Metal-containing diamond-like-carbon coating compositions

A substrate includes a metal diamond-like-carbon coating composed of a first layer and second layer deposited thereupon and having a thickness of about 0.5 micrometer to 10 micrometers. The first layer is composed of a transition metal and includes a first surface and a second surface in contact with the substrate. The second layer is composed of carbon and a transition metal selected from the group consisting of tungsten, niobium, titanium and combinations thereof, and also includes a first surface and a second surface in contact with the first surface of the first layer. The metal-containing diamond-like-carbon coating compositions possesses an abrasive wear rate of no more than about 10×10−15 m3m−1N−1 over a negative biasing potential range of about −50 volts to −750 volts.

Not Applicable.

Field of Invention

The present invention relates to metal diamond-like carbon coating compositions, and more particularly, to metal diamond-like-carbon coating compositions containing an intermediate layer of a transition metal, such as chromium, or transition-metal carbide, and an exterior layer of carbon and a transition metal such as titanium, tungsten or niobium and method of making the same.

For many years, it has been known that diamond-like carbon (DLC) films are hard and have low friction coefficients (μ), especially against steel. These low μ values (˜0.2) were revealed for amorphous hydrogenated (abbreviated as a-C:H or DLC) as well as for metal containing hydrocarbon (Me-C:H or Me-DLC) films. Today, for both types of coatings, several applications, above all in the field of machine elements and of tools, are known. Besides the coating properties, it is an important aspect that DLC as well as Me-DLC coatings can be deposited at low substrate temperatures (<200° C.).

A comparison of DLC and Me-DLC shows that there are advantages and disadvantages to both coating materials as well as to the corresponding deposition techniques. Hard DLC coatings, consisting of a highly cross-linked network of carbon atoms, have high compressive stress (a few GPa). The mentioned high stress values often lead to poor adhesion with the substrate, especially on steel and, therefore, limit its use in practical applications.

Many methods for the preparation of DLC films have been developed. The most commonly applied method is the radio frequency (r.f.) glow discharge of hydrocarbon gases with negatively self-biased substrates. However, there are several problems in the scaling up of this r.f. technique to industrially relevant dimensions and geometries.

Commonly Me-DLC films having low metal content (atomic ratios of Me/C up to approximately 0.3) have markedly lower compressive stress than a-C:H (<1 GPa). Such films consist of a network of amorphous carbon (DLC) with incorporated metal carbides. The friction coefficients of such coatings are rather similar to those of DLC coatings. However, the wear resistance of Me-DLC coatings generally is lower than that of DLC. At one time, the lowest abrasive wear rates reported for Me-DLC coatings were at least a factor of 2 higher than those reported for metal-free DLC coatings.

Generally, Me-C:H (Me-DLC) coatings are prepared in industrial batch coaters by reactive magnetron sputtering in argon-hydrocarbon gas mixtures using metal or metal carbide targets. When comparing the two types of coatings, it should be noted that the electrical resistivity of DLC coatings (>106 Ω cm) is much higher than that of Me-DLC (10−3˜1 Ω cm).

For example, a magnetron-sputtering assisted pulsed laser deposition technique was used to prepare titanium carbide and tungsten carbide containing amorphous diamond-like carbon films in an article by Voevodin et al. In another article, Wei et al. used a pulsed laser technique with a special target configuration, which allowed to ablate graphite and a dopant (Cu, Ti, Si). A few percent of these elements incorporated into the carbon matrix caused markedly improved adhesion. However, it seems to be difficult to compare the properties of the mentioned composite films to Me-DLC films containing hydrogen and prepared using different preparation techniques as discussed in an article entitled “Effect of target material on deposition and properties of metal-containing DLC (Me-DLC) coatings”, by K. Bewilogua, C. V. Cooper, C. Specht, J. Schroder, R. Wittorf and M. Grischke, Surface & Coatings Technology 127, 224-232, Elsevier (2000), which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

Consequently, there exists a need for a metal diamond-like-carbon coating composition having a superior hardness and resistance to failure in pure rolling compared to commercially available metal diamond-like-carbon coating compositions.


