Metal wood club with improved moment of inertia

A more efficient triangular shape for metal wood clubs or driver clubs is disclosed. This triangular shape allows the clubs to have higher rotational moments of inertia in both the vertical and horizontal directions, and a lower center of gravity.

The present invention relates to an improved metal wood or driver golf club. More particularly, the present invention relates to a hollow golf club head with a lower center of gravity and a higher moment of inertia.


The complexities of golf club design are known. The specifications for each component of the club (i.e., the club head, shaft, grip, and subcomponents thereof) directly impact the performance of the club. Thus, by varying the design specifications a golf club can be tailored to have specific performance characteristics.

The design of club heads has long been studied. Among the more prominent considerations in club head design are loft, lie, face angle, horizontal face bulge, vertical face roll, center of gravity, rotational moment of inertia, material selection, and overall head weight. While this basic set of criteria is generally the focus of golf club designers, several other design aspects must also be addressed. The interior design of the club head may be tailored to achieve particular characteristics, such as the inclusion of a hosel or a shaft attachment means, perimeter weights on the club head, and fillers within the hollow club heads.

Golf club heads must also be strong to withstand the repeated impacts that occur during collisions between the golf club and the golf balls. The loading that occurs during this transient event can create a peak force of over 2,000 lbs. Thus, a major challenge is to design the club face and club body to resist permanent deformation or failure by material yield or fracture. Conventional hollow metal wood drivers made from titanium typically have a uniform face thickness exceeding 2.5 mm or 0.10 inch to ensure structural integrity of the club head.

Players generally seek a metal wood driver and golf ball combination that delivers maximum distance and landing accuracy. The distance a ball travels after impact is dictated by the magnitude and direction of the ball's initial velocity and the ball's rotational velocity or spin. Environmental conditions, including atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature, and wind speed, further influence the ball's flight. However, these environmental effects are beyond the control of the golf equipment designers. Golf ball landing accuracy is driven by a number of factors as well. Some of these factors are attributed to club head design, such as center of gravity and club face flexibility.

Concerned that improvements to golf equipment may render the game less challenging, the United States Golf Association (USGA), the governing body for the rules of golf in the United States, has specifications for the performance of golf equipment. These performance specifications dictate the size and weight of a conforming golf ball or a conforming golf club. USGA rules limit a number of parameters for drivers. For example, the volume of drivers has been limited to 460±10 cubic centimeters. The length of the shaft, except for putter, has been capped at 48 inches. The driver clubs have to fit inside a 5-inch square and the height from the sole to the crown cannot exceed 2.8 inches. The USGA has further limited the coefficient of restitution of the impact between a driver and a golf ball to 0.830.

The USGA has also observed that the rotational moment of inertia of drivers, or the club's resistance to twisting on off-center hits, has tripled from about 1990 to 2005, which coincides with the introduction of oversize drivers. Since drivers with higher rotational moment of inertia are more forgiving on off-center hits, the USGA was concerned that further increases in the club head's inertia may reduce the challenge of the game, albeit that only mid and high handicap players would benefit from drivers with high moment of inertia due to their tendencies for off-center hits. In 2006, the USGA promulgated a limit on the moment of inertia for drivers at 5900 g·cm2±100 g·cm2 or 32.259 oz·in2±0.547 oz·in2. The limit on the moment of inertia is to be measured around a vertical axis, the y-axis as used herein, through the center of gravity of the club head.

A number of patent references have disclosed driver clubs with high moment of inertia, such as U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,607,452 and 6,425,832. These driver clubs use a circular weight strip disposed around the perimeter of the club body away from the hitting face to obtain a moment of inertia from 2800 to 5000 g·cm2 about the vertical axis. U.S. Pat. App. Pub. No. 2006/0148586 A1 discloses driver clubs with moment of inertia in the vertical direction from 3500 to 6000 g·cm2. However, the '586 application limits the shape of the driver club to be substantially square when viewed from the top, and the moment of inertia in the horizontal direction through the center of gravity is significantly lower than the moment of inertia in the vertical direction.

