Method and apparatus for converting toner cartridges to fit various types of printing machines

An indentation in a waste bin assembly of a xerographic toner cartridge allows the cartridge to physically fit into various types of printing machines. The location and size of this indentation will vary depending on the type of printing machine. An apparatus and method is provided to allow modification of various types of printer cartridges, that after modification, the altered cartridges may be used in additional printing machines that were limited initially by the original shape of the waste bin assembly.


[0001] The present invention relates to a method of modifying one type of xerographic toner cartridge into another by removing a section of a toner cartridge's waste bin assembly, affixing a plug into this area and resealing it. Additionally, further physical alterations of the original toner cartridge such as trimming off guides, creating a circuit board mounting area and mounting a small circuit board in this location may be required for various other types of applications.


[0002] In the printing industry, there has been a growing market for the remanufacture and refurbishing of various types printing components such as toner cartridges, ink cartridges, magnetic rollers, seals etc. Toner cartridges once spent are unusable for their originally intended purpose. Without a refurbishing process, they would simply be discarded, even though the cartridge itself may still have potential life. As a result, there have been processes and procedures developed specifically to address this type of issue. These processes may entail the disassembly of the various structures of the cartridge, replacing toner, cleaning, adjusting or replacing any worn components and reassembling the cartridge.

[0003] The differences between printer cartridges for various types of printing devices may only be slight or subtle. In many instances it may only be an indentation in the body of the cartridge. In other cases it may be not only a physical attribute of the body of the cartridge, but also the addition of a wireless communications device. Certain style cartridges may be plentiful and relatively inexpensive simply because of certain factors such as the supply in the market or initial cost while other style cartridges may not be available in quantity or too expensive for cost effective use in remanufacturing. The easiest and most economic solution would be to simply convert the inexpensive style cartridges into the more costly style cartridge in order to meet this market demand. The present invention is directed at that conversion process. Additionally, the present invention may have a positive impact on the environment by cutting down on the amount of cartridges being thrown away by providing a new recycling alternative.

[0004] One conversion example is converting the Lexmark™ Optra S/Se/T style cartridge into a Lexmark™ T520/522. The Optra style cartridge has a smooth surface on its waste bin portion. The T520/522 style cartridge has an indented section on both the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the waste bin. This indentation allows the cartridge to physically fit into the printer, which has a protrusion to prevent the S/Se/T style cartridge from fitting. In addition, the T520/522 has a contact activated type of circuitry located on its side. In order to convert the Optra to a T520/T522 style cartridge, the waste bin has a section removed, a plug inserted, and the proper circuitry installed. The plug's shape is such that the new contour of the waste bin is similar enough to that of the T520/T522. The plug is either glued in or welded into place. The cartridge then undergoes the remaining refurbishing steps such as refilling of the toner hopper and resealing the cartridge.

[0005] Another example is converting an HP4000™ toner cartridge to an HP4100™ toner cartridge. The 4100 cartridge is essentially the same as the HP4000 except for two minor characteristics. The first difference is the waste bin assembly on the HP4000 has a smooth contour while the HP4100 has an elongated grove. In addition, there are two guides that are present on the 4000 cartridge that are absent on the 4100 cartridge. The conversion process here entails the removal of the guides, the removal of a section of the waste bin and the installation of a plug that now once affixed into place gives the waste bin a new contour such that it will fit into the 4100 printer.

[0006] A further example of toner cartridge conversion is the modification of the HP4000™ cartridge into one compatible with the Cannon FX6™ fax machine. This conversion only involves the removal of a section of the waste bin assembly of the toner cartridge and the attaching of a plug into that space removed.


[0007] The present invention describes a conversion process designed to allow one type of toner cartridge to be converted to another by altering its physical characteristics.

[0008] In accordance with the preferred embodiment of the present invention, a method of making or refurbishing a printer cartridge may include modifying the physical attributes of the cartridge such that it will be able to be used once refurbished and modified, in additional types of printing devices. The cartridge itself may be mounted into a conversion fixture that secures the waste bin assembly of the toner cartridge into place. The conversion fixture will have an opening corresponding to the area that will be removed from the waste bin assembly.

