Message box facility for graphical user interface for computer system video display


  • Patent Grant
  • 6414699
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, May 18, 1995
    29 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, July 2, 2002
    22 years ago
A computer system includes a visual display device for displaying information to an operator, a common buffer such as the Microsoft Window™ clipboard, and a processor for processing an application program, the processor performing predetermined processing operations under control of the applications program. If selected conditions are detected during processing, the processor will enable generation of a message box including a message text item, an actuable copy enable facility, and an actuable message box removal facility, and enable the message box to be displayed by the visual display device. The processor, in response to actuation of the copy enable facility by the operator, will copy the message text item to the common buffer, thereby preserving it for future examination through, for example, a clipboard viewer or text editor, which may be enabled after the message box has been removed from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.


The invention relates generally to the field of digital computer systems, and more particularly to graphical user interfaces for video displays for digital computer systems. The invention particularly provides a new and improved “message box” facility for enabling applications programs and operating system programs to facilitate the display of messages concerning detected error and other conditions to an operator and to retain the message information after the boxes have been removed.


In the past, using a computer system often required a user to remember complex and sometimes arcane commands or keystroke combinations in order to enable a program to perform usefull processing. In an attempt to reduce these complexities, “graphical user interfaces” have been developed, which provide a number of facilities which simplify computer use in a number of ways. At a minimum a graphical user interface typically provides facilities by which the commands which a program can accept may be easily displayed to an operator, and the operator may select ones of the commands to be executed. This eliminates the necessity of the operator remembering the commands that the program can accept and also eliminates command entry errors, such as typographical errors, which may occur if the operator has to type in the commands manually. The primary graphical user interface facility for an applications program generally is organized as a window, with which the operator interacts with the program, entering data for processing, entering commands and viewing processed data. In addition, graphical user interfaces provide facilities such as dialog boxes, which may be displayed by a user in the event that program needs specific operator input such as values for various parameters for commands issued by the operator, and message boxes which may be used by a program to display messages to an operator if it detects certain conditions such as errors. One problem with current graphical user interfaces, however, is that they will provide mechanisms only for removing message boxes, so that the indication of error or other condition which caused display of the message box will be lost if the operator has not transcribed the message on paper.


The invention provides a computer system providing a new and improved “message box” facility for use in connection with a graphical user interface which enables applications programs and operating system programs to facilitate the display of messages to an operator and to retain the message information after the boxes have been removed.

In brief summary, the invention provides a computer system that comprises a visual display device for displaying information to an operator, a common buffer, an application program processor and a controller. The applications program processor performs predetermined processing operations, and detects selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations. If the applications program processor detects a selected condition, it enables generation of a message box including a message text item, an actuable copy enable facility, and an actuable message box removal facility, and further enables the message box to be displayed by the visual display device. The controller enables the message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by the operator, thereby preserving it for future examination through, for example, a clipboard viewer or text editor, which may be enabled after the message box has been removed from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.


This invention is pointed out with particularity in the appended claims. The above and further advantages of this invention may be better understood by referring to the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

depicts an illustrative computer system incorporating a graphical user interface in accordance with the invention for displaying information to an operator;

FIG. 2

is a schematic representation of a window of the graphical user interface, including a message box constructed in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 3

schematically represents various data structures useful with the invention; and

FIGS. 4A and 4B

together comprise is a flow chart depicting the operations performed by an applications program and operating'system program in connection with the invention.


FIG. 1

depicts an illustrative computer system


incorporating a graphical user interface, in accordance with the invention, for displaying information to an operator. With reference to

FIG. 1

, the computer system


in one embodiment includes a processor module


and operator interface elements comprising operator input components such as a keyboard


A and/or a mouse


B (generally identified as operator input element(s)


) and an operator output element such as a video display device


. The illustrative computer system


is of the conventional stored-program computer architecture. The processor module


includes, for example, processor, memory and mass storage devices such as disk and/or tape storage elements (not separately shown) which perform processing and storage operations in connection with digital data provided thereto. The operator input element(s)


are provided to permit an operator to input information for processing. The video display device


is provided to display output information generated by the processor module


to the operator, including data that the operator may input for processing, information that the operator may input to control processing, as well as information generated during processing. The processor module


generates information for display by the video display device


using a so-called “graphical user interface” (“GUI”), in which information for various applications programs is displayed using various “windows,” one embodiment of which will be described in greater detail below in connection with FIG.


. Although the computer system


is shown as comprising particular components, such as the keyboard


A and mouse


B for receiving input information from an operator, and a video display device


for displaying output information to the operator, it will be appreciated that the computer system


may include a variety of components in addition to or instead of those depicted in FIG.



