The invention relates to a method and to an apparatus for compressing and decompressing a Higher Order Ambisonics signal representation, wherein directional and ambient components are processed in a different manner.
Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) offers the advantage of capturing a complete sound field in the vicinity of a specific location in the three dimensional space, which location is called ‘sweet spot’. Such HOA representation is independent of a specific loudspeaker set-up, in contrast to channel-based techniques like stereo or surround. But this flexibility is at the expense of a decoding process required for playback of the HOA representation on a particular loudspeaker set-up.
HOA is based on the description of the complex amplitudes of the air pressure for individual angular wave numbers k for positions x in the vicinity of a desired listener position, which without loss of generality may be assumed to be the origin of a spherical coordinate system, using a truncated Spherical Harmonics (SH) expansion. The spatial resolution of this representation improves with a growing maximum order N of the expansion. Unfortunately, the number of expansion coefficients O grows quadratically with the order N, i.e. O=(N+1)2. For example, typical HOA representations using order N=4 require O=25 HOA coefficients. Given a desired sampling rate fs and the number Nb of bits per sample, the total bit rate for the transmission of an HOA signal representation is determined by O·fs·Nb, and transmission of an HOA signal representation of order N=4 with a sampling rate of fs=48 kHz employing Nb=16 bits per sample is resulting in a bit rate of 19.2 MBits/s. Thus, compression of HOA signal representations is highly desirable.
An overview of existing spatial audio compression approaches can be found in patent application EP 10306472.1 or in I. Elfitri, B. Günel, A. M. Kondoz, “Multichannel Audio Coding Based on Analysis by Synthesis”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 657-670, April 2011.
The following techniques are more relevant with respect to the invention.
B-format signals, which are equivalent to Ambisonics representations of first order, can be compressed using Directional Audio Coding (DirAC) as described in V. Pulkki, “Spatial Sound Reproduction with Directional Audio Coding”, Journal of Audio Eng. Society, vol. 55(6), pp. 503-516, 2007. In one version proposed for teleconference applications, the B-format signal is coded into a single omni-directional signal as well as side information in the form of a single direction and a diffuseness parameter per frequency band. However, the resulting drastic reduction of the data rate comes at the price of a minor signal quality obtained at reproduction. Further, DirAC is limited to the compression of Ambisonics representations of first order, which suffer from a very low spatial resolution.
The known methods for compression of HOA representations with N>1 are quite rare. One of them performs direct encoding of individual HOA coefficient sequences employing the perceptual Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) codec, c.f. E. Hellerud, I. Burnett, A. Solvang, U. Peter Svensson, “Encoding Higher Order Ambisonics with AAC”, 124th AES Convention, Amsterdam, 2008. However, the inherent problem with such approach is the perceptual coding of signals that are never listened to. The reconstructed playback signals are usually obtained by a weighted sum of the HOA coefficient sequences. That is why there is a high probability for the unmasking of perceptual coding noise when the decompressed HOA representation is rendered on a particular loudspeaker set-up. In more technical terms, the major problem for perceptual coding noise unmasking is the high cross-correlations between the individual HOA coefficients sequences. Because the coded noise signals in the individual HOA coefficient sequences are usually uncorrelated with each other, there may occur a constructive superposition of the perceptual coding noise while at the same time the noise-free HOA coefficient sequences are cancelled at superposition. A further problem is that the mentioned cross correlations lead to a reduced efficiency of the perceptual coders.
In order to minimise the extent these effects, it is proposed in EP 10306472.1 to transform the HOA representation to an equivalent representation in the spatial domain before perceptual coding. The spatial domain signals correspond to conventional directional signals, and would correspond to the loudspeaker signals if the loudspeakers were positioned in exactly the same directions as those assumed for the spatial domain transform.
The transform to spatial domain reduces the cross-correlations between the individual spatial domain signals. However, the cross-correlations are not completely eliminated. An example for relatively high cross-correlations is a directional signal, whose direction falls in-between the adjacent directions covered by the spatial domain signals.
A further disadvantage of EP 10306472.1 and the above-mentioned Hellerud et al. article is that the number of perceptually coded signals is (N+1)2, where N is the order of the HOA representation. Therefore the data rate for the compressed HOA representation is growing quadratically with the Ambisonics order.
The inventive compression processing performs a decomposition of an HOA sound field representation into a directional component and an ambient component. In particular for the computation of the directional sound field component a new processing is described below for the estimation of several dominant sound directions.
Regarding existing methods for direction estimation based on Ambisonics, the above-mentioned Pulkki article describes one method in connection with DirAC coding for the estimation of the direction, based on the B-format sound field representation. The direction is obtained from the average intensity vector, which points to the direction of flow of the sound field energy. An alternative based on the B-format is proposed in D. Levin, S. Gannot, E. A. P. Habets, “Direction-of-Arrival Estimation using Acoustic Vector Sensors in the Presence of Noise”, IEEE Proc. of the ICASSP, pp. 105-108, 2011. The direction estimation is performed iteratively by searching for that direction which provides the maximum power of a beam former output signal steered into that direction.
However, both approaches are constrained to the B-format for the direction estimation, which suffers from a relatively low spatial resolution. An additional disadvantage is that the estimation is restricted to only a single dominant direction.