However, most oversize drivers on the market at this time have moments of inertia in the range of about 4,000 to 4,300 g·cm2. Hence, there remains a need for more forgiving drivers or metal wood clubs for mid to high handicap players to take advantage of the higher limit on moment of inertia in both the vertical and horizontal directions.


The present invention includes more efficient shapes for hollow club heads, such as metal woods, drivers, fairway woods, putters or utility clubs. These shapes include, but are not limited to, triangles, truncated triangles or trapezoids. These shapes use less surface area, and more weight can be re-positioned to improve the rotational moments of inertia and the location of the center of gravity.

The present invention also includes hollow golf club heads that have a lightweight midsection so that more weight can be redistributed to improve the rotational moments of inertia and the location of the center of gravity.


The foregoing and other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following description of the invention as illustrated in the accompanying drawings. The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated herein and form a part of the specification, further serve to explain the principles of the invention and to enable a person skilled in the pertinent art to make and use the invention.

FIG. 1 is a front, partial cut-away view of an inventive club head to show the interior of the club head;

a-2d are the top, perspective, side and front views, respectively, of an idealized triangular inventive club head;

a-3d are the top, perspective, side and front views, respectively, of another idealized club head;

FIG. 4 is a side view of the club head of FIG. 1;

FIG. 5 is a top view of the club head of FIG. 1;

FIG. 6 is a side perspective view of another embodiment of FIG. 1, wherein the club head comprises a lightweight midsection; and

FIGS. 7-13 are perspective views of other embodiments of inventive club heads with lightweight midsections.


Rotational moment of inertia (“MOI” or “Inertia”) in golf clubs is well known in the art, and is fully discussed in many references, including U.S. Pat. No. 4,420,156, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. When the inertia is too low, the club head tends to rotate excessively from off-center hits. Higher inertia indicates higher rotational mass and less rotation from off-center hits, thereby allowing off-center hits to fly farther and closer to the intended path. Inertia can be measured about a vertical axis going through the center of gravity of the club head (Iyy), and about a horizontal axis through the center of gravity (c.g.) of the club head (Ixx), as shown in FIG. 1. The tendency of the club head to rotate around the vertical y-axis through the c.g. indicates the amount of rotation that an off-center hit away from the y-axis causes. Similarly, the tendency of the club head to rotate around the horizontal x-axis through the c.g. indicates the amount of rotation that an off-center hit away from the x-axis through the c.g. causes. Most off-center hits cause a tendency to rotate around both x and y axes. High Ixx and Iyy reduce the tendency to rotate and provide more forgiveness to off-center hits.

Inertia is also measured about the shaft axis (Isa), also shown in FIG. 1. First, the face of the club is set in the address position, then the face is squared and the loft angle and the lie angle are set before measurements are taken. Any golf ball hit has a tendency to cause the club head to rotate around the shaft axis. An off-center hit toward the toe would produce the highest tendency to rotate about the shaft axis, and an off-center hit toward the heel causes the lowest. High Isa reduces the tendency to rotate and provides more control of the hitting face.

In general, to increase the sweet spot, the center of gravity of the club head is moved toward the bottom and back of the club head. This permits an average golfer to launch the ball up in the air faster and hit the ball farther. In addition, the moment of inertia of the club head is increased to minimize the distance and accuracy penalties associated with off-center hits. In order to move the weight down and back without increasing the overall weight of the club head, material or mass is taken from one area of the club head and moved to another. Materials can be taken from the face of the club, creating a thin club face, the crown and/or the sole and placed toward the back of the club.

The inventors of the present invention have discovered a unique and efficient shape for a club head that can provide high rotational moments of inertia in both the vertical and horizontal axis through the c.g. Such a club head is illustrated in an idealized form in FIGS. 2a-2d. Idealized club head 10 when viewed from the top has a truncated triangular or trapezoidal crown 12, as shown in FIG. 2a, and its skirt/side is tapered from hitting face 14 to aft 16, as shown in FIG. 2c. As used herein, the term “triangular” or “triangular shaped” means substantially a trapezoidal shape or a truncated triangular shape with or without the corners being rounded off.

