Mirosh, E. A., "Permafrost Protection", presented at the 6th International Pipeline Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, Mar. 21-23, 1978, pp. 247-253. |
K. A. Linell, "Long-Term Effects of Vegetative Cover on Permafrost Stability in an Area of Dicontinuous Permafrost", Permafrost, Second International Conference, Proceedings, pp. 688-693, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1973. |
C. T. Hwang and F. C. Yip, "Advances in Frost Heavy Prediction and Mitigation Methods for Pipeline Application", ASME Paper No. 77-WA/HT-19, presented at Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 27-Dec. 2, 1977. |
D. M. Coulter, C. T. Hwang and F. C. Yip, "Prediction of Frost Formation Around a Chilled Natural Gas Pipeline", ASME Paper No. 75-WA/HT-88, presented at Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Houston, Texas, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1975. |
B. E. Davison, D. Nottingham, J. W. Rooney and C. L. Vita, "Chilled Pipeline Frost Heave Mitigation Concepts", Proceedings of ASCE Conference on Pipelines in Adverse Environments, vol. 1, pp. 294-306, New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan. 15-17, 1979. |
E. W. Browning, "Pipe Stress Due to Frost Heave", Gas, Aug. 1970, pp. 74-77. |
G. G. King, "Cooling Arctic Gas Pipelines Can Increase Flow, Avoid Thaw", The Oil and Gas Journal, Aug. 15, 1977, pp. 58-66. |
G. King, "The How and Why of Cooling Arctic Gas Pipelines", Parts I and II, Pipeline and Gas Journal, Sep. and Oct., 1977. |
A. C. Mathews, "Natural Gas Pipeline Design and Construction in Permafrost and Discontinuous Permafrost", SPE 6873 (1977). |
J. A. Wheeler, "Simulation of Heat Transfer from a Warm Pipeline Buried in Permafrost", presented at the Seventy-Fourth National Meeting of AIChE, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mar. 11-15, 1973. |
T. W. Miller, "The Surface Heat Balance in Simulations of Permafrost Behavior", presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, Houston, Texas, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1975. |
W. A. Stusarchuk, et al., "Field Test Results of a Chilled Pipeline Buried in Unfrozen Ground", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Permafrost, sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada, vol. 1, pp. 877-883, Jul. 10-12, 1978. |