HOA representations offer an improved spatial resolution and thus allow an improved estimation of several dominant directions. The existing methods performing an estimation of several directions based on HOA sound field representations are quite rare. An approach based on compressive sensing is proposed in N. Epain, C. Jin, A. van Schaik, “The Application of Compressive Sampling to the Analysis and Synthesis of Spatial Sound Fields”, 127th Convention of the Audio Eng. Soc., New York, 2009, and in A. Wabnitz, N. Epain, A. van Schaik, C Jin, “Time Domain Reconstruction of Spatial Sound Fields Using Compressed Sensing”, IEEE Proc. of the ICASSP, pp. 465-468, 2011. The main idea is to assume the sound field to be spatially sparse, i.e. to consist of only a small number of directional signals. Following allocation of a high number of test directions on the sphere, an optimisation algorithm is employed in order to find as few test directions as possible together with the corresponding directional signals, such that they are well described by the given HOA representation. This method provides an improved spatial resolution compared to that which is actually provided by the given HOA representation, since it circumvents the spatial dispersion resulting from a limited order of the given HOA representation. However, the performance of the algorithm heavily depends on whether the sparsity assumption is satisfied. In particular, the approach fails if the sound field contains any minor additional ambient components, or if the HOA representation is affected by noise which will occur when it is computed from multi-channel recordings.
A further, rather intuitive method is to transform the given HOA representation to the spatial domain as described in B. Rafaely, “Plane-wave decomposition of the sound field on a sphere by spherical convolution”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 4, no. 116, pp. 2149-2157, October 2004, and then to search for maxima in the directional powers. The disadvantage of this approach is that the presence of ambient components leads to a blurring of the directional power distribution and to a displacement of the maxima of the directional powers compared to the absence of any ambient component.
A problem to be solved by the invention is to provide a compression for HOA signals whereby the high spatial resolution of the HOA signal representation is still kept. This problem is solved by the methods disclosed in claims 1 and 2. Apparatuses that utilise these methods are disclosed in claims 3 and 4.
The invention addresses the compression of Higher Order Ambisonics HOA representations of sound fields. In this application, the term ‘HOA’ denotes the Higher Order Ambisonics representation as such as well as a correspondingly encoded or represented audio signal. Dominant sound directions are estimated and the HOA signal representation is decomposed into a number of dominant directional signals in time domain and related direction information, and an ambient component in HOA domain, followed by compression of the ambient component by reducing its order. After that decomposition, the ambient HOA component of reduced order is transformed to the spatial domain, and is perceptually coded together with the directional signals.
At receiver or decoder side, the encoded directional signals and the order-reduced encoded ambient component are perceptually decompressed. The perceptually decompressed ambient signals are transformed to an HOA domain representation of reduced order, followed by order extension. The total HOA representation is re-composed from the directional signals and the corresponding direction information and from the original-order ambient HOA component.
Advantageously, the ambient sound field component can be represented with sufficient accuracy by an HOA representation having a lower than original order, and the extraction of the dominant directional signals ensures that, following compression and decompression, a high spatial resolution is still achieved.
In principle, the inventive method is suited for compressing a Higher Order Ambisonics HOA signal representation, said method including the steps:
In principle, the inventive method is suited for decompressing a Higher Order Ambisonics HOA signal representation that was compressed by the steps:
In principle the inventive apparatus is suited for compressing a Higher Order Ambisonics HOA signal representation, said apparatus including:
In principle the inventive apparatus is suited for decompressing a Higher Order Ambisonics HOA signal representation that was compressed by the steps:
Advantageous additional embodiments of the invention are disclosed in the respective dependent claims.
Exemplary embodiments of the invention are described with reference to the accompanying drawings, which show in:
Ambisonics signals describe sound fields within source-free areas using Spherical Harmonics (SH) expansion. The feasibility of this description can be attributed to the physical property that the temporal and spatial behaviour of the sound pressure is essentially determined by the wave equation.
For a more detailed description of Ambisonics, in the following a spherical coordinate system is assumed, where a point in space x=(r,θ,φ)T is represented by a radius r>0 (i.e. the distance to the coordinate origin), an inclination angle θ∈[0,π] measured from the polar axis z, and an azimuth angle φ∈[0,π] measured in the x=y plane from the x axis. In this spherical coordinate system the wave equation for the sound pressure p(t,x) within a connected source-free area, where t denotes time, is given by the textbook of Earl G. Williams, “Fourier Acoustics”, vol. 93 of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Academic Press, 1999:
with cs indicating the speed of sound. As a consequence, the Fourier transform of the sound pressure with respect to time
where i denotes the imaginary unit, may be expanded into the series of SH according to the Williams textbook:
P(kcs,(r,θ,φ)T)=Σn=0∞Σm=−nnpnm(kr)Ynm(θ,φ). (4)
It should be noted that this expansion is valid for all points x within a connected source-free area, which corresponds to the region of convergence of the series.
In eq. (4), k denotes the angular wave number defined by
and pnm(kr) indicates the SH expansion coefficients, which depend only on the product kr.
Further, Ynm(ƒ,φ) are the SH functions of order n and degree m:
where Pnm(cos θ) denote the associated Legendre functions and (•)! indicates the factorial.
