The present invention relates generally to encryption/decryption of messages for cybersecurity and, in particular, to code-based quantum-safe asymmetric cryptography including key generation, encryption, and decryption to improve post-quantum asymmetric cryptosystems based on Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density Parity-Check Codes (QC-MDPC).
Code-based cryptosystems date back to the late 1970's with the introduction of the McEliece asymmetric cryptosystem. The original McEliece cryptosystem is based on binary Goppa codes, an algebraic geometric code. As an asymmetric cryptosystem, it makes use of a pair of keys, a private key that is kept secret and a public key that need not be kept secret to perform its encryption operations.
In McEliece key generation based on binary Goppa codes, a binary Goppa code generator matrix G together with scrambling and permutation binary matrices S and P, respectively, are used as the private key set (G, S, P). The public key is a binary matrix {hacek over (G)} that has been derived from the private key components by scrambling and permutating the generator matrix G with the scrambling matrix S and the permutation matrix P according to the following equation.
{hacek over (G)}=SGP
The public key {hacek over (G)} may be published without revealing the private key components G, S and P.
In an example, consider two communicating parties referred to as “Alice” and “Bob” who are engaging in a secure communication over a non-secure communications channel. When “Alice” wants to communicate a secure message to the recipient “Bob” through a non-secure communication channel, the message to be sent to Bob (a plaintext message) m is encrypted by Alice into a binary ciphertext c using Bob's published public key. The encryption is performed by encoding the plaintext message m using Bob's public key G and adding an intentional error vector e, as illustrated by the following equation.
c=m{hacek over (G)}+e
Alice then sends the resulting encoded ciphertext c to Bob over the non-secure communication channel. Upon receiving Alice's ciphertext c, Bob recovers the plaintext message m using decryption. The message m may described as having been sent through the trap door (which is a function that is easily computed in one direction yet difficult to compute in the opposite direction without special information). The message is recovered by the following steps: First Bob reverses the permutation step using the secret permutation matrix P, hence yielding a vector ć according to the following equation.
Then Bob decodes the vector ć into the appropriate codeword {acute over (m)} using the decoding algorithm for the code generated by the generator matrix G. One of the best-known algorithms to use for decoding Goppa codes is the Peterson decoding procedure. Finally, Bob de-scrambles the codeword {acute over (m)} using the scrambling matrix S to obtain the plaintext message that was sent from Alice according to the following equation.
m={acute over (m)}S
The code-based cryptosystem introduced by McEliece has demonstrated an excellent level of security by resisting cryptanalysis to this day. In particular, it is immune to quantum computing attacks using Shor's Algorithm, unlike currently deployed asymmetric cryptosystems such as the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem and the ECC (elliptic curve cryptography) cryptosystem. Additionally, the McEliece system encryption and decryption speeds outperform the RSA and ECC asymmetric cryptosystems. The major drawback of the original McEliece asymmetric crypto system, however, is that large size keys are used, which makes the McEliece system very difficult to use in practical situations. For example, the McEliece cryptosystem requires a public key size of larger than one megabits in order to achieve an 80 bit security level.
To reduce the size of the public key without compromising the code-based cryptosystem security level, several families of error correcting codes have been proposed as alternatives to the binary Goppa codes. The smaller size public keys are used in order to provide more efficient and practical cryptosystems. These proposed systems include BCH (Bose, Chaudhuri, and Hocquenghem) codes, Reed-Solomon codes, quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes, and binary quasi-cyclic moderate-density parity-check (QC-MDPC) codes. With the exception of the binary QC-MDPC scheme, these modified cryptosystems have suffered security failures due their inherent structure which results in leaked information about the private key.
The binary QC-MDPC code-based cryptosystem uses a binary random moderate-density parity-check matrix H as its private key and the corresponding binary generator matrix G as the public key. The QC (quasi-cyclic) H matrix is defined by its dimensions m×n such that
is an integer, and by its row weight w.
The H matrix consists of n0 number of quasi-cyclic blocks Hi that are assembled into the H matrix according to the following equation.
| . . . |H
The private key, (i.e. the H matrix) of the binary QC-MDPC system is constructed by first randomly choosing a binary row vector h of length n and of weight w. The first row of H is set to h, while its remaining m−1 rows are obtained by m−1 quasi-cyclic shifts of the vector h.
