Disclosed is a method of browsing in text, graphics, tables, pictures, mathematical expressions, graphs, slide-shows, videos etc. using apparatus such as computer systems, tablets, smartphones etc. The current art browsing methods have adopted from the print medium, but there has been no significant innovation to capitalize on the groundbreaking advantages offered by computer systems for many decades.
In the current interactive computer medium, the typical means of browsing in an article consist of: a table of contents in the beginning of an article or a book; and/or hyperlinks on phrases in the body of the article.
A very common example is the table of contents at the start of an article in Wikipedia. Such tables of contents are based on a top-down structure. The contents of the article are divided into major sections. Major sections are divided into sub-sections. Each major section or sub-section is given a section heading. Each heading consists of a short phrase.
The abovementioned means of browsing were derived from the traditional print medium, where a table of contents at the beginning of a book, magazine, or article was the typical means of browsing.
A new method to help in browsing, grasping and recalling information. In today's world of “information-overload”, a huge volume of information becomes available everyday. A new method of browsing, grasping and recalling information can be useful. To be useful for everyone, such new method may utilize the existing environment of Internet browsers and laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones etc. in a new way.
We describe a new method of browsing in an article which may enable the reader to grasp the main points of the article in significantly less time than the traditional browsing methods referred to above. It may also make it easier for the reader of the article to recall the contents of the article at a later time.
In the present context, the term article includes, but is not limited to, an article, any part or whole of a book, an interview, a design or test document, a legal document, a financial document, clinical notes; in fact any information that is represented in, but not limited to, text, graphics, tables, pictures, mathematical expressions, graphs, slide-shows, audio, video etc. One embodiment of the invention could be a general purpose computer system with a computer program that, when being loaded and executed, controls the computer system such that it carries out the methods described herein.
The computer program may receive the article or one or more parts of the article in many possible forms such as, but not limited to, a file or other means such as scanner/OCR output, speech recognition output, a data stream, data in computer memory etc. or the article can be input by the user in part or as a whole.
In the present context, the term program includes, but is not limited to, a computer program, a group of computer programs etc.
The new method involves granulation of information in the article and a browsing structure based on information granules. Such granules may be individual points in the article, group of points in the article, group of groups of points in the article and so on.
With this method, the computer program may create a point-by-point summary of the article. In such a summary, the program may represent each point in the article with a short description of that point.
The program may create a summary of the summary. The program may separate the points in the article into groups such that each group may contain a few points.
In the summary of summary, the program may represent each group of points with a short description of that group.
The program may create a summary of the summary of the summary. The program may separate the groups of points into higher-level groups such that each higher-level group may contain a few groups of points.
In the summary of summary of summary, the program may represent each higher-level group with a short description of that group.
The program may apply this process iteratively by separating the higher-level groups into further higher-level groups and representing the further higher-level groups with a short description and so on. The program may use the hierarchical summaries in constructing a hierarchical browsing structure.
The program displays the browsing structure in an innovative method that may enable the user to make greater use of visual memory and topographic memory of the human mind and thus may make it easier for the user to view and recall the content and organization of the article.
The program may be used to add the said browsing structure to an existing article, modify an article to which the browsing structure has been added or create a new article along with the browsing structure.
The program may utilize natural language processing. In one embodiment of the invention, it may perform operations such as, but not limited to, identifying the sequence of points in the article, creating a point-name for each point, identifying simple-groups, creating names for simple-groups, identifying compound-groups, creating names for compound-groups, creation of point-boxes, simple-group-boxes, compound-group-boxes, point-symbols, simple-group-symbols, compound-group-symbols, break-and-indent formatting, formatting of browse-element-text, creating the various graphical views, etc.
The program may receive input from the user in order to supplement its natural language processing capabilities. Thus in performing the operations such as those mentioned above, the program may receive input from the user to accomplish the operations.
We illustrate this new method by considering an article titled “Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class”.
Please note that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory only and are not restrictive of the scope of the invention.
The program may receive the article in form of input that may be encoded in a variety of formats such as, but not limited to, PDF, HTML, XML, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, mp3, .mpg, .mov, .wmv, GIF, JPG etc.
By decoding the input, the program may receive the article-text from the various parts of the article as follows.
An article can be thought of as a sequence of points. In the content of an article, the author makes a point or observation followed by another point or observation and so on.
In the following, the term article-matter includes, but is not limited to, the article-text that the program receives as described above, together with any text, graphics, tables, pictures, mathematical expressions, graphs, slides, audio, videos etc. that are in the article or are associated with the article.
In the present method, the program may identify all the points in the article by analyzing the article-matter mentioned above.
A point in the article may be expressed in the form of a small number of sentences, phrases or words in the article-text. By analyzing those sentences, phrases and words, the program may create a short description of the point.
The program may receive input from the user to help it identify the points in the article and to create a short description of each point.
The program may identify the sentences above as constituting a point. The point is said to cover the article-text shown above. Alternatively, the article-text shown above is said to correspond to the point and vice versa.
The program may create a short description of the point as:
We call the short description above, a point-name.
The program may identify the sentences above as constituting a point and it may create a short description of the point as:
In general, a point may be expressed in the form of—and thus it may cover and correspond to—a combination of: parts of or whole of one or more of items such as, but not limited to, a sentence, phrase or word in the article-text, a graphic element, table, slide, mathematical expression, an audio clip, a video clip etc.
Each point-name may contain a complete sentence or a trimmed version of a sentence.
In the point-name, a sentence may be considered to be a complete sentence even if a period or other punctuation may be missing in the sentence.
As defined in English grammar, a complete sentence needs to a) contain a subject plus predicate unit and b) express a complete thought.
If a complete sentence is too long, the program drops one or more words from the sentence to create a trimmed version of the sentence or receives from the user a trimmed version of the sentence in which one or more words have been dropped. The trimmed version of the sentence may be or may not be a full sentence. For example, it may be almost a full sentence that still conveys the main idea of the point.
Four types of sentences are defined in English grammar: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamatory.
The present method predominantly uses declarative sentences as point-names to convey the ideas expressed in the points.
In addition to the full sentence or the trimmed version of a sentence, the point-name may contain additional words or sentences that help to better describe the ideas expressed in the point.
Table-1 shows a list of point-names and the corresponding article-matter. In the interest of brevity, it shows the article-matter and point-names of just a few points from the article. Please notice that the 3rd point in the table covers a photograph from the article.
By viewing each row of table-1, we see that, in many cases, the article-matter of a point consists of two or three sentences or sometimes just one sentence. This results in fine granulation of information.
Table-2 shows the list of point-names for the whole article.
The program may identify (or receives from the user, the identification of) a few points that are cohesive and may group them together. Based on the point-names and the article-matter covered by the points in the group, the program may create or receive from the user, a name for the group. For example, from the points listed above,
Each such group is said to be a simple-group. A simple-group may contain one or more points. The name of a simple-group is called a simple-group-name.
Similar to the point-name described earlier in this document, each simple-group-name may contain a complete sentence or a trimmed version of sentence.
The present method predominantly uses declarative sentence in the simple-group-name to convey the ideas expressed in the simple-group i.e. the ideas in the article-matter covered by the simple-group.
In addition to the full sentence or the trimmed sentence, the simple-group-name may contain sentences or words that help to better describe the article-matter covered by the simple-group.
The process may continue till all the points in the article have been considered and grouped together to form small cohesive groups. Sometimes, a few points may not be cohesive with any other points and hence may remain as standalone points.
A simple-group is said to be the parent of the points contained by it. The points that are contained by it are said to be its immediate children. Also, such points are said to be siblings of each other.
Table-3 shows a) the point-names that have been grouped together b) the group-name of the resulting group.
In the table below, the left column shows the point-names that have been grouped together to form a simple-group. The right column shows the name of the simple-group i.e. the simple-group-name
The program may identify (or receive from the user, the identification of) a few simple-groups that are cohesive and it may group them together. The program may create or receive from the user, a name for the new group—it is a short description of the simple-groups that are in the new group.
Whereas a simple-group contains a few points, the new group predominantly contains simple-groups. Hence the new group is called a compound-group and its name is said to be compound-group-name. A compound-group may possibly contain one or more standalone points that were not included in any simple-group.
Similar to the point-name described earlier in this document, each compound-group-name may contain a complete sentence or a trimmed sentence.
The present method predominantly uses declarative sentence in the compound-group-name to convey the ideas expressed in the compound-group i.e. the ideas in the article-matter covered by the compound-group.
In addition to the full sentence or the trimmed sentence, the compound-group-name may contain words or sentences that help to better describe the article-matter covered by the compound-group.
The process may continue till all the simple-groups in the article have been considered and grouped together to form compound-groups.
Sometimes, a few simple-groups may not be cohesive with any other group or point and hence they may remain as standalone simple-groups.
On the other hand, a standalone point that was not included in any simple-group, may be included directly in a compound-group, or it may continue to exist as a standalone point that has not been included in any simple-group or any compound-group.
A compound-group is said to be the parent of the simple-groups and points that are directly contained by it. The simple-groups and points that are directly contained by it are said to be its immediate children. Such simple-groups and points are also said to be siblings of each other. Table-5 shows a) the simple-groups that have been grouped together into a compound-group and b) the compound-group's name.
In the table below, the left column shows the names of simple-groups that have been grouped together to form a compound-group. The right column shows the compound-group-name.
The program may identify (or receives from the user, the identification of) a few compound-groups that are cohesive and it may group them together. Such a new group may contain compound-groups and possibly simple-groups and points that were standing alone.
The program may create or receive from the user, a name for the new group—it is a short description of the groups and points that may be in the new group. The new group is also called a compound-group. and its name is said to be a compound-group-name. Since it may contain nested compound-groups, it may be thought of as a higher-level compound-group.
In this way, the program may continue till all the compound-groups in the article have been considered and possibly grouped together to form compound-groups depending on their logical cohesiveness.
The process may continue iteratively till no more higher-level compound-groups can be formed.
In our example article, the program groups the first three compound-groups into a higher-level compound-group.
It groups the remaining three compound-groups and a standalone point into another higher-level compound-group.
The result is shown in Table-7.
In the table below, the left column shows the names of compound-groups that have been grouped together to form a higher-level compound-group. The right column shows the name of the higher-level compound-group.
A compound-group is said to be the parent of the compound-groups, simple-groups and points that are directly contained by it. The compound-groups, simple-groups and points that are directly contained by it are said to be its immediate children. Such compound-groups, simple-groups and points are said to be siblings of each other.
To explain the concept, we have used the words “higher-level” to describe compound groups created above. But they are compound-groups like any other compound-groups. Hence in the rest of this document, higher-level compound groups are referred to as compound-groups.
A compound-group, simple-group or a point that is not contained by a compound-group or a simple-group is said to be at the outermost level. The article is said to be the parent of all such outermost groups and points. All such groups and points are said to be siblings of each other.
In this document, the term group-name refers to both the simple-group-name and the compound-group-name.
In the present method, the program may assign a point-name to each successive point in the article. Each point-name may be composed of a full sentence or a trimmed version of a sentence plus additional words as described earlier in this document. A sequence of such point-names provides a point-by-point summary of the article or a part of the article as shown in
The program may assign a simple-group-name to each group of points. Each simple-group-name may be composed of a full sentence or a trimmed version of a sentence plus additional words as described earlier in this document. A sequence of such simple-group-names provides a summary of summary, in other words, a higher-level summary of the article or a part of the article as shown in
Similarly, the program may assign compound-group-names to groups of simple-groups. A sequence of compound-group-names provides a further higher level of summary of the article or a part of the article as shown in
In this way, the program may create multiple levels of summaries of the article or a part of the article.
A traditional table of contents may provide an idea of the article-matter, but it does not provide summaries at multiple levels nor does it have fine granularity of the present method.
The present method's hierarchical assignment of point-names, simple-group-names, compound-group-names and higher-compound-group-names may be distinguished by one or more of the following:
As described above, the program may identify the points, simple-groups and compound-groups in the article and assign point-names, simple-group-names and compound-group-names to them. In one embodiment of the invention, the program may output one or more XML files that together contain the information about, but not limited to, the point-names, group-names and the article-matter covered by the point-names and group-names.