Idealized club head 10 meets all of the USGA size limits. More particularly, the volume of the club head is set at 460 cc and its weight is limited to 200 grams. As best shown in FIG. 2a, the distance from hitting face 14 to aft 16 is 5 inches and the widest part of club head 10, labeled as line 18, is also 5 inches wide. Therefore, club head 10 fits within the USGA's 5-inch square. Hitting face 14 is 2 inches high, which is below the USGA's 2.8 inch limit, and is 4 inches long. Aft 16 is slightly more than 0.75 inches high and slightly more than 1 inch long. The horizontal length of aft 16 is about ⅛ to about ⅓ of the length of hitting face 14 and more preferably about ¼. These dimensions are selected so that the idealized club head meets the volume limit set by the USGA.

The thickness of hitting face 14 is set at 0.122 inch to imitate an actual hitting face and the side wall of the rest of the club is set at about 0.026 inch. While keeping the weight of the club head at 200 grams, due to the efficient use of surface area, i.e., minimizing the surface area of the club head to reduce the weight of the club head, a weight of about 19 grams can be saved and can be positioned proximate to aft 16 to maximize the location of the c.g. and to maximize the rotational inertias of the club head. The mass properties of idealized club head 10 are shown in Table 1.




Club Head 10



C.G. relative to geometric
x = 0.0

center of face 14
y = −0.038

z = −1.611

g · cm2

g · cm2

Additional weight at aft 16

As shown in Table 1, Iyy or the vertical rotational inertia through c.g. is at the USGA limit and Ixx or the horizontal rotational inertia through c.g. is also substantial. A relatively high Ixx is more forgiving on high or low impacts with the golf balls relative to the e.g. and reduces the tendency to alter the trajectory of the ball's flight. The inertias shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3 are calculated using a commercially available CAD (computer aided design) system.

Another idealized club head shape, shown in FIGS. 3a-3c, was analyzed. Idealized club head 20 has the same volume and weight as idealized club head 10. Club head 20 has a substantially square crown 22 when viewed from the top, shown in FIG. 3a, and tapered skirt/side when viewed from the side, shown in FIG. 3c. As best shown in FIG. 3a, the distance from hitting face 24 to aft 26 is 4.72 inches and the widest part of club head 20, labeled as line 28, is also 4.72 inches wide. Therefore, club head 10 fits within the USGA's 5-inch square. Hitting face 24 is also 2 inches high, which is below the USGA's 2.8 inch limit, and is also 4 inches long. Aft 26 is slightly more than 0.25 inches high and also 4.72 inches long to maintain the rectangular shape. These dimensions are selected so that idealized club head 20 meets the volume limit set by the USGA.

The thickness of hitting face 24 is also set at 0.122 inch to imitate an actual hitting face and the side wall of the rest of the club is set at about 0.026 inch. While keeping the weight of the club head at 200 grams, due to the higher surface area caused by the rectangular shape, a weight of only 3.7 grams can be saved and positioned proximate to aft 26. The mass properties of idealized club head 20 are shown and compared to those of idealized club head 10 in Table 2.




Club Head 10
Club Head 20



C.G. relative to
x = 0.0
x = 0.0

geometric center of
y = −0.038
y = −0.038

hitting face
z = −1.611
z = −1.539

g · cm2
g · cm2

g · cm2
g · cm2



Additional weight at

aft portion

The advantages of the triangular shape for the driver club head are clearly shown in Table 2. While the weight, volume and Iyy are the same or substantially the same for both shapes, the more efficient triangular shape allows significantly more weight to be placed aft of the hitting face to improve c.g. and Ixx.

Club head 30, as shown in FIGS. 1, 4 and 5, incorporates the advantages of idealized triangular shaped club head 10. Club head 30 has crown 32, hitting face 34, aft or rear 36 and hosel 38. As best shown in FIG. 5, crown 32 has a substantially triangular or trapezoidal shape from hitting face 34 to aft 36, with hitting face 34 forming the base of the triangle or trapezoid and aft 36 forming a rounded apex of the triangle or a short top base of the trapezoid. Preferably, aft 36 has a horizontal length of about 12.5% to about 33% and preferably about 25% of the horizontal length of hitting face 34. As best shown in FIG. 4, club head 30 has a tapered skirt/side going from the hitting face on the heel side and on the toe side toward the rear of the club, similar to idealized club head 10. The skirt/side of club head 30 preferably includes at least one section that is substantially straight.

