Kerr, paper published in Proceedings of the 4th IFIP TC5/WG5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 1991.* |
‘A Knowledge Based, Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for document Preparation’; Roger M. Kerr; XP-000892975; pp. 479-509 (Copy in IDS of paper #7).* |
“Introduction to Algorithms”; Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest, 1989, Published by MgGraw-Hill Book Company; pp 86-90 & 541-543.* |
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PCT International Search Report; International Application No. PCT/US99/24178; Apr. 6, 2000. |
PCT International Search Report; International Application No. PCT/US99/24381; Feb. 29, 2000. |
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PCT International Search Report; International Application No. PCT/US99/24131 Dec. 4, 1998. |
PCT International Search Report; International Application No. PCT/US 24132; Feb. 22, 2000. |
“A Knowledge Based, Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling System for Document Preparation”; Roger M. Kerr; XP-000892975; pp. 497-506. |
“Heuristic Knowledge Representation of Production Scheduling: An Integrated Modeling Approach”; Sung Joo Park and Jong Woo Kim; XP-000893055; pp. 325-339. |
“From Contemporary Workflow Process Automation to Adaptive and Dynamic Work Activity Coordination and Collaboration”; Amit Sheth; XP-002135795 pp. 24-27. |
Towards Evolutionary and Adaptive Workflow Systems—Infrastructure Support Based on Higher-Order Object Nets and CORBA; Ingo ClaBen, Herbert Weber and Yanbo Han; XP-002135793; pp. 300-308. |
“A Fine Mes”; State of the Art; Jim Esch; Petersborough, NH, US; No. 12; pp. 67, 68, 70, 74, 75. |
“Simulation System for Real-Time Planning, Scheduling, and Control”; Glenn R. Drake and Jeffrey S. Smith; pp. 1083-1090. |
“Electronic Contracting with COSMOS-How To Establish, Negotiate and Execute Electronic Contracts on the Internet”; F. Griffel, M. Boger, H. Weinrcich, W. Lamersdorf and M. Merz; XP-002129707; pp. 46-55. |
“Workflow Management Coalition Terminology & Glossary”, Document No. WFMC-TC-1011, Document Status—Issue 2.0, Jun. 1996, (55 pg.). |
“Workflow Management Coalition, The Workflow Reference Model”, Document No. TC00-1003, Document Status—Issue 1.1, Nov. 29, 1994, (46 pg.). |
“Workflow Management Coalition, Workflow Security Considerations—White Paper”, Document No. WFMC-TC-1019, Document Status—Issue 1.0, Feb. 1998, (15 pg.). |
“Workflow Management Coalition, Workflow Client Application (Interface 2), Application Programming Interface (WAPI) Specification”, Document No. WFMC-TC-1009, Oct. 1997, Version 2.0e (Beta), (178 pg.). |