Predictable impression procedures for complete dentures, Felton DA et al., Dent Clin North Am 1996 Jan; 40(1):39-51. |
Variability in the shape of maxillary vestibular impressions recorded with modeling plastic and a polyether impression material, Tan HK et al., Int J Prosthodont 1996 May-Jun.; 9(3):282-9. |
Complete denture impressioning technique, Kois JC et al., Compend Contin Educ Dent 1997 Jul.; 18(7):699-704, 706-8; quiz 710. |
A technique for border molding edenttulous impressions using vinyl polysiloxane material, Chaffrr NR et al., J Prosthodont 1999 Jun.; 8(2):129-34. |
Making accurate final impressions for the fabrication of complete dentures. 1: Maxillary impressions, Clancy JM et al., Iowa Dent J 1990 Oct.; 76(4):1-3. |
Predictable impression procedures for complete dentures, Felton DA er al., Dent Clin North Am 1996 Jan.; 40(1):39-51. |
Variability in the shape of maxillary vestibular impressions recorded with modeling plastic and a polyether impression material, Tan HK et al., Int J Prostodont 1996 May-Jun.;9(3):282-9. |
Jefferson F. Hardin, Editor-in-Chief, Clark's Clinical Dentistry, vol. 5, Revised Edition-1989, J.B. Lippincott Company, Chpt. 11, pp. 18-21. |