As noted above, the video display device


displays information to the operator in the form of a graphical user interface, in which information is displayed in the form of a window. Typically in a graphical user interface, each applications program is provided with a separate window in which it may enable display of information to the user, which information may include information as processed by the applications program as well as information which the user has provided to the applications program for processing through an operator input element


. An illustrative window


useful in one embodiment of the graphical user interface is depicted in FIG.


. With reference to

FIG. 2

, window


includes a number of window elements which are typical of windows that may be used in connection with applications programs which run under the Microsoft Windows™ operating system, including a title bar


, a menu bar


, horizontal and vertical scroll bars




, and a status bar


, as well as an information display area


. The title bar


identifies the title of the applications program, and the menu bar


provides a number of textual pull-down menu items which an operator can use to issue commands to control the applications program. As is conventional, the user may, by inputting appropriate keystroke patterns on the keyboard


A or by controlling the position of an on-screen pointer (not shown) by manipulating the mouse


B, select and actuate ones of the menu items and thereby issue the corresponding commands to the applications program. In addition, a window


may include a button bar


including a number of buttons




) through


(N) (generally identified by reference numeral


(n)) each of which may also be associated with a command for controlling the applications program; the operator can issue a command to the applications program through the button bar


by actuating the appropriate button in a similar manner.



includes several other elements, including system menu elements


A and


B and two window control push-buttons




. The system menu elements


A and


B provide a system menu which enables the operator to issue commands to the operating system program to control the computer system


. The window control push-buttons




enable the operator to control various aspects of the window


. For example, if the operator inputs a predetermined keystroke combination using the keyboard


A or suitably manipulates the mouse


B to actuate the window control push-button


, the window


may switch between occupying the entire screen of the video display device


, and occupying somewhat less that the full screen. If the operator similarly inputs a predetermined keystroke combination or suitably manipulates the mouse


B to actuate the window control push-button


, the window


may minimize itself to an icon (not shown) displayed by the video display device



The applications program can use the information display area


to display program information to a user. If the applications program has more program information which may be displayed than can be displayed in the information display area


, the window


may provide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars




to enable the user to scroll through the information. Each scroll bar




includes a slider








) whose horizontal or vertical position can be controlled by the operator by mainpulating the on-screen mouse pointer to control the portion of the applications program's information that is displayed on the video display device



While operating, the applications program may, in addition to the window


, make use of a number of other graphical display devices, including dialog boxes, message boxes and the like. When a command requires entry by an operator of values for various parameters and other control information for execution, an applications program may use a dialog box (not shown) to obtain such values from the operator. Typically, a dialog box will include several window elements which are similar to to those described above in connection with window


, including a title bar and an information display area, but in the case of a dialog box the information display area will be constrained to identify the types of parameters and other control information to be supplied by the operator, as well as blank areas in which the operator can insert the parameter and control information values.

The applications program may use message boxes to, for example, provide information of a critical nature to the operator, which the operator might otherwise missed if it is merely displayed on the status bar


, to display information if a status bar is not provided, or to display types of information which are not shown on the status bar


if a status bar is provided. The applications program may use a message box to display a variety of types of information, including but not limited to error messages if the applications program detects error conditions in execution of commands or other processing. A message box


constructed in accordance with the invention is shown in FIG.



As shown in

FIG. 2

, the message box


, like window


, includes a title bar


, a system menu element


and an information area


, as well as two push-buttons, namely, an “OK” push-button


and a “COPY” push-button


. The title bar identifies the program for which the message box was generated, which may be an applications program or the operating system program. If the computer system


is a multi-tasking system, in which the computer system can process a number of applications programs concurrently, and display windows such as window


for all or only some of the applications programs being processed, it will be appreciated that the applications program for which the message box was generated need not be associated with an applications program whose window(s) are being displayed, and so the title bar will, if the message box was generated for an applications program, provide the identification of the applications program to the operator. The system menu


, like system menu elements


A and


B, enables the opearator to issue commands to the operating system program, including, for example, commands to enable the operating system program to move the message box


to another position on the screen of the video display device


and to close the message box


thereby enabling the box


to be removed from the display and previously-displayed material overwritten by the box


returned to the display. The message information display area


generally will display message text items, shown generically as “MESSAGE TEXT” in

FIG. 2

, and may also include a graphic such as the highlighted exclamation point


to alert the operator that an message of some urgency is being displayed. The operator may actuate the OK push-button


to cause the message box to be closed. In accordance with the invention, the operator may, prior to actuating the OK push-button


, actuate the COPY push-button


to enable the message text that is displayed in the message information display area


to be copied to, for example, a common holding buffer provided by the computer system's operating system, such as the Windows Tm clipboard in the case of the Microsoft Wmdows T operating system, from which the text can later be copied for farther analysis. This will enable the operator to save the message text, without requiring him or her to remember it or manually copy it onto paper, and thereafter recall it for review during a service call or error recovery operation.

