This two-year project, which combines instruction in content and pedogogy with exposure to diverse applications of mathematics. is designed to improve the overall quality of middle school mathematics instruction in northern New Mexico. Each year, 25 mathematics teachers from grades 6 through 8 will participate in a four-week summer session that will strengthen their knowledge and understanding of mathematics, enhance their teaching skills, and familiarize them with curricular materials especially designed for Native American students. Through a program of presentatations by employees of Los Alamos National Laboratory and tours of its facilities, they will also learn about the applications of mathematics in a wide variety of careers. Follow-up activities during the academic year will reinforce the skills learned in the summer and monitor the participants' activities in the classroom. During the first year, the project will focus upon middle school teachers who are certified to teach elementary school; the second year's activities will be targeted at middle school teachers with secondary certification. This project provides a model for collaboration among districts, universities, and scientific laboratories to improve mathematics education. Los Alamos National Laboratory has made a substancial commitment to the project, in the form of in-kind contributions.