Necular et al., “The Design and Implementation of a Certifying Compiler”, ACM, pp. 333-344, Jun. 1998.* |
Myers, “JFlow: Practical Mostly-Static Information Flow Control”, ACM, pp. 228-241, Jan. 1999.* |
Thorn, “Programming Language for Mobile Code”, ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 213-239, Sep. 1997.* |
Aho et a., “Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools”, Addison-Wesley, pp. 10-15, 396-400, 517-518, 528-533, Mar. 1988.* |
George C. Necula and Peter Lee, “Proof-Carrying Code,” CMU-CS-96-165. |
Peter Lee's Web Page:˜petel/papers/pcc/, “Proof-Carry Code,” printed Nov. 26, 1997. |
Peter Lee and George C. Necula, “Research on Proof-Carrying Code for Mobile-Code Security,” DARPA Workshop on Foundations for Secure Mobile Code, Mar. 26-27, 1997. |
The ANDF Home Page:, “A Brief Introduction to ANDF”, printed Oct. 1, 1997. |