In this document, the XML file serves only as an example; the program may use any alternative method of encoding the information.
This point-name has been attached to the following article-matter:
The article-text does not appear contiguously in
In addition to the point-name that we have discussed so far, the program may create two more versions of the point-name that may be shorter than the 1st version. Creation of these versions is further described in the description of point-box, simple-group-box and compound-group-box, later in this document.
For example, for the point-name we just saw:
As we will see later, the program may use the 3rd version in constructing a Universal Locator of Information Element (ULIE) that may be used for locating the point.
The program may create similar 2nd and 3rd versions of simple-group-names and compound-group-names. The program may receive input from the user in creating the 2nd version and the 3rd version of the point-names and the group-names.
As described above, the XML file may contain a hierarchical organization of the article's content.
The content of the XML file represents an articulated i.e. structured form of the article's content. We use the term arpage to refer to this articulated form of article's content.
In our new method, the program shows the contents of the XML file on one or more display units in the form of four main types of graphical views along with other supporting views. The four main types of views are:
The program may display each type of view alone. Or it may display one type of view together with one or more other types of views.
A Graphical Editor:
A graphical editor may be a part of the computer program in one embodiment of the invention. It may enable the user to view and edit the contents of the XML file.
The graphical editor may enable the user to complement the natural language processing ability of the program—such as by improving the point-names and group-names that may be created by the program. The graphical editor may also enable the user to improve the placement of point-boxes, group-boxes, attributes of the point-boxes, group-boxes etc.
The hierarchically organized content of the XML file may be viewed and edited more easily with a graphical editor than with a text-editor.
In one embodiment of the invention:
The graphical editor may also be used by the user to create the structured form of the article in the XML file from scratch—without having to first input the article contents to the program as described above.
In the Detailed-View:
In this document, we use the term group-box to refer to both the simple-group-box and the compound-group box instead of mentioning the two types of boxes separately. Similarly, the term group-name refers to both the simple-group-name and the compound-group-name.
By representing points, simple-groups and compound-groups as boxes, the graphical editor may display the contents of the XML file in a 2-dimensional graphical layout consisting of compound-group-boxes that contain simple-group-boxes which, in turn, contain point-boxes.
Thus in the detailed-view, the program shows how point-boxes are nested within a simple-group-box and how simple-group-boxes are nested within a compound-group-box.
A Few Operations:
The graphical editor may provide many useful operations for the user. For example:
Other examples of operations: On receiving commands from the user, the editor may:
Graphical-browse-views are a set of hierarchical graphical views that together represent the entire article at various levels of detail. Together they provide multi-level summaries of the article and they may help the user browse to various parts of the article.
An Example of a Level-1 Graphical-Browse-View:
In this document, the term browse-element refers to any header-element, member-element or point-symbol. They are described in more detail later in this document.
As described earlier in this document, the program may save information about the points, simple-groups and compound-groups in an XML file. Such information may include the identification of all the outermost compound-groups, simple-groups and points, the order in which they may be displayed in the various views and the article-matter each of them may cover etc. The program may use such information in constructing and displaying the graphical-browse-views. In the hierarchical set of graphical-browse-views, the graphical-browse-views that are immediately below the level-1 graphical-browse-view are said to be level-2 graphical-browse-views.
The graphical-browse-views that are immediately below the level-2 graphical-browse-views are said to be level-3 graphical-browse-views and so on.
An Example of a Level-3 Graphical-Browse-View:
Browse-Element Text:
Text-column is a single-columnar view of the detailed-view.
The text column's snapshot in
To the left of the text column is a narrow-frame 805 that shows the graphical-browse-views of the article.
To create the collapsed-view, the program may start with the detailed-view and it may hide the article-matter content of the point boxes. It may also hide any article-matter that may be present in the simple-group-boxes and compound-group-boxes.
The program may show the point-names of the point-boxes and the group-names of the group-boxes. It results in a large reduction in the vertical size of the view.
The program shows the point-names and group-names in a much reduced width instead of the original width.
In order to fit in such reduced width, the program may display the 2nd version of the point-names and group-names in a format similar to two-line browse-element-text, instead of the 1st version of the point-names and group-names. As a result, the width of the graphical view is reduced very much.
The resulting view is called the collapsed-view. Due to its reduced height and width, the collapsed view may help the user to get a better feel of the overall layout of the detailed-view while still being able to easily read the point-names and group-names (2nd version).
Please refer to the zoomed-out detailed-view in
When the user clicks on a point-name, the program may expand the point-box to its original height and width and display the article-matter contained in the point-box.
When the user clicks on the point-names of those point-boxes that have been expanded, the program may collapse the point-boxes to their reduced height and width and hide the contents of those point-boxes.
In response to a user's commands, the program may display graphical views on one or more display units and/or produce audio output based on the text in the graphical views. By doing so, the program may help the user to grasp the information and the organization of the information in the article in significantly less time and may help the user to better recall the information and the organization of the information in the article at a later time.
The graphical editor may display the detailed-view of the arpage as a two-dimensional layout of group-boxes and point-boxes.
The detailed-view shows a point-box 401 that contains:
It also shows a point-box 404 that contains:
That simple-group-box 408 (together with other simple-group-boxes that are outside the view of
Similarly, we see the point-box 410 named “The challenging goals of producing a new cellphone”. That point-box, together with another point-box 411, is enclosed in a simple-group-box 412 that has the name “The goal of producing high quality iPhones at low cost meant manufacturing abroad” (Please refer to the 6th entry in Table 3.)
The simple-group-box “The goal of producing high quality iPhones at low cost meant manufacturing abroad” 412, and the simple-group-box 413 together with other simple-group-boxes that are outside the view of
The graphical editor may enable the user to perform operations such as editing, inserting, deleting, positioning of point-boxes, simple-group-boxes, and compound-group-boxes etc. in the detailed-view.
The building blocks of the detailed-view are:
As mentioned earlier,
In the detailed-view, the user can see how the point-boxes are grouped together and nested within simple-group-boxes which are in turn nested within compound-group-boxes.
The point-box, simple-group-box and compound-group-box are also used as building blocks in constructing the collapsed-view and the text column.
Some of the components of a point-box may be:
As described earlier, the program may assign a point-name to a point in the article. It is also referred to as the 1st version of point-name. In addition, the program may assign a 2nd version of the point name and a 3rd version of the point-name to the point.
The program may create a 2nd version of the point-name that describes the article-matter associated with the point and fits on the two lines of browse-element-text as described later in this document. The 2nd version of point-name is often shorter than the 1st version of point-name.
The program may create a 3rd version of the point-name that may be made of keywords from the 1st and 2nd versions of the point-name or it may simply be a sequence of characters.
The 3rd version of the point-name of the point-box must be distinct from the 3rd version of the names of all its siblings. The 3rd version of the point-name may be used to construct the Universal Locator of Information Element (ULIE) as described later in this document.
Some of the components of a simple-group-box may be:
As mentioned earlier, the program may assign a simple-group-name to a simple-group in the article. It is also referred to as the 1st version of simple-group-name. In addition, the program may assign a 2nd version of the simple-group-name and a 3rd version of the simple-group-name to the simple-group.
The program may create a 2nd version of the simple-group-name that fits on the two lines of browse-element-text as described later in this document. The 2nd version of simple-group-name is often shorter than the 1st version of simple-group-name. Like the 1st version, the 2nd version of the simple-group-name-describes the article-matter covered by the simple-group.
The program may create a 3rd version of the simple-group-name that may be made of keywords from the 1st and 2nd versions of the simple-group-name or it may simply be a sequence of characters.
The 3rd version of the simple-group-name of the simple-group-box must be distinct from the 3rd versions of the names of all its siblings.
The components of a compound-group-box are:
1. Compound-group-name (it is also referred to as the 1st version of compound-group-name)
A compound-group-box contains a compound-group-name and possibly any associated article matter. It encloses point-boxes, simple-group-boxes and/or compound-group-boxes.
The program may assign a 2nd version of the compound-group-name and a 3rd version of the compound-group-name to the compound-group.
The program may create a 2nd version of the compound-group-name that fits on the two lines of browse-element-text. The 2nd version of compound-group-name is often shorter than the 1st version. Like the 1st version, it-describes the article-matter covered by the compound-group.
The program may create a 3rd version of the compound-group-name that may be made of keywords from the 1st and 2nd versions of the compound-group-name or it may simply be a sequence of characters.
The 3rd version of the compound-group-name of the compound-group-box must be distinct from the 3rd versions of the names of its siblings.
The program may provide special operations on a point-box:
The program may provide similar operations on a simple-group-box and a compound-group-box.
A point-box may be at the outermost level or it may be nested inside a simple-group-box or a compound-group-box.
A simple-group-box may be at the outermost level or it may be nested inside a compound-group-box.
A compound-group-box may be at the outermost level or it may be nested inside a compound-group-box.
Given any point-box, simple-group-box or compound-group-box, either the given box is an outermost box or an outermost box may be reached by going to the given box's parent, then to parent's parent, then to parent's parent's parent and so on till an outermost box is reached. The path thus taken is a unique sequence of boxes from the given box to an outermost box. For each box in the arpage, the program detects the unique sequence of boxes from an outermost box to the given box and represents sequence of boxes by means of a sequence of 3rd version of the names of boxes in the sequence.
Given that the 3rd version of the name of a box is distinct from the 3rd version of the names of its siblings, the sequence of 3rd version of the names of boxes, as described above, may be used as a unique locator of any box within the arpage.
For example:
Consider the point-box having the point-name “The challenging goals of producing a new cellphone”. Its 3rd version of point-name is “goals of new cellphone”
The program may create the sequence of 3rd version of names of boxes that are in the path from the outermost box to the point-box in the example above as follows:
Within the arpage, this sequence of 3rd version of names may be used as a unique locator of the point-box under consideration.
As an optimization, the program may omit the names in the leading part of the sequence above if the remaining part of the sequence is unique in the arpage.
In the current art, the arpage may be located over the Internet by means of an URL such as “http://www.arzillion.com/MyarPg/UMGOJB/Apple-article”
In the arpage, the contents of the box may be termed as an “Information Element”. By adding the box-locator at the end of the arpage's Internet-based URL, the program may create a new locator as follows:
With such a locator, a point consisting of say, just a single sentence may be located over the Internet. Hence the new locator is called a “Universal Locator of Information Element (ULIE)”
Here the Internet has been referred to just as an example. The ULIE is not limited to the Internet. A similar ULIE may be constructed for locating a point in an article over any network, database etc.
In current art, an article's layout consists of continuous running text along with section headings that are inserted at various locations in such continuous text. In contrast, the program in the present method maps the points, simple groups and compound groups to a two-dimensional graphical layout called the detailed-view.
In the detailed view:
There are two aspects of two-dimensional layout of the detailed-view:
1. The program may perform the layout in such a pattern that it may enable the user to grasp the 2-dimensional layout quickly when the user sees the detailed-view of any article
The structural hierarchy of one article can be very different from the structural hierarchy of another article and again very different from the structural hierarchy of yet another article and so on.
In other words, the number of compound-group-boxes and their nested contents of compound-group-boxes, simple-group-boxes and point-boxes varies from article to article.
When the user begins to view the detailed-view of an article, the user does not have a prior knowledge of the structural hierarchy of the article. Still, the two-dimensional layout may be such that user can quickly grasp the structural hierarchy of the detailed-view.
In regards to the aspect mentioned above, the program may create the 2-dimensional layout as follows:
a) Each of the outermost compound-group-boxes, simple-group-boxes and the point-boxes may be placed side-by-side by the program in a left-to-right-placement-as-per-the-sequence-in-the-article.
b) The boxes that have already been placed may be visited by the program from left to right to detect the boxes whose inner boxes have not been placed yet. For each such-detected-box, the boxes that are directly contained by it may be placed by the program as follows:
c) Step b may be repeated till all the inner boxes of all the boxes have been placed. In the description above, the order “as-per-the-sequence-in-the-article” has been used only as an example. The user may specify, via user settings or other means, a different order to be used as default. The information about the order in which the points, simple-groups and compound-groups may be displayed in various graphical views may be saved in the XML file.
