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Open Sesame, Published Papers, http://www.opensesame.com/co_02.html. |
Open Sesame: Agent Sourcebook, http://www.opensesame.com/co_03.html. |
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Open Sesame: Products; Benefits, http://www.opensesame.com/prod_02.html. |
Open Sesame: Products; Competitive Summary, http://www.opensesame.com/prod_03.html. |
Open Sesame: Products; Product Datasheet, http://opensesame.com/prod_04.html. |
Open Sesame: Products/Demos, http://www.opensesame.com/prod_05.html. |
e-Genie by Open Sesame: Your Entertainment Genie!, http://egenie.opensesame.com/. |
Open Sesame: Products; eGenie Live!, http://opensesame.com/prod_06.html. |
Open Sesame: Commitment to Privacy, http://www.opensesame.com/privacy.html. |
Open Sesame: Press, http://opensesame.com/press.cfm. |
Open Sesame: Press; Reviews, http://opensesame.com/pr_02.html. |
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Autonomy Latest News, Autonomy Home Page, http://www.agentware.com. |
Autonomy Knowledge Server Data Sheet, http://agentware/com. |
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Nptool Intro: Use of a Noun Phrase Parser, http://www.lingoft.fi/doc/nptool/intro/uses.html. |
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Nptool Intro: Nptool in Outline, http://www.lingsoft/fi/doc/nptool/intro/outline.html. |
Nptool Intro: Syntactic Description, http://www.lingoft.fi/doc/nptool/intro/syntax.html. |
Nptool Intro: Performance, http://lingsoft/fi/doc/nptool/intro/performance.html. |
Nptool Intrto: Conclusion and Acknowledgements, http://www.lingsoft.fi/doc/nptool/intro/conclusion.html. |
Orbital Technologies: Our Focus, http://www.orbital-tech.com/. |
Orbital Technologies: Orbital Products, http://www.orbital-tech.com/products.html. |
Orbital Technologies: Organik KnowledgeWare, http://www.orbital-tech.com/organikkw.html. |
Orbital Technologies: About Orbital Technologies, http://www.orbital-tech.com/about.htm. |
Orbital Technologies,: Organik Personal Server, http://www.oribtal-tech.com/organikps.html. |
Orbital Technologies: Corporate Fact sheet, Jan. 1998, http://www.orbital-tech.com. |
Orbital Technologies: Orbital Organik White Paper, Jul. 1997, http://www.orbital-tech.com/. |