[0009] Various types of tools may be used to remove the portion of the waste bin assembly. A particularly effective tool for use in removing the area in question is the Rotozip® tool, a type of router. Another way the waste bin assembly may be modified is by using heat. For example this might encompass using a laser as the cutting device or just an intense heat to melt the outline instead of cutting.

[0010] The size and orientation of the portion being removed will vary according to the original type of cartridge as well as the intended future use of the cartridge. Once the portion is removed, a plug is then inserted into the section of the cartridge that is now an open area or recess. Depending on the type of cartridge and future application, the plug may vary in size and shape. The plug should be affixed into the recess of the waste bin assembly. This can be accomplished either by ultrasonic welding or some type of glue.

[0011] The preferred embodiment of the present invention will include a conversion fixture that will be unique depending upon the type of cartridge to be modified as well as the type of cartridge being reproduced. The waste bin assembly of the toner cartridge will need to be removed and cleaned prior to the conversion process. Once the waste bin assembly has been prepared, it is attached to the conversion fixture. This conversion fixture may contain guides to allow the waste bin to easily slide into place. The conversion fixture may also have a secondary securing assembly that will be attached to the waste bin assembly. The combined fixture will then contain a guide window that outlines the area of the waste bin assembly that is going to be removed. The guide window will have allowances set according to the type of tool being used. In addition, the conversion fixture may also have a trimming area such that the edges of some types of cartridges may be trimmed down.

[0012] In the preferred embodiment, the plug assembly will also vary depending on the type of cartridge as well as the intended application of the modified cartridge. These shapes may be triangular, rectangular or square in nature. The present invention is not intended to limit the size or shape of this plug; rather it is intended to illustrate the concept of the modification. The plug may not necessarily have an upper horizontal area, an upper vertical area or a lower horizontal area if it were to conform only to the edge of the recess. In the preferred embodiment, edges are included in the plug to provide a surface area for applying some type of adhesive to bond the plug to the waste bin assembly. In addition, the plug could conceptually be attached to the inside of the waste bin assembly. This might be more difficult given that there may be internal structures within the waste bin assembly that might prevent a good seal.


FIG. 1 (prior art) is a perspective view of an HP4000 toner cartridge

FIG. 2 is an illustrative view of an HP4000 toner waste bin assembly with portion removed

FIG. 3A shows a side view of the waste bin assembly of the 4000

FIG. 3B shows a top view of the waste bin assembly of the 4000

FIG. 3A shows a bottom view of the waste bin assembly of the 4000

FIG. 4A is a front view of a conversion fixture for the 4000 to 4100 conversion.

FIG. 4B is a rear view of a conversion fixture for the 4000 to 4100 conversion

FIG. 5A shows a side view of the waste bin assembly of the Optra S/Se/T

FIG. 5B shows a front view of the waste bin assembly of the Optra S/Se/T

FIG. 5C shows a top view of the waste bin assembly of the Optra S/Se/T

FIG. 6A is a front view of a conversion fixture for the Optra S/Se/T to T520/522 conversion

FIG. 6B is a rear view of a conversion fixture for the Optra S/Se/T to T520/522 conversion

FIG. 7A shows a plug for the T520/522 conversion (straight vertical planar surface)

FIG. 7B shows a plug for the T520/522 conversion (curved vertical planar surface)

FIG. 8 shows a plug for the 4100 conversion.

FIG. 9 shows a plug for the FX6 conversion.

FIG. 10A is a front view of a conversion fixture for the 4000 to FX6 conversion.

FIG. 10B is a rear view of a conversion fixture for the 4000 to FX6 conversion.


[0031] The present invention is a method of making or refurbishing a printer cartridge by modifying the physical attributes of the cartridge such that it will be able to be used once refurbished and modified, in additional types of printing devices. Specifically, altering the waste bin assembly of a cartridge by introducing an indentation in the surface of the waste bin assembly will allow the modified cartridge to fit into a different printing device. In the preferred embodiment, this indentation is located roughly in the center of the waste bin assembly.

FIG. 1 shows the prior art of an HP4000™ toner cartridge 1 and its basic exterior components. The waste bin assembly 2 is attached to the toner hopper 3. Within the toner cartridge there are additional pieces such as the magnetic roller, the drum, toner agitator, and so forth. In the preferred embodiment, after disassembly, the waste bin assembly's physical characteristics will be altered. After the present invention has been performed on the waste bin assembly, the toner cartridge will continue its process of being refurbished.

