Invention is related with a material system with sub-micrometer-scale interfaces exhibiting structural lubricity under ambient conditions.
Despite the fact that friction is ubiquitous in mature, the fundamental physical principles that govern this interesting phenomenon are still not well understood. While the macroscopic laws of friction involving a linearly proportional relationship between the normal load (Fa) and the friction force (Ff) arising between two objects in contact have been well established since hundreds of years thanks to pioneering experiments by Amontons, Coulomb and others, the macroscopically observed proportionality constant μ the so-called friction coefficient) cannot be derived from first principles as it constitutes a complex function of interface structure, chemistry and environmental factors including temperature and humidity [1]. Moreover, the unavoidable mufti-asperity nature of interfaces famed by two macroscopic objects in contact [2] complicates the physical interpretation of macroscopic friction experiments, leading to substantial difficulties in the determination of the actual contact area (A) between the two objects, among others.
To overcome the above-mentioned difficulties associated with macroscopic tribology (the science of friction, wear and lubrication) experiments, the research field of nanotribology has been introduced relatively soon after the invention of the atomic force microscope (AFM) [3, 4]. The AFM, which can be thought of as a very high-resolution mechanical microscope, allows the recording of (sub-) nanometer-scale topography as well as normal and lateral forces experienced by a very sharp single asperity (radii of curvature usually on the order of <10 nm) in the form of a tip at the end of a micro-machined Si/SiO2/Si3N4 cantilever during the raster-scanning of a given sample surface under slight contact (normal forces on the order of a few to tens of nN) [5]. Thanks to the single-asperity nature of the contact formed between the AFM tip and the sample surface, various nanotribology experiments conducted on a large number of sample surfaces over the last couple of decades have resulted in the precise determination of the effect of normal load, sliding velocity and temperature on frictional behavior at the nanoscale [6-8]. Moreover, phenomena such as stick-slip [9] and structural lubricity (sometimes referred to as superlubricity) [10] have been observed and largely explained, in many cases with substantial support from theory and computational work [11].
Among the material systems investigated nanotribologically using an AFM-based approach, nanoparticles on layered substrates such as highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) [12, 13] are of particular interest since there has been a recent increase in nanotribology experiments involving the deliberate lateral manipulation of nanoparticles on structurally well-defined substrates such as HOPG and the measurement of the associated frictional forces, as a model approach to study frictional effects in devices featuring sliding components on nano- and micrometer scales [14-20].
The main difference of the present invention from other material systems of similar type is the fact that the present material system exhibits structurally lubric sliding between its components (gold nanoparticles and the graphite surface) under ambient conditions.
From now on ambient conditions will be used to define the following conditions:
Motivated by the discussion in the “Prior Art” section, a material system comprising of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and gold nanoparticles is presented here, in particular the method for its synthesis, its structural characterization and the tribological properties that it exhibits. Specifically, the material system is characterized in having interfaces exhibiting structural lubricity under ambient conditions, as determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based lateral manipulation experiments. The effects of thermal deposition amount, as well as post-deposition annealing on nanoparticle morphology and distribution are discussed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. Results reveal that a transformation in morphology from small, non-uniformly dispersed gold islands that are coalesced to form channeled thin films on HOPG to much larger, well-faceted, mostly hexagonal AuNPs with much lower substrate coverage takes place upon post-deposition annealing. Furthermore, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images are utilized to confirm the crystalline character of the AuNPs. Lateral manipulation experiments performed by AFM on AuNPs exhibiting contact areas of 4000-130,000 nm2 with the HOPG reveal friction forces <2.5 nN, in accordance with the theory of structural lubricity.
Experimental Details: Sample Preparation
HOPG substrates (ZYA or ZYB quality is preferred) have been prepared by mechanical cleaving in air via adhesive tape and immediately transferred into the vacuum chamber of a thermal evaporation system (Vaksis PVD Vapor-3S). Thermal evaporation of 999.9 purity gold on HOPG substrates took place under high vacuum conditions (base pressure 5×10−6 Torr) and at a deposition rate of 0.1 Å/s for total deposited amounts between 1 Å and 40 Å. During deposition, the HOPG substrate was held at room temperature. After deposition, the gold-coated HOPG substrates were removed from the evaporation system for post-deposition annealing. Post-deposition annealing at temperatures ranging from 400° C. to 650° C. and for annealing times on the order of 30 min to 4 h took place in a quartz tube furnace (Alser Teknik/ProTherm).
