ASM Materials Camp for Teachers is a program that provides education and training to in-service educators. The program provides opportunities to integrate materials science lessons, labs and activities into their existing curricula, positively impacting future classroom instruction. High School Science, Math and Technology teachers spend one week in a program that introduces them to hands-on interactive activities that instill a deeper appreciation and understanding of common materials that students encounter on a daily basis. Using low-cost, no-cost easily obtainable supplies, teachers learn to effectively demonstrate applied science principles as they teach and investigate a variety of materials.<br/><br/>Integrating materials, science and technology (MS&T) into curriculum provides a tapestry of relevant real world learning experiences. Students have renewed interest in science activities generating successful outcomes in testing and applied learning concepts. A broad range of participating teachers in Science, Math, and Technology fields address a broad range of students, diverse in learning styles. Teachers can successfully use curriculum examples to align with educational standards and assist in developing new high school science courses. The range of impact on both students and teachers participating in the Materials Camp program has proven to be a solid foundation for reaching beyond the classroom and into a "materials world".