The associated Legendre functions for non-negative degree indices m are defined through the Legendre polynomials Pn(x) by
For negative degree indices, i.e. m<0, the associated Legendre functions are defined by
The Legendre polynomials Pn(x) (n≧0) in turn can be defined using the Rodrigues' Formula as
In the prior art, e.g. in M. Poletti, “Unified Description of Ambisonics using Real and Complex Spherical Harmonics”, Proceedings of the Ambisonics Symposium 2009, 25-27 Jun. 2009, Graz, Austria, there also exist definitions of the SH functions which deviate from that in eq. (6) by a factor of (−1)m for negative degree indices m.
Alternatively, the Fourier transform of the sound pressure with respect to time can be expressed using real SH functions Snm(θ,φ) as
P(kcs,(r,θ,φ)T)=Σn=0∞Σm=−nngnm(kr)Snm(θ,φ). (10)
In literature, there exist various definitions of the real SH functions (see e.g. the above-mentioned Poletti article). One possible definition, which is applied throughout this document, is given by
where (•)* denotes complex conjugation. An alternative expression is obtained by inserting eq. (6) into eq. (11):
Although the real SH functions are real-valued per definition, this does not hold for the corresponding expansion coefficients qnm(kr) in general.
The complex SH functions are related to the real SH functions as follows:
The complex SH functions Ynm(θ,φ) as well as the real SH functions Snm(θ,φ) with the direction vector Ω:=(θ,φ)T form an orthonormal basis for squared integrable complex valued functions on the unit sphere S2 in the three-dimensional space, and thus obey the conditions
where δ denotes the Kronecker delta function. The second result can be derived using eq. (15) and the definition of the real spherical harmonics in eq. (11).
The purpose of Ambisonics is a representation of a sound field in the vicinity of the coordinate origin. Without loss of generality, this region of interest is here assumed to be a ball of radius R centred in the coordinate origin, which is specified by the set {x|0≦r≦R}. A crucial assumption for the representation is that this ball is supposed to not contain any sound sources. Finding the representation of the sound field within this ball is termed the ‘interior problem’, cf. the above-mentioned Williams textbook.
It can be shown that for the interior problem the SH functions expansion coefficients pnm(kr) can be expressed as
m(kr)=anm(k)jn(kr), (17)
where jn(.) denote the spherical Bessel functions of first order. From eq. (17) it follows that the complete information about the sound field is contained in the coefficients anm(k), which are referred to as Ambisonics coefficients.
Similarly, the coefficients of the real SH functions expansion qnm(kr) can be factorised as
m(kr)=bnm(k)jn(kr), (18)
where the coefficients bnm(k) are referred to as Ambisonics coefficients with respect to the expansion using real-valued SH functions. They are related to anm(k) through
The sound field within a sound source-free ball centred in the coordinate origin can be expressed by a superposition of an infinite number of plane waves of different angular wave numbers k, impinging on the ball from all possible directions, cf. the above-mentioned Rafaely “Plane-wave decomposition . . . ” article. Assuming that the complex amplitude of a plane wave with angular wave number k from the direction Ω0 is given by D(k,Ω0), it can be shown in a similar way by using eq. (11) and eq. (19) that the corresponding Ambisonics coefficients with respect to the real SH functions expansion are given by
n,plane wave
m(k;Ω0)=4πinD(k,Ω0)Snm(Ω0). (20)
Consequently, the Ambisonics coefficients for the sound field resulting from a superposition of an infinite number of plane waves of angular wave number k are obtained from an integration of eq. (20) over all possible directions Ω0∈S2:
The function D(k,Ω) is termed ‘amplitude density’ and is assumed to be square integrable on the unit sphere S2. It can be expanded into the series of real SH functions as
D(k,Ω)=Σn=0∞Σm=−nncnm(k)Snm(Ω), (23)
where the expansion coefficients cnm(k) are equal to the integral occurring in eq. (22), i.e.
By inserting eq. (24) into eq. (22) it can be seen that the Ambisonics coefficients bnm(k) are a scaled version of the expansion coefficients cnm(k), i.e.
m(k)=4πincnm(k). (25)
When applying the inverse Fourier transform with respect to time to the scaled Ambisonics coefficients cnm(k) and to the amplitude density function D(k,Ω), the corresponding time domain quantities
are obtained. Then, in the time domain, eq. (24) can be formulated as
{tilde over (c)}
The time domain directional signal d(t,Ω) may be represented by a real SH function expansion according to
d(t,Ω)=Σn=0∞Σm=−nn{tilde over (c)}nm(t)Snm(Ω). (29)
Using the fact that the SH functions Snm(Ω) are real-valued, its complex conjugate can be expressed by
d*(t,Ω)=Σn=0∞Σm=−nn{tilde over (c)}nm*(t)Snm(Ω). (30)
Assuming the time domain signal d(t,Ω) to be real-valued, i.e. d(t,Ω)=d*(t,Ω), it follows from the comparison of eq. (29) with eq. (30) that the coefficients {tilde over (c)}nm*(t) are real-valued in that case, i.e. {tilde over (c)}nm(t)={tilde over (c)}nm*(t).
The coefficients {tilde over (c)}nm(t) will be referred to as scaled time domain Ambisonics coefficients in the following.
In the following it is also assumed that the sound field representation is given by these coefficients, which will be described in more detail in the below section dealing with the compression.
