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Campbell et al., "Combustion Oscillations in a Ducted Premixed Flame", source and year unknown (believed to be 1983). |
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Sivasegaram et al., "Oscillations in Axisymmetric Dump Combustors", Imperial College of Science & Technology, Fluids Section, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BX, England, Jul. 1986 (believed to have appeared in Combustion and Flame Magazine, date unknown but probably after 1986). |
Bray et al., "An Investigation of Reheat Buzz Instabilities", University of Southampton, England, Feb., 1983 (believed to be an internal report at the University; unknown whether or not published). |
Wilson et al., "Enhancement of Mixing in ducted Flows by Acoustic Excitation", source unknown, date believed to be Sep. 1984 (unknown whether or not published). |
Sivasegaram et al., "Suppression of Oscillations in Confined disk-Stabilized Flames", J. Propulsion, vol. 3, No. 4, Jul.-Aug. 1987. |