The resulting layout may enable the user to see the compound-groups and their siblings side-by-side in the computer display viewport and the user can see all the compound-groups by scrolling to the right. It may give the user a high-level view of the structural hierarchy of the article and a sense of predictability about the layout of any article.
When the inner boxes of a compound-group are placed in a single vertical column, the point-boxes within a simple-group may not be visually clustered together. The user may have to scroll up or down and thereby lose sight of one point-box in order to view another point-box from the simple-group. This issue is addressed by the 2nd aspect below.
2. Since a simple-group-box contains point-boxes that are logically cohesive, the program provides operations that may enable the user to rearrange the layout such that a simple-group's points may be visually clustered together.
Thus the user may be able to view those points with an easy glance instead of scrolling up and down in a single vertical column.
In regards to the aspect mentioned above, the program may provide the operations to re-layout the point-boxes in a simple-group in two, three or more columns—as per the width of computer display viewport. In this way, the layout of point-boxes in a simple-group can fully utilize the width and height of the computer display viewport. It may enable the user to view those points with an easy glance.
The Program Enables the User to Change the Layout as Per the User's Preference
In summary, with operations mentioned above, the program may enable the user to change the layout so that the point-boxes in a simple-group may be placed in multiple columns and multiple rows within the simple-group.
Similarly, the program may enable the user to change the layout so that the simple-group-boxes in a compound-group are placed in multiple columns and multiple rows within the compound-group-box.
The user can also specify such operations as default operations and thus change the default layout described under aspect 1 above.
As mentioned earlier, the program may save the information about the order in which the points, simple-groups and compound-groups may be displayed in various graphical views in the XML file.
When the user moves point-boxes and group-boxes from one location to another location in the detailed-view or commands the program to rearrange the point-boxes or group-boxes in the detailed-view, such operations may result in changing the order in which the point-boxes and group-boxes are displayed in the detailed-view.
The program may save the new order in which the point-boxes and group-boxes are displayed in the detailed-view in the XML file. However, depending on the user-settings, the new order of displaying the point-boxes and group-boxes in the detailed-view may or may not automatically change the order in which the points, simple-groups and compound-groups are displayed in other views.
The program may provide user settings or operation which may enable the user to change the order in which the points, simple-groups and compound-groups are displayed in other views. Such changes in the order of display in other views may be based on the new order of display in the detailed-view or they may be independent of the order of display in the detailed-view.
The two-dimensional layout of the detailed-view and the background colors of point-boxes, simple-group-boxes and compound-group-boxes help the user in making greater use of visual memory and topographic memory of the human mind and thus makes it easier to view and recall the content and the organization of the article.
The program may display the article-text in many places such as the point-boxes, group-boxes, text-column, pop-up windows etc.
The program may display the text in the traditional formats or the break-and-indent format.
The break-and-indent formatting is described below.
In the current art, text is formatted in the traditional wrap-around format. In such a format, when a sentence spans two or more lines, it is difficult to readily grasp the whole sentence. As a result, a reader often has to read the sentence two or more times in order to fully grasp the sentence. The problem occurs regardless of whether the text is formatted in a single-column or in multiple-columns.
The program uses a new method of formatting the text which may enable the user to read and grasp the text more easily. It may format the text as follows:
The program may break each sentence into a sequence of easy-to-grasp phrases and make the sentence easier to read by means of the following:
We use the term “break- and indent” to refer to such formatting.
The program may identify individual sentences in the article-text.
It may break each sentence into a sequence of phrases which when placed on separate lines will result in easier readability and understanding. The program may also compute the amount of indentation for each phrase so that when the phrases are placed on consecutive lines at their respective computed indentation, it may result in a better flow of reading and grasping the sentence.
In one embodiment of the invention, the program may break the sentences into phrases and determine the amounts of indentation of phrases as described below.
The program may use a few indent-sizes. Examples of indent sizes are:
As described below, the program may pick one of these indent-sizes as the amount by which the text on a line is indented with regards to text on another line that is part of the current sentence.
Consider the sentence:
The program may break the sentence above into three phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
The program's identification of phrases in a sentence is not based on the definition of phrases as found in traditional grammar books. Rather, the program may identify successive phrases in a sentence based on their content and length so that when placed on separate lines, they may result in easier comprehension and a good flow of reading.
As an example, consider the following sentence:
In a traditional grammar book, the sentence above is separated into the following phrases:
However, the program may break the sentence into the phrases shown below in order to provide a better flow of reading.
Consider the sentence:
Apple has become one of the best-known, most admired and most imitated companies on earth, in part through an unrelenting mastery of global operations.
The program may break the sentence above into five phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
As given in the rule above, phrase#2 is indented by medium indent with regards to phrase#1.
Phrase#2 and phrase#3 together contain a list of adjectives that together identify a category of companies. Hence Phrase#2 and phrase#3 are more closely associated with each other than with the other phrases. Hence with regards to phrase#2, phrase#3 is indented by a small-indent. The small-indent keeps the two phrases visually close while still providing a left-to-right flow of downward visual scan.
With regards to phrase#3, phrase#4 is indented by medium-indent as given in the rule in example 1 above. Thus phrase#2 and phrase#3 are visually close to each other because of the small-indent. And phrase#4 is more distant from phrase#3 due to the medium-indent.
Phrase#4 and phrase#5 together provide the reason how Apple has become successful. Hence phrase#4 and phrase#5 are closely associated with each other. The information content of Phrase#5 is a lot more than the information content of phrase#4 to the extent that phrase#5 predominantly contains the reason how Apple has become successful. Hence phrase#5 is placed at the same indent as that of phrase#4. It makes phrase#5 more noticeable and phrase#4 less noticeable.
Here the general rule is:
In some instances, keeping a line at the same indent as the line preceding results in another desirable effect: it prevents monotonous indentation. Consider the variation (in
In this example, each line is indented by the same amount with regards to the line immediately preceding it. Such simple constant-increment-indenting looks monotonous and makes it difficult to focus on the phrases in the sentence.
This shows that simple constant-increment-indenting may not provide good results in long sentences.
Consider the sentence:
In 1990, while Mr. Jobs was running NeXT, which was eventually bought by Apple, the executive told a reporter that “I'm as proud of the factory as I am of the computer.”
The program may break the sentence above into four phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
In the example above, phrase#1 provides the timeframe for phrase#3 and phrase#4. Phrase#2 is closely associated with Phrase#1 because it describes “NeXT” that is mentioned in phrase#1. But phrase#1 is not dependent on phrase#2 to complete its information and the information content of phrase#2 is not important for the rest of the sentence. Thus phrase#2 is an appendage to phrase#1 and is of lesser importance.
Hence phrase#2 is placed with a large amount of indent below phrase#1. Phrase#3 is in logical continuation with phrase#1. Hence phrase#3 is placed with a medium amount of indent with regards to phrase#1. The indent provides a good left-to-right flow of downward visual scan of the overall sentence. Phrase#3 and phrase#4 are closely associated with each other and their information content is of comparable importance. Hence Phrase#4 is placed with a small indent with regards to phrase#3.
The General Rule is:
Consider the sentence:
A few years after Apple began building the Macintosh in 1983, for instance, Mr. Jobs bragged that it was “a machine that is made in America.”
In the sentence above, the phrase “A few years after Apple began building the Macintosh” as a whole provides the timeframe for the sentence. The words “in 1983, for instance,” as a separate phrase, do not provide a good flow for the sentence.
Hence the program keeps the phrase “A few years after Apple began building the Macintosh in 1983, for instance,” as a whole phrase. However, it does not fit on one line. Hence the program divides it into two phrases: “A few years after Apple began building” and “the Macintosh in 1983, for instance,”.
Thus the program may break the sentence above into four phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
Here phrase#2 is really a tail of phrase#1. Hence it is placed with a large-indent below phrase#1. While the amount of indent is large, the program limits the amount of indent so that the phrase can still fit on the line.
Phrase#3 is placed with a medium amount of indent with regards to phrase#1. Phrase#4 is closely associated with phrase#3. Hence Phrase#4 is placed with a small-indent with regards to phrase#3.
Consider the sentence:
Most other American electronics companies had already gone abroad, and Apple, which at the time was struggling, felt it had to grasp every advantage.
The program may break the sentence above into four phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the phrases as shown in
The sentence above is a compound sentence. It contains two independent clauses that are joined by the word “and”. In other words: The sentence above is made of two major parts. Phrase#1 and phrase#2 together make the first major part and phrase#3 and phrase#4 together make the second major part.
Consider the sentence:
Apple executives believe there simply aren't enough American workers with the skills the company needs or factories with sufficient speed and flexibility.
The program may break the sentence above into five phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
Phrase#3 and phrase#5 together form a list. Hence phrase#5 is indented by very-small-indent with regard to phrase#3. Phrase#4 completes the information in phrase#3 hence it is indented by a larger amount under phrase#3. Placing phrase#3 at the same indent as phrase#2 makes phrase#3 more noticeable.
Placing phrase#3 at the same indent as phrase#2 provides another benefit. It prevents undue scatter.
The General Rule Regarding a List is:
The example below shows the undue scatter that would result if phrase#3 is indented by a non-zero amount with regards to phrase#2.
In contrast with the example 7 above, Here phrase#3 is indented with regard to phrase#2. As a result, the sentence looks a bit scattered.
As a general guideline. it is better to keep the sentence compact and avoid scatter by indenting a phrase by zero-indent with regards to the phrase preceding it whenever the relationship between the phrases and content of the phrases permit it.
Consider the sentence:
“Apple's an example of why it's so hard to create middle-class jobs in the U.S. now,” said Jared Bernstein, who until last year was an economic adviser to the White House.
The program may break the sentence above into six phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
Here, in the context of the article's subject matter, the quote is more important than the source of the quote. Hence the source of the quote is indented by a large amount. Also, phrase#6 is made more noticeable than phrase#4 and phrase#5 by placing them all at the same indent.
The General Rule:
Consider the sentence:
Apple employs 43,000 people in the United States and 20,000 overseas, a small fraction of the over 400,000 American workers at General Motors in the 1950s, or the hundreds of thousands at General Electric in the 1980s.
The program may break the sentence above into eight phrases:
The program may place each phrase on a separate line and indent the text on each line as shown in
Since the sentence is quite long, the program may insert small vertical space 6301 before the line that contains phrase#4 and also 6301 before the line that contains phrase#7 as shown in
The General Rule is:
The collection of example and rules above is not exhaustive. The examples illustrate the relationships that the phrases may have with one another and how the relationships may be helpful in computing the amount of indent. The program may apply many more rules than are shown above. Also, the program may apply exceptions when a prescribed indent causes a phrase to exceed the right-margin. In another embodiment of the invention, the rules may be different and the resulting break-up of sentences into phrases and amount of indentation of phrases may differ from those shown in the examples above.
The “break-and-indent” formatting may help the user in the following manner:
Consider the sentence:
“I won't sell a product that gets scratched,” he said tensely. The only solution was using unscratchable glass instead. “I want a glass screen, and I want it perfect in six weeks.” This example contains three sentences. The program starts each sentence on a new line and inserts vertical space, such as a blank line, between the end of a sentence and the start of the next sentence (in
The first two sentences lead to the third sentence. Hence the program indents the third sentence with regard to the first two sentences. This also provides an overall left-to-right flow in downward visual scan of the three sentences.
Thus, depending on the context in the article, phrase#1 of a sentence may be placed at an indent instead of placing at the left margin of the 1st line of the sentence.
Break-and-indent formatting of text may be identified by one or more of the following:
The building blocks of graphical-browse-views are:
We experimented to understand:
The results were helpful in designing the various graphical views.