The operations performed by the computer system


in connection with the message box


will be described in connection with

FIGS. 3 and 4


FIG. 3

graphically illustrates various data structures which are used in connection with one embodiment of the invention, and

FIG. 4

depicts a flow-chart illustrating the operations performed by the computer system


, in particular an applications program, in connection with the invention. With reference initially to

FIG. 3

, as illustrated in

FIG. 3

the applications program which will utilize the message box


to display message text typically includes at least one buffer, represented by buffer


, which includes a plurality of entries




) through


(M) (generally identified by reference numeral


(m)), with each entry


(m) storing a message text item. Each message text item comprises actual text that an applications program may enable to be displayed in the message information display area


of a message box


. The applications program, in response to the detection of an error or other condition requiring a display of a message box, may load a text item selection pointer


, with a pointer which identifying a particular one of the entries


(m), in particular, the entry


(m) whose message text item is to be displayed.

The operating system program of the computer system


provides various facilities for use in connection with the invention, including a message box information display buffer


and a clipboard buffer


. The message box information display buffer


provides a buffer into which the message text from the selected entry


(m) of the buffer


can be transferred for display in the message information display area


of the message box


. As will be described below in connection with

FIG. 4

, the operating system, in response to a request from the applications program, will generate a message box


and will display the message text buffered in the buffer


as the message text in the message information display area


. The clipboard buffer


is provided as the above-described common buffer into which the application program can copy the message text item from the selected entry


(m) if the operator actuates the copy push-button



With this background, the operations performed by the applications program and the operating system program in connection with the invention will be described in connection with the flow-chart in FIG.


. With reference to

FIG. 4

, when the applications program detects the existence of one of a plurality of predetermined conditions, such as an error condition (step


), it proceeds to identify the type of condition (step


) and use the identification to generate a pointer to identify the entry


(m) of the buffer


whose text is to be displayed and load it into text item selection pointer




). The applications program then calls the operating system program to generate the message box


, including the various elements as described above in connection with FIG.


and the message text item from the selected entry


(m), and to display it on the screen of the video display terminal


with the message text item (step



Thereafter, the applications program may wait for input from the operator, such as an indication from the operating system program that the operator has activated the OK push-button


or the COPY push-button


of the displayed message box (step


). If the operating system program indicates to the applications program that the operator has activated the COPY push-button


, the applications program provides the message text item from the entry


(m) identified by the text item selection pointer


for storage by the operating system program in the clipboard buffer




), and thereafter returns to step


. If the operating system program indicates to the applications program in step


that the operator has activated the OK push-button


or has issued the “close” command from the system menu element


, the applications program will enable the operating system program to remove the message box


and return the portion of the screen previously covered by the message box with the previously-displayed image (step


). The applications program, following step


, will continue its operations (step



K on the other hand, the applications program determines in step


that the operator has performed some other action, the applications program or operating system program may respond with a particular response which depend on the particular action from the operator (step


). If, for example, the operator issues selected keystrokes, such as depressing an ESCAPE key on the keyboard


A, the applications program or operating system program may perform similar operations as described above in connection with actuation of the OK push-button


or issuance of the “close” command from the system menu element




). On the other hand, if the operator issues other keystrokes, attempts to actuate other push-buttons or manipulates the mouse


B other than as described in connection with step


, the applications program or operating system program may ignore such operator input.

Although the invention has been described in connection with a message box


generated in response to a request from an applications program, it will be appreciated that the operating system program may itself encounter a condition in which it may generate a message box


. Accordingly, the operating system program may include facilities and perform operations which are similar to those described above with respect to the applications program.

It will further be appreciated that numerous changes and modifications may be made to the system described above in connection with

FIGS. 1 through 4

. For example, instead of providing a plurality of pre-generated message text items buffered in individual entries


(m) of buffer


, and selecting a particular item for display using a text item selection pointer


, it will be appreciated that an applications program may, in response to the detection of a condition requiring a message box


, generate the message text item “on-the-fly,” and buffer it in a buffer before calling the operating system program to generate the message box (step


). In that case, if the operating system program indicates to the applications program that the operator has actuated the COPY pushbutton


in step


, the applications program can copy the message text item from the buffer to the clipboard.