Experimental Details: Sample Characterization via SEM and TEM
Prior to structural and nanotribological characterization by AFM, samples prepared as detailed in the previous section have been analyzed via SEM (FEI Quanta 201) FEG, typically operated at 10 kV) to study the morphology and the distribution of AuNPs on HOPG. Additionally, high-resolution TEM (FEI Tecnai G2 F30, typically operated at 300 kV) has been utilized to confirm the crystalline structure of AuNPs via direct imaging as well as electron diffraction. Regular TEM samples have been prepared by mechanical cleavage of a thin layer of the gold-covered HOPG sample and subsequent sonication in ethanol, followed by drop-casting on a Cu grid (300 mesh). For cross-sectional TEM measurements, samples are prepared by epoxy-coating and subsequent field ion beam (FIB)-milling of a region of the material system that contains at least one AuNP.
Experimental Details: Nano-Manipulation Experiments via AFM
Complementary to SEM and TEM measurements, AFM-based nano-manipulation experiments have been performed to study friction forces as a function of contact area associated with the interfaces between individual AuNPs and HOPG. A commercial AFM instrument (PSIA XE-100) has been operated under ambient conditions and in the contact mode to perform the experiments. Silicon cantilevers (Nanosensors PPP-CONTR series, radius of curvature≈10 nm) have been used during AFM measurements. To determine the normal as well as the lateral forces detected during AFM measurements, cantilevers have been calibrated according to the methods reported by Sader et al. [21] and Varenberg et al. [22], respectively. The nanoparticles are pushed from the side in contact mode and related friction forces during sliding are quantified via standard methods reported in the literature [20].
Effect of Deposition Amount and Post-Deposition Annealing on Morphology
In order to obtain a heterogeneous sample system consisting of individual AuNPs of well-defined shape and reasonable lateral separation on HOPG suitable for AFM-based nano-manipulation experiments, the first preparation step involved the thermal evaporation of gold onto freshly cleaved HOPG substrates. The growth kinetics and morphological characteristics of thin films of gold on HOPG have received particular attention in the past, where typically non-uniform surface coverages have been observed due to the relatively low surface energy exhibited by the HOPG substrate [23-27]. While faceted and mostly hexagonal or triangular-shaped Au nanoparticles are obtained when evaporation is performed at elevated substrate temperatures, deposited films consisting of interconnected, elongated islands leading to a channeled morphology are expected for depositions where the substrate is held at room temperature.
While the SEM study presented in
The coverage of the HOPG substrate by Au as a function of film thickness (
Confirmation of Nanoparticle Crystallinity via TEM
It has been shown via a number of experiments and first principles calculations that friction occurring between two bodies in contact is a function of the physical properties of the interface—mainly its structure [17, 18, 30]. As such, in order to study carefully the effect of interface structure on friction at the nanoscale, structurally well-defined, i.e. crystalline, surfaces are a prerequisite. Pioneering nano-manipulation experiments conducted in this fashion primarily focused on Sb nanoparticles, which undergo a size-dependent phase transition from amorphous to crystalline at a particle size of ˜15,000 nm2 and are unavoidably covered by an amorphous antimony oxide shell when exposed to the ambient [17]. In contrast, AuNPs on substrates such as HOPG constitute an alternative material system for nano-manipulation experiments, where the crystallinity of the interface should be conserved even under ambient conditions.
TEM measurements are performed to confirm the crystalline character of thermally deposited and post-deposition annealed AuNPs on HOPG (
Structurally Lubric Sliding Under Ambient Conditions
During contact-mode AFM scanning of the AuNP/HOPG material system, it is observed that AuNPs on graphite terraces are easily pushed laterally by the plowing action of the FFM tip during scanning (even under applied normal loads <1 nN). As such, research has been aimed at characterizing the associated interfacial friction forces. Nano-manipulation experiments performed according to standard procedures in the literature [20] on a large number (37) of AuNPs have revealed the occurrence of structurally lubric sliding under ambient conditions for this material system such that all AuNPs investigated undergo friction forces less than 2.5 nN while sliding on HOPG. It should be noted that the AuNPs investigated exhibit contact areas of 4000-130,000 nm2 with the HOPG substrate, measured via the determination of AuNP sizes from topographical, contact-mode AFM images [20]. According to the theory of structural lubricity [18], the friction force (F) experienced at the interface between two crystalline and incommensurate surfaces should scale sub-linearly with the number of atoms on the sliding interface (N) such that:
Here, F0 is the theoretically expected friction force for a single gold atom diffusing on HOPG as calculated by ΔElα where ΔE is the associated energy barrier for diffusion (50 meV) and α is the lattice constant of HOPG (0.246 nm) [18]. As such, F0 can be calculated to be equal to 0.0326 nN. As seen in
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