[0033] The method of converting a toner cartridge from one type to another requires that the waste bin assembly 2 must be removed from the toner hopper assembly 3. The waste toner that has accumulated in the waste bin assembly should be discarded. The waste bin assembly should then be cleaned. A method of cleaning in the preferred embodiment is by using filtered compressed air to dislodge any of the remaining toner material. Another method is to use a clean lint free cloth to wipe over the area, or to use a cleaning solution.

FIG. 2 is an illustrative example of an HP4000™ waste bin assembly 4 that has a portion 5 of the waste bin assembly removed. In the preferred embodiment, the portion being removed should be located approximately in the center of the waste bin assembly. This portion will vary in size as well as shape depending on the conversion being performed. Once the portion is removed, the area that the portion once occupied is now a recess 6.

[0035] Various methods of removing the portion of the waste bin assembly may be used. These methods may employ different types of tools. A particularly effective method of removing the portion is to use a Rotozip® tool. The Rotozip is a type of router. Another way the waste bin assembly may be modified is by using heat. For example this might encompass using a laser as the cutting device or just an intense heat to melt the outline instead of cutting. Another possible way of modifying the waste bin assembly might be to use some type of sharp edged tool such as a razor blade, wire cutters or even scissors. Another method could be to use a jigsaw or other type of saw to remove the portion of the waste bin assembly. Additionally, one might use some type of grinder or uneven surfaced tool to wear down the portion of the waste bin assembly thus creating the recess.

[0036] The present invention is accomplished when the indentation in the waste bin assembly, once the plug is inserted, is such that the cartridge as modified will fit into a different printing device than originally intended. The plugs will vary in size and shape depending on the conversion being performed. In the preferred embodiment, the plug will have edges such that these edges will provide a surface area for applying an adhesive to bond the plug to the waste bin assembly. The method of attaching the plug into the waste bin may also vary. The plug might only be held in place by pressure rather than with some type of adhesive. The plug may be affixed into place by various methods of attachment such as adhesive glue, tape, caulk, or ultrasonic welding for example.

[0037] The prior art waste bin assembly for the HP4000 cartridge 4 is illustrated in FIG. 3A, 3B and 3C. The waste bin assembly has an upper horizontal planar surface 7, an upper vertical planar surface 8, a lower horizontal planar surface 9, an upper left horizontal edge 10, an upper right horizontal edge 11, a lower left horizontal edge 12, a lower right horizontal edge 13, a left front vertical edge 14, a right front vertical edge 15, a left horizontal wing 16 and a right horizontal wing 17.

[0038] In the HP4000 to HP4100 conversion method, the portion being removed will be located forward section of the waste bin assembly. In the preferred embodiment, the recess created by removing the portion for the 4100 conversion will be bound by an upper horizontal left front corner located about 3½″ from the upper left horizontal edge at the vertical planar surface, an upper horizontal right front corner located about 3½″ from the upper right horizontal edge at the vertical planar surface, an upper left rear corner located about 3½″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about ¾″ from the vertical planar surface, an upper right rear corner located about 3½″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about ¾″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower left horizontal corner located about 3½″ from the lower left horizontal edge, about 1″ from the upper horizontal left rear corner and about ½″ from the vertical planar surface, and a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the lower right horizontal edge, about 1″ from the horizontal right rear corner, and about ½″ from the vertical planar surface.

[0039] In the preferred embodiment, the method for converting an HP 4000 waste bin assembly into an HP4100 waste bin assembly uses a conversion fixture which is illustrated in FIGS. 4A and 4B. The conversion fixture is used to address safety and quality concerns. In addition to securing the waste bin assembly, the conversion fixture also provides a guide to assist in the removal of the portion of the waste bin assembly as well as the guide for the trimming of the left and right horizontal wings of the waste bin assembly. Other methods of securing the waste bin assembly might include the use of a clamp or a vise.