It is noted that the time domain HOA representation by the coefficients {tilde over (c)}nm(t) used for the processing according to the invention is equivalent to a corresponding frequency domain HOA representation cnm(k). Therefore the described compression and decompression can be equivalently realised in the frequency domain with minor respective modifications of the equations.
Spatial Resolution with Finite Order
In practice the sound field in the vicinity of the coordinate origin is described using only a finite number of Ambisonics coefficients cnm(k) of order n≦N. Computing the amplitude density function from the truncated series of SH functions according to
N(k,Ω):=Σn=0NΣm=−nncnm(k)Snm(Ω) (31)
introduces a kind of spatial dispersion compared to the true amplitude density function D(k,Ω), cf. the above-mentioned “Plane-wave decomposition . . . ” article. This can be realised by computing the amplitude density function for a single plane wave from the direction Ω0 using eq. (31):
where Θ denotes the angle between the two vectors pointing towards the directions Ω and Ω0 satisfying the property
cos Θ=cos θ cos θ0+cos(φ−φ0)sin θ sin θ0. (39)
In eq. (34) the Ambisonics coefficients for a plane wave given in eq. (20) are employed, while in equations (35) and (36) some mathematical theorems are exploited, cf. the above-mentioned “Plane-wave decomposition . . . ” article. The property in eq. (33) can be shown using eq. (14).
Comparing eq. (37) to the true amplitude density function
where δ(•) denotes the Dirac delta function, the spatial dispersion becomes obvious from the replacement of the scaled Dirac delta function by the dispersion function vN(Θ) which, after having been normalised by its maximum value, is illustrated in
Because the first zero of VN(0)is located approximately at
for N≧4 (see the above-mentioned “Plane-wave decomposition . . . ” article), the dispersion effect is reduced (and thus the spatial resolution is improved) with increasing Ambisonics order N.
For N→∞ the dispersion function vN(Θ) converges to the scaled Dirac delta function. This can be seen if the completeness relation for the Legendre polynomials
is used together with eq. (35) to express the limit of vN(Θ) for N→∞ as
When defining the vector of real SH functions of order n≦N by
S(Ω):=(S00(Ω),S1−1(Ω),S10(Ω),S11(Ω),S1−2(Ω),SNN(Ω))T∈0, (46)
where 0=(N+1)2 and where (.)T denotes transposition, the comparison of eq. (37) with eq. (33) shows that the dispersion function can be expressed through the scalar product of two real SH vectors as
N(Θ)=ST(Ω)S(Ω0). (47)
The dispersion can be equivalently expressed in time domain as
For some applications it is desirable to determine the scaled time domain Ambisonics coefficients {tilde over (c)}nm(t) from the samples of the time domain amplitude density function d(t,Ω) at a finite number J of discrete directions Ωj. The integral in eq. (28) is then approximated by a finite sum according to B. Rafaely, “Analysis and Design of Spherical Microphone Arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 135-143, January 2005:
{tilde over (c)}
m(t)≈Σj=1Jgj·(t,Ωj)Snm(Ωj), (50)
where the gj denote some appropriately chosen sampling weights. In contrast to the “Analysis and Design . . . ” article, approximation (50) refers to a time domain representation using real SH functions rather than to a frequency domain representation using complex SH functions. A necessary condition for approximation (50) to become exact is that the amplitude density is of limited harmonic order N, meaning that
{tilde over (c)}
m(t)=0 for n>N. (51)
If this condition is not met, approximation (50) suffers from spatial aliasing errors, cf. B. Rafaely, “Spatial Aliasing in Spherical Microphone Arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1003-1010, March 2007. A second necessary condition requires the sampling points Ωj and the corresponding weights to fulfil the corresponding conditions given in the “Analysis and Design . . . ” article:
Σj=1JgjSn′m′(Ωj)Snm(Ωj)=δn-n′δm-m′ for m,m′≦N. (52)
The conditions (51) and (52) jointly are sufficient for exact sampling.
The sampling condition (52) consists of a set of linear equations, which can be formulated compactly using a single matrix equation as
ΨGΨH=I, (53)
where ΨP indicates the mode matrix defined by
Ψ=[S(Ω1) . . . S(Ωj)]∈O×J (54)
and G denotes the matrix with the weights on its diagonal, i.e.
G:=diag(g1,gJ). (55)
From eq. (53) it can be seen that a necessary condition for eq. (52) to hold is that the number J of sampling points fulfils J≧O. Collecting the values of the time domain amplitude density at the J sampling points into the vector
w(t):=(D(t,Ω1), . . . ,D(t,ΩJ))T, (56)
and defining the vector of scaled time domain Ambisonics coefficients by
c(t):=({tilde over (c)}00(t),{tilde over (c)}1−1(t),{tilde over (c)}10(t),{tilde over (c)}11(t),{tilde over (c)}2−2(t),{tilde over (c)}00(t))T, (57)
both vectors are related through the SH functions expansion (29). This relation provides the following system of linear equations:
w(t)=ΨHc(t). (58)
Using the introduced vector notation, the computation of the scaled time domain Ambisonics coefficients from the values of the time domain amplitude density function samples can be written as
c(t)≈ΨGw(t). (59)
Given a fixed Ambisonics order N, it is often not possible to compute a number J≧0 of sampling points Ωj and the corresponding weights such that the sampling condition eq. (52) holds. However, if the sampling points are chosen such that the sampling condition is well approximated, then the rank of the mode matrix Ψ is 0 and its condition number low. In this case, the pseudo-inverse
Ψ+:=(ΨΨH)−1ΨΨ+ (60)
of the mode matrix Ψ exists and a reasonable approximation of the scaled time domain Ambisonics coefficient vector c(t) from the vector of the time domain amplitude density function samples is given by
c(t)≈Ψ+w(t). (61)
If J=0 and the rank of the mode matrix is 0, then its pseudo-inverse coincides with its inverse since
Ψ+=(ΨΨH)−1Ψ=Ψ−HΨ−1Ψ=Ψ−H (62)
If additionally the sampling condition eq. (52) is satisfied, then
Ψ−H=ΨG (63)
holds and both approximations (59) and (61) are equivalent and exact.