The volume of club head 30 is about 450 cc or higher and its weight is about 194 grams to about 200 grams. Its height is about 2.4 inches or less. The entire club head can fit into a 5-inch square with about 5 mm of clearance. Hosel 38 is preferably made from a low density material, such as aluminum, and is located substantially above a plane located at a peak of crown 32. This triangular/trapezoidal shape has less than about 8% by volume behind the c.g. than a traditional pear shaped driver. The club has a titanium hitting face with a thickness of about 0.130 inch. The rest of the club is made from titanium with a thickness of about 0.024 inch for the crown and skirt and about 0.030 inch for the sole. The mass properties of inventive, non-idealized club head 30 are shown in TABLE 3.



Club Head 30

cc or higher


C.G. relative to geometric
x = 0.120

center of face 34
y = −0.022

C.G relative to the shaft axis
z = −0.732

C.G. relative to ground at
y = 1.085

address position

g · cm2

g · cm2

Additional weight at aft 36

In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, weight from the crown, sole and skirt/side of the club head is moved aft or to the perimeter of the club head to increase rotational inertia of the club head. Additionally, a mid-section of the club head is made from a lightweight material, such as carbon fiber composites, aluminum, magnesium, thermoplastic or thermoset polymers, so that additional weights can be re-deployed from the midsection to the aft section and/or along the perimeter.

As shown in FIG. 6, club head 40, which has substantially the same shape as club head 30, comprises front hitting cup 42, which includes hitting face (not shown), crown portion 44, heel skirt portion 46, toe portion (not shown) and heel portion (not shown). Club head 40 also has aft cup 48, which is spaced apart from front hitting cup 42. Aft cup 48 and front hitting cup 42 are preferably made by casting or forging with titanium or stainless steel or both. Midsection 50, shown in broken lines, is attached to front hitting cup 42 at front ledge 52 and attached to aft cup 48 at back ledge 54. In one preferred embodiment, midsection 50 is made from a lightweight carbon fiber reinforced tube. The surfaces of ledges 52 and 54 are preferably recessed from the surfaces of front hitting cup 42 and aft cup 48, so that when midsection 50 is attached to front hitting cup 42 and to aft cup 48, the surface of club head 40 possesses a single smooth surface. Ledge 52 and 54 can be made from the same materials as front hitting cup 42 and aft cup 48 and integral therewith, or they can also be made from another lightweight material.

In one embodiment, midsection 50 is attached to front hitting cup 42 and aft cup 48 by adhesives, such as DP420NS or DP460NS, which are two-part epoxies available from 3M, among other known adhesives.

In Table 4 below, the mass properties calculated by a CAD program of an all titanium version of club head 30 and of composite club head 40 are shown. In this example, club head 40 is made out of titanium, which has a density of about 4.43 g/cc, and has carbon fiber tube midsection, which has a density of about 1.2 g/cc. The density of the midsection should be equal to or less than about half as much as and preferably equal to or less than about a third as much as the density of front hitting cup and/or the density of the aft cup.


Club Head 40 with

All Titanium
Titanium and Carbon

Club Head 30
Fiber Tube



Wall thickness,
0.030 inch at Ti walls and

except at

0.035 inch at midsection

hitting face

C.G. relative to
x = 0.076
x = 0.147

geometric center
y = −0.029
y = −0.064

of hitting face

C.G. relative to
z = −0.807
z = −1.017

the shaft axis

C.G. relative to
y = 1.080
y = 1.045

ground at address


g · cm2
g · cm2

g · cm2
g · cm2

Additional weight

at aft portion

The results from Table 4 show that using the lightweight midsection allows 43.3 grams of weight (instead of 21 grams) to be utilized aft or around the perimeter to increase rotational inertias. The c.g. is lowered by about 0.035 inch. Iyy is increased by about 11.9% and Ixx is increased by about 25.7%.

