1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to electronic hand held games and in particular to an electronic puzzle, wherein the field of play consists of a plurality of playing positions that are mapped on the surface of the puzzle device, and wherein each playing position includes an indicator. The field of play is divided into sectors, each of which includes one or a plurality of indicators. Further, a sector could be a segment of a two-dimensional array of indicators, a side of a three-dimensional field of play, such as a cube, or a segment of a play field mapped on the surface of a three-dimensional spherical shape, such as a sphere, an egg or a cone. Furthermore, each indicator could assume a plurality of indicating states, and each indicating state is represented by one, or a plurality of visual indications, such as images or colors. The puzzle device, also, includes a plurality of control points to enable a player to manipulate the states of the indicators. The control points include switches located on the field of play, however, it is not necessary to have a control point at each playing position.
It is possible, by manipulating the controls in a particular manner or pattern, and by observing the resulting effect on the indicators, to determine a pattern of control activation's which results in the sectors of indicators attaining different indicating states, such that all the indictors belonging to a sector reach an identical indicating state. Because each indicating state is represented by one, or a plurality of colors or images, it is possible to provide a game objective, wherein all the indicators on the play field indicate the same color or image, or in the alternative a game objective wherein each sector displays a different color or image, i.e., a different visual indication.
Various puzzles are known wherein a plurality of playing pieces of various colors are connected together in a geometric shape, and are manipulated by the player so that pieces of the same color are grouped together. However, these puzzles involving the grouping of multiple color pieces are of mechanical designs, and to the inventor's knowledge have not been implemented by “state of the art” electronics, i.e., integrated circuits, microprocessors, etc., which are presently available. An example of such mechanical puzzles is the Rubik Cube, which employs six different colors. Therefore, it is desirable to provide an electronic puzzle device, capable of operating with many color configurations ranging from a minimum of two colors to three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or more colors, and with a versatile game objective that includes attaining a single color or image at all indicators, attaining a different color or image at each sector or subset of indicators, and/or attaining other predefined patterns of colors or images.
2. Description of the Related Art
During the last ten years, a number of patents have been issued related to electronic handheld puzzles that employ a field of play divided into a plurality of playing positions, and wherein each playing position includes a switch and an indicator. These patents include U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,286,037; 5,417,425; 5,564,702; 5,573,245, and 5,603,500. However, with the exception of U.S. Pat. No. 5,286,037, the remaining patents relate to indicators that are limited to only two indicating states, and require a logical element at each playing position that defines a fixed geometric relationship between a switch and a group of indicators. The puzzles described by these patents suffer from a limited number of colors, and need a controlling switch at each playing position. Also, while the device described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,286,037 provides additional colors, and a dynamic variable relationship between switches and indicators, such relationship is not obvious to the player, and each playing position requires a logical element defined as the “routing square” to create a dynamic relationship between switches and indicators.
The present invention overcomes the limitations of the prior art. It does not require a switch at each playing position, and it does not require a logical element to define a fixed or dynamic geometric relationship between switches and indicators. Further, the present invention provides an increased number of colors or images playable by the puzzle device than can be provided by the prior art. Such increase in the number of colors or images is accomplished without a corresponding increase in complexity.
One object of the current invention is to provide a versatile electronic puzzle that can be implemented using a two-dimensional array of indicators, or a plurality of indicators mapped on the surface of a three-dimensional shape.
Another object of the invention is to provide an electronic puzzle device that operates with many color configurations or images ranging from a minimum of two colors or images to a maximum number of colors or images limited by the number of playing positions on the playfield.
It is a further object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device wherein the number of colors or images playable by the device could be increased without a corresponding increase in the complexity of the device.
It is also an object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device that does not require a switch at each playing position.
It is another object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device with a game objective to reach a final game state in which groups of indicators are in different indicating states.
It is a further object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device utilizing a plurality of switches to manipulate the states of indicators, and wherein a player must determine an exact combination of switch's activations, which results in a first predetermined group of indicators indicating a first state, a second predetermined group of indicators indicating a second state, a third predetermined group of indicators indicating a third state, etc.
It is still an object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device utilizing a plurality of indicators each of which may assume a plurality of states, and wherein each state is indicated by a plurality of colors.
It is also an object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device utilizing a plurality of indicators each of which may assume a plurality of states, and wherein each state is indicated by a plurality of graphic symbols or images.