Vector w(t) can be interpreted as a vector of spatial time domain signals. The transform from the HOA domain to the spatial domain can be performed e.g. by using eq. (58). This kind of transform is termed ‘Spherical Harmonic Transform’ (SHT) in this application and is used when the ambient HOA component of reduced order is transformed to the spatial domain. It is implicitly assumed that the spatial sampling points Ωj for the SHT approximately satisfy the sampling condition in eq. (52) with
for j=1, . . . , J and that J=0.
Under these assumptions the SHT matrix satisfies
In case the absolute scaling for the SHT not being important, the constant
can be neglected.
This invention is related to the compression of a given HOA signal representation. As mentioned above, the HOA representation is decomposed into a predefined number of dominant directional signals in the time domain and an ambient component in HOA domain, followed by compression of the HOA representation of the ambient component by reducing its order. This operation exploits the assumption, which is supported by listening tests, that the ambient sound field component can be represented with sufficient accuracy by a HOA representation with a low order. The extraction of the dominant directional signals ensures that, following that compression and a corresponding decompression, a high spatial resolution is retained.
After the decomposition, the ambient HOA component of reduced order is transformed to the spatial domain, and is perceptually coded together with the directional signals as described in section Exemplary embodiments of patent application EP 10306472.1.
The compression processing includes two successive steps, which are depicted in
In the first step or stage shown in
In the second step shown in
Advantageously, the perceptual compression of all time domain signals X(l) and WA,RED(l) can be performed jointly in a perceptual coder 27 in order to improve the overall coding efficiency by exploiting the potentially remaining inter-channel correlations.
The decompression processing for a received or replayed signal is depicted in
In the first step or stage shown in
In the second step or stage shown in
A problem solved by the invention is the considerable reduction of the data rate as compared to existing compression methods for HOA representations. In the following the achievable compression rate compared to the non-compressed HOA representation is discussed. The compression rate results from the comparison of the data rate required for the transmission of a non-compressed HOA signal C(l) of order N with the data rate required for the transmission of a compressed signal representation consisting of D perceptually coded directional signals X(l) with corresponding directions
For the transmission of the non-compressed HOA signal C(l) a data rate of O·fS·Nb is required. On the contrary, the transmission of D perceptually coded directional signals X(l) requires a data rate of D·fb,COD, where fb,COD denotes the bit rate of the perceptually coded signals. Similarly, the transmission of the NRED perceptually coded spatial domain signals WA,RED(l) signals requires a bit rate of ORED·fb,COD.
The directions
Therefore, the transmission of the compressed representation requires a data rate of approximately (D+ORED)·fb,COD. Consequently, the compression rate rCOMPR is
For example, the compression of an HOA representation of order N=4 employing a sampling rate fS=48 kHz and Nb=16 bits per sample to a representation with D=3 dominant directions using a reduced HOA order NRED=2 and a bit rate of
will result in a compression rate of rCOMPR≈25. The transmission of the compressed representation requires a data rate of approximately
As explained in the Background section, the perceptual compression of spatial domain signals described in patent application EP 10306472.1 suffers from remaining cross correlations between the signals, which may lead to unmasking of perceptual coding noise. According to the invention, the dominant directional signals are first extracted from the HOA sound field representation before being perceptually coded. This means that, when composing the HOA representation, after perceptual decoding the coding noise has exactly the same spatial directivity as the directional signals. In particular, the contributions of the coding noise as well as that of the directional signal to any arbitrary direction is deterministically described by the spatial dispersion function explained in section Spatial resolution with finite order. In other words, at any time instant the HOA coefficients vector representing the coding noise is exactly a multiple of the HOA coefficients vector representing the directional signal. Thus, an arbitrarily weighted sum of the noisy HOA coefficients will not lead to any unmasking of the perceptual coding noise.
Further, the ambient component of reduced order is processed exactly as proposed in EP 10306472.1, but because per definition the spatial domain signals of the ambient component have a rather low correlation between each other, the probability for perceptual noise unmasking is low.
The inventive direction estimation is dependent on the directional power distribution of the energetically dominant HOA component. The directional power distribution is computed from the rank-reduced correlation matrix of the HOA representation, which is obtained by eigenvalue decomposition of the correlation matrix of the HOA representation. Compared to the direction estimation used in the above-mentioned “Plane-wave decomposition . . . ” article, it offers the advantage of being more precise, since focusing on the energetically dominant HOA component instead of using the complete HOA representation for the direction estimation reduces the spatial blurring of the directional power distribution.
