The School of Sciences at Saint Mary's College of California is implementing a program designed to address the nation's need for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals. Mentored Access to Programs in Science (MAPS) is providing full-tuition scholarships and robust student support and mentoring services to 24 academically talented, financially needy students in biochemistry, chemistry, mathematics or physics undergraduate programs. MAPS Scholars also receive career placement services to better prepare them to enter the STEM workforce or attend graduate school in STEM disciplines upon graduation.<br/><br/>Several support mechanisms are provided to foster student success. Freshman MAPS Scholars live in the dedicated Science Living and Learning Community (Sci-LLC) and take part in the First Year Advising Cohort (FYAC). Each student is assigned a faculty mentor in his/her selected discipline, have access to live-in tutors and participate in both social and academic community-building activities. In the sophomore year, students become part of the Science Academic Cohort (Sci-AC) and again have the opportunity to participate in a variety of community-building activities. In the junior and senior years, MAPS scholars are assisted by the Career Gateway and Career Center programs in exploring and applying for positions as research assistants, science tutors, interns and entry-level STEM employees. Collectively, these personalized support services, combined with the financial support from the S-STEM scholarship, provide MAPS Scholars with the best preparation possible to ensure their success as STEM professionals. The Science Academic Cohort and Career Gateway programs are being piloted as a part of the MAPS project. If successful, they will be extended to all STEM students at Saint Mary's and disseminated nationally. In an effort to achieve the societal goal of adding diversity to the STEM workforce, emphasis is placed on recruiting students from groups that are typically underrepresented in STEM disciplines.