It is yet another object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device that utilizes a microprocessor to generate a plurality of games.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device, which employs one or more liquid crystal displays whereon a plurality of images is indicated.
It is also another object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device having a three-dimensional housing such as a sphere, a cube, a pyramid, or the like, whereon a plurality of controls and indicators are located, and wherein the objective of the game is to display a plurality of different images on predetermined groups of indicators.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide an electronic puzzle device having a three-dimensional housing that is divided into sides or sectors, wherein a plurality of indicators are mapped into said sides or sectors, wherein each indicator could assume a plurality of indicating states, and wherein each indicating state is represented by a plurality of colors or images.
Further, it is an object of this invention to provide a handheld electronic puzzle device having a field of play that includes a two-dimensional array of playing positions, or a plurality of playing positions mapped on the surface of a three-dimensional shape, and wherein each playing position includes an indicator, and wherein a plurality of control switches are located on the playfield, and wherein the device includes a mechanism to change the indicating states at a group of indicators by rotating or shifting the indicating states along a predefined direction or pattern on the two-dimensional array of indicators, or along a predefined axis of the three-dimensional shape.
It is also an object of this invention to provide a handheld electronic puzzle device, which employs light emitting diode displays, or liquid crystal displays to provide a plurality of visual indications, i.e. colors and/or images.
It is a further object of this invention to provide a handheld electronic puzzle device with puzzles and games in various levels of difficulty.
It is still an object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device that can be played as a computer game, a video game, or as a game that can be loaded to a handheld game device, such as Game Boy, or to a handheld consumer electronic device such as a palm pilot, a cell phone, a blackberry, etc.
It is also an object of this invention to provide an electronic puzzle device, which incorporates audible and visual effect to heighten the enjoyment of play.
Because of the versatility of the general concept described herein, and the very large number of embodiments that can be used to implement this concept, the preferred embodiments are only examples selected out of many thousands of possible embodiments that could be built using the teaching of the specification herein. These embodiments may vary in size, shape, number of sectors, number of indicating states, or number of colors or images. However, they are all based on the principle of rotating or shifting the indicating states of a group of indicators, along a specific direction or pattern, or around an associated axis, in response to a control point activation. This invention, also, employs the novel concept that each indicating state could be represented by a plurality of colors or images, such that when an indicating state is rotated or shifted from one sector to a different sector on the playfield, the indicating state is represented by a different color or image. It should be noted, however, that for certain embodiments, or game features, it is possible to employ the same color or image to represent an indicating state in a plurality of sectors. It should also be noted that the implementation of this concept is not limited to visual indications. A game designer, for example, may elect to build an embodiment that employs audible indicators, and which produces a different tone as an indicating state is rotated from one indicator to another indicator. However, for the remaining part of the specification, and in the interest of being concise, the description is focused on visual indications such as colors or images. It should be clearly understood that such description is directly applicable to embodiments that employ audible indications.
Because the primary control function to manipulate the states of the indicators is based on the shift process, the objects of the invention could be achieved by a playfield that includes a two-dimensional array of indicators, or by a playfield wherein the indicators are mapped on the surface of a three-dimensional shape. What is important is that the playfield is divided into a plurality of sectors such that when a shift process is implemented, the states of the indicators move between the various sectors. For example, if a two-dimensional playfield is used, the shift control function could be performed along a column or row of indicators with a wrap around feature. The shift control function could also be performed as a rotation around a loop of indicators forming a geometric pattern on the playfield, such as a square, rectangle, circle, star, figure eight, or the like. Alternatively, when a three-dimensional shape is used, the shift process could consist of the rotation of the states of a group of indicators around a corresponding axis of the three-dimensional shape. The shift process could also be performed as a rotation around a loop of indicators forming a geometric pattern on the playfield, such as a square, rectangle, circle, figure eight, or the like. Such a geometric pattern could span one or a plurality of sides or planes of a three-dimensional shape.
The examples provided for the preferred embodiments include two-dimensional arrays of indicators with playfields that employ 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, 7×7 and 8×8 indicators, as well as three-dimensional embodiments. The three-dimensional examples include a cube having nine (9) indicators on each of its six sides, and a sphere having twelve (12) indicators mapped on its surface. In each of these preferred embodiments, the playfield is divided into a plurality of sectors, and each sector includes one or a plurality of indicators. For example, a 2×2 embodiment includes 4 sectors each of which consists of a single indicator. Similarly, a 4×4 embodiment includes 4 sectors. However, each of the sectors in this embodiment includes 4 indicators. The cube example has six sectors represented by the six sides of the cube, and each sector has nine indicators. On the other hand, the sphere example has four sectors with three indicators per sector.