Compared to the direction estimation proposed in the above-mentioned “The Application of Compressive Sampling to the Analysis and Synthesis of Spatial Sound Fields” and “Time Domain Reconstruction of Spatial Sound Fields Using Compressed Sensing” articles, it offers the advantage of being more robust. The reason is that the decomposition of the HOA representation into the directional and ambient component can hardly ever be accomplished perfectly, so that there remains a small ambient component amount in the directional component. Then, compressive sampling methods like in these two articles fail to provide reasonable direction estimates due to their high sensitivity to the presence of ambient signals.
Advantageously, the inventive direction estimation does not suffer from this problem.
The described decomposition of the HOA representation into a number of directional signals with related direction information and an ambient component in HOA domain can be used for a signal-adaptive DirAC-like rendering of the HOA representation according to that proposed in the above-mentioned Pulkki article “Spatial Sound Reproduction with Directional Audio Coding”.
Each HOA component can be rendered differently because the physical characteristics of the two components are different. For example, the directional signals can be rendered to the loudspeakers using signal panning techniques like Vector Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP), cf. V. Pulkki, “Virtual Sound Source Positioning Using Vector Base Amplitude Panning”, Journal of Audio Eng. Society, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 456-466, 1997. The ambient HOA component can be rendered using known standard HOA rendering techniques.
Such rendering is not restricted to Ambisonics representation of order ‘1’ and can thus be seen as an extension of the DirAC-like rendering to HOA representations of order N>1.
The estimation of several directions from an HOA signal representation can be used for any related kind of sound field analysis.
The following sections describe in more detail the signal processing steps.
As input, the scaled time domain HOA coefficients {tilde over (c)}nm(t) defined in eq. (26) are assumed to be sampled at a rate
A vector c(j) is defined to be composed of all coefficients belonging to the sampling time t=jTS, j∈, according to
c(j):=[{tilde over (c)}00(jTS),{tilde over (c)}1−1(jTS),{tilde over (c)}10(jTS),{tilde over (c)}11(jTS),{tilde over (c)}2−2(jTS),{tilde over (c)}NN(jTS)]T∈O. (65)
The incoming vectors c(j) of scaled HOA coefficients are framed in framing step or stage 21 into non-overlapping frames of length B according to
C(l):=[c(lB+1)c(lB+2) . . . c(lB+B)]∈O×B. (66)
Assuming a sampling rate of fs=48 kHz, an appropriate frame length is B=1200 samples corresponding to a frame duration of 25 ms.
For the estimation of the dominant directions the following correlation matrix
is computed. The summation over the current frame l and L−1 previous frames indicates that the directional analysis is based on long overlapping groups of frames with L·B samples, i.e. for each current frame the content of adjacent frames is taken into consideration. This contributes to the stability of the directional analysis for two reasons: longer frames are resulting in a greater number of observations, and the direction estimates are smoothed due to overlapping frames.
Assuming fS=48 kHz and B=1200, a reasonable value for L is 4 corresponding to an overall frame duration of 100 ms.
Next, an eigenvalue decomposition of the correlation matrix B(l) is determined according to
B(l)=V(l)Λ(l)VT(l), (68)
wherein matrix V(l) is composed of the eigenvectors vi(l), 1≦i≦0, as
V(l):=[v1(l)v2(l) . . . vO(l)]∈O×O (69)
and matrix Λ(l) is a diagonal matrix with the corresponding eigenvalues λi(l), 1≦i≦0, on its diagonal:
Λ(l):=diag(λ1(l),λ2(l), . . . ,λ0(l))∈0×0. (70)
It is assumed that the eigenvalues are indexed in a non-ascending order, i.e.
λ1(l)≧λ2(l)≧ . . . ≧λ0(l). (71)
Thereafter, the index set {1, . . . , {tilde over (j)}(l)} of dominant eigenvalues is computed. One possibility to manage this is defining a desired minimal broadband directional-to-ambient power ratio DARMIN and then determining {tilde over (j)}(l) such that
A reasonable choice for DARMIN is 15 dB. The number of dominant eigenvalues is further constrained to be not greater than D in order to concentrate on no more than D dominant directions. This is accomplished by replacing the index set {1, . . . , {tilde over (J)}(l)} by {1, . . . , J(l)}, where
J(l):=max({tilde over (j)}(l),D). (73)
Next, the j(l)-rank approximation of B(l) is obtained by
J(l):=VJ(l)ΛJ(l)VJT(l), where (74)
J(l):=[v1(l)v2(l) . . . vJ(l)(l)]∈0×J(l), (75)
ΛJ(l):=diag(λ1(l)),λ2(l), . . . ,λJ(l)(l))∈J(l)×j(l). (76)
This matrix should contain the contributions of the dominant directional components to B(l).
Thereafter, the vector
is computed, where E denotes a mode matrix with respect to a high number of nearly equally distributed test directions Ωq:=(θq,φq), 1≦q≦Q, where θq∈[0,π] denotes the inclination angle θ∈[0,π] measured from the polar axis z and φq∈[−π,π] denotes the azimuth angle measured in the x=y plane from the x axis.