Other embodiments of the triangular/trapezoidal club head with lightweight midsections are shown in FIGS. 7-13. Club head 60, shown in FIG. 7, is similar to club head 40, except that front hitting cup 42 is connected to aft cup 48 with a single bridge, i.e., sole bridge 62, made from the same material as the front hitting cup and/or the aft cup to increase structural support. This single bridge can be located anywhere on the club head, e.g., at the heel, crown, toe or any corners on the club head. Lightweight midsection 50 can be attached to front ledge 52, back ledge 54 and to the bridge(s).

Club head 70, shown in FIG. 8, has sole bridge 72 and crown bridge 74 made from the same material as front hitting cup 42 and/or the aft cup 48 to increase structural support.

Club head 80, shown in FIG. 9, has heel bridge 82 and toe bridge 84.

Club head 90, shown in FIG. 10, is similar to club head 80 and also has heel bridge 92 and toe bridge 94, except that aft cup 48 does not have a back ledge.

Club head 100, shown in FIG. 11, is similar to club head 70 and has sole bridge 102 and crown bridge 104, except that neither front hitting cup 42 nor aft cup 48 has a ledge.

Club head 110, shown in FIG. 12, is similar to club heads 80 and 90 and has heel bridge 112 and toe bridge 114, except that neither front hitting cup 42 nor aft cup 48 has a ledge.

Additionally, club head 120, shown in FIG. 13, has front hitting cup 42 connected to aft cup 48 by sole bridge 122, crown bridge 124, heel bridge 126 and toe bridge 128. Front hitting cup 42 and aft cup 48 may or may not have ledges to help connect the cups to the lightweight midsection.

The mass properties of various composite club heads with a lightweight midsection and those of other club heads of various geometries were estimated using a CAD program to ascertain the optimal shape(s), e.g. locations and rotational inertias. The results are summarized in Table 5. For reference purpose, the mass properties of club heads 30 and 40 from Table 4 are repeated in Table 5 as Assemblies #3b and #3b-cf1, respectively.

All the club heads in Table 5 weigh 197 grams, and have a sole thickness of about 0.030 inch and crown/side wall thickness of about 0.024 inch, except that Assembly #3 has a crown/side wall thickness of 0.030 inch and Assemblies #3b-cf1 and #3b-cf2 have Ti sidewalls of about 0.030 inch and carbon fiber midsection sidewalls of about 0.035 inch. Additionally, the “Maximum Dimensions” column indicates the dimensions of a rectangular prism that the club head would fit within. The maximum rectangular prism allowed by the USGA is 5″×5″×2.8″.


C.G. from

Wt. avai. for
geometric center

MOI optimization

Club Head

Ass'y #1 - triangular club head 10
5 × 5 × 2.8 

Ass'y #2 - triangular club head 10
5 × 5 × 1.9 

Ass'y #3 - club head 30
5 × 5 × 1.94

Ass'y #3b- club head 30 (all Ti)
5 × 5 × 1.94

Ass'y #3b-cf1 - club head 40 with
5 × 5 × 1.94

lightweight tube

Ass'y # 3b-cf2 - club head 40 with
5 × 5 × 1.94

lightweight crown & sole

Titleist 905R


The results in Table 5 show that the club heads that contain a lightweight midsection, i.e., Assemblies #3b-cf1 and #3b-cf2, have the highest combination of Ixx and Iyy. Additionally, the results from Assemblies #1 and #2 show that for triangular club head, such as those shown in FIGS. 2a-2d, a smaller volume can produce higher Ixx and Iyy and lower c.g. from the ground, due to the efficiency of the triangular shape. Additionally, all the tested clubs show an Ixx/Iyy ratio of higher than 0.650 and several have a ratio of 0.700 or higher. All the tested clubs have an Ixx/Iyy ratio higher than the tested commercial club.

The club heads of the present invention can also be used with other types of hollow golf clubs, such as fairway woods, hybrid clubs or putters.