Furthermore, instead of providing the message text item from the entry


(m) of buffer


pointed to by the text item selection pointer


, it will be appreciated that the applications program may instead provide the text item selection pointer


to the operating system program, and the operating system program may itself retrieve the contents of the entry


(m) for display in the message information display area


of the message box



In addition, it will be appreciated that other facilities may be provided, instead of or in addition to the COPY push-button


, to enable the message text item displayed in the message box


to be copied to the clipboard buffer


. For example, a combination of keystrokes on the keyboard


A may enable the message text item to be copied, and the message box


may provide a legend indicating the required keystroke combination. In addition, an entry in the system menu


may be provided to enable the message text item to be copied.

Furthermore, actuation of the OK push-button


may, in addition to enabling removal of the message box


, also enable copying of the message text item to the clipboard buffer


. It will be appreciated that one disadvantage of such an arrangement, however, is that it removes operator control over copying of information to the clipboard buffer


, which may be undesirable if such copying may cause information which was previously copied to the clipboard buffer


to be erased.

The various elements of the window


as described above are generally typical of a window provided by the Microsoft Windows Tm operating system for an applications program, but the specific elements and windowing facilities used by an applications program will depend on that particular applications program, and so window


is intended to be merely illustrative of windows for applications programs and operating system programs which may advantageously make use of the message box


in accordance with the invention. For example, one operating system which provides a graphical user interface, such as the X Window System defined by the “X Consortium,” provides applications with the ability to provide “alert” boxes having similar functions as message boxes as provided by the Microsoft Windows operating system. With the X Window System's “alert” boxes, however, a button bar, similar to button bar


, is provided, and the COPY pushbutton may be provided as one of the push-buttons of the alert box's button bar. Similarly, the box may provide a menu bar similar to menu bar


, and a COPY menu item may be provided to facilitate the copying operation as described above in connection with COPY push-button