In accordance with the present invention, a metal-containing diamond-like-carbon coating composition broadly including a first layer having a first transition metal composition, and having a first surface and a second surface in contact with a substrate is provided. The coating also includes a second layer having carbon and a second transition metal selected from the group consisting of tungsten, niobium, titanium and combinations thereof, and having a first surface and a second surface in contact with the first surface of the first layer. Preferably, the thickness of coating is about 0.5 micrometer to 10 micrometers. In addition, the composition can optionally possess a low abrasive wear rate. Such low abrasive wear rate should not exceed more than about 1×10−10 m3m−1N−1. Such a coating may be deposited using substrate bias potential having a bias potential range of about −50 to −750 volts DC.

It may therefore be seen that the present invention teaches a metal-containing coating having an intermediate layer comprising a transition metal and an exterior, functional layer comprising a transition metal and carbon.

The details of one or more embodiments of the invention are set forth in the accompanying drawings and the description below. Other features, objects, and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the description and drawings, and from the claims.


FIG. 1 is a representation of a metal diamond-like-carbon coating having an intermediate layer and an exterior layer deposited upon a substrate comprising a rolling-contact-fatigue rod;

FIG. 2 is a graph showing the relationship between metal concentration and abrasive wear rate for metal diamond-like-coating compositions containing intermediate layers of chromium and exterior layers of carbon and metals such as tungsten, titanium and niobium;

FIG. 3 is a bar graph representing the adherence performance of metal diamond-like-coatings as a function of substrate bias potential;

FIG. 4A is a representation of a rolling-contact-fatigue (RCF) experiment depicting a top view of the arrangement of three roughened balls positioned in contact with a rotating rod coated with the compositions of Samples 1-7 as described in the Examples; and

FIG. 4B is a representation of the rolling-contact-fatigue (RCF) experiment of FIG. 4A depicting a side view of the roughened balls positioned in contact with the rotating rod.

Like reference numbers and designations in the various drawings indicate like elements.


Me-DLC coatings are deposited via magnetron sputtering, in which four targets composed of the metal of interest are installed into the interior of the deposition chamber, activated, and sputtered with Argon (Ar) and acetylene (C2H2) gases. Deposition substrates, comprising rolling-contact-fatigue rods, or substrates 10, composed of a through-hardened ferrous alloy, e.g., AISI M50, are placed into the deposition chamber and negatively biased using a direct current (DC) potential ranging from about −50 to −750 volts DC. Sputtering target compositions include elemental titanium (Ti), niobium (Nb), and tungsten (W).

Metal hydrocarbon (Me-DLC) coatings are prepared by reactive dc magnetron sputtering in unbalanced mode housing HTC 1000/4 (ABS) coater commercially available from Hauzer Techno Coating, Venlo, The Netherlands. Before initializing the deposition runs, the residual pressure in the vacuum chamber is set at less than about 10−3 Pascal (Pa). During the deposition runs, the total gas pressure in the vacuum chamber is between about 0.3 Pa to 0.6 Pa. The substrates mentioned herein are supported within the vacuum chamber using substrate holders maintained at temperatures up to about 200° C. These substrate holders permitted the substrate to be rotated at a rate of about twelve revolutions per minute of planetary, two-fold rotation. Throughout the entire process, the deposition rates are typically about 2 to 3 micrometers per hour.

The Me-DLC deposition process generally comprises four steps. First, the substrates are cleaned using an Argon etching process at a pressure of about 0.3 Pa as known to one of ordinary skill in the art. For this step, argon gas is admitted to the chamber until the achievement of the desired gas flow rate and/or chamber pressure, generally about 300 standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm) and 0.3 Pa, respectively, and ionized to produce Ar+ ions for sputter cleaning the substrate surface.