The corresponding public key, i.e. the k×n binary generator matrix G, where k=n−m, is obtained from the H matrix using the following equation.
where Ik is a binary identity matrix of size k. As an example, when n0=2, and the QC-MDPC code rate is
the public key G matrix is simplified in accordance with the following equation.
The binary QC-MDPC Code-Based encryption method is similar to the original McEliece cryptosystem; that is, the plaintext message m is encoded using the public key G and an error vector e is intentionally added to the resulting codeword to obtain the ciphertext c. The encrypted ciphertext c may be transmitted over an unsecure transmission channel. The decryption process for the received ciphertext c however is modified from the McEliece method due to the lack of the auxiliary matrices P and S in the QC-MDPC method. Specifically, the decryption method is performed by decoding the ciphertext as a codeword using the private key H matrix.
To perform the binary QC-MDPC decoding operations, soft and hard decoding techniques that are developed for Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes including binary belief-prorogation (BP) and a bit-flipping (BF) algorithm may be applied. It is worth mentioning that more general GFq LDPC decoders have been developed as well. Unfortunately, using LDPC decoding techniques for decoding binary and non-binary QC-MDPC codes generally yields sub-optimal performance due to the difference in densities of the two types of codes. A modified bit-flipping decoding algorithm has been developed for binary QC-MDPC (but not for non-binary QC-MDPC) to improve its decoding optimality.
Binary QC-MDPC Code-Based cryptography is able to provide a significant key size reduction compared to the original McEliece code-based system with somewhat adequate improvements in computational complexities for the key generation, encryption and decryption processes. Still, there's a need to further ease the memory requirements and reduce the computational complexity of the cryptosystem and transmission delays in order to make it suitable for practical applications.
The present invention provides a method and apparatus for a code-based asymmetric cryptosystem which may include one or more of the following features.
First, there may be provided a more general class of QC-MDPC (Quasi-Cyclic Moderate Density Parity-Check) for a code-based cryptosystem where the binary QC-MDPC method is extended to QC-MDPC over a GFq (Galios Field) with q being an integer such that q≥2. The QC-MDPC over a GFq is not limited to q=2 as in the binary QC-MDPC encryption. Since linear codes over a GFq can provide better error correcting capability compared to binary codes, better decryption failure rates and shorter transmission delays with shorter ciphertext can be achieved through this extension.
Second, an apparatus may be provided for reducing the computational complexity of the key generation component of the code-based (binary and non-binary) QC-MDPC cryptosystem and for producing more compact security keys. In particular, to calculate the public key G, the computational operations which are the bottleneck of key generation are simplified to O(m log (m)) by a matrix inversion algorithm, a singularity detection algorithm and a dedicated FFT engine over the GFq to perform matrix multiplications. In addition, the private key size of the cryptosystem is compacted through the use of a compression procedure.
Third, an apparatus may be provided for a code-based GFq (binary and non-binary) QC-MDPC encryption process using the public key G with computational complexity O (M log(M)), wherein M is the size of the quasi-cyclic matrix. Mathematically, the computational complexity of the public key generation algorithm is on the order of M log(M). In an example, when M=1,000, the computational complexity is approximately 1000 log (1000)=6.9e3=6.9×103 clock cycles. If M is increased to 10,000, the computational complexity is approximately 10000 log (10000)=9.2e4=9.2×104 clock cycles.
A quasi-cyclic matrix is a square matrix where each row in the matrix is a cyclic shift of the previous row. The matrix can be represented by the first row. Quasi-cyclic describes a square matrix with each row is cyclic shifted from the previous row. A cyclic shift describes the shifting of a row to the right by 1 with the rightmost element being shifted cyclically to the leftmost position. For instance [0123] when cyclically shifted becomes [3012]. An example of a quasi-cyclic matrix is shown below wherein the matrix has four rows, where the second row is a cyclic shift of the first row, the third row is a cyclic shift of the second row, and the fourth row is a cyclic shift of the third row.