The term browse-element refers to the header-element or member-element in a compound-group-symbol. The term browse-element also refers to the header-element or member-element in a simple-group-symbol. The term browse-element also refers to a point-symbol.
The program may display a point-name, a simple-group-name or a compound-group-name in the browse-element. The 2nd version of the point-name, simple-group-name or compound-group-name is displayed in a specific format in the browse-element. The term “browse-element-text” refers to the text in the browse-element i.e. the point-name, simple-group-name or compound-group-name that is displayed in it.
A browse-element may contain one or more graphical images instead of browse-element-text. Also, a browse-element may contain both browse-element-text and one or more graphical images.
In the browse-element, the program may display an icon to indicate the browse-element-type-and-action.
The program may display a “branch-down” icon in the header-element of a compound-group-symbol. When the user clicks on or near the branch-down icon, the program may display the expansion of the compound-group-symbol.
The program may format the browse-element-text as follows:
1. The browse-element-text may occupy at most two lines in the browse-element.
2. When the browse-element-text occupies two lines, as the two lines of text in the browse-element are viewed from left to right, the start of the text on the 2nd line shall be to the left of the end of the text on the 1st line.
3. When the browse-element-text occupies two lines, The text on the 2nd line shall be indented so that the end of the text on the 2nd line shall not be to the left of the end of the text on the 1st line. It means that:
Given the actual text on the 1st line and the actual text on the 2nd line, the program may compute the minimum-required-amount by which the end of the text on the 2nd line shall be to the right of the end of the text on the 1st line. It is called the minimum-required-overhang-of-2nd-textline.
4. The two lines of browse-element-text shall be bottom-aligned in the browse-element (as opposed to being middle-aligned or top-aligned in the browse-element).
a) Wherever possible, both lines shall not be completely full of text.
The first line shall have a few empty spaces at the end and the second line shall have a few empty spaces at its beginning. As a general guideline, the total amount of empty space on the two lines shall be more than 20% of the total length available for text on the two lines. While in a few browse-elements, the empty space may be less than 20%, in most of the browse-elements in a graphical-browse-view, the empty space shall exceed 20% for more efficient reading by the user.
b) In a column of browse-elements, alignment-of-end-of-2nd-line among the browse-elements in that column may be achieved by applying the maximum possible indent without exceeding the right-margin on the 2nd line if the abovementioned minimum overlap can still be achieved.
The following examples illustrate how the program may place a point-name, a simple-group-name or a compound-group-name in the two lines of browse-element-text:
Consider the point-name:
Traditional and current art programs will display the point-name in one of the following formats Please refer to
Current Art Formatting Example #1:
As shown above, current art programs typically do not indent the text on the 2nd line. If they do indent the text on the 2nd line, the amount of indent is a fixed amount without a consideration of where the text on the 2nd line will end relative to the end of text on the 1st line—as shown below:
Also, the traditional and current art programs always vertically center the text within rectangular area such as a menu item in user interface of computer systems. One common occurrence of such vertically centering of text is in the rectangular menu items that are presented in a columnar arrangement.
Current Art Formatting #2:
In the layout above, it is not easy to visually grasp the two lines of browse-element-text. Our research shows that the main reason is that the end of the text on the 2nd line is to the left of the end of the text on the 1st line.
The program may format the browse-element-text as shown below:
In the layout above, it is easier to visually grasp the two lines of browse-element-text.
Our program may format the two parts of the point-name in the browse-element as shown above. The formatting is such that
Such formatting makes it easier to visually grasp the two lines of browse-element-text as compared with the current art formatting shown above.
Consider the point-name:
Please refer to
In example above, the text on the 1st line is so long that the requirement of the minimum-required-overhang-of-2nd-textline can not be fulfilled. In such cases, the program may place the text in the 2nd line as far to the right as possible i.e. it ends at the right margin.
Consider the point-name:
Please refer to
The text on the 1st line starts at the left-margin. The program may place text on the 2nd line as far to the right as possible while fulfilling the requirements of minimum-required-amount-of-overlap. and minimum-required-overhang-of-2nd-textline as computed by the program for the instance of browse-element-text above.
In one embodiment of the invention, the program may format a point-name in the form of browse-element-text by means of the algorithm described below.
The program may analyze the meaning of the article-matter in the point-box and create a “1st version” point-name that adequately describes the content of the point-box.
If the “1st version” point-name thus created is shorter than 2×AW i.e. the total of available width for text on the two lines, then the program may assign it to be the “2nd version” of the point-name as well; otherwise, it may creates a “2nd version” of the point name that best describes the content of the point box and is shorter than 2×AW.
The program may use the 2nd version of point-name as the point-name in the algorithm below.
1. If the point-name is shorter than AW i.e. it can fit within one line and if the program determines that point-name need not be broken into two parts for easy readability, then the browse-element-text consists of one line of text. Otherwise, the program may format the browse-element-text in two lines as follows.
2. The program may break the point-name into two parts such that:
3. If the length of the 1st part is greater than AW or the length of the 2nd part is greater than AW then:
4. Based on the content of the 1st part and 2nd part, the program computes the minimum-required-amount-of-overlap.
5. Based on the content of the 1st part and 2nd part, the program computes the minimum-required-overhang-of-2nd-textline.
6. Using the quantities computed in steps 4 and 5 above, it computes the indent for the 2nd line as follows.
Let L1 represent the length of the 1st part and L2 represent the length of the 2nd part. The text in the 1st part is placed on the 1st line such that it starts at the left margin. Thus indent amount of the 1st part=0. In other words, left margin is where the 1st part starts.
if the indent is less than or equal to the limit computed above, then the minimum required overlap may be achieved.
Can the 2nd part be allowed to end at optional-additional-right-margin?
The formatting of browse-element-text was described above by considering examples of point-names. It is similarly applicable to simple-group-names and compound-group-names.
In the case of a simple-group, the program may examine the meaning of the article-matter covered by the simple-group and create a simple-group-name based on the meaning. It may create a “1st version” simple-group-name that adequately describes the content of the point-box. It may create a “2nd version” of the simple-group-name in a manner similar to the creation of 2nd version of point-name as described above and use the “2nd version” to form the browse-element-text. Similarly, the program may form the browse-element-text for a compound-group.
The program's formatting of browse-element-text may be identified by one or more of the following:
Based on user settings, the program may allow three lines of text in the browse-element. However, grasping and recalling three lines of text is harder for the human mind than grasping and recalling two lines of text. Hence limiting the browse-element-text to two lines provides better results in the present method.
When the program allows three lines of text in the browse-element, the program may format the browse-element-text as shown below.
The text on the 1st line starts at the left-margin. The program may place text on the 2nd line so that it fulfills the requirements of minimum-required-amount-of-overlap, and minimum-required-overhang with regards to the text on the 1st line as computed by the program for the instance of browse-element-text above and allows the program to place the text on the 3rd line so that it fulfills the requirements of minimum-required-amount-of-overlap, and minimum-required-overhang with regards to the text on the 2nd line as computed by the program for the instance of browse-element-text above.
In general, all the elements in compound-group-symbols and simple-group-symbols are referred to as browse-elements. More specifically, the browse-element at the top of a simple-group-symbol or a compound-group-symbol is called a header-element.
A header-element may differ from other browse-elements (such as a standalone point-symbols or member-elements in a simple-group-symbol or member-elements in a compound-group-symbol) in the following ways:
Occasionally, the program may determine or may receive input from the user that the content of the point-box or group-box can not be effectively described while limiting the point-name or the group-name to two lines of browse-element-text. In such cases, the program may extend the available space to four lines of browse-element-text and the program may create the 2nd version of the point-name or the group-name that can fit on four lines of a double-height browse-element 2001 as shown in
The program may display an icon in the browse-element to indicate the browse-element-type-and-action. It may enable the user to anticipate what will happen if the user clicks the browse-element.
The browse-element-type-and-action icon may indicate the following:
The browse-element is the most basic building block of graphical-browse-views. The point-symbol, the simple-group-symbol and the compound-group-symbol are each made of one or more browse-elements.
A point-symbol represents a point in the article and the corresponding point-box.
The point-symbol consists of a single browse-element that contains the 2nd version of the point-name.
The program may display the point-symbol in a graphical-browse-view or in a pop-up window. Such a pop-up window may be displayed to provide a preview of the points from the article or it may be displayed in response to a browse operation by the user.
When the user clicks on a point-symbol, the program may present the article-matter that is covered by the point represented by the point-symbol. Such article-matter may be presented in a pop-up window or it may be presented in the text-column that is described later in this document.
The operation of presenting the article-matter includes, but is not limited to, display of article-text, graphics, tables, slides, mathematical expressions, output of audio in form of audio and/or text, display of video etc.
A miniature version 2406 of a point-symbol is shown in
The program may use the miniature version of the point-symbol to construct the miniature version of graphical-browse-view as described later in this document.
As described earlier in this document, a simple-group is a collection of one or more points from the article.
A simple-group-symbol represents a simple-group and the corresponding simple-group-box.
The program may display the simple-group-symbol in a graphical-browse-view or in a pop-up window. Such a pop-up window may be displayed to provide a preview of the points from the article or it may be displayed in response to a browse operation by the user.
A simple-group-symbol consists of a vertical column of browse-elements, namely a header-element followed by member browse-elements:
Often a graphical-browse-view may contain many simple-group-symbols. There, the simple-group-symbols' member browse-elements together provide a summary of the part of the article that is covered by those simple-group-symbols.
Hence it is important that the user be able to focus on the member-elements without being distracted by the text in the header-elements of the simple-group-symbols.
As shown in
Alternatively, the uppermost member-element may have a greater vertical size than the remaining member-elements in the simple-group-symbol.
In the member-elements, the program may display the point-names as per the ordering information that is saved in the XML file.
Initially, when the program analyzes the article and saves the information in the XML file, the program may order the points as per the order of their occurrence in the article or it may order them as per a sequence determined by user-settings or user input.
The program may provide user settings or operations which may enable the user to change the order in which the point-names are displayed in the simple-group-symbol and save the new ordering information in the XML file.
The program may display the following icons in the header-element of the simple-group-symbol:
When the user clicks on or near the “display-article-matter” icon in the header-element of the simple-group-symbol, the program may display the article-matter that is covered by the simple group. Such article-matter may be displayed in a pop-up window or it may be displayed in the text-column that is described later in this document.
Each member-element in the simple-group-symbol corresponds to a point. When the user clicks on a member-element in the simple-group-symbol, the program may display the article-matter that is covered by the corresponding point. Such article-matter may be displayed in a pop-up window or it may be displayed in the text-column that is described later in this document.
When the user clicks on or near the “expand/contract” icon in the header-element of the simple-group-symbol, the program may contract the simple-group-symbol so that only the header-element is visible and the member browse-elements shall be hidden.
When the user clicks on or near the “expand/contract” icon again, the program may expand the simple-group-symbol so that the member browse-elements shall become visible.
The contraction and expansion of the simple-group-symbol happens “in-place” i.e. within the current graphical-browse-view.
The program may display a simple-group-symbol in the expanded state and inhibit its contraction—in which case, it may hide the “expand/contract” icon.
A miniature version 1805 of a simple-group-symbol is shown in
The program may use the miniature version of simple-group-symbol to construct the miniature version of graphical-browse-view as described later in this document.
As described earlier in this document, a compound-group may contain compound-groups and/or simple-groups and/or points.
A compound-group-symbol represents a compound-group and the corresponding compound-group-box.
A compound-group-symbol consists of a vertical column of browse-elements, namely a header-element followed by member browse-elements:
The program may provide a large vertical distance between the text in the header-element and the text in the 1st member-browse-element by:
The program may display the compound-group-symbol in a graphical-browse-view or in a pop-up window. Such a pop-up window may be displayed to provide a preview of the points from the article or it may be displayed in response to a browse operation by the user.
In the member-elements, the program may display the names of nested compound-groups, simple-groups, and points as per the ordering information that is saved in the XML file.
Initially, when the program analyzes the article and saves the information in the XML file, the program may order the nested compound-groups, simple-groups, and points as per the order of their occurrence in the article or it may order them as per a sequence determined by user-settings or user input.