Second, an intermediate layer 12 composed of a transition metal, in this case chromium (Cr), is then sputter deposited upon the Ar-ion-etched substrates. During this second stage of the deposition process, the DC current applied to one or more targets composed of chromium metal is held constant at the target value. For this process step, argon gas is introduced into the chamber and held constant until the intermediate layer had grown to achieve its target thickness. As for the Ar-ion-etching stage, the flow rate and partial pressure of argon for this second process step are, respectively, approximately 300 sccm and 0.3-0.6 Pa, respectively. As these deposition conditions are maintained, chromium metal is sputter deposited onto the substrate surface until the achievement of a desired thickness. Typically, the deposited transition-metal intermediate layer possesses a thickness of at least about 10 nanometers (0.01 micrometers) and no more than about 2000 nanometers (2.0 micrometers) and preferably about 100 nanometers (0.1 micrometers) to 300 nanometers (0.3 micrometers).

Third, the dc current applied to the chromium metal targets is decreased until reaching zero. The mixture of reactive gases is flushed from the vacuum chamber in preparation for the sputter deposition of the exterior layer. A quantity of argon gas is again introduced into the chamber, and a quantity of acetylene gas is then introduced until the ratio of argon gas to acetylene gas is approximately 1:1 or a 50/50 mixture. Generally, the amount of acetylene gas present in the reactive gas mixture is about fifteen percent to forty-five percent by volume of the chamber.

Fourth, an exterior layer 14 of the metal diamond-like-carbon coating composition is then sputter deposited upon the intermediate layer of the substrates. The DC current is applied gradually, that is, starting from zero and gradually increasing in intensity, to one or more targets composed of a metal such as tungsten, niobium, titanium and combinations thereof. Again, a quantity of argon gas is initially introduced into the chamber and then a quantity of acetylene gas is introduced until the ratio of argon gas to acetylene gas is approximately 1:1. Again, the amount of acetylene gas generally present in the mixture is about fifteen percent to forty-five percent by volume of the chamber. During the transition from pure inert gas to a combination of inert gas and acetylene or following the achievement of final acetylene-inert gas mixture, target metal begins being sputter deposited upon a first surface, that is, the exterior surface, of the intermediate layer of transition metal on each substrate until a desired thickness is achieved. These processing conditions result in the deposition of a Me-DLC coating containing an atomic metal-to-carbon (Me/C) ratio in the range of 0.1 to 0.8. For purposes of illustration and not to be taken in a limiting sense, the deposited exterior layer may possess a thickness of about 0.1 micrometer to 10 micrometers. The resulting metal-containing diamond-like-carbon coating composition deposited upon the substrate material is illustrated in FIG. 1. As depicted, a second surface, that is, the interior surface, of the exterior layer is in contact with the first surface or exterior surface of the intermediate layer whose second surface, that is, the interior surface is in contact with the exterior surface of the substrate.

Experimental Results

Abrasive Wear Rate

Referring now to FIG. 2, an abrasive wear rate was determined for several planar samples of substrates having various metal diamond-like-carbon coating compositions deposited thereupon in accordance with the method described herein and compared to a substrate coated with a vendor-supplied metal diamond-like-carbon coating (Balzers® Balinit C®).

A Calo tester operating with an aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and water suspension was utilized to calculate the abrasive wear rate for Samples 1-7. To quantify the results, the volume of coating removed by the Calo device, generated by a rotating ball, was divided by the normal force and the track length of the rotating ball.

Sample 1, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.1 micrometers and an exterior layer of titanium (Ti) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 1 micrometer.

Sample 2, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.3 micrometers and an exterior layer of titanium (Ti) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 3 micrometers.

Sample 3, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.1 micrometers and an exterior layer of tungsten (W) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 1 micrometer.

Sample 4, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.3 micrometers and an exterior layer of tungsten (W) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 3 micrometers.

Sample 5, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.1 micrometers and an exterior layer of niobium (Nb) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 1 micrometer.

Sample 6, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 having deposited thereupon an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.3 micrometers and an exterior layer of niobium (Nb) diamond-like-carbon composition having a thickness of 3 micrometers.

Sample 7, representative of substrate 10, is a rolling-contact-fatigue rod made of AISI M50 coated with an intermediate layer of chromium metal (Cr) having a thickness of 0.3 micrometers and an exterior layer of Balinit C®, from Balzers®, Inc. of Elgin, Ill., whose international headquarters is located in the Principality of Liechtenstein, a tungsten (W) diamond-like-carbon coating having a thickness of 3 micrometers, deposited using a floating potential.