The code-based GFq (binary and non-binary) QC-MDPC encryption process is done in several steps starting with extraction of GFq generator polynomials of length (n0−1)M from the generator matrix G (i.e. the public key) and mapping the plaintext message to the GFq format. It may then be followed by converting both GFq plaintext and generator polynomials into the frequency domain using one of two proposed types of Discrete Fourier Transforms, conducting the necessary manipulations on the transformed quantities to obtain a frequency domain ciphertext, and converting the resulting ciphertext from the frequency domain to the GFq sequence domain.
Fourth, an apparatus is provided to perform a code-based GFq (binary and non-binary) QC-MDPC decryption/decoding process using a form of private key matrix H.
A public key and a private key are each needed for the secure communication. A key generator system or device 18 may be used to generate the keys. The key generator system or device 18 may be part of the receiving device 18 or may be separate from the receiving device 14. For instance, the key generator system or device 18 may be included in a central system that distributes the keys. The key generator 18 may generate the keys in advance or when needed. The key generator system and device 18 includes a private key and public key generator 20. The private key that is generated by the generator 20 is transferred as indicated by block 22 to a private key storage 24. The private key storage 24 may be in the receiving device 14 or the key may be provided to the receiving device 14 as needed.
The public key generated by the generator 20 is transmitted from a transmitter 26 in the key generator system or device 18 to a receiver 28 in the sending device 12 over a communication channel 30. The communication channel 30 may be a public communication channel and need not be secure. The public key that has been received in the sending device 12 may be stored in a public key storage 32 for future use or may be requested when needed. A plain text message to send 34 is provided to an encryption system 36 of the sending device 12. The encryption system 36 uses the public key stored in the public key storage 32 to encrypt the plain text message 34 and thereby obtain an encrypted message. The encrypted message is provided to a transmitter 38 which transmits the encrypted message via the non-secure communication channel 16 to a receiver 40 in the receiving device 14. The received encrypted message is transferred from the receiver 40 to a decryption system 42 in the receiving device 14. The decryption system 42 obtains the private key from the private key storage 24 and performs the decryption, yielding a decrypted plain text message 44. This shows but one example of a communication system using the encryption.
In this example, a QC-MDPC code in GFq is provided instead of GF2 (i.e. q=2) specified by its GFq parity check matrix HqM×N, where q≥2,
The first row of the matrix HqM×N is defined as hq1×N.
In a first step, the private key is generated and stored in a suitable form in a private key storage. The private key may be generated in a user's device or in a central system or other device. The private key storage may be in the user's device, in a central system or other storage location The procedure for key generating is as follows: a random vector generator 50 outputs a temporary sparse row vector ĥq1×N as shown at 52 of weight W and sends it to a rightmost polynomial invertibility detector 54. The random vector generator 50 may be termed a random sparse vector generator or a random weight W vector generator in certain embodiments. The invertibility detector 54 determines whether a lifting matrix of the rightmost polynomial of the temporary sparse row vector ĥq1×N is singular, thus whether the vector is invertible. If the invertibility estimator or detector 54 returns a ‘false’ result for invertibility, then the rightmost polynomials' corresponding lifting matrix is singular, then this causes the temporary sparse row vector ĥq1×N to be discarded and causes a request for a new random sparse vector to be sent from the invertibility detector 54 to the random vector generator 50 as shown at 56. A lifting matrix is a matrix whose diagonal elements are is and only non-diagonal elements are nonzero. If the lifting matrix is invertibile and thus not singular, the detector 54 returns a ‘true’ result which indicates that the first row of the H matrix has been successfully generated. The successfully generated first row which may be referred to as row vector hq1×N is output from the invertibility detector 54 as shown at output 58. A copy of the row vector hq1×N is transmitted as shown at 60 to a sparse vector compressor 62 for processing to produce a more compact form of the vector, which may be referred to as {tilde over (h)}21×L. The compressed vector {tilde over (h)}21×L is output by the compressor 62 as shown at 64 to a private key storage 66, where it is stored in the private key storage 66 as the private key.