Each embodiment is defined by the outside shape of the device, the number of playing positions, the location of switches on the playfield, the type of display, i.e. LED, LCD, etc., the maximum number of colors or images' provided by the device, and the rotation or shift patterns implemented in the device.
Further, each puzzle is defined by four main design parameters. The number of sectors on the playfield, the number of indicators per sector, the number of indicating states, and the number of colors or images playable by the puzzle. Additional design parameters for a puzzle include the configuration of the sectors on the playfield, i.e., the mapping of indicators to sectors; the configuration of rotation patterns, and the specific colors or images used.
Furthermore, each game in a puzzle is defined by an initial game state that presents an initial display of colors or images to a player, and a game objective in the form of the final desired display of colors or images. The initial display is produced by an initial assignment of indicating states to playing positions. Accordingly, each embodiment could provide one or a plurality of puzzles, and each puzzle could provide one or a plurality of games.
A plurality of indicating states is used to activate the indicators. One of the main features of the current invention is the novel concept that when an indicating state is shifted or rotated from one sector to a different sector it is represented by a different color or image. Further, the same color or image could represent different combinations of sectors and indicating states. For example, the color “red” could represent the combination of indicating state “1” and sector “A,” as well as indicating state “2” and sector “B.” Similarly, the “dark” color could represent the combination of indicating state “1” and sector “B,” as well as indicating state “2” and sector “A.” As would be appreciated by a person of ordinary skills in the art, the number of indicating states for a particular puzzle is a design choice, and is based on the number of sectors, and the number of colors or images playable by the puzzle.
Color or image charts, also defined as visual indication charts, in the form of lookup tables are provided for each puzzle to define the relationship between sectors, indicating states and specific colors or images used. This relationship could also be defined using an appropriate Boolean function. In such case the sectors, indicating states and colors or images are represented by binary codes or numbers. It should be noted that different embodiments and/or puzzles could employ the same color or image chart. For example, a visual indication chart based on 4 sectors, 4 indicating states, and 4 colors or images could be used for the 2×2, 4×4, or 8×8, two-dimensional embodiments, as well as for the sphere embodiment. Also, when light emitting diodes (LEDs) are used to provide colored indications, it is desirable to employ the “off” state of an LED to provide a “dark” indication. In such a case the color provided at a playing position is the external color reflected from the surface of the indicator at that playing position.
It should be noted that the number of sectors for a particular puzzle could be selected by the player as part of a game setting. For example, in a 4×4 embodiment, the number of selectable sectors could be two with eight indicators per sector, four with four indicators per sector, eight with two indicators per sector, or sixteen with a single indicator per sector. Similarly, the number of colors or images playable by the device could be selected by the player at the beginning of a game. In such a case a plurality of visual indication charts is provided to support all possible puzzle configurations.
One of the main concepts employed by the present invention is to shift or rotate indicating states between various sectors on the playfield. To accomplish such shift or rotation process, each puzzle incorporates a plurality of shift or rotation patterns. The specific pattern or patterns used in a particular puzzle is a design choice. However, it is desirable that the configuration of the shift or rotation pattern is such that an indicating state at any play position on the playfield could be shifted to any other play position on the playfield using one or a plurality of shift or rotation activations. Examples of a shift or rotation patterns on a two-dimensional playfield include shifting the states of the indicators in a specific direction along a column, or a row of an array of indicators, or rotating the states of indicators around a geometric loop on the playfield, either clockwise or counter clockwise. Such a geometric loop could be in the form of a square, rectangle, triangle, circle, figure eight, etc. For a three-dimensional embodiment, the shift or rotation pattern could span more than one plane of the three-dimensional shape, or could be confined to a specific side of the shape such as the side of a cube. Examples of shift or rotation patterns on a cube embodiment include the perimeter square rings that could rotate around one of the three main axes of the cube, and any geometric loop that spans one or a plurality of cube sides. Similarly, for a sphere embodiment, the rotation patterns could be implemented using intersecting rings on the surface of the sphere. The number of rings as well as the number of indicators per ring is a design choice.