The abrasive wear rate of samples 3 and 4 (W-DLC) is significantly lower than the abrasive wear rate for other compositions. The metal-to-carbon ratio of both samples 3 and 4 is much lower than for the metal-to-carbon ratios of the other samples. For the deposition of samples 3 and 4, the resulting abrasive wear rate was strongly independent of the bias potential over a range of −100 to −120 V DC, showing an abrasive wear rate of less than or equal to 1×10−15 m3m−1N−1. Given the metal-to-carbon ratios of about 0.1 to 0.3 and resulting high metal content, in the same range as the metal content of the Balzers® Balinit C® coating, the resulting W-DLC coatings of samples 3 and 4 demonstrate unexpected results in light of prior documented research by the inventors of record. Moreover, these abrasive wear rate results constitute a distinct advantage over the other compositions investigated. When compared to the standard, vendor-supplied W-DLC coating (Balzers® Balinit C®), samples 3 and 4 are also superior to sample 7. The abrasive wear rates of samples 3 and 4 are greater than one order of magnitude to the abrasive wear rate range of 15−20×10−15 m3m−1N−1 measured for sample 7. As demonstrated, a Me-DLC coating, and more specifically a W-DLC coating, applied using a negative bias potential as opposed to a floating bias potential, for example, sample 7, Balinit C®, from Balzers®, Inc., exhibits far superior abrasive wear rate results.

Adherence Performance

Referring now to FIG. 3, an adherence performance value was determined for Samples 1-6.

The adherence performance of the coatings was carried out by means of static Rockwell indentation at a 150 kilogram load. According to the well known VDI classification, a value of HF-1 indicates excellent adherence, and a value of HF-6 indicates complete delamination around the indentation.

Samples 3 and 4 demonstrate superior adherence over a substrate bias potential range of −100 volts to −500 volts when compared to both the Ti-containing DLC and Nb-containing DLC coatings. Moreover, the results indicate that the adherence is essentially invariant with the substrate bias potential, which is an advantage in the processing of larger parts.

Generally, as the distance from target-to-substrate increases, as may be the case for the processing of large parts, for example, the atoms sputtered from the metal targets lose kinetic energy as they traverse the distance from target to substrate. This argues in favor of applying a higher substrate bias potential when coating large parts. However, with other compositions and deposition processes parameters, the use of higher substrate bias potentials leads to coating degradation; for example, the coating adherence becomes inferior. As shown in FIG. 3, the W-DLC coatings of samples 3 and 4 do not exhibit coating degradation.


Finally, this family of W-DLC coatings exhibits a dramatic improvement in rolling-contact-fatigue (RCF) performance compared to the standard, vendor-supplied W-DLC coating (Balzers® Balinit C®).

A representation of an RCF experiment performed in accordance with the present invention is illustrated in FIGS. 4A and 4B. Three roughened balls (B1, B2, B3), 0.5 inches (12.7 mm) in diameter, are radially loaded within a pair of bearing cups (Bc1 and Bc2) against the rolling-contact-fatigue rod (R1), 0.375 inches (9.525 mm) in diameter, of sample 1 (as described above). A clamping force (F) is applied to the bearing cups (Bc1, Bc2) causing a radial load to be applied between the roughened balls and the rod. The rod is rotated at three thousand six hundred revolutions per minute (3,600 rpm) in a direction (D1) on its longitudinal axis (L1) while being drip lubricated with oil conforming to MIL-L-23699, a synthetic turbine engine lubricant employed by the United States military.

Each rolling-contact-fatigue rod of samples 1-7 was subjected to 5×106 cycles to determine the highest amount of applied contact stress, or the rolling-contact stress limit (RCSL), required to induce failure. The RCSL for the standard, vendor-supplied W-DLC coating (Balzers® Balinit C®) was determined to be 400 Ksi (2.76 GPa). The RCSL for the W-DLC coating was 700 Ksi (4.83 GPa). The RCSL for the Ti-DLC coating was 800 Ksi (5.52 GPa). The RCSL for the Nb-DLC coating was 400 Ksi (2.76 GPa).