The program may provide user settings or operations which may enable the user to change the order in which the compound-group-names, simple-group-names or point-names are displayed in the compound-group-symbol and save the new ordering information in the XML file.
The program may display the following icons in the header-element of the compound-group-symbol:
When the user clicks on or near the “display-article-matter” icon in the header-element of the compound-group-symbol, the program may display the article-matter that is covered by the compound-group. Such article-matter may be displayed in a pop-up window or it may be displayed in the text-column that is described later in this document.
When the user clicks on or near the “branch-down” icon in the header-element of the compound-group-symbol, the program may display the graphical-browse-view of the compound-group as described later in this document.
Each member-element in the compound-group-symbol corresponds to a compound-group, simple-group or a point.
A miniature version 1904 of a compound-group-symbol is shown in
A special icon 1905 at the top of the miniature version of a compound-group-symbol helps to distinguish it from the miniature version of a simple-group-symbol.
The program may use the miniature version of the compound-group-symbol to construct the miniature version of graphical-browse-view as described later in this document.
The miniature version of a compound-group-symbol is also known as miniature compound-group-symbol.
We researched into
Based on our results, the program may apply a color scheme to compound-group-symbols, simple-group-symbols and point-symbols.
It may set the background color of the text in browse-elements depending on the context of occurrence of the browse-elements.
In a graphical-browse-view:
All the text in the member-elements in a simple-group-symbol may have the same background color. The background color of the text in the member-elements is also known as the dominant color of the simple-group-symbol.
All the text in the member-elements in a compound-group-symbol may have the same background color. The background color of the text in the member-elements is also known as the dominant color of the compound-group-symbol.
In the description below, the colors are expressed in terms of color specification parameters hue, saturation and luminosity with each parameter measured on a scale of 0 to 255. The parameter values hue=0; saturation=0; luminosity=0 together represent black color and the parameter values hue=255; saturation=255; luminosity=255 together represent white color.
In all simple-group-symbols and compound-group-symbols, the background colors of the text in member-elements are such that the value of luminosity is in the range 218 to 226. Most such background colors are clustered around luminosity=222.
To assign the dominant color of compound-group-symbols, the program may use a set of colors such that the value of the parameter hue of each color in the set is spaced widely apart from the values of the parameter hue for each of the other colors of the set.
Thus, to human perception, each color in the set is easy to differentiate from the other colors in the set. This set of colors serves as the palette for the compound-group-symbols' dominant colors.
Colors from this set are assigned as dominant colors of compound-groups in a graphical-browse-view. As a result, the dominant color of a compound-group-symbol is easily distinguishable from the dominant colors of the neighboring compound-groups in a graphical-browse-view.
As we will see later, when the user expands a compound-group-symbol, it results in the display of the graphical-browse-view of the compound-group.
A graphical-browse-view is a representation of a compound-group in terms of the symbols of its immediate children.
The 2nd version of compound-group's name may serve as the name of the graphical-browse-view and the program may display it at the top of graphical-browse-view.
Similarly, the program may represent
As we will see later, the hierarchical set graphical-browse-views are very useful in browsing:
A compound-group may be represented in many forms, including the following:
Consider the compound-group named “Has Apple's growth created jobs in America?”. It is represented in the following forms:
As a Graphical-Browse-View
As a Miniature-View i.e. the Miniature Version of a Graphical-Browse-View
As a Compound-Group-Symbol in the Parent's View
As a Miniature Version of Compound-Group-Symbol in the in the Miniature Version of the Graphical-Browse-View that Represents its Parent
As a Member Browse-Element in the Parent's Parent's Graphical-Browse-View
Representing a Simple-Group at Various Levels of Graphical-Browse-Views
A simple-group can be represented in various forms that include the following:
Consider the simple-group named “Obama: Why can't that work come home?”.
As a Simple-Group-Symbol in the Graphical-Browse-View of its Parent Compound-Group
As a Miniature Version of Simple-Group-Symbol in the Miniature Version of the Graphical-Browse-View of its Parent Compound-Group
As a Member Browse-Element in the Compound-Group-Symbol of its Parent Compound-Group
Often, a simple-group may contain anywhere from 2 to 8 points and covers a small part of an article.
Through experimentation, we found that if we represented each simple-group with an individual graphical-browse-view, we ended up with too many individual graphical-browse-views. Each of such graphical-browse-views contained too little information and being numerous, they were hard to grasp and recall collectively.
Often a compound-group contains anywhere from 2 to 8 simple-groups and covers a substantial part of an article.
Through experimentation, we found that if we represented each compound-group with an individual graphical-browse-view, such a graphical-browse-view contained a substantial and manageable amount of information to justify a separate graphical-browse-view.
Thus each compound-group may be represented by an individual graphical-browse-view.
The program may assign a place-ID to each compound-group-symbol, simple-group-symbol and point-symbol in each graphical-browse-view:
Place-ID provides a convenient way to refer to a compound-group-symbol, simple-group-symbol or point-symbol—for example, in
The program may display 2902 place-ID “2B” of the compound-group-symbol above its expansion i.e. above its graphical-browse-view 2901 in
As mentioned earlier, the program may save the information about the order in which the points, simple-groups and compound-groups may be displayed in various graphical views in the XML file.
To construct the graphical-browse-view, the program may place the compound-group-symbols, simple-group-symbols and point-symbols in a horizontal row in a left-to-right order as per the ordering information that is saved in the XML file.
When placing the symbols in a horizontal row in a left-to-right order, when the right edge of the display area is reached, the program starts a new horizontal row below the current row and continues to place the symbols in the new horizontal row in a left-to-right order.
As mentioned earlier, each horizontal row is called a tier.
The placement of the compound-group-symbols, simple-group-symbols and point-symbols in the graphical-browse-view shall be such that:
For each graphical-browse-view, the program may create a miniature version of the graphical-browse-view. It is also known as miniature-view.
To create the miniature-view
As described earlier, the miniature version of the compound-group-symbols are distinguished by the special icon 1905 as shown in
The miniature version of the level-1 graphical-browse-views is called level-1 miniature-view.
The miniature version of a level-2 graphical-browse-views is called a level-2 miniature-view.
The miniature version of a level-3 graphical-browse-views is called a level-3 miniature-view. And so on.
As described later in this document, the program may display the miniature-views to enable the user to navigate to the various graphical-browse-views and the article-matter corresponding to those graphical-browse-views.
As described earlier in this document, a miniature-view represents a compound-group. By constructing and displaying the miniature-views, the program may present a graphical identification of the article-matter that is covered by the compound-group that is represented by the miniature-view.
By presenting a graphical identification of article-matter, the program may enable the user to associate the miniature-view with the corresponding article-matter and it may help the user to remember the article-matter by means of the miniature-view.
The program may enable the use of the miniature-view as a graphical identification of the corresponding graphical-browse-view and article-matter in a manner similar to QR-code. The name of the graphical-browse-view may serve as the name of its miniature-view and it may be displayed below the miniature-view.
The graphical-browse-views are useful because they provide:
Summary of the Article-Matter
A graphical-browse-view contains a few compound-group-symbols and/or simple-group-symbols and/or point-symbols.
A higher-level compound-group represents a larger part of the article.
The full set of the graphical-browse-views of our example provide summaries at three distinct levels of detail:
In this way, the graphical-browse-views of the example article provide three summaries of the whole article; each summary is at a different level of detail.
The Graphical-Browse-View of a Higher-Level Compound-Group Provides a High-Level Summary of a Larger Part of the Article
Consider the 1st higher-level compound-group. It is named “Apple's job creation and manufacturing abroad”.
The higher-level compound-group that we just considered contains three nested compound groups. Their names are:
1. Has Apple's growth created jobs in America?
Each of these nested compound groups covers a smaller part of the article within the large part covered by the higher-level compound-group.
Consider one of the nested compound-groups, named “Has Apple's growth created jobs in America?”:
Together, the graphical-browse-views of the three nested compound-groups provide a detailed summary of the larger part of the article that is covered by the higher-level compound-group.
Consider the other higher-level compound-group “Jobs in America: Past, present and future”:
Sometimes the level of detail is not uniformly the same among the parts of a graphical-browse-view. As an example, consider the graphical-browse-view in
Thus the different parts of this graphical-browse-view provide a summary at different levels of detail.
The following is a description of how the program may enable the user to browse with the graphical-browse-views.
When a user clicks on the article title, the program may display a pop-up window 3501 as shown in
When the user clicks “Read more . . . ” at the bottom of the pop-up window, the program may open a graphical-browse-area 3600 below the article title area (
The graphical-browse-area may occupy the full width of the webpage.
Later, when the user performs an operation that results in displaying the text-column, the graphical-browse-area may occupy a narrower width. The user can close the text-column so that graphical-browse-area occupies the full-width of the webpage again.
The program may display the level-1 graphical-browse-view of the article.
The program may enable the user to display other graphical-browse-views of the article by performing any of the following operations:
When the user clicks on or near the “branch-down” icon (3606 in the header-element of the compound-group-symbol, that compound-group-symbol is said to be the operation's “target compound-group-symbol”.
The compound-group it represents is said to be the “target compound-group”. And its corresponding graphical-browse-view is referred to as the “target graphical-browse-view”.
Since the target graphical-browse-view is the expansion of a compound-group-symbol in the current graphical-browse-view, the current graphical-browse-view is said to be the “parent graphical-browse-view”, or “parent view” for short, of the “target graphical-browse-view”.
As a result of the operation, the program may display the target graphical-browse-view in place of the current graphical-browse-view.
Thus the target graphical-browse-view now becomes the “current graphical-browse-view” or “current view” for short.
In other words, the graphical-browse-view named “Apple's job creation and manufacturing abroad” becomes the current graphical-browse-view as shown in
Consider the graphical-browse-view in
A given graphical-browse-view may contain zero or more compound-group-symbols.
Hence if N is the number of compound-group-symbols in the given graphical-browse-view, then:
When the program displays a target graphical-browse-view, its corresponding miniature view is said to be the target miniature-view.
As described above, the target graphical-browse-view replaces the current graphical-browse-view and thus itself becomes the current graphical-browse-view.
However, the target-miniature-view may not necessarily replace the current miniature-view. Rather it may be placed in the miniature-view area in a sequence with the parent miniature-view and children miniature-views as described below.
The effect on the miniature-views area may be as follows:
1) Expand a compound-group-symbol from the current graphical-browse-view.
This operation may replace the current graphical-browse-view with the expansion of the compound-group-symbol.
(This operation has been described above. It is listed here in order to provide continuity with the list of items below.)
2) Use a miniature-view in the miniature-views-area to display another graphical-browse-view
3) Use the operations provided in a pop-up window (the pop-up window is described later this document)
4) click the “scroll-left” or “scroll-right” icons to display other graphical-browse-views that are at the same level as the current graphical-browse-view.
The user can view the summary of an article at many levels of detail as described below.
The header-elements of the two compound-group-symbols show that
The 1st compound-group-symbol represents a large part i.e. a major section of the article and its member-elements provide a high-level summary of that section i.e. “Apple's job creation and manufacturing abroad”.
The 2nd compound-group-symbol represents the remaining part of the article and its member-elements provide a high-level summary i.e. the major points of that section.
The member-elements of the two compound-group-symbols together show the main points i.e. a high-level summary of the whole article. It is referred to as level-1 summary of the article.
Thus level-1 graphical-browse-view represents the whole article and it provides a high-level summary of the whole article.
By expanding the two compound-group-symbols one by one, the user can view the level-2 graphical-browse-views.
Since there are two compound-group-symbols in level-1 view, there are two graphical-browse-views at level-2.
The two level-2 graphical-browse-views together provide the level-2 summary of the article.
By expanding the compound-group-symbols in level-2 graphical-browse-views, the user can view the level-3 graphical-browse-views.
Since there are three compound-group-symbols in each of two level-2 views, there are six graphical-browse-views at level-3.
