Hearing Instruments, vol. 31, No. 7, Jul. 1980, pp. 12t, Wernick, J. S., "Modular ITE Hearing Aids-a New Generation of ITE'S". |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 31, No. 7, Jul. 1980, pp. 16t, Bozarth, M. D., "The Evolution of the In-The-Ear Aid". |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 32, No. 1, Jan. 1981, p. 7, Auditone Stock Mold ad. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 32, No. 4, Apr. 1981, "Modular Mold" product information, p. 34. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 32, No. 8, Aug. 1981, p. 52, "Standard Ear Molds" product information. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 33, No. 10, Oct. 1982, pp. 34-36, "Modular ITE" product information. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 34, No. 12, Dec. 1983, p. 53, "ITE Hearing Instrument" product information. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 31, No. 7, Jul. 1980, p. 18, Sommers, M., "BTE to Custom ITE to Modular ITE . . . a Logical Progression". |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 31, No. 7, Jul. 1980, Orton, J. F., "Practical Aspects of Fitting In-The-Ear Aids", pp. 20-23. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 36, No. 1, Jan. 1985, Griffing, Terry S., "A Rationale for Stock ITC Aids", pp. 20-22. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 36, No. 5, May 1985, Basch Hearing Aid ad., p. 41. |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 36, No. 5, May 1985, "Stock Canal Aids" product information, p. 116, |
Hearing Instruments, vol. 36, No. 10, Oct. 1985, Griffing, T. S., "What's Ahead for ITE and ITC Aids"?, p. 46t. |
Thomas F. Longwell et al., Hearing Instruments, "Flexible Circuitry, Leadless Components and Vapor Phase Soldering", Feb. 1983, pp. 44-47. |
Expan. Bentzen, Oticongress 2, 1972; six page article describing the Expan Earmold. |
Oticontact, Oticon, 1972; four page advertising pamphlet for the Expan Eartip, publ. No. OT 1656. |
Perspectives on the State of Hearing Aid Fitting Practices, Voroba, four page pamphlet reprinted from article published in Audecibel, vol. 31(2), 1982, pp. 12-16. |
Hearing Aid Journal, article entitled "How to Assemble Custom ITE Hearing Aids", Agnew, Jun. 1982, pp. 7-10. |
A Tool for the Optimization of Hearing Aid Fittings, Voroba, four page pamphlet reprinted from article published in Hearing Instruments, Jan. 1984. |
Hearing Instruments, article entitled "Stock ITC: a New Fitting and Marketing Philosophy", Staab, vol. 36, No. 1, 1985, pp. 24, 26, 28, 62. |