When translated into a constant contact stress level of approximately 400 Ksi (2.76 GPa), it is estimated that the increase in RCSL for a W-DLC or Ti-DLC coated part would result in an increase in the rolling-contact-fatigue life of the part of between about 10 and 15 times greater than the rolling-contact-fatigue life delivered by the standard, vendor-supplied W-DLC coating (Balzers® Balinit C®).

Although an exemplary embodiment of the present invention has been shown and described with reference to particular embodiments and applications thereof, it will be apparent to those having ordinary skill in the art that a number of changes, modifications, or alterations to the invention as described herein may be made, none of which depart from the spirit or scope of the present invention. All such changes, modifications, and alterations should therefore be seen as being within the scope of the present invention.

Although the foregoing description of the present invention has been shown and described with reference to particular embodiments and applications thereof, it has been presented for purposes of illustration and description and is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the particular embodiments and applications disclosed. It will be apparent to those having ordinary skill in the art that a number of changes, modifications, variations, or alterations to the invention as described herein may be made, none of which depart from the spirit or scope of the present invention. The particular embodiments and applications were chosen and described to provide the best illustration of the principles of the invention and its practical application to thereby enable one of ordinary skill in the art to utilize the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. All such changes, modifications, variations, and alterations should therefore be seen as being within the scope of the present invention as determined by the appended claims when interpreted in accordance with the breadth to which they are fairly, legally, and equitably entitled.

  • 1. A diamond-like-carbon coating composition having a transition-metal constituent, comprising: a substrate; a first layer comprising a first transition metal, and having a first surface and a second surface in contact with said substrate; and a second layer comprising carbon and a second transition metal.
  • 2. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said second transition metal is selected from the group consisting of tungsten, niobium, titanium and combinations thereof.
  • 3. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said first transition metal is chromium.
  • 4. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said second layer has a thickness of about 0.5 micrometers to 10 micrometers.
  • 5. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said first layer has a thickness of about 0.01 micrometers to 2.0 micrometers.
  • 6. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said second layer has a low abrasive wear rate.
  • 7. The coating according to claim 6, wherein said low abrasive wear rate is less than 1×10−10 m3m−1N−1.
  • 8. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said second layer is deposited using a substrate bias potential having a range of about −50 volts to −750 volts.
  • 9. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said second layer has a metal to carbon ratio of about 0.1 to 0.8.
  • 10. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said first layer and second layer possess a rolling-contact stress limit of at least 4 gigapascals.
  • 11. A diamond-like-carbon coating composition having a transition-metal constituent, comprising: a substrate; a first layer comprising a first transition metal, and having a first surface and a second surface in contact with said substrate, wherein said first layer and second layer possess a rolling-contact stress limit of at least 4 gigapascals; and a second layer comprising carbon and a second transition metal.
  • 12. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said second transition metal is selected from the group consisting of tungsten, niobium, titanium and combinations thereof.
  • 13. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said first transition metal is chromium.
  • 14. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said second layer has a thickness of about 0.5 micrometers to 10 micrometers.
  • 15. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said first layer has a thickness of about 0.01 micrometers to 2.0 micrometers.
  • 16. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said second layer has a low abrasive wear rate.
  • 17. The coating according to claim 16, wherein said low abrasive wear rate is less than 1×10−10 m3m−1N−1.
  • 18. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said second layer is deposited using a substrate bias potential having a range of about −50 volts to −750 volts.
  • 19. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said second layer has a metal to carbon ratio of about 0.1 to 0.8.
  • 20. A diamond-like-carbon coating composition having a transition-metal constituent, comprising: a substrate; a first layer comprising a first transition metal, and having a first surface and a second surface in contact with said substrate, wherein said first layer and second layer possess a rolling-contact stress limit of at least 4 gigapascals; and a second layer comprising carbon and a second transition metal, wherein said second layer has a low abrasive wear rate.

The U.S. Government has a paid-up license in this invention and the right in limited circumstances to require the patent owner to license others on reasonable terms as provided for by the terms of DAAH10-98-2-0004 awarded by the U.S. Army.