As would be appreciated by persons skilled in the art, the design parameters could be manipulated to provide puzzles in various levels of difficulty. For example, if the number of colors is fixed, an increase in the number of sectors results in more difficult puzzles. Also, the configuration of sectors on the playfield affects the difficulty of the puzzle For example in a 4×4 embodiment with 4 sectors, the specific indicators selected for each sector could be manipulated to increase the level of difficulty. The 4 sectors could be configured as columns, rows, or quadrants. The sectors could also be configured using individual playing positions that are disjointed. The level of difficulty for various puzzles is also affected by the rotation or shift patterns employed by the puzzles.
Alternatively, to vary the level of difficulty for a particular game one can manipulate the initial conditions for the game, i.e., the initial display presented to the player. In such a case, the level of difficulty is measured by the number of steps, i.e., the number of shift or rotation activations, required to transform an initial display to a desired game objective.
It is not necessary to provide a switch at each playing position. However, at least one switch is required to activate a rotation or shift pattern in a specific direction. For example, to activate the shift process along a column of indicators, a minimum of two switches is required irrespective of how many indicators are present on the column. One switch is used to rotate the states to the “up” direction, and the second switch is required to rotate the indicating states to the “down” direction. Similarly, to activate the shift process along a row of indicator, two switches are required to shift or rotate the states of the indicators to the “left” or “right” directions.
Further, when a rotation loop is used, i.e., a square, rectangle, circle, figure eight, or the like, two switches are required to shift the states of the indicators on the loop “clockwise,” or “counter clockwise.” Additional redundant switches could be added to make it easier for the player to manipulate the displays on the playfield. For example, switches could be added on each side of a cube device to control the rotation of a perimeter group of indicators around a corresponding axis. In such a case, four sets of the two required switches for the perimeter group could be located on the four sides of the cube. It is preferable to use momentary switches to activate the rotation patterns. However, as would be obvious to one skilled in the art, bi-stable switches could also be used.
When an LCD display is used, it would be desirable to employ an input control mechanism consisting of a mouse control with two switches. In such case, the mouse control is used to place or point a cursor on a rotation or shift pattern, and to use one of the switches as the UP, RIGHT, or CLOCKWISE control, and to use the second switch as the DOWN, LEFT, or COUNTER CLOCKWISE control.
To heighten the enjoyment of play, a variety of audio and/or visual indications are provided. Such indications could include tones generated in response to switch activations, flashing indicators, and/or the generation of tunes upon the successful completion of a game or an objective of a game. Statistics could also be kept about the performance of players in solving games or puzzles. Such statistics could include the number of steps used by a player to solve the puzzle, and/or the time used to reach a solution. A game could also be timed to challenge a player to solve the game within a predefined period of time.
Each of the preferred embodiment devices is implemented using a microprocessor to control the various aspects of game play. The various parameters and attributes of a puzzle or a game are stored in the read only memory of the device. Alternatively such parameters could be provided in a removable flash memory to enable future additions of puzzles and games. Further, some of the game parameters could be selected by the player at the beginning of a game. The microprocessor is programmed to configure the playfield into the required sectors, monitor the activation of the control switches to implement the corresponding shift or rotation process, rotate the states of affected indicators, and calculate new displays for the indicators. The microprocessor is also programmed to determine if a solution is reached for the game in play, and to generate the appropriate audio/visual effects to reward a player for solving a game or puzzle.
The indicators of the preferred embodiments could be implemented using LED displays or LCD screens. When LED displays are used, different colors could be provided using one discrete LED for each color, or by employing multi-color LEDs that provide two or more colors in addition to being unilluminated. For the purposes of this invention “dark,” when used as a design choice to represent one of the visual indications, is considered a color represented by the color reflected from the surface of the indicators. Therefore, a two-color device could be implemented using the “on” and “off” visual indications resulting from a single color LED. It should be noted that the use of LED displays is only for the purpose of describing preferred embodiments, and is not intended to limit the invention herein. As would be understood by a person of ordinary skills in the art, any light emitting means, such as incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, could be used to provide visual indications.
When LCD screens are used, such screens could be of the monochromic type or the color type. When monochromic screens are used, the plurality of images could be provided by different images. When colored screens are used, the plurality of images could be provided by different images or symbols, or by the same image or symbol depicted in different colors. For the purposes of this invention a blank display could be used to represent an indicating state. Therefore, a two-image puzzle could be implemented using a single image and a blank display.
