Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie et al, "A Domain Analysis of Web Browser Architectures Language and Features", IEEE Southcon/96 Conference Record, pp. 168-174, Jun. 1996. |
Stuart goose et al, "An Open Framework for Integrating Widely Distributed Hyper Media Resources", IEEE Multimedia Computing and System, 1996 Int'l. Conference, pp. 364-371, Jun. 1996. |
Kin-Man Chung and Herbert Yuen, "A `Tiny` Pascal Complier: Part 1: the P-Code Interpreter," BYTE Publications, Inc., Sep. 1978, pp. 59-65 and 148-155. |
Kin-Man Chung and Herbert Yuen, "A `Tiny` Pascal Complier: Part 2: The P-Compiler," BYTE Publications, Inc., Oct. 1978, pp. 34-52 (even pages only). |
Ken Thompson, Regular Expression Search Algorithm, Communications of the ACM, vol. II, No. 6, Jun. 1968 at 419 et seq., pp. 419-422. |
James G. Mitchell, William Maybury and Richard Sweet, Mesa Language Manual, a Xerox Corporation Document. |
Gene McDaniel, An Analysis of a Mesa Instruction Set, a Xerox Corporation Document. |
Kenneth A. Pier, A Retrospective on the Dorado, A High-Performance Personal Computer, a Xerox Corporation document. |
Kenneth A. Pier, A Retrospective on the Dorado, A High-Performance Personal Computer, a Xerox Corporation document, pp. 252-269. |
R.L. Johnston, Association for Computing Machinery, The Incremental Compiler of APL/3000, May-Jun. 1979, pp. 83-87. |
Fifth Annual ACM Symposium, Principles of Programming Languages, Jan. 1978, pp. iii, 3-6. |
Krasner, Glenn, The Smalltalk-80 Virtual Machine, BYTE Publications Inc., Aug. 1991, pp. 300-320. |