FIG. 4A and 4B illustrate the 4100 conversion fixture 18 which contains a main housing 25 and a horizontal wing trimming guide 26. The HP4000 waste bin assembly is placed in the main housing 25, snapped into place, and the horizontal wing trimming guide is placed over the waste bin assembly. In the preferred embodiment, the router tool bit being used must be long enough to cut through the upper horizontal planar surface 3, the upper vertical planar surface 4 as well as the lower horizontal planar surface 5. This would require that the bit extend a minimum of 1-1¼″ into the area being cut. Using the tool, the portion outlined by the conversion fixture is cut out and removed. In addition to the portion being removed, the right horizontal wing 28 and the left horizontal wing 27 will need to be trimmed back according to the outline provided by the conversion fixture.

[0041] In the preferred embodiment, the HP4100 conversion plug 38 that is used to cover the recess 6 created by this process is illustrated in FIG. 8. The plug itself consists of an upper horizontal area 19, an upper vertical area 20, a lower horizontal area 21, a right wall 22, a left wall 23, and a lower vertical area 24, a second lower vertical area 29, lower vertical walls 30. The plug may be affixed into place by various methods of attachment such as adhesive glue, tape, caulk or ultrasonic welding. In the preferred embodiment, this plug is glued into place.

[0042] Another toner cartridge conversion method is converting the Lexmark Optra S/Se/T™ style of toner cartridge into a Lexmark T520/522™ style cartridge. The waste bin assembly for the Optra S/Se/T is illustrated in FIGS. 5A, 5B and 5C. The waste bin assembly has an upper horizontal planar surface 7, an upper vertical planar surface 8, a lower horizontal planar surface 9, an upper left horizontal edge 10, an upper right horizontal edge 11, a lower left horizontal edge 12, a lower right horizontal edge 13, a left front vertical edge 14, a right front vertical edge 15.

[0043] In the preferred embodiment for an Optra S/Se/T conversion, the waste bin assembly may be placed into the T520/522 conversion fixture 23. FIG. 6 shows a T520/522 conversion fixture. This fixture has three pieces, the main housing 24, the securing attachment 25 and the integrated circuit cutout piece 26. The waste bin assembly is inserted into the main housing such that the main body is resting on the housing guide pieces 29. After the waste bin assembly is firmly positioned on the main housing 24, the securing attachment 25 is connected to the main housing 24 and secured with the securing screws 27. Once the waste bin assembly is firmly secured, a portion of the waste bin assembly can now be removed according to the outline of the conversion fixture. This will require an initial cut with the tool on the upper horizontal planar surface 7. The next cut will be on the upper vertical planar surface 8 according to the outline of the conversion fixture.

[0044] In the preferred embodiment, the recess on the waste bin assembly for the T520/522 conversion will have an upper left horizontal front corner located about 3¾″ from the upper left horizontal edge and at the front vertical edge, an upper right horizontal front corner located about 3¾″ from the upper right horizontal edge and at the front vertical edge, an upper left horizontal rear corner located about 4½″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the front vertical edge, an upper right horizontal rear corner located about 4½″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the front vertical edge, a lower left horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the front left vertical edge and about 1″ from the upper horizontal left front corner, and a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the front right vertical edge and about 1″ from the upper horizontal right front corner.

[0045] In the preferred embodiment, after the portion of the waste bin assembly has been removed, the integrated circuit cutout piece 26 is attached to the left side of the waste bin assembly 21. The waste bin assembly 21 is then turned on its side such that the conversion fixture is resting on its side feet 28. Then the integrated circuit cutout is made using either the same tool previously utilized to remove the portion of the waste bin assembly or something similar. An integrated circuit board can then be inserted into this aperture and affixed into place. Other methods of creating a void in the waste bin assembly might be to use shears, scissors, a drill or other tools intended to remove this material. Once the material has been removed, an integrated circuit board is affixed in this area.

[0046] In the preferred embodiment, the T520/522 conversion plug 30 that is used to cover the recess created by this conversion process is illustrated in FIGS. 7A and 7B. FIG. 7A shows a plug used for a straight front vertical planar surface on the waste bin assembly, while FIG. 7B shows a plug used where the upper vertical planar surface of the waste bin assembly is slightly rounded. Both plugs 30 in the preferred embodiment consists of an upper horizontal area 31, an upper vertical area 32, a lower horizontal area 33, a right wall 34, a left wall 35, and a lower vertical area 36.