Subsequently, the public key is computed using the following procedure: The successfully generated row vector hq1×N is output as shown at 58 and is sent to a polynomials splitter 68 that splits the N polynomials of the row vector into n0 streams each having a length M. Using the example of n0=2, the first stream consists of the first M symbols of the row vector, which are polynomials hq0≤i<M that are output as shown at 70 to a multiplier 78. The second stream is the rightmost polynomials hqN-M≤i<N which are the last M symbols of the row vector and which are output by the polynomial splitter 68 at 72. The rightmost polynomials on the output 72 are sent to a polynomials invertor 74, which computes the polynomials' inverses in a ring. The polynomials invertor 74 then outputs the first row of the rightmost matrix as a polynomial (hqN-M≤i<N)−1 as shown at output 76. The two polynomials on the outputs 70 and 76 are sent to a circulant polynomials multiplier 78. The output of the polynomials multiplier 78 which is shown at 80 is the public key gq(n0−1)×M, which is in the form of a generator polynomial which will be sent for publishing in a public key publishing block 82. The publishing block 82 represents the publishing of the public key or generator polynomial to a user. The public key may be published in advance to the user or may be published when needed for a communication. The publication of the public key may include transmitting the public key on a public communication channel to a user or to a storage device from which it may be retrieved by a user seeking to use the public key.
All of the components 50-82 shown in
Encryption of messages, transmission of encrypted messages, and decryption of the transmitted encrypted message may be performed using the public key and private key generated by this method.
Two configurations are provided to carry out the encryption process for GFq QC-MDPC code-based cryptosystem. The first configuration utilizes a Number Theory Transform (NTT) while the second configuration uses a complex FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The FFT based encryption and the NTT based encryption are two different ways to conduct the encryption and get the same results. The NTT based encryption does not need an FFT engine, since the NTT is a fast engine itself. Both FFT and NTT encryption share the same matrix inversion and singularity detection steps.
In this specification, a first configuration is described using the general value of the design parameter n0 while in a second configuration the value n0=2 is used for the purpose of illustration and ease of description. The invention is not limited to these values. The generalization to other values of n0 is straightforward as will be understood by those of skill in this art.
1) NTT-Based Encryption:
A proposed apparatus for QC-MDPC cryptosystem encryption using number theory transform (NTT) and inverse number theory transform (INTT) is illustrated in
A plaintext message m is to be sent as an encrypted message using the public key. The message m is converted to components uqK, where q is the size of the finite field (GFq) and K is the length of the plaintext in units of the finite field symbol. An example of converting plaintext message as a vector {right arrow over (m)} to uqK, assume the plaintext message vector {right arrow over (m)} has 6 binary bits as follows: {right arrow over (m)}=011011 (binary bits). Assume a finite field size q is 4, which means each finite symbol has 2=(log 2(4)) binary bits. A length of the GF4 plaintext K=6/2=3, can map to the plaintext message vector in to uqK as follows:
K=123(GF4 symbol), where 01→1, 10→2, and 11→3.
In another example, a plaintext message m=“The meeting is at 3:00 pm,” is to be sent. The message m has 26 bytes each of 8 bits. The bit total is 26*8=208 binary bits. This results in 208/log(4)=104 GF4 symbols to be encrypted.
A second generator component g2,qM is provided to an input 106 of the encryption device 92 for processing by an NTT engine 108 to produce a transformed generator component {tilde over (g)}2,qM that is provided to a multiplier 110 for combination with the transformed plaintext component ũqK. Once combined by the multiplier 110, the result is provided to an INTT engine 112 which generates a second codeword component output c2,qM. that is provided to the combiner 94. As indicated by the dotted line between the NTT engine 108 and a last NTT engine 116, additional inputs may be provided to a similar arrangement of elements.
Each generator component undergoes a similar process, including the last generator component gn0−1,qM at input 114 that is provided to an NTT engine 116 to generate a transformed last generator component {tilde over (g)}n0−1,qM that is mixed with the transformed message component ũqK in a multiplier 118, the result of which is inverse transformed in an INTT engine 120 to generate the last codeword component cn0−1,qM that is provided to the combiner 94. The combiner 94 combines the codeword components output from the INTT engines, including from any additional INTT engines as indicated by the dotted line, into a codeword cqN. The codeword cqN is input to a multiplier 122 which mixes the codeword with an error signal eqN that is provided at 124 to provide an encrypted cyphertext xqN.