The puzzle device could also be provided as a computer game that is played on a desktop, or laptop computer, or could be designed as a game provided on a CD, DVD or special cartridge for electronic games such as Game Cube, PS2, X-Box, Game Boy, or the like. The Puzzle device could also be provided on a consumer electronic device such as a palm pilot, a Blackberry, a cell phone, or the like.
These and other more detailed and specific objectives will be disclosed in the course of the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein:
Referring now to the drawings where the illustrations are for the purpose of describing a number of preferred embodiments of the invention, and are not intended to limit the invention hereto.
The maximum number of colors provided by this cube device at each playing position is a design choice. However, for the preferred embodiment illustrated in
To provide five illuminated colors, it is desirable to employ a single RGB type LED at each playing position. An RGB type LED is capable of providing multi-colored indications, and has four leads. Three of the four leads are connected to red, green and blue LED elements. The fourth lead is connected to a common battery bus. To provide the primary colors of red, green, or blue, only the LED lead corresponding to the desired color need to be energized. The remaining two illuminated colors are produced by mixing the primary colors in a predetermined manner, which is accomplished by energizing a plurality of the three main LED leads using various duly cycles.
The playfield consisting of the 56 indicators is divided into six sectors configured as the six sides of the cube device. Each sector includes 9 indicators. The cube device also employs 6 indicating states per indicator. As an indicating state is shifted or rotated from one sector to another sector, it provides a different color in accordance with the visual indication chart shown in
When a two-color operation is the only operation required by the cube device, then all that is needed at each playing position is a single element LED that provides two indications, namely an “ON” indication, and an “OFF” indication. Obviously, the two indications could also be provided by any two illuminated colors. It should be noted that a game designer could employ different shades of the same color, different levels of brightness, or flashing indications to represent the indicating states. What is important is that the six indicating states are presented to the player as six visual indications that are distinguishable from each other. For example, a single element LED could provide three visual indications defined as ON, OFF, and FLASHING.
The cube device shown in
To activate the rotation function for a particular strip, the player is provided with four switch mechanisms, each of which is located on one of the four sections or sides of the strip. It should be noted that, even though only one switch mechanism is required for each strip, an additional three switch mechanisms are provided for ease of manipulation of the device. In the preferred embodiment, each switch mechanism consists of two momentary switches 21 located at each end of the strip section that spans one side of the cube. It is preferable that the switch activation action be a sliding action in the direction of rotation. It is also preferable to enable the player to activate the switches from any of the three playing positions 23 located on any of the four sections of the strip.
To accomplish these two objectives, a novel switch activation mechanism is shown in
It should be noted that the above description for the switch activation mechanism is set forth for the purpose of describing a preferred embodiment, and is not intended to limit the invention herein. As would be appreciated by persons of ordinary skills in the art, alternate switch configurations could be used to activate the rotation patterns. For example, two momentary push buttons shaped as arrowheads could be provided for each strip sector. Each of these push buttons could be located at the edge of the sector, and pointing to the direction of rotation. Alternatively, a momentary switch could be provided at each playing position. When such switch configuration is used, a player must activate two switches on a rotation strip in a sequence that corresponds to the desired direction of rotation.
The device shown in
The cube device shown in
Further, the cube device provides a plurality of games for each puzzle. A game is defined by an initial display pattern presented to the player, and a game objective. One game objective provided by the cube device is to reach a game state, wherein all fifty-four (54) indicators display the same color. A second game objective is to reach a game state, wherein all nine indicators on each side of the cube display the same color, and wherein each side of the cube displays a different color. As would be appreciated by one skilled in the art, other game objectives could be provided for the cube device.
The initial display pattern for a particular game is established by starting with a display that corresponds to the game objective, and by performing one or a plurality of rotation actions in order to scramble the display. This initial display is produced by an initial assignment of indicating states to the indicators on the playfield. The initial conditions for a game could be stored as program data in ROM 62, or in a flash memory 94, in the form of initial indicating states for all fifty-four indicators, or in the alternative such initial conditions could be stored in memory as data describing the rotation actions required to produce the initial display from a game objective. One measure of the level of difficulty for a particular game is the minimum number of steps required to transform an initial display pattern to a game objective. The player employs the select switch 18 to select a particular puzzle, and a specific game from a plurality of puzzles and games stored in the device.
