This project serves the national interest by providing undergraduate and graduate students in the mathematical sciences with professional development, mentoring, and deeper exposure to research opportunities. Specifically, this project will support the third offering of the Mathposium, a two-day student-organized conference at the University of Texas at Arlington, an Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Building from two prior, local offerings the 2024 conference will include the following activities for student participants: (1) student poster presentations; (2) lightning talks; (3) panels on careers and student research opportunities; and (4) vertical mentoring experiences and a networking lunch. Marketing and outreach activities will focus on institutions in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, although participants from any institution will be welcome to participate. A particular emphasis will be placed on encouraging participation of students from community colleges, HSIs, and HBCUs. <br/><br/>This conference looks to provide mentoring and networking opportunities to promote access to opportunities for all students, including first-generation college students and members of populations that have traditionally been underrepresented in mathematics degree programs. The main goals of the conference are as follows: (1) expose undergraduates to mathematics research and current topics in the discipline; engage undergraduates and graduate students in activities designed to provide opportunities for mentoring; (3) create a friendly and inclusive environment around mathematics; and (4) allow student participants to share their research through posters and lightning talks. The conference will also include a faculty workshop on mentoring students for non-academic careers. This project is funded by the HSI Program, which aims to enhance undergraduate STEM education, broaden participation in STEM, and increase capacity to engage in the development and implementation of innovations to improve STEM learning at HSIs.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.