An alternate embodiment of an encoder is shown in
The resulting two sets of GFQ plaintext and generating polynomial components are then transformed to frequency domain signals ũQ,iM and {tilde over (g)}Q,iM, i=0, . . . , n0−2 respectively using NTT engines 138, 140, 142 and 144. Subsequently, the frequency domain plaintext and generating polynomial components are paired up according to their matching indices and multiplied by multipliers 146 and 148, for example. The output signal of the multiplication is then transformed back to the GFQ sequence domain using INTT engines 150 and 152 and shrunk back to the original GFq sequence domain to yield n0−1 codeword parity components cq,iM, i=0, . . . , n0−2. Other similar arrangements for producing codeword parity components may be provided as indicated by the dotted line. A combiner 154 assembles the codeword parity components into codeword parity and merges it with uqK as shown at 156 to form QC-MDPC codeword cqN as shown at 158. Finally, the ciphertext denoted by xqN as shown at 160 is obtained by adding a sparse GFq error vector eqN as shown at 162 of weight W to the codeword cqN using a multiplier 164. The result is an encrypted message that may be communicated over non-secure communication channels.
2) FFT-Based Encryption:
In a further embodiment of the apparatus and method is provided a QC-MDPC cryptosystem encryption using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and corresponding to n0=2, which is show in detail in
In further detail, the convolutional FFTM module 174 of size M is a large prime number which cannot be factored. For example, M could be equal to 4091. If the size of an FFT is a prime number, there is no way to accelerate processing the transform using a butterfly or radix structure. A butterfly structure is a portion of a computation that combines smaller Fourier transforms into a larger Fourier transform. The name butterfly comes from the shape of the data flow diagram in the radix case. The speed of the Fourier transform with a large prime number size M can be enhanced using a FFT with a slightly larger non-prime number of size NF. The FFTNF module 176 with a non-prime number size uses a number that can be factored into small prime numbers. For example, the value NF may be 4096, which is a little larger than 4091 and that is equal to 212. When the FFT has a non-prime size that can be factored into small prime numbers, the butterfly or radix structure can be used to enhance the speed of the FFT. Use of a slightly larger FFT with non-prime size NF that can be factored into small prime number is referred to as a convolutional FFT. The convolutional FFT may be used to enhance the speed of a Fourier transform with a large prime number M.
In parallel, a similar procedure is provided to transform the generator polynomials gqM that are input at 184. In particular, the generator polynomials are processed by a GFq to complex mapper module 186 that inputs the value to a convolutional FFTM module 188 that includes an FFTNF module 190. The output of the module 190 is provided to a multiplier 192 where it is mixed with a signal aNF at 194 and provided to an IFFTNF module 196. The output of the convolutional FFTM module 188 is in the form of frequency domain generator polynomials with size M.