[0047] For converting the HP4000™ cartridge to a Cannon FX6™ compatible toner cartridge, the process is roughly the same as that previously described for the 4100 conversion. FIGS. 10A and 10B illustrate the conversion fixture 44 in the preferred embodiment for this method of modification. The fixture contains only a main housing 45. The HP4000 waste bin assembly is placed in the main housing 45 and simply snaps into place. The router tool bit being used must be long enough to cut through the upper horizontal planar surface 7, the upper vertical planar surface 8 as well as the lower horizontal planar surface 9. Using the tool, the portion outlined by the conversion fixture is removed.

[0048] In the preferred embodiment, the recess on the waste bin assembly for the FX6 conversion will have an upper horizontal left front corner located about 4″ from the upper left horizontal edge at the front vertical edge, an upper horizontal right front corner located about 4″ from the upper right horizontal edge at the front vertical edge, an upper left rear corner located about 4″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about 2″ from the vertical planar surface, an upper right rear corner located about 4″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about 2″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower left horizontal corner located about 4″ from the lower left horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the vertical planar surface, and a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 4″ from the lower right horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the vertical planar surface.

[0049] In the preferred embodiment, the FX6 conversion plug 41 that is used to cover the recess created by this process is illustrated in FIG. 9. The plug itself consists of an upper horizontal area 31, an upper vertical area 32, a lower horizontal area 33, a right wall 34, a left wall 35, and a lower vertical area 36, intermediate horizontal area 43 and an intermediate vertical area 42. The plug may be affixed into place by various methods of attachment such as adhesive glue, caulk or ultrasonic welding.

[0050] The conception and the specific embodiments disclosed above may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying out the purposes of the present invention. Such equivalent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the following claims.

