BrandTech Scientific, Inc., "The Shape Of Things To Come Is Here: New Transferpette.RTM. From BrandTech", date unknown, three pages (not numbered). By Jan. 1988. |
Brinkmann, "Brinkmann Laboratory Products, 97/98", 1997, pp. 1, 128 through 132, and 135. Month not given. |
Brinkmann, "Transferpette.TM. 8/12", date unknown, one page (not numbered). By Jan. 1988. |
Costar, "Pipettors", date unknown, three pages (not numbered). By Jan. 1988. |
Eppendorf, "Adjustable-Volume Pipettes", date unknown, one page (not numbered). By Jan. 1998. |
Eppendorf, "Eppendorf Series 2000 Reference Fixed-Volume, Instruction Manual", date unknown, pages 1 through 25. Plus final page by Jan. 1998. |
Eppendorf, "Eppendorf Unipette 3190, Instruction Manual", date unknown, pages 1 and 12 through 23. By Jan. 1998. |
Eppendorf, "Fixed-Volume Pipettes", date unknown, one page, one page (not numbered). By Jan. 1998. |
Gilson, "High Precision Pipettes", date unknown, three pages (not numbered). By Jan. 1998. |
Integrapette, "Continuously Adjustable Pipettes, I-Series Pipettes", date unknown, one page (not numbered). By Jan. 1998. |
Labsystems, "Finnpipettes.RTM.& Finntips.RTM. Catalog, 1996-1997", pp. 1, 4, 7, and 19. Month not given. |
Labsystems, "Finnpipette.RTM. Fixed Volume", date unknown, pp. 1 through 9 and 30 through 31 & final page by Jan. 1998. |
Labsystems, "Finnpipette.RTM.", date unknown, two page brochure. By Jan. 1998. |
Matrix Technologies Corporation, "Technologies For Liquid Handling, 1996 Product Catalog", 1996, three pages (not numbered). Month not given. |
Oxford Labware, "Oxford BenchMate.RTM., Continuously Adjustable Pipette", 1994, three pages (not numbered). Month not given. |
Rainin Instrument Co., Inc., "Instructions for Pipetman.RTM., Continuously Adjustable Digital Microliter Pipettes", 1982, twenty-eight page brochure. (pp. 1-27 & Cover). |
Rainin Instrument Co., Inc., "Pipetman.RTM. Care and Maintenance, Complete Guide To Trouble Shooting And Repairing Pipetman Pipettes Models P-2 Through P-10ML and P-200-M8", 1994, Month not Given cover & pp. 3-14. |
Socorex, "Calibra.RTM. 822, Digital Micropipette", date unknown, but by Jan. 1998 two pages (not numbered). |
Wheaton, "Micropipettes With Precision Micrometer", Jan. 1995, five pages (not numbered). |
Rainin Instrument Company; Rainin Product Update; Mar., 1996 issue; entire issue pp. 1-24. |
Fall Winter BioConsumer Review; 1996 issue; Powered; Katharine Glover, Ph.D. entire article (pages 12-14) Photo copied Dec. 1, 1995. |
Patent Abstracts of Europe "Pipette" (EP 0004131A1) dated Dec. 9, 1981 by Osmo Suovaniemi. |
Patent Abstracts of Europe "Dispensing Pipette and Method for Manufacturing It" (CH 00650416A) dated Jul. 31, 1985 by Eberle. |
Patent Abstracts of Europe "Pipette" (EP 00348612A2) dated Jan. 3, 1990 by Wojciech Sarna. |