The transformation signals at the output of the module 196 is output from the convolutional FFT module 188 to a multiplier 198. The other input to the multiplier 198 is the transformation output of the convolutional FFT module 174. The transformation signals undergo a dot multiplications process using the multiplier 198 to provide a generated signal. Then, the generated signal is inverse transformed from the frequency domain using an IFFT module 200. In particular, the inverse transform module 200 receives the output of the multiplier 198 at an Im scalar 202 which sends its output to an FFTNF module 204 that performs a transform on the scaled signal. A multiplier 206 receives the output of the FFT module 204 and mixes it with a signal aNF at the multiplier 206, which is inverse transformed in an IFFTNF module 208. The inverse transformed signal is input to an Im descalar 210 to generate a signal vM that is output from the IFFTM module 200. The output signal vM of size M is re-mapped back to the GFq sequence domain using a complex to GFq mapper 212. At the output of the mapper 212 is obtained the parity symbol component cqM of the codeword. The parity symbol component cqM output by the complex to GFq may be provided as a simple stream output by adding an error signal to the component. A combiner may be unnecessary in this embodiment. Alternately, a plurality of similar circuits may be provided to process a plurality of plaintext components. For example, the processing of the components by the circuits may be performed in parallel. The outputs of the circuits may be combined with one another in a combiner 214 prior to an error signal being added to the combined output. In particular, like the embodiments shown in
A message that has been encrypted according to the embodiments shown in
An embodiment of an apparatus and method for iterative QC-MDPC decryption is shown in detail in
An encrypted message has been received, such as via a non-secure communication channel and is to be decrypted so that it may be understood. The received ciphertext cqN, which may also be designated as {right arrow over (c)}, is provided to an input 220 and is sent to a syndrome calculator 222, where the initial syndrome sq(0), also designated {right arrow over (s)}(0), is calculated using the parity-check polynomial hqN. At the same time, a copy of the ciphertext sq(i) or {right arrow over (s)}(0) is sent to the parity-check symbol voter block 224. In the parity-check symbol voter block 224, scheduling information obtained from a scheduler 226 and a current syndrome sq(i) or {right arrow over (s)}(0) from the syndrome calculator 222 are used together to generate a vote for the current hard estimation for ciphertext ĉqM. The parity-check symbol voter 224 outputs an integer matrix Vq×N, which describes how many checks votes for the qth index for each symbol.
On the other portion of the decryption system, the original ciphertext cqN or {right arrow over (e)} is sent to a multiplier 228, which converts each ciphertext symbol to a q by 1 integer vector αV0q×N, which has only one non-zero value a in the GFq index, by mixing the ciphertext symbol with a. For example, if the first ciphertext symbol is 2 in GF4, the first column of the converted vector is αV0q×1=[0, 0, α, 0]T.
Subsequently, the output Vq×N of the parity-check symbol voter 224 and the output αV0q×N of the multiplier 228 are both sent to a symbol flipper 230. The symbol flipper block 230 conducts a hard decision for each ciphertext symbol. Firstly, it adds the outputs Vq×N of the symbol voter 224 and αV0q×N of the multiplier 228 together, and finds the index with the largest votes as the estimated ciphertext symbols for the (i)th iteration ĉqN
The estimated ciphertext symbols ĉqN
If the syndrome Sq(i+1) or {right arrow over (s)}(i+1) on the output 234 of the syndrome updater 232 is are not all zeros, the syndrome updater 232 sends a signal ĉqN
Second, the output of the symbol flipper 230 is provided to an error floor detector 238, which detects whether the iteration changes any symbol in the last two iterations or not. The detection result is sent back to a weight controller 240. The weight controller 240 keeps the current weight a unchanged if no error floor is detected. Otherwise, the weight controller reduces the weight a as shown at 242.
The decryption steps continue until the plaintext message μqK or {right arrow over (μ)} has been decoded and provided on the output 244. A decryption of the message has been performed.
Methods and apparatus for code-based asymmetric cryptosystem using Quasi-Cyclic Moderate-Density Parity-Check (QC-MDPC) error correcting codes are provided. Specifically, the methods and apparatus generalizes the framework of (QC-MDPC) Code-Based (CB) cryptography from the binary domain (using a Galois Field of two elements) to an arbitrary size of Galois Field and provides an apparatus for implementing the cryptosystem with a simplified computational complexity of key generation, encryption, and decryption components of the cryptosystems and reduced sizes of the public and private security keys.
Thus, there is shown and described an asymmetric-key cryptosystem. The asymmetric-key cryptosystem has three main components:
Key generation: A public key and a private key are generated to be used for encryption and decryption.
Encryption: a message from “Bob” to “Alice” is encrypted using Alice's public key and sent from Bob to Alice through potentially un-secure communication channels.
Decryption: Alice uses her private key to decrypt Bob's message (Only the owner of the private key is able to successfully decrypt the message)
Although other modifications and changes may be suggested by those skilled in the art, it is the intention of the inventors to embody within the patent warranted hereon all changes and modifications as reasonably and properly come within the scope of their contribution to the art.
The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/589,250 filed Nov. 21, 2017, which application is incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62589250 | Nov 2017 | US |