  • 1. A method for modifying a toner cartridge for converting the toner cartridge into one that will be usable in various different types of printing machines, said method comprising the steps of: providing a toner cartridge, said toner cartridge having a waste bin assembly, such waste bin assembly having an upper horizontal planar surface, a lower horizontal planar surface, a front vertical planar surface an upper left horizontal edge, an upper right horizontal edge, a lower left horizontal edge and a lower right horizontal edge, a left front vertical edge and a right front vertical edge, removing a portion of the waste bin assembly, creating a recess on said waste bin assembly, said portion being about in the center of the waste bin assembly. attaching a plug into the recess of the waste bin assembly of the toner cartridge.
  • 2. The method as in claim 1 wherein the removed portion comprises an upper horizontal section from the upper horizontal planar surface, an upper vertical section from the front planar surface, and a lower horizontal section from the lower horizontal planar surface.
  • 3. The method as in claim 2 wherein said recess is bound by: an upper horizontal left front corner located about 3½″ from the upper left horizontal edge at the vertical planar surface, an upper horizontal right front corner located about 3½″ from the upper right horizontal edge at the vertical planar surface, an upper left rear corner located about 3½″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about ¾″ from the vertical planar surface, an upper right rear corner located about 3½″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about ¾″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower left horizontal corner located about 3½″ from the lower left horizontal edge, about 1″ from the upper horizontal left rear corner and about {fraction (1/2)}″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the lower right horizontal edge, about 1″ from the horizontal right rear corner, and about ½″ from the vertical planar surface.
  • 4. The method as in claim 3 wherein a plug is inserted into the recess of the waste bin assembly said plug being affixed to the waste bin assembly.
  • 5. The method as in claim 4, wherein the affixed plug creates a new surface contour as compared to the unaltered waste bin assembly, such surface contour having an indentation into the upper horizontal planar surface and the front vertical planar surface.
  • 6. The method as in claim 5 further comprising the trimming of a left horizontal wing and a right horizontal wing.
  • 7. The method as in claim 2 further wherein the waste bin assembly comprises a left support bracket.
  • 8. The method as in claim 7 further comprising the steps of creating an aperture into the left support bracket of said cartridge, and attaching a miniature circuit card into said aperture.
  • 9. The method as in claim 8 wherein said recess is bound by: an upper left horizontal front corner located about 3¾″ from the upper left horizontal edge and at the front vertical edge, an upper right horizontal front corner located about 3¾″ from the upper right horizontal edge and at the front vertical edge, an upper left horizontal rear corner located about 4½″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the front vertical edge, an upper right horizontal rear corner located about 4½″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the front vertical edge, a lower left horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the front left vertical edge and about 1″ from the upper horizontal left front corner, a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 3¾″ from the front right vertical edge and about 1″ from the upper horizontal right front corner.
  • 10. The method in claim 9 wherein a plug is inserted into the recess of the waste bin, said plug being affixed to the waste bin assembly.
  • 11. The method as in claim 10, wherein the affixed plug creates a new surface contour as compared to the unaltered waste bin assembly, such surface contour having an indentation into the upper horizontal planar surface and the front vertical planar surface.
  • 12. The method as in claim 2 wherein said recess is bound by: an upper horizontal left front corner located about 4″ from the upper left horizontal edge, an upper horizontal right front corner located about 4″ from the upper right horizontal edge, an upper left rear corner located about 4″ from the upper left horizontal edge and about 2″ from the vertical planar surface, an upper right rear corner located about 4″ from the upper right horizontal edge and about 2″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower left horizontal corner located about 4″ from the lower left horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the vertical planar surface, a lower right horizontal bottom corner located about 4″ from the lower right horizontal edge and about 1½″ from the vertical planar surface.
  • 13. The method in claim 11 wherein a plug is inserted into the recess of the waste bin assembly, said plug being affixed to the waste bin assembly.
  • 14. The method as in claim 13, wherein the affixed plug creates a new surface contour as compared to the unaltered waste bin assembly, such surface contour having an indentation into the upper horizontal planar surface, lower horizontal planar surface and the front vertical planar surface.
  • 15. A plug used in the conversion process for converting one type of toner cartridge into another by allowing a recess of a waste bin assembly of said toner cartridge, said recess formed by removing a portion from a forward region of said waste bin assembly, said waste bin assembly having an upper horizontal planar surface, a lower horizontal planar surface, a front vertical planar surface, said plug comprising: a lower vertical area, a right vertical wall and, a left vertical wall wherein the lower vertical area is connected to the right vertical wall and the left vertical wall.
  • 16. The plug as in claim 16 further comprising; a second lower vertical area, a plurality of lower vertical walls, such that the second lower vertical area is indented into the lower vertical area and that the plurality of lower vertical walls connect the second lower vertical area to the lower vertical area, a plurality of edges such that said plurality of edges overlaps the recess by at least ⅛″, creating an upper horizontal area, an upper vertical area on the plug, said upper horizontal area is connected to the left wall, the right wall and the lower vertical area, said upper vertical area is connected to the upper horizontal area, lower horizontal area, left wall and right wall.
  • 17. The plug as in claim 15 further comprising a lower horizontal area.
  • 18. The plug in claim 17 wherein the lower vertical area is curved and a the plug comprises a plurality of edges such that said plurality of edges overlaps the recess by at least ⅛″, creating an upper horizontal area, an upper vertical area on the plug, said upper horizontal area is connected to the left wall, the right wall and the lower vertical area, said upper vertical area is connected to the upper horizontal area, lower horizontal area, left wall and right wall.
  • 19. A plug used in the conversion process for converting one type of toner cartridge into another by allowing a recess of a waste bin assembly of said toner cartridge, said recess formed by removing a portion from a forward region of said waste bin assembly, said waste bin assembly having an upper horizontal planar surface, a lower horizontal planar surface, a front vertical planar surface, said plug comprising: an intermediate vertical area, an intermediate horizontal area, a lower vertical area, a right vertical wall and, a left vertical wall such lower vertical area being connected to the intermediate horizontal area, the right vertical wall and the left vertical wall, wherein the intermediate horizontal area is connected to the right vertical wall and the left vertical wall and the intermediate vertical area, the intermediate vertical area being connected to the intermediate horizontal area, the left wall and the right wall.
  • 20. The plug as in claim 19 further comprising a plurality of edges such that said plurality of edges overlaps the recess by at least ⅛″, creating an upper horizontal area, an upper vertical area on the plug and a lower horizontal area, said upper horizontal area is connected to the left wall, the right wall and the lower vertical area, said upper vertical area is connected to the upper horizontal area, lower horizontal area, left wall and right wall.