The member-elements of the six level-3 graphical-browse-views together provide the level-3 summary i.e. the detailed summary of the article.
The user does not have to view the complete level-1, level-2 or level-3 summary of the whole article. Instead the user may focus on any part of the article that is of interest to the user:
Instead of expanding the compound-groups to go deeper, the user can probe the lower levels by viewing pop-up windows while staying in the current graphical-browse-view.
In a Compound-Group-Symbol:
When the current graphical-browse-view contains a point-symbol that is not part of a simple-group-symbol or compound-group-symbol in the current graphical-browse-view:
When a pop-up window is displayed as described above and the pop-up window contains a compound-group-symbol and the user clicks on a member-element in the compound-group-symbol:
When the pop-up window contains a simple-group-symbol and the user clicks on a member-element in the simple-group-symbol:
In the graphical-browse-view or in a pop-window that is displayed as described above, when the user clicks on or near the “display-article-matter” icon in the header-element of a compound-group-symbol or a simple-group-symbol, the program may display the article-matter covered by the corresponding compound-group or the simple-group in a pop-up-window.
When the user is viewing a graphical-browse-view, the program may enable the user to view the context by displaying the compound-group-symbols from the parent graphical-browse-views.
As and example,
Together, the compound-group-symbol 5201 from level-1 and compound-group-symbol 5202 from level-2 provide the context for the current level-3 graphical-browse-view 5203.
The program may enable the user to view the complete article-matter by displaying the text-column alongside the graphical-browse-views.
As an example, in
The text-column is a single-columnar version of the detailed view. In
When user scrolls up/down in the text column, the program may bring other parts of the article-matter into the view.
When the width of the graphical-browse-area reduces from the full width of the webpage to a narrower width, the user can still perform the operations described above, such as:
In the text-column, the following operations on the point-boxes may be available:
a) Color tags are used to show the correspondence of the point-boxes in the text-column and those browse-elements in the graphical-browse-view that represent the corresponding points in the article.
The program may add color tags to the browse-elements when the program brings their corresponding article-matter into the viewable area of the text-column. The program may remove color tags from the browse-elements when the program moves their corresponding article-matter out of the viewable area of the text-column.
b) When the user clicks on a browse-element in the graphical-browse-view, the program may bring the start of the corresponding group-box or point-box into view in the text-column. The group-box or the point-box and the browse-element, both are surrounded by a dashed-line rectangle.
c) When the user clicks in a point-box in the text-column, the corresponding browse-element in the graphical-browse-view comes into view. Both the browse-element and the point-box are surrounded by a dashed-line rectangle
The program may display the text-column when the user clicks on “Show text-column” icon 4806 in an article-matter pop-up window (as shown in
As we saw previously, the program may identify points, simple-groups and compound-groups in the article and construct a set of hierarchical graphical browse-views of the article.
A compound-group may contain compound-groups and/or simple-groups and/or points. A simple-group may contain one or more points.
We saw that a graphical-browse-view is a representation of a compound-group in terms of the symbols of immediate children of the compound-group.
An article may be thought of as consisting of one or more sections. Each of those sections may be thought of as being divided into one or more sections. Each of those sections may be thought of as being further divided into one or more sections and so on. With such a generalized concept of a section in an article, a graphical-browse-view may be thought of as providing a summary of a section of the article. Also, a compound-group-symbol, a simple-group-symbol or a point-symbol may be thought of as providing a summary of a corresponding section of the article.
We saw that the program may display the level-1 graphical-browse-view of the article. And the program may enable the user to display other graphical-browse-views of the article by performing operations such as:
We saw that, when the program displays a graphical-browse-view, it may display the parent miniature-view, the current miniature-view, and children miniature-views in the miniature-views-area.
We saw that the program may enable the user to view summaries of the article at various levels.
Any given graphical-browse-view may contain zero or more compound-group-symbols.
We also saw that the program may enable the user to view the article-matter corresponding to a point, a simple-group, or a compound-group etc. It also may enable the user to view the article-matter of the whole article.
Below, we describe how the program may display the miniature-views arranged as a tree.
We illustrate the process by considering an article titled “Ch 4. Changing the Management Model”. The program may receive the article or one or more parts of the article in one or many possible forms as described before.
The program may perform natural language processing and it may receive input from the user. In one embodiment of the invention, it may perform operations such as, but not limited to, identifying the sequence of points in the article, creating a point-name for each point, identifying simple-groups, creating names for simple-groups, identifying compound-groups, creating names for compound-groups, creation of point-boxes, simple-group-boxes, compound-group-boxes, point-symbols, simple-group-symbols, compound-group-symbols, break-and-indent formatting, formatting of browse-element-text, creating the various graphical views, etc. and it may receive user input as aid in performing such operations.
The Set of Graphical-Browse-Views of an Article in Our Example
The header-elements of the two compound-group-symbols show that
Since there are two compound-group-symbols in level-1 view, there are two graphical-browse-views at level-2. The graphical-browse-views at level-2 are children of the graphical-browse-view at level-1.
The following is a more concise description of the graphical-browse-views of the article in our example. Starting from the root node, it identifies
Level-1 graphical-browse-view 7101 is named “Ch 4. Changing the Management Model”. It contains the top-level summary of the whole article. It has two children i.e. graphical-browse-views at level-2.
1) The name of the first level-2 graphical-browse-view is “New Mantra—Reverse Innovation in Emerging Markets” 7201. It has:
2) The name of second level-2 graphical-browse-view is “Applying Reverse Innovation—with Local Growth Teams” 7501. It has:
The program may display the miniature-views arranged in the form of a tree as shown in
The leaf nodes correspond to:
To make the tree simpler, the program may display only the miniature-view at each node of the tree as shown in
A graphical-browse-view may consist of one or more point-symbols and/or one or more simple-group-symbols and/or one or more compound-group-symbols. The point-symbols, simple-group-symbols and compound-group-symbols appear in an ordered sequence in the graphical-browse-view.
Within the ordered sequence of point-symbols, simple-group-symbols and compound-group-symbols in a graphical-browse-view, the program may identify the longest strings of point-symbols and/or simple-group-symbols that are immediately followed by a compound-group-symbol or immediately preceded by a compound-group-symbol.
The program may consider each such string of point-symbols and/or simple-group-symbols as an individual part of the graphical-browse-view that provides a detailed point-by-point summary of the section of the article covered by that part.
The program may construct a graphical-browse-view of each such part. The graphical-browse-view consists of an ordered sequence of the point-symbols and simple-group-symbols that belong to that part.
The graphical-browse-view of such a part is not the full expansion of a compound-group; rather it is a part of a graphical-browse-view that is a full expansion of a compound-group. Hence we may think of the graphical-browse-view of such a part as a quasi-graphical-browse view. However, in the interest of brevity and simplicity, we call it a graphical-browse-view in the following description.
The program may create a name of such part's graphical-browse-view by taking a few words from the name of the first point-symbol or simple-simple-group-symbol and follow those words with ellipses “ . . . ” followed by a few words from the second point-symbol or simple-group-symbol and follow those words with ellipses “ . . . ” and so on. Or the program may receive input from the user to aid it in naming the graphical-browse-view.
Based on graphical-browse-view of the part, the program may create the miniature view of the part. The name of the graphical-browse-view is assigned as the name of the miniature-view.
To create the miniature-view
The miniature-view of such parts are displayed in the bottom-row of nodes of the tree as described further in this document.
As mentioned above, the program may construct the tree such that those graphical-browse-views and parts of graphical-browse-views that provide a detailed point-by-point summary of the section of the article covered by them are represented in the bottom row of nodes of the tree.
The program may display the level-1 miniature-view 8301 i.e. the miniature-view of level-1 graphical-browse-view as the root node.
Level-1 graphical-browse-view provides the summary of the whole article. The program may assign the name of the article as the name of level-1 graphical-browse-view. The program may assign the name of the article as the name of the level-1 miniature-view i.e. the root node. As shown in
There are two level-2 miniature-views, namely “New Mantra—Reverse Innovation in Emerging Markets” and “Applying Reverse Innovation—with Local Growth Teams” that are children of the level-1 miniature-view.
The program may display the miniature-views of the two level-2 graphical-browse-views as the children of the root node—in the order of appearance of the corresponding compound-group-symbols in level-1 graphical-browse-view.
Level-2 graphical-browse-view named “New Mantra—Reverse Innovation in Emerging Markets” 7201 (
Hence the program may display the miniature-view 8305 of the part that consists of one simple-group-symbol 7202 and the miniature-views of the two level-3 children 8306, 8307 as the children of the node “New Mantra—Reverse Innovation in Emerging Markets”—in the same order as the appearance of the corresponding part and compound-group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view 7201 named “New Mantra—Reverse Innovation in Emerging Markets”
1st Child:
2nd Child:
3rd Child:
Level-2 graphical-browse-view 7501 named “Applying Reverse Innovation—with Local Growth Teams” has four level-3 children:
Hence the program may display the miniature-views of the children as the children of the node 8304 “Applying Reverse Innovation—with Local Growth Teams”—in the same order as the appearance of the corresponding compound-group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view named “Applying Reverse Innovation—with Local Growth Teams.”
1st Child:
2nd Child:
3rd Child:
4th Child:
The Level-3 graphical-browse-view 7601 named “Building LGTs from the Ground Up” has one level-4 child. But it also has a part that provides a detailed point-by-point summary. That part consists of three simple-group-symbols 7602, 7603, 7604 and it appears in the beginning of the graphical-browse-view and it is followed by a compound-group-symbol 7605 that expands into the level-4 child.
Hence the program may display the miniature-view of the abovementioned part and the miniature-view of the level-4 child as the children of the node 8313 “Building LGTs from the Ground Up”—in the same order as the appearance of the corresponding part and compound-group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view 7601 named “Building LGTs from the Ground Up”.
1st Child:
2nd Child:
The Level-3 graphical-browse-view 7901 named “Managing Disciplined Experiments will help LGT maximize learning” has two level-4 children. But it also has two parts that provides a detailed point-by-point summary. The first part consists of one point-symbol 7902 and it appears in the beginning of the graphical-browse-view and it is followed by a compound-group-symbol 7903—which, in turn, is followed by the second part that consists of three simple-group-symbols 7904, 7905, 7906—the second part, in turn, is followed by a compound-group-symbol 7907.
The program may display the miniature-views of the two parts and the miniature-views of the two level-4 children as the children of the node 8315 “Managing Disciplined Experiments will help LGT maximize learning”—in the same order as the appearance of the corresponding parts and compound-group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view 7901 named “Managing Disciplined Experiments will help LGT maximize learning”
1st Child:
2nd Child:
3rd Child:
4th Child:
Most of the names of miniature-views may also be found in browse-elements in one or more graphical-browse-views. In those occurrences, the program may format the names as per the formatting of browse-element-text that was described earlier. The program may use the same format to display the names of miniature-views in the tree as well. As shown
As shown in
The program may display the bottom-row nodes with numeric labels 1, 2, 3 . . . etc. 9004, 9005, 9006 as shown in
The program may also display the names of bottom-row nodes in columnar lists 9101 below their respective parent nodes as shown in
The names of bottom-row nodes are also known as low-level headings.
When a user clicks on an article title such as “Ch 4. Changing the Management Model” 9201, the program may display the low-level headings 9301 as shown in
As described earlier, a low-level heading is the name of a node in the bottom-row of the tree and its corresponding graphical-browse-view provides a detailed point-by-point summary of a section of the article. When the user clicks on a low-level heading, the program may display the corresponding graphical-browse-view.
For example, when a user clicks the 2nd low-level heading from the top, namely “Glocalization in GE—inability to grow in developing world”, the program may display the browse-area as shown in
When a user clicks the “Next Section” icon 9402, the program may display the graphical-browse-view corresponding to the next node in the bottom-row of nodes in the tree.
For example, when the graphical-browse-view 9401 corresponding to the 2nd node in the bottom-row of nodes in the tree is displayed as shown in
When a user clicks the “Previous Section” icon 9502, the program may display the graphical-browse-view corresponding to the previous node in the bottom-row of nodes in the tree.