Mode matrix Ξ is defined by
Ξ=[S1S2 . . . SQ]∈0×Q (79)
0(Ωq),S1−1(Ωq),S10(Ωq),S1−1(Ωq),S2−2(Ωq), . . . ,SNN(Ωq)]T (80)
for 1≦q≦Q.
The σq2(l) elements of σ2(l) are approximations of the powers of plane waves, corresponding to dominant directional signals, impinging from the directions Ωq. The theoretical explanation for that is provided in the below section Explanation of direction search algorithm.
From σ2(l) a number {tilde over (D)}(l) of dominant directions ΩCURRDOM,d(l) 1≦{tilde over (d)}≦{tilde over (D)}(l), for the determination of the directional signal components is computed. The number of dominant directions is thereby constrained to fulfil {tilde over (D)}(l)≦D in order to assure a constant data rate. However, if a variable data rate is allowed, the number of dominant directions can be adapted to the current sound scene.
One possibility to compute the {tilde over (D)}(l) dominant directions is to set the first dominant direction to that with the maximum power, i.e. ΩCURRDOM,1(l)=Ωq2 with
1|Θq,1>ΘMIN} The remaining dominant directions are determined in an analogous way.
The number {tilde over (D)}(l) of dominant directions can be determined by regarding the powers σq
The overall processing for the computation of all dominant directions is can be carried out as follows:
1 = {1, 2, . . . , Q}
(l) =
= {q ε
| ∠ (Ωq,
) > θMIN}
Next, the directions ΩCURRDOM,{tilde over (d)}(l), 1≦{tilde over (d)}≦{tilde over (D)}(l), obtained in the current frame are smoothed with the directions from the previous frames, resulting in smoothed directions
Σ{tilde over (d)}=1{tilde over (D)}(l)∠(ΩCURRDOM,{tilde over (d)}(l),
is minimised. Such an assignment problem can be solved using the well-known Hungarian algorithm, cf. H. W. Kuhn, “The Hungarian method for the assignment problem”, Naval research logistics quarterly 2, no. 1-2, pp. 83-97, 1955. The angles between current directions ΩCURRDOM,{tilde over (d)}(l) and inactive directions (see below for explanation of the term ‘inactive direction’) from the previous frame
({tilde over (d)})(l)=(1−αΩ)·
Δφ,[0,2π[,{tilde over (d)}(l):=[φDOM,{tilde over (d)}(l)−
DOM,[0,2π[,{tilde over (d)}(l):=[
In case {tilde over (D)}(l)<D, there are directions
NA(l):={1, . . . ,D}\{ƒA,l({tilde over (d)})|1≦{tilde over (d)}≦D}. (88)
The respective directions are copied from the last frame, i.e.
DOM,d(l)= NA(l). (89)
Directions which are not assigned for a predefined number LIA of frames are termed inactive.
Thereafter the index set of active directions denoted by ACT(l) is computed. Its cardinality is denoted by DACT(l):=|
Then all smoothed directions are concatenated into a single direction matrix as
The computation of the direction signals is based on mode matching. In particular, a search is made for those directional signals whose HOA representation results in the best approximation of the given HOA signal. Because the changes of the directions between successive frames can lead to a discontinuity of the directional signals, estimates of the directional signals for overlapping frames can be computed, followed by smoothing the results of successive overlapping frames using an appropriate window function. The smoothing, however, introduces a latency of a single frame.
The detailed estimation of the directional signals is explained in the following:
First, the mode matrix based on the smoothed active directions is computed according to
[S00( 0, (92)
wherein dACT,j, 1≦j≦DACT(l) denotes the indices of the active directions.
Next, a matrix XINST(l) is computed that contains the non-smoothed estimates of all directional signals for the (l×1)-th and l-th frame:
INST(l):=[xINST(l,1)xINST(l,2) . . . XINST(l,2B)]∈D×2B (93)
INST(l,j):=[xINST,1(l,j),xINST,2(l,j), . . . ,xINST,D(l,j)T∈D,1≦j≦2B. (94)
This is accomplished in two steps. In the first step, the directional signal samples in the rows corresponding to inactive directions are set to zero, i.e.
INST,d(l,j)=0, ∀1≦j≦2B, ifd∉ACT(l). (95)
In the second step, the directional signal samples corresponding to active directions are obtained by first arranging them in a matrix according to
This matrix is then computed such as to minimise the Euclidcan norm of the error
ΞACT(l)XINST,ACT(l)−[C(l−1)C(l)]. (97)
The solution is given by
INST,ACT(l)=[ΞACTT(l)ΞACT(l)]−1ΞACTT(l)[C(l−1)C(l)]. (98)
The estimates of the directional signals xINST,d(l,j), 1≦d≦D, are windowed by an appropriate window function w(j):
INST,WIN,d(l,j):=xINST,d(l,j)·w(j), 1≦j≦2B. (99)
An example for the window function is given by the periodic Hamming window defined by
where Kw denotes a scaling factor which is determined such that the sum of the shifted windows equals ‘1’. The smoothed directional signals for the (l−1)-th frame are computed by the appropriate superposition of windowed non-smoothed estimates according to
d((l−1)B+j)=xINST,WIN,d(l−1,B+j)+xINST,WIN,d(l,j). (101)
The samples of all smoothed directional signals for the (l−1)-th frame are arranged in matrix X(l−1) as
X(l−1):=[x((l−1)B+1)x((l−1)B+2) . . . x((l−1)B+B)]∈D×B (102)
x(j)=[X1(j),x2(j), . . . ,xD(j)]T∈D. (103)
The ambient HOA component CA(l−1) is obtained by subtracting the total directional HOA component CDIR(l−1) from the total HOA representation C(l−1) according to
A(l−1):=C(l−1)−CDIR(l−1)∈O×B, (104)
where CDIR(l−1) is determined by
and where ΞDOM(l) denotes the mode matrix based on all smoothed directions defined by
ΞDOM(l):=[SDOM,1(l)SDOM,2(l) . . . SDOM,D(l)]∈O×D. (106)
Because the computation of the total directional HOA component is also based on a spatial smoothing of overlapping successive instantaneous total directional HOA components, the ambient HOA component is also obtained with a latency of a single frame.