A block diagram of the control circuitry for this game device 10 is illustrated in
It should be noted that the above description of the control circuits of the cube device is provided as an example for illustration purposes only, and is not intended to limit the present invention. As would be appreciated by those skilled in the art, a game designer would most likely select a micro-controller with built-in audio driver to control the game device. Such micro-controller would include I/O ports that can be configured as input or output ports, and could be used to connect the control switches and other control push buttons directly to the micro-controller without the need for any interface and coding devices or memory decoder drivers. Such micro-controllers are well known to those skilled in the art.
The cube device could also be implemented using either monochromic or color screens with back lighting. A total of six screens are required to provide the playfield on the surface of the cube. Each of such screens represents one sector on the playfield. As an alternate to the LED embodiment, each screen is divided into sixteen (16) playing positions, and each playing position could indicate up to six different images. The differences between the images could be in shape and/or color. For example, the images could be simply a single geometric shape produced in six different colors. Alternatively, the images could be six different geometric shapes produced in the same color. Such configuration is suitable when monochromic screens are used. Another example is to employ different images with various colors, such as fruit symbols in their natural colors, to provide the six different images. What is important for the objectives of this invention is that the images be distinguishable from each other.
This alternate cube device operates with six indicating states that rotate between the six sectors of the cube, i.e., the six screens. The rotation patterns are similar to those employed by the LED cube device. To activate the rotation function, the device employs touch screen controls with an algorithm that detects a sliding touch control action, and determines the direction of such control action by the player. To implement this touch screen algorithm, each screen employs an x-y coordinate configuration to identify the specific point on the screen at which the player is touching the screen. The player is instructed to slide his or her finger on the surface of the cube, along a selected strip, in the desired direction of rotation. The player is further instructed to maintain the sliding action for a minimum space equal to the distance between two adjacent playing positions. Such instruction would ensure that the player would not inadvertently activate a rotation function by simply touching the cube device. An example flow diagram for the touch screen control algorithm is shown in
An alternate switch control mechanism for the LCD cube device includes a plurality of momentary switches that are activated by the player by pressing on a special icon located on the field of play. Each rotation strip requires a minimum of two momentary switch controls, one for each direction of rotation.
The control circuitry for an LCD cube device is shown in
The maximum number of colors provided by the sphere device is a design choice. However, for the embodiment illustrated in
To provide three illuminated colors, it is desirable to employ a single bi-color LED at each playing position. A bi-color LED is capable of providing at least three different lighted colored indications, and has three leads. Two of the three leads are connected to red & green, or red & yellow LED elements. The third lead is connected to a common battery bus. To provide the primary colors of red and green, for example, only the lead corresponding to the desired color need to be energized. The third color, yellow, is produced by mixing the primary colors of red and green. This is accomplished by energizing both the red and green leads of the LED in a predefined duty cycle. It should be noted that other types of LEDs could be used to provide multi-colored indications. For example, a plurality of LEDs could be used at each playing position such that each individual LED provides a separate illuminated color. Also, it is possible to use a multi-color LED having only two leads. Such an LED produces different colors depending on the polarity of electrical energy connected to the LED. Additional colors are produced by continuously reversing the polarity of electrical energy connected to the LED using different duty cycles.
Also, multi-colored visual indications could be provided by means other than the use of lighted indications. For example, the different colors could be provided by mechanical means, chemical means, or any other manner known in the art.
The playfield of the sphere device is divided into four (4) sectors 118, each of which includes three (3) indicators. The sphere device also employs four (4) indicating states per indicator. As an indicating state is shifted or rotated from one sector to another sector, it provides a different color in accordance with the visual indication chart shown in
The sphere device shown in
To activate the rotation function for a particular ring, the player is provided with a switch mechanism similar to that used for the cube device, i.e., having a sliding action in each direction of rotation 113 or 115. The switch mechanism employs interconnected pieces that form a ring, and includes two momentary switches, each of which corresponds to a rotation direction. The ring could be activated by placing two fingers on opposite sides on the ring, and by a twisting-sliding action to move the ring in the direction of rotation. This mechanical configuration enables a player to activate the switch mechanism from any position on the ring, and independent of the orientation of the sphere device.