By clicking the “Previous Section” and “Next Section” icons, the user can view, one by one, all the graphical-browse-views that correspond to the bottom-row of nodes of the tree and thus view the detailed point-by-point summary of the whole article.
When the user clicks the “Show bottom-row-nodes” icon 9503, the program may display the miniature-views 9601 of the bottom-row nodes of the tree as shown in
In addition, the program may display the list of low-level headings 9603 i.e. names of the bottom-row nodes”. In the list, the name of the currently displayed graphical-browse-view is highlighted with a distinct color of text. The program may enable the user to scroll the contents of the list to the left or right by clicking the “Previous low-level heading” 9604 and “Next low-level heading” icons 9605.
When the user clicks on a miniature view, the program may display the corresponding graphical-browse-view. For example, when the user clicks on the 5th miniature-view 9606 (whose name is “GE's ultrasound business evolution—illustrates LGT building principles”) in the bottom-row nodes, the program may display the corresponding graphical-browse-view 9701 as shown in
When a user clicks the “Show all low-level headings” icon 9702, the program may show a columnar grouping of low-level headings 9802 as shown in
When the user clicks on a low-level heading in the columnar arrangement as shown in
A graphical-browse-view may contain point-symbols and/or simple-group-symbols and/or compound-group-symbols that may be arranged in one or more tiers. The member browse-elements of the various symbols together provide a summary of the part of the article that is covered by the graphical-browse-view.
Hence it is important that the user be able to focus on the member-elements without being distracted by the text in the header-elements of the simple-group-symbols and compound-group-symbols.
When the user clicks on the “Show headings at the bottom” icon 9903, the program may display the header-elements 9904, 9905, 9906 of the simple-group-symbols at the bottom of the tier 10002, 10003, 10004 as shown in
When the user clicks on the “Show headings at the top” icon 10005, the program may display the header-elements 9904, 9905, 9906 at the top of the simple-group-symbols and compound-group-symbols as shown in
When the user clicks the “Show Upper Nodes” icon 9704 as shown in
To reduce the visual complexity of the tree, initially, the program may display small symbols such as, but not limited to, small circles 10102 in place of the upper nodes of the tree as shown in
When the user clicks the “Show high-level headings” icon 10203, the program may display the names 10301 of the miniature-views in the upper nodes as shown in
In each group-symbol, the member-elements may provide a summary of the section covered by the group-symbol. The header-element of a group-symbol summarizes the information provided by the member-elements of that group-symbol.
Thus the member-elements of all the group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view together provide the summary of the sections covered by those group-symbols while the header-elements of all the group-symbols in the graphical-browse-view together provide the overview of the sections covered by those group-symbols.
When the user clicks the “Show only the column-headings” icon 10402, the program may hide the member-elements and display the graphical-browse-view as shown in
The present invention can be realized in hardware, software, or a combination of hardware and software. An implementation of the method and system of the present invention can be realized in a centralized fashion in one computer system, or in a distributed fashion where different elements are spread across several interconnected computer systems.
In one embodiment of the invention, the method and system of the present invention can be realized in a general purpose computer system with a computer program that, when being loaded and executed, controls the computer system such that it carries out the methods described herein.
The present invention can also be embedded in a computer program product, which comprises all the features enabling the implementation of the methods described herein, and which, when loaded in a computer system is able to carry out these methods.
Computer program or application in the present context means any expression, in any language, code or notation, of a set of instructions intended to cause a system having an information processing capability to perform a particular function either directly or after either or both of the following a) conversion to another language, code or notation; b) reproduction in different material form. Significantly, this invention can be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential attributes.
Examples of computer system include a laptop, a desktop, a tablet computer, a mobile telephone, a personal digital assistant etc. Any kind of computer system, or other apparatus adapted for carrying out the methods described herein, is suited to perform the functions described herein.
Bus 6902 may include a path that permits communication among the components of computer system 6901. Processing logic 6903 may interpret and execute instructions. Memory 6907 may store instructions, data, etc. Memory may include RAM or another type of dynamic storage device, ROM or another type of static storage device, some other type of memory such as magnetic or optical recording medium and its corresponding drive etc.
Operating system 6908 include software instructions to manage hardware and software resources of computer system. Operating system 6908 may include Linux, Solaris, Windows, OS X, IOS, Android, an embedded operating system etc. Applications 6909 and application data 6910 may provide services and applications that may be available on computer system.
Input devices 6904 may allow a user to input information into computer system. Input devices may include keyboard, mouse, pen, microphone, remote control, audio capture device, touch-screen display etc. Output devices 6905 may output information to the user. It may include display units, printers, speakers, LEDs etc. Input devices and output devices may allow a user to activate and interact with a particular service or application, such as a web browser or an application to search for and discover information.
Communication interface 6906 may include receivers and transmitters that enable computer system to communicate with other devices or systems. Communication interface may include network interface cards such as Ethernet card, a wireless network interface. It may also include USB ports, Bluetooth interface, radio-frequency identification interface, near-field communications interface etc.
Computer system 6901 may perform the operations described herein in response to processing logic 6903 executing software instructions stored in a computer-readable medium, such as memory 6907. A computer-readable medium may include a physical and/or logical memory device. The software instructions may be read into memory 6907 from another computer-readable medium or from another device via communication interface 6906. The software instructions stored in memory 6907 may cause processing logic 6903 to perform methods that are described herein.
In another embodiment, the method and system of the present invention can be realized in a distributed fashion where different elements are spread across several computer systems that may be interconnected via one or more networks.
As an example
The computer system may interact with the server via the network to provide the user with the ability to download from the server, whole or parts of the computer program described herein together with a list of articles and parts of XML files described herein for those articles.
The web browser may execute parts of the program and show the list of articles on a display unit to the user. The user may click a particular article entry in order to preview its high-level summary as described earlier. The user may command the program to display the full high-level summary. Such command may cause the computer system to interact with the server via the network and download from the server, more parts of the program and more parts of or the whole XML file described herein for that article.
The program may display the level-1 graphical-browse-view to the user. On viewing the high-level summary in level-1 graphical-browse-view, the user may command the program to display the lower-level graphical browse-views. If the needed parts of the XML file and the needed parts of program have already been downloaded from the server, the program may display the desired graphical-browse-view to the user. Otherwise, the command may cause the computer system to interact with the server via the network and download from the server, more parts of the program and more parts of or the whole XML file described herein for that article. And so on.
The program may enable the user to perform editing via the graphical editor as described earlier in this document. When the user commands the program to save the XML file, the program may cause the computer system to interact with the server via the network and upload the XML file to the server where the XML file may be stored. Alternatively, the program may enable the user to save the XML file locally in the computer system. The sequence of operations above presents an example of the interaction between the user's computer, the network and the server. A user's sessions may consist of much longer and varied sequences of a much broader variety of operations.
The network 180 may include, but not be limited to, one or more of: an Internet protocol (IP) based network, a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), a personal area network (PAN), an intranet, the Internet, a cellular network, a fiber-optic network, a public-switched telephone network (PSTN) or another type of network.
The exemplary configuration of devices in
In consideration of computer systems having the means of producing audio output and receiving voice commands, the operation of showing information on display unit(s) may be accompanied by or may be substituted by producing audio output relevant to the said information. Such production of audio output may include, but not be limited to, text to voice synthesis. In consideration of computer systems having touch-interface, voice-command interface, eye-tracking interface etc., the operation of receiving input includes receiving voice commands as well as input from keyboard, mouse, touch, trackball, tracking of eye movement, eye direction etc.
Aspects of the invention are described below.
In a first aspect, a method of generating a multi-level summary of an article, the method comprising: generating, by a computing device, a low-level summary from article-matter in an article; generating, by the computing device, a mid-level summary based on the low-level summary and the article-matter; and generating, by the computing device, an upper-level summary based on the mid-level summary, the low-level summary, and the article-matter.
In a second aspect, the method of the first aspect may further comprise: receiving the article; analyzing the article-matter to identify points in the article, wherein a point is a unit of information expressed in one or more sentences, phrases, or words; generating a summary of each point, wherein the summary of a point is a point-name and the point-name is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the length of article-matter it covers; and displaying the low-level summary in an outline format.
In a third aspect, the method of the second aspect may further comprise identifying groups of related points, and for each group of related points, generating a summary by analyzing the point-names of the points in the group and the article-matter covered by the points in the group, wherein each group of points is a simple-group, the summary of a group of points is a simple-group-name, and the simple-group and the simple-group-name covers the points in the group and the corresponding point-names, and wherein the simple-group and the simple-group-name covers the article-matter covered by the points in the group.
In a fourth aspect, the method of the third aspect may further comprise identifying groups of related simple-groups, and any related points that are not part of any group so far, and for each group of related simple-groups, and any related points, generating a short summary by analyzing the simple-group-names of the simple-groups in the group, the point-names of the points in the simple-groups in the group, the point-names of the points in the group, and the article-matter covered by the simple-groups and points in the group, wherein each such group of simple-groups and points is a compound-group and the short summary of a group of simple-groups and points is a compound-group-name, wherein the compound-group and the compound-group-name cover the simple-groups and points in the group and the corresponding simple-group-names and point-names, and wherein the compound-group and the compound-group-name cover the article-matter covered by the simple-groups and points in the group.
In a fifth aspect, the method of the fourth aspect may further comprise generating the point-names such that a majority of the displayed point-names have a length less than 105 characters excluding spaces, wherein, when generating a point-name shorter than 105 characters omits important information, generating the point-name having a length less than 210 characters excluding spaces.
In a sixth aspect, the method of the fifth aspect may further comprise generating the point-names such that a majority of the point-names contain a complete declarative sentence or the predicate part of a complete sentence
In a seventh aspect, the method of the sixth aspect may further comprise displaying point-names in at most two lines of text and wherein, when a point-name can not be displayed in two lines of text, displaying the point name in four lines of text wherein the four lines of text are displayed as two pairs of lines of text wherein the vertical space between lines in the first pair is small and the vertical space between the lines in the second pair is small and the vertical space between the two pairs is much larger than the vertical space between the lines in a pair.
In an eighth aspect, the method of the seventh aspect may further comprise: generating the simple-group-names such that each displayed simple-group-name is shorter than 105 characters excluding spaces and includes a complete declarative sentence or the predicate part of a complete sentence; and generating the compound-group-names such that each displayed compound-group-name is shorter than 105 characters excluding spaces and includes a complete declarative sentence or the predicate part of a complete sentence.
In a ninth aspect, the method of the eighth aspect may further comprise comprising: generating the point-names such that a) more than 65% of the point-names are such that each of the corresponding points covers three or fewer sentences in the article-matter, b) more than 45% of the point-names are such that each of the corresponding points covers two or fewer sentences in the article-matter, or c) more than 15% of the point-names are such that each of the corresponding points covers one sentence or less than one sentence in the article-matter.
In a tenth aspect, the method of the fourth aspect may further comprise: generating a higher level of summary by identifying groups of related compound-groups and any related simple-groups that are not part of any group so far, and any related points that are not part of any group so far, and for each such group of related compound-groups, any related simple-groups, and any related points, generating a short summary by analyzing the compound-group-names of the compound-groups in the group, the simple-group-names of any simple-groups in the group, the point-names of any points in the group, and the article-matter covered by the compound-groups, simple-groups and points in the group, wherein each such group of compound-groups, simple-groups and points is a higher-compound-group and the short summary of a group of compound-groups, simple-groups and points is a higher-compound-group-name wherein the higher-compound-group and higher-compound-group-name cover the compound-groups, simple-groups and points in the group and the corresponding compound-group-names, simple-group-names and point-names and wherein the higher-compound-group and the higher-compound-group-name cover the article-matter covered by the compound-groups, simple-groups and points in the group.
In an eleventh aspect, the method of the tenth aspect may further comprise: displaying a low-level summary of the article as a sequence of point-names of all points drawn from the article; displaying a mid-level summary of the article as a sequence of simple-group-names of all simple-groups drawn from the article; displaying an upper-level summary of the article as a sequence of compound-group-names of all compound-groups drawn from the article and displaying a higher-level summary of the article as a sequence of higher-compound-group-names of all higher-compound-groups drawn from the article.