The foregoing description has been limited to a specific embodiment of this invention. It will be apparent, however, that various variations and modifications may be made to the invention, with the attainment of some or all of the advantages of the invention. It is the object of the appended claims to cover these and such other variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. An information processing system comprising:A. a visual display device for displaying information to an operator; B. a common buffer; C. an applications program processor for performing predetermined processing operations, the applications program processor detecting selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations, providing a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions, and enabling generation of a message box therefor including the message text item and an actuable copy enable facility, said applications program processor enabling the message box to be displayed by the visual display device; and D. a control subsystem for enabling (i) the message box generated by said applications program processor to be displayed by the visual display device and (ii) said message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 2. An information processing system as defined in claim 1 in which said applications program processor includes:A. a condition detector for detecting selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. a message text item generator for providing a message text item in response to the condition detector detecting one of the selected conditions; and C. a message box generator responsive to the detection of one of said selected conditions for enabling generation of a message box including the message text item as provided by the message text item generator and said operator-actuable copy enable facility.
  • 3. An information processing system as defined in claim 2 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 4. An information processing system as defined in claim 3 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 5. An information processing system as defined in claim 1 in which said applications program processor further generates said message box to include an actuable message box removal facility, said control subsystem further enabling the message box to be removed from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 6. A information processing system as defined in claim 5 in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 7. An information processing system as defined in claim 6 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 8. An information processing system comprising:A. a computer system including a visual display device for displaying information to an operator; B. a control subsystem for controlling said computer system including: i. a common buffer establishment enabling element for enabling said computer system to establish a common buffer; ii. an applications program processing enabling element for enabling said computer system to perform predetermined processing operations, the applications program processing enabling element enabling said computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with performing the predetermined processing operations, to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions, to generate a message box therefor including the message text item and an actuable copy enable facility; and iii. a control subsystem for controlling said computer system to enable (i) the message box to be displayed by the visual display device and (ii) said message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 9. An information processing system as defined in claim 8 in which said applications program processing enabling element includes:A. a condition detection enabling element for enabling said computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. a message text item generation enabling element for enabling said computer system to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions; and C. a message box generation enabling element for enabling said computer system to generate a message box in response to detection of one of said selected conditions, said message box including the message text item and said operator-actuable copy enable facility.
  • 10. An information processing system as defined in claim 9 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 11. An information processing system as defined in claim 10 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 12. An information processing system as defined in claim 8 in which said applications program processing enabling element further enables said computer system to generate said message box to an actuable message box removal facility, said control subsystem further enabling the computer system to remove the message box from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 13. An information processing system as defined in claim 12, in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 14. An information processing system as defined in claim 13, in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 15. A control subsystem for controlling a computer system including a visual display device for displaying information to an operator, the control subsystem comprising:A. a common buffer establishment enabling element for enabling said computer system to establish a common buffer; B. an applications program processing enabling element for enabling said computer system to perform predetermined processing operations, the applications program processing enabling element enabling said computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with performing the predetermined processing operations, to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions, to generate a message box therefor including the message text item and an actuable copy enable facility; and C. a control subsystem for controlling said computer system to enable (i) the message box to be displayed by the visual display device and (ii) said message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 16. A control subsystem as defined in claim 15 in which said applications program processing enabling element includes:A. a condition detection enabling element for enabling said computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. a message text item generation enabling element for enabling said computer system to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions; and C. a message box generation enabling element for enabling said computer system to generate a message box in response to detection of one of said selected conditions, said message box including the message text item and said operator-actuable copy enable facility.
  • 17. A control subsystem as defined in claim 16 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 18. A control subsystem as defined in claim 17 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 19. A control subsystem as defined in claim 15 in which said applications program processing enabling element further enables said computer system to generate said message box to include an actuable message box removal facility, said control subsystem further enabling the computer system to remove the message box from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 20. A control subsystem as defined in claim 19 in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 21. A control subsystem as defined in claim 20 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 22. A computer program product comprising a computer system usable medium having computer system readable code embodied therein for causing a computer system to perform predetermined processing operations and to generate a message box for display to an operator in response to detection of predetermined conditions, the computer system program product including:A. common buffer code devices configured to cause a computer system to establish a common buffer; B. application program code devices configured to cause a computer system to perform predetermined processing operations and to enable said computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with performing the predetermined processing operations, to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions, to generate a message box therefor including the message text item and an actuable copy enable facility; and C. control code devices configured to cause a computer system to enable (i) the message box to be displayed by the visual display device and (ii) said message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 23. A computer program product as defined in claim 22 in which said applications program code devices include:A. selected condition detection code devices configured to cause a computer system to detect selected conditions in connection with its performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. message text item code devices configured to cause a computer system to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions; and C. message box code devices configured to cause a computer system to generate a message box in response to detection of one of said selected conditions, said message box including the message text item and said operator-actuable copy enable facility.
  • 24. A computer program product as defined in claim 23 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 25. A computer program product as defined in claim 24 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 26. A computer program product as defined in claim 22 in which said application program code devices further enable said computer system to generate said message box to include an actuable message box removal facility, and to remove the message box from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 27. A computer program product as defined in claim 26 in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 28. A computer program product as defined in claim 27 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 29. A method comprising the steps of:A. establishing a common buffer; B. performing predetermined processing operations, C. in the course of performing said predetermined processing operations, in response to detection of one of a plurality of selected conditions, generating a message box including a message text item corresponding to the detected condition and an actuable copy enable facility; D. enabling the message box to be displayed by a visual display device; and E. enabling said message text item to be copied to the common buffer in response to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 30. A method as defined in claim 29 in which said message box generation step includes the steps of:A. detecting selected conditions during performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. providing a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions; and C. generating a message box in response to detection of one of said selected conditions, said message box including the message text item and said operator-actuable copy facility.
  • 31. A method as defined in claim 30 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 32. A method as defined in claim 31 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 33. A method as defined in claim 29 in which said message box generating step further generates the message box to include an actuable message box removal facility, said message box being removed from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 34. A method as defined in claim 33 in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 35. A method as defined in claim 34 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 36. A method of controlling a computer system comprising the steps of:A. enabling the computer system to establish a common buffer; B. enabling the computer system to perform predetermined processing operations, C. enabling the computer system to, in the course of performing said predetermined processing operations, generate a message box including a message text item and an actuable copy enable facility in response to detection of one of a plurality of selected conditions; D. enabling the computer system to display the message box by a visual display device and E. enabling the computer system to copy said message text item to the common buffer inresponse to actuation of said copy enable facility by an operator.
  • 37. A method as defined in claim 36 in which said message box generation step includes the steps of:A. enabling the computer system to detect selected conditions during performance of the predetermined processing operations; B. enabling the computer system to provide a message text item in response to the detection of one of the selected conditions; and C. enabling the computer system to generate a message box in response to detection of one of said selected conditions, said message box including the message text item and said operatoractuable copy facility.
  • 38. A method as defined in claim 37 in which said operator actuable copy enable facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 39. A method as defined in claim 38 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
  • 40. A method as defined in claim 36 in which said message box generating step further enables said computer system to generate the message box to include an actuable message box removal facility, said message box being removed from the visual display device in response to actuation of the message box removal facility by the operator.
  • 41. A method as defined in claim 40 in which said actuable box removal facility comprises an operator actuable pushbutton.
  • 42. A method as defined in claim 41 in which said operator actuable pushbutton is actuable by an operator manipulable pointing device.
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