Approximately 8-10 days, depending on temperature.
- Fragrance.—Absent.
- Peduncle:
- Color.—Green, RHS 138B.
- Length.—1.5-2.0 cm.
- Diameter.—0.15 cm.
- Texture.—Smooth, glabrous, somewhat glossy.
- Bud (just before opening/showing color):
- Color.—Closest to RHS 155D with tones of 65D.
- Length.—8.3 cm.
- Width.—1.7 cm.
- Shape.—Elongated, spindle shape.
- Immature flower:
- Diameter.—8.7 cm.
- Vertical diameter.—About 6.0 cm.
- Color upper surface.—RHS 155D with slight tones of RHS 65D.
- Color lower surface.—RHS 155D with slight tones of RHS 65D.
- Mature flower:
- Flower type.—Single.
- Shape.—Funnelform, funnel shaped base, formed by 5 partly fused petals, with the petal lobes opening outwards, and a little overlapping.
- Flower, horizontal diameter.—10.5 cm.
- Flower, vertical diameter.—About 6.5 cm.
- Flower, diameter of the funnel.—1.8 cm.
- Flower color, general.—White.
- Flower color, upper surface.—RHS 155D.
- Flower color, lower surface.—RHS 155D.
- Color of the funnel, inner side.—Closest to RHS 13B.
- Color of the funnel, outside.—Closest to 155D with tones of RHS 145C.
- Petal, shape.—Roughly ovate, moderately asymmetric.
- Petal apex shape.—Broadly acuminate.
- Petal base shape.—Fused.
- Petal margin.—Mainly entire and mildly undulate.
- Petal length, from the corolla opening.—4.8 cm.
- Petal width, maximum.—4.3 cm.
- Corolla, texture of upper surface.—Glabrous, papillose.
- Corolla, texture of lower surface.—Glabrous, papillose.
- Corolla, diameter.—10.5 cm.
- Corolla, lobe.—Moderately asymmetric.
- Corolla throat, length.—5.5 cm.
- Corolla throat color, inner side.—Closest to RHS 13B.
- Corolla throat color, outer side.—Closest to RHS 155D with tones of RHS 145C.
- Pedicel, color.—RHS 138B.
- Length.—1.3-1.5 cm.
- Diameter.—0.2 cm.
- Pedicel, texture.—Smooth, glabrous.
- Calyx:
- Form.—5 sepals, closely attached to the base of the flower.
- Color, visible outer surface.—RHS 145B.
- Length.—1.0 cm.
- Width.—0.45 cm.
- Shape.—Subulate.
- Apex shape.—Acute.
- Based.—Fused.
- Margins.—Entire.
- Texture, upper surface.—Glabrous.
- Reproductive organs:
- Gynoecium:
- Pistil.—1, with a 5-lobed stigma.
- Style length.—2.3 cm.
- Diameter.—0.05 cm.
- Style color.—RHS 145D.
- Stigma color.—RHS 145C.
- Stigma shape.—Five lobed.
- Ovary color.—RHS 145C.
- Androecium:
- Stamens.—5, surrounding the style and stigma.
- Filaments.—Fused with the base of the flower.
- Anther.—Elongated.
- Anther color.—RHS 161D.
- Anther length.—1.0 cm.
- Color of pollen.—RHS 161D.
- Pollen amount.—Scarce.
- Fertility/seed set: Has not been observed on this hybrid.
- Disease/pest resistance: Has not been observed on this hybrid.