Aspects may relate to mapping summaries to graphical-browse-views. In a twelfth aspect, a method of displaying a low-level summary of the article-matter covered by a simple-group in the form of a simple-group-symbol, and the method may further comprise: generating a symbol of a simple-group by: formatting the simple-group-name of the simple-group and the point-name of each point contained by the simple-group in a columnar arrangement such that the simple-group-name occurs at the top, followed by the point-name of a first point in the simple-group followed by the point-name of a second point in the simple-group and so on, till the point-name of a last point in the simple-group occurs at the bottom in the columnar arrangement wherein such a columnar arrangement of the simple-group-name and point-names is a simple-group-symbol and the order of point-names in the simple-group-symbol is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding points in the overall article-matter; and displaying the simple-group-symbol.
In a thirteenth aspect, the method of the twelfth aspect may further comprise: wherein In a simple-group-symbol, the simple-group-name is the header-element of the simple-group-symbol and the point-names are the member-elements of the simple-group-symbol, displaying the header-element at the bottom of the simple-group-symbol i.e. below the last member-element of the simple-group-symbol, in response to a user command or a user setting; displaying the header-element at the top of the simple-group-symbol i.e. above the first member-element of the simple-group-symbol in response to a user command or a user setting; hiding the header-element of the simple-group-symbol in response to a user command or a user setting, and further, when the header-element is displayed at the top of the simple-group-symbol, displaying the header-element such that the vertical space between the text of the header-element and the text of the first member element is greater than the vertical space between the text of the first member-element and the second member-element.
In a fourteenth aspect, a method of displaying a low-level summary of the article-matter covered by a basic-compound-group, wherein a compound-group that does not contain any compound-group is called a basic-compound-group, the method may comprise: displaying, as per the method in the thirteenth aspect, the simple-group-symbol of each simple-group that is contained by the basic-compound-group and displaying point-names of the points that are contained by the basic-compound-group wherein such points are not contained by a simple-group and wherein the order of displaying the simple-group-symbols and the point-names is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding simple-groups and points in the overall article-matter.
In a fifteenth aspect, the method of the fourteenth aspect may further comprise: when the header-elements are displayed at the bottom of the simple-group-symbols and two or more simple-group-symbols are displayed side by side, displaying the simple-group-symbols such that the first member-elements of the simple-group-symbols are displayed at the same vertical level and the header-elements of the simple-group-symbols are displayed at the same vertical level with the result that the vertical space between the last member-element and the header-element is unequal among the simple-group-symbols that have an unequal number of member-elements
In a sixteenth aspect, a method of displaying a graphical view of low-level summary of the article, the method comprising: for each basic-compound-group in the article, displaying, as per the method in the fifteenth aspect, a low-level summary of the article-matter covered by the basic-compound-group, for each simple-group in the article that is not contained by a basic-compound-group, displaying, as per the method in the thirteenth aspect, the simple-group-symbol of the simple-group, and displaying point-name of each point in the article that is not contained by a basic-compound-group and is not contained by a simple-group, wherein the order of displaying the point-names, simple-group-symbols and low-level-summaries of basic-compound-groups is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding points, simple-groups and basic-compound-groups in the overall article-matter.
In a seventeenth aspect, a method of displaying, in the form of a compound-group-symbol, a mid-level summary of the article-matter covered by a basic-compound-group, the method comprising: generating a symbol of a compound-group by: formatting the compound-group-name of the basic-compound-group, and the names of the members directly contained by the basic-compound-group, namely, the simple-group-name of each simple-group contained by the basic-compound-group and the point-name of each point directly contained by the basic-compound-group in a columnar arrangement such that the compound-group-name is at the top, followed by the name of a first member followed by the name of a second member and so on, till a last member is placed at the bottom in the columnar arrangement wherein such a columnar arrangement is called a compound-group-symbol, wherein the compound-group-name is called the header-element of the compound-group-symbol and the names of members are called member-elements of the compound-group-symbol and wherein the order of the simple-group-names and the point-names in the compound-group-symbol is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding simple-groups and points in the overall article-matter; and displaying the compound-group-symbol.
In an eighteenth aspect, a method of displaying a mid-level summary of the article-matter covered by a bas-par-compound-group, wherein a compound-group that contains one or more basic-compound-groups but no higher-compound-groups is called a bas-par-compound-group, the method comprising: displaying, as per the method in the seventeenth aspect, the compound-group-symbol of each basic-compound-group that is contained by the bas-par-compound-group and displaying simple-group-names of the simple-groups that are contained by the bas-par-compound-group wherein such simple-groups are not contained by a basic-compound-group and displaying point-names of the points that are contained by the bas-par-compound-group wherein each such point is not contained by a basic-compound-group and is not contained by a simple-group and the order of displaying the compound-group-symbols, simple-group-symbols, and the point-names is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding basic-compound-groups, simple-groups and points in the overall article-matter.
In a nineteenth aspect, a method of displaying a graphical view of mid-level summary of the article, the method comprising: for each bas-par-compound-group in the article, displaying, as per the method in the eighteenth aspect, a mid-level summary of the article-matter covered by the bas-par-compound-group, for each basic-compound-group in the article that is not contained by a bas-par-compound-group, displaying, as per the method in the seventeenth aspect, the compound-group-symbol of the basic-compound-group, for each simple-group in the article that is not contained by a bas-par-compound-group, and is not contained by a basic-compound-group, displaying the simple-group-name of that simple-group, and displaying point-name of each point in the article that is not contained by a bas-par-compound-group and is not contained by a basic-compound-group and is not contained by a simple-group wherein the order of displaying the point-names, simple-group-names, compound-group-symbols of basic-compound-groups and mid-level-summaries of bas-par-compound-groups is as per the order of the article-matter covered by the corresponding points, simple-groups, basic-compound-groups and bas-par-compound-groups in the overall article-matter.
Aspects may include mapping the multi-level summary to a layout of nested boxes. The method of the tenth aspect may further comprise a twentieth aspect, described below. In a twentieth aspect, a method of displaying the multi-level summary and the article-matter in a visual layout of nested boxes, the method comprising: for each point-name in the multi-level summary, displaying a box wherein the point-name is displayed as the title of the box and the article-matter covered by the point-name is displayed inside the box and wherein such a box is a point-box; for each simple-group-name in the multi-level summary, displaying a box wherein the simple-group-name is displayed as the title of the box and the article-matter directly covered by the simple-group-name is displayed inside the box and wherein such a box is a simple-group-box and wherein the simple-group-box encloses the point-boxes corresponding to the point-names that are covered by the simple-group-name; for each compound-group-name in the multi-level summary, displaying a box wherein the compound-group-name is displayed as the title of the box and the article-matter directly covered by the compound-group-name is displayed inside the box and wherein such a box is a compound-group-box and wherein the compound-group-box encloses the simple-group-boxes and point-boxes corresponding to the simple-group-names and point-names that are covered by the compound-group-name for each higher-compound-group-name in the multi-level summary, displaying a box wherein the higher-compound-group-name is displayed as the title of the box and the article-matter directly covered by the higher-compound-group-name is displayed in the box and wherein such a box is a higher-compound-group-box and wherein the higher-compound-group-box encloses the compound-group-boxes, simple-group-boxes and point-boxes corresponding to the compound-group-names, simple-group-names and point-names that are covered by the higher-compound-group-name.
In a twenty-first aspect, the method of the twentieth aspect may further comprise: performing special operations to receive input from the user wherein user-selected text in the article-matter displayed in a point-box is received by the computing device as the point-name and title of the point-box.
In a twenty-second aspect, a method of formatting and displaying human-readable text, by a computing device, for easy readability, the method comprising: displaying a sentence by identifying a sequence of phrases in a sentence, based on their content and length, wherein a phrase is a part of a sentence, displaying each phrase on a separate line, wherein the first phrase in the sentence is displayed on a first line, the second phrase in the sentence is displayed on a second line that is below the first line, and so on till the last phrase in the sentence is displayed on a last line.
In a twenty-third aspect, the method of the twenty-second aspect, further comprising: when a sentence occupies a sequence of five or more lines, inserting a vertical space between two consecutive lines wherein a significant part of the sentence ends on the first of the two consecutive lines or a significant part of the sentence begins on the second of the two consecutive lines.
In a twenty-fourth aspect, the method of the twenty-third aspect may further comprise: indenting phrases on the lines they are displayed on, wherein a phrase is indented by displaying empty space at the beginning of the line before the start of the phrase and wherein the computation of the amount of indent is based on the relationship of the phrase with other phrases of the sentence and also the relationships among the other phrases of the sentence and wherein the amount of indent is of non-uniform nature among the phrases of the sentence; it is not simple constant-increment-indenting for successive lines; nor a repetitive pattern of indenting found in poetry.
In a twenty-fifth aspect, the method of the twenty-fourth aspect, further comprising: Displaying each sentence so that it starts on a new line and displaying additional vertical space between a line on which a sentence ends and the line on which the next sentence begins.
Aspects may include browse-button-text related aspects. In a twenty-sixth aspect, 26. A method of displaying an informational item in two lines, wherein the informational item comprises human-readable text, the method comprising: dividing the text into two parts; displaying the first part of the text on a first line and displaying the second part of the text on a second line that is below the first line; displaying empty space at the beginning of the second line before the start of the second part of the text on the second line, such that, as the first line of text and the second line of text are viewed from left to right, the end of text on the second line occurs to the right of the end of text on the first line, wherein dividing the text into two parts includes dividing the text such that the first part of the text fits within one line of display and the second part of the text fits within one line of display.
In a twenty-seventh aspect, the method of the twenty-sixth aspect may further comprise: computing the amount of indent of the text on the second line to fulfill the condition that, as the two lines of text are viewed from left to right, the start of text on the second line occurs to the left of the end of text on the first line, wherein an informational item thus formatted is a browse-element.
In a twenty-eighth aspect, the method of the twenty-seventh aspect may further comprise: displaying a graphical shape behind the two lines of text or displaying borders on one or more sides of the two lines of text to define an area around the two lines of text.
In a twenty-ninth aspect, the method of the twenty-eighth aspect may further comprise: displaying the two lines of text in a bottom-aligned manner within the boundary of the shape or with regards to a border below the two lines of text while including a bottom margin between the text and the bottom of the shape or a border below the text, wherein the bottom margin is smaller than a top margin between the text and the top of the shape or a border above the text.
In a thirtieth aspect, the method of the twenty-seventh aspect, wherein a browse-element includes an informational item in two lines, may further comprise: displaying a group of two or more informational items; wherein the amount of indent in the second line of text in each browse-element is of non-uniform nature among the browse-elements in the group; wherein the amount of indent in the second line of text in the browse-elements is based on a computation to ensure that as the two lines of text in a browse-element are viewed from left to right, the end of text on the second line occurs to the right of the end of text on the first line, and the start of text on the second line occurs to the left of the end of text on the first line.
In a thirty-first aspect, the method of the thirtieth aspect may further comprise: displaying the group of informational items in a column of browse-elements such that each informational item is displayed as a browse-element above the browse-element of another informational item but for a browse-element of a last information item; and for a subgroup consisting of two or more informational items in the column, computing the amount of indent in the second line of text in the browse-elements to align the last character of the second text line of one informational item with the last character of the second text line of each of the remaining informational items in the subgroup.
This application claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/829,757, filed May 31, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference. This application also claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/892,701, filed Oct. 18, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference.
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Entry |
International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Feb. 12, 2015, issued in corresponding PCT application PCT/US2014/040530, 10 pages. |
International Preliminary Report on Patentability dated Dec. 10, 2015, issued in corresponding PCT application PCT/US2014/040530, 8 pages. |
Number | Date | Country | |
20150121181 A1 | Apr 2015 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
61829757 | May 2013 | US | |
61892701 | Oct 2013 | US |