Expressing CA(l−1) through its components as
the order reduction is accomplished by dropping all HOA coefficients cn,Am(j) with n>NRED:
The Spherical Harmonic Transform is performed by the multiplication of the ambient HOA component of reduced order CA,RED(l) with the inverse of the mode matrix
ΞA:=[SA,1SA,2 . . . SA,OO
SA,d:=[S00(ΩA,d),S1−1(ΩA,d),S10(ΩA,d), . . . ,SNO
based on ORED being uniformly distributed directions
ΩA,d,1≦d≦ORED:WA,RED(l)=(ΞA)−1CA,RED(l). (111)
The perceptually decompressed spatial domain signals ŴA,RED(l) are transformed to a HOA domain representation ĈA,RED(l) of order NRED via an Inverse Spherical Harmonics Transform by
A,RED(l)=ΞAŴA,RED(l). (112)
The Ambisonics order of the HOA representation ĈA,RED(l) is extended to N by appending zeros according to
where 0m×n denotes a zero matrix with m rows and n columns.
The final decompressed HOA coefficients are additively composed of the directional and the ambient HOA component according to
{circumflex over (C)}(l−1):=ĈA(l−1)+ĈDIR(l−1). (114)
At this stage, once again a latency of a single frame is introduced to allow the directional HOA component to be computed based on spatial smoothing. By doing this, potential undesired discontinuities in the directional component of the sound field resulting from the changes of the directions between successive frames are avoided.
To compute the smoothed directional HOA component, two successive frames containing the estimates of all individual directional signals are concatenated into a single long frame as
{circumflex over (X)}
INST(l):=[{circumflex over (X)}(l−1){circumflex over (X)}(l)]∈D×2B. (115)
Each of the individual signal excerpts contained in this long frame are multiplied by a window function, e.g. like that of eq. (100). When expressing the long frame {circumflex over (X)}INST(l) through its components by
the windowing operation can be formulated as computing the windowed signal excerpts {circumflex over (x)}INST,WIN,d(l,j), 1≦d≦D, by
{circumflex over (x)}
INST,WIN,d(l,j)={circumflex over (x)}INST,d(l,j)·w(j), 1≦j≦2B, 1≦d≦D. (117)
Finally, the total directional HOA component CDIR(l−1) is obtained by encoding all the windowed directional signal excerpts into the appropriate directions and superposing them in an overlapped fashion:
In the following, the motivation is explained behind the direction search processing described in section Estimation of dominant directions. It is based on some assumptions which are defined first.
The HOA coefficients vector c(j), which is in general related to the time domain amplitude density function d(j,Ω) through
is assumed to obey the following model:
This model states that the HOA coefficients vector c(j) is on one hand created by I dominant directional source signals xi(j), 1≦i≦I, arriving from the directions Ωx
The individual HOA coefficient vector components are assumed to have the following properties:
Σj=lB+1(l+1)Bxi(j)≈0 ∀1≦i≦I, (121)
DAR(l)≧DARMIN. (126)
For the explanation the case is considered where the correlation matrix B(l) (see eq. (67)) is computed based only on the samples of the l-th frame without considering the samples of the L−1 previous frames. This operation corresponds to setting L=1. Consequently, the correlation matrix can be expressed by
By substituting the model assumption in eq. (120) into eq. (128) and by using equations (122) and (123) and the definition in eq. (124), the correlation matrix B(l) can be approximated as
From eq. (131) it can be seen that B(l) approximately consists of two additive components attributable to the directional and to the ambient HOA component. Its J(l)-rank approximation BJ(l) provides an approximation of the directional HOA component, i.e.
which follows from the eq. (126) on the directional-to-ambient power ratio.
However, it should be stressed that some portion of ΣA(l) will inevitably leak into BJ(l), since ΣA(l) has full rank in general and thus, the subspaces spanned by the columns of the matrices Σi=1I
In eq. (135) the following property of Spherical Harmonics shown in eq. (47) was used:
T(Ωq)S(Ωq′)=vN(∠(Ωq,Ωq′)). (137)
Eq. (136) shows that the σq2(l) components of σ2(l) are approximations of the powers of signals arriving from the test directions Ωq, 1≦q≦Q.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
12305537.8 | May 2012 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP2013/059363 | 5/6/2013 | WO | 00 |