While various embodiments of the present invention have been described above, it should be understood that they have been presented by way of illustration and example only, and not limitation. It will be apparent to persons skilled in the relevant art that various changes in form and detail can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Thus, the breadth and scope of the present invention should not be limited by any of the above-described exemplary embodiments, but should be defined only in accordance with the appended claims and their equivalents. It will also be understood that each feature of each embodiment discussed herein, and of each reference cited herein, can be used in combination with the features of any other embodiment. All patents and publications discussed herein are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety.

  • 1. A golf club head having a high moment of inertia and a low center of gravity comprising: a hitting surface;an aft wall;a heel wall connecting the hitting surface to the aft wall; anda toe wall connecting the hitting surface to the aft wall,wherein the golf club head has a volume of greater than about 450 cc, wherein the moment of inertia, Ixx, is the moment of inertia about the horizontal axis through the center of gravity of the golf club head, and a moment of inertia, Iyy, is the moment of inertia about a vertical axis through the center of gravity of the golf club head and is about 4730 g·cm2 to about 5830 g·cm2, the ratio of Ixx/Iyy is between 0.665 and 0.754 to improve the rotational moments of inertia for off center hits in the vertical direction, andwherein from a top view of the golf club head, the heel wall and the toe wall each contain a substantially straight portion, andwherein the center of gravity is between 0.807 and 1.017 inches behind a shaft axis.
  • 2. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein the club head has an Ixx/Iyy ratio greater than about 0.700.
  • 3. The golf club head of claim 2, wherein the Ixx/Iyy ratio is about 0.721 to about 0.754.
  • 4. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein a face portion is comprised of titanium and a mid-section portion is formed from carbon fiber composites.
  • 5. The golf club head of claim 1, further comprising a trapezoidal shaped crown.
  • 6. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein a widest part of the club head from the heel wall to the toe wall is about 5 inches.
  • 7. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein a longest part of the club head from the hitting surface to the aft wall is about 5 inches.
  • 8. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein the hitting surface has a height of about 2 inches to about 2.8 inches.
  • 9. The golf club head of claim 8, wherein the hitting surface has a length from the heel wall to the toe wall of about 4 inches.
  • 10. The golf club head of claim 1, wherein a volume of the club head aft of the center of gravity is less than 8% of that of a pear shaped driver.
  • 11. A golf club head having a high moment of inertia and a low center of gravity comprising: a hitting surface;an aft wall;a heel wall connecting the hitting surface to the aft wall; anda toe wall connecting the hitting surface to the aft wall,wherein the golf club head has a volume of greater than about 450 cc, wherein the moment of inertia, Ixx, is the moment of inertia about the horizontal axis through the center of gravity of the golf club head, and a moment of inertia, Iyy, is the moment of inertia about a vertical axis through the center of gravity of the golf club head and is about 4730 g·cm2 to about 5830 g·cm2, the ratio of Ixx/Iyy is between 0.665 and 0.754 to improve the rotational moments of inertia for off center hits in the vertical direction, andwherein from a top view of the golf club head, the heel wall and the toe wall each contain a substantially straight portion, andwherein a volume of the club head aft of the center of gravity is less than 8% of that of a pear shaped driver.
  • 12. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein the club head has an Ixx/Iyy ratio greater than about 0.700.
  • 13. The golf club head of claim 12, wherein the Ixx/Iyy ratio is about 0.721 to about 0.754.
  • 14. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein the center of gravity is between 0.807 and 1.017 inches behind a shaft axis.
  • 15. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein a face portion is comprised of titanium and a mid-section portion is formed from carbon fiber composites.
  • 16. The golf club head of claim 11, further comprising a trapezoidal shaped crown.
  • 17. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein a widest part of the club head from the heel wall to the toe wall is about 5 inches.
  • 18. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein a longest part of the club head from the hitting surface to the aft wall is about 5 inches.
  • 19. The golf club head of claim 11, wherein the hitting surface has a height of about 2 inches to about 2.8 inches.
  • 20. The golf club head of claim 19, wherein the hitting surface has a length from the heel wall to the toe wall of about 4 inches.

The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/193,110, filed Aug. 18, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,758,454 which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/552,729, filed Oct. 25, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,497,789, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

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