The maximum number of different visual indications (colors or images) provided by these two-dimensional devices is a design choice. However, for the embodiments illustrated in
The specific colors used for the devices shown in
The LCD screen 24 for the preferred embodiment shown in
The playfield for the 4×4 embodiment shown in
The playfield for the 2×2 embodiment shown in
Similar to the cube and sphere devices, the number of indicating states for each indicator is a design choice. The 4×4 embodiment shown in
The control circuits for the devices indicated in
The 2×2 embodiment shown in
The 6×6 embodiment shown in
It should be noted that additional embodiments could be implemented using 3×3, 5×5, 7×7, 8×8, or any other two-dimensional array of indicators. The main factors that determine how the visual indications are produced include the number of sectors, and the number of indicating states. It should, also, be noted that the number of sectors used is independent of the size of the two-dimensional playfield. Similarly, the number of indicating states is independent of the size of the playfield. Further, the number of sectors is independent of the number of indicating states. For example, a puzzle in an 8×8 embodiment could employ four sectors and two indicating states, and a 2×2 embodiment could employ four sectors and four indicating states. What governs the operation of a particular puzzle in a particular embodiment is the visual indication chart. Examples of sector configurations for 3×3, 5×5, 7×7, and 8×8 embodiments are indicated in
The preferred embodiments shown in
Alternate rotation patterns consist of intersecting geometric shapes, each of which maps a plurality of playing positions on the two-dimensional playfield. Examples of such rotation patterns include square (
The 6×6 LCD device shown in
With respect to the devices shown in
As would be appreciated by a person of ordinary skills in the art, there are numerous embodiments, puzzles, and/or games that could be implemented using the concepts disclosed herein. The design parameters that define an embodiment and/or puzzle include the shape of the housing, the number of playing positions, the number and configuration of sectors, the number of indicating states, the visual indication chart(s) employed, and the number and configuration of rotation patterns. Further, the design parameters that define a game for a particular puzzle include the objective of the game, and the initial assignment of indicating states to playing positions. Additional features such as sound effects, means to vary the level of difficulty of play, a scoring system to measure a player's skill in solving various puzzles, etc., could also be incorporated in the various embodiments.
In addition, the puzzles and/or games described herein could be provided as a computer game on a CD, as a video game, or as a game on a hand held consumer electronic device.
With respect to the operation of any of the devices shown in
Referring again to
The control program also determines the particular puzzle and game selected by the player, based on the specific preferred embodiment. The control program first determines the number and configuration of sectors using game data stored in a data section of the control program, and player input in embodiments where the number and configuration of sectors is a selectable parameter by the player. The control program next determines the number of indicating states for the selected puzzle. The number of indicating states is determined either based on game data stored in program memory, or from player's input. Next the control program selects a visual indication chart based on the number of sectors, number of indicating states, and the number of visual indications per indicator provided by the preferred embodiment for the selected puzzle. Next, the control program identifies the rotation patterns for the selected puzzle using program data, and player input in embodiments where the configuration of rotation patterns is a game parameter selectable by the player.
After determining the parameters for the selected puzzle, the control program selects a game for the puzzle, either based on player's input, or randomly from a plurality of games stored in the memory of the device. A game is defined by an initial assignment of indicating states to playing positions, and a game objective.
Upon determining the parameters for the selected puzzle and game, the microprocessor under the direction of the control program activates the indicators at the playing positions using the initial assignment of indicating states for the selected game. The control program then provides an indication to the player that game play is ready. Such indication could be audible and/or visual.
The microprocessor then awaits an input from the player. Upon receiving such input from the player, the control program determines the selected rotation pattern, and the selected direction of rotation. The control program then shifts the indicating states of the indicators associated with the selected rotation pattern by one playing position in the selected direction of rotation. Next, the control program determines the new visual indications at affected indicators using the visual indication chart for the selected puzzle. It should be noted that the control program could employ an appropriate Boolean function, or appropriate Boolean functions, to calculate display codes corresponding to the new visual indications at the indicators.
The microprocessor then updates the displays at affected indicators, and makes a determination if the objective of the game is met. If the player is successful in completing the objective of the game, then the microprocessor, under the direction of the control program, will generate “end of game” visual and/or sound effects. Alternatively, if the objective of the game is not reached, then the microprocessor will generate an audible signal and will await another input from the player. The foregoing process is repeated until the player succeeds in solving the puzzle.
As would be understood by those skilled in the art, many different programs may be utilized to implement the flow charts disclosed in
This utility application benefits from provisional application of U.S. Ser. No. 60/646,445, filed on Jan. 25, 2005.
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Number | Date | Country | |
60646445 | Jan 2005 | US |