Described herein are a method and an apparatus for heat treating and processing of metals, such as but not limited to steels, in a carbon-containing atmospheres. More specifically, described herein is a method and apparatus for carburizing, carbonitriding, nitrocarburizing, controlled carbon potential annealing, softening, brazing and sintering that may be conducted, for example, in a one atmosphere-pressure, batch or continuous furnace.
Conventional carbon-containing atmospheres are generated in endothermic and, sometimes, exothermic generators that are remote or external to heat-treating furnaces. The carbon-containing atmospheres are oftentimes adjusted to match processing requirements by mixing with one or more hydrocarbon gases (HC) such as methane (CH4), propane (C3H8), propylene (C3H6), acetylene (C2H2), ammonia (NH3), and/or nitrogen (N2). Since endothermic gas reformed, most frequently, with air forms hydrogen (H2), N2, and carbon monoxide (CO), with minute quantities of water vapor (H2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2), the conventional atmospheres have a potential to oxidize alloying additions present in steel, e.g. chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si) or vanadium (V) while, simultaneously, carburizing the main steel component, i.e., iron (Fe). The same oxidizing-carburizing effect takes place in other atmospheres such as dissociated alcohol atmospheres, e.g. N2-methanol and N2-ethanol.
The oxidizing-carburizing effect is undesired. In many instances, oxides located at the grain boundaries of metal weaken the surface and accelerate fatigue cracking or corrosion in the subsequent service. It is well recognized that countermeasures are costly, time, energy, and capital equipment intensive, and/or not available when carburizing thin wall steel components or net-shape surfaces. For carburizing treatments, these countermeasures may involve extending the carburizing cycle time in the furnace in order to develop an excessively thick carbon-rich layer in the metal surface and mechanical removal of the most external, oxide-affected portion of this layer in the following machining operations. In other treatments, the oxidizing-carburizing effect may deteriorate the surface appearance of annealed metal by forming spots of oxide films. Moreover, the oxidizing potential of these atmospheres may inhibit or completely prevent carburizing and the related, diffusional surface treatments of highly alloyed steels such as stainless steels and various types of tool steels and superalloys.
To avoid this oxidizing-carburizing effect, the metals industry may use oxygen-free atmospheres which, at the gas inlet to processing furnace, can contain technically pure N2, H2, NH3, HC, and their combinations and mixtures, with optional argon or helium additions, but not air, CO, CO2, H2O or alcohols and their vapors. It is well known that elimination of oxygen (O2) containing gases from the furnace atmosphere, including air, CO, CO2, H2O, or alcohols and their vapors, is an effective solution to the problems outlined. This can be realized by using HC, HC—N2, or HC—H2 gas stream during low-pressure carburizing treatments in vacuum furnaces, where all air and moisture have been pumped out from the furnace volume in the preceding operations. The O2-free, N2—HC and N2—H2—HC atmosphere treatments have also been used with various degrees of success in the atmospheric (e.g., ambient, 1-atm pressure) furnaces. Here, the main complicating factor is a difficulty in excluding leakage of ambient air into the furnace. Although very popular and relatively inexpensive, the 1-atm-pressure furnaces cannot offer the level of atmosphere control found in vacuum furnaces. Additional factors encountered may include release of moisture from the ceramic refractory of the furnace and minor leaks of combustion flame from radiant heating tubes to the treatment space of furnace.
Carburizing process control in the conventional, endothermic and dissociated alcohol atmospheres containing oxygen is based on the equilibrium of the carburizing-decarburizing reaction on the surface of iron. The reducing potential of the atmosphere, associated with its carburizing potential can be measured with zirconia probes, frequently called oxygen or carbon probes. This process control method cannot be used with the O2-free atmospheres described above because there is no equilibrium; the metal is carburized proportionally to the exposure time, temperature, and the flux or transfer of carbon-bearing species from the atmosphere to the surface. Here, the ultimate carburizing limit under the ordinary heat treatment conditions is the conversion of the substantial or entire metal volume into carbide by the HC-component of the atmosphere, which is an undesired outcome.
The most popular method of solving the process control challenge in vacuum furnaces involves a trial-and-error based development of carburizing recipes that regulate the mass flux of HC gas. The key variables involve the type of HC gas used, its flowrate, temperature, pressure, carbon boosting and diffusing time required for producing desired carbon concentration profile under the surface of the metal part, composition and total surface area of the parts treated. Since these variables can be precisely controlled, the number of trials needed to develop a particular recipe is small. Based on those recipes, the subsequent production runs can be automated and supported with popular computer-calculated diffusion models predicting in real-time the development of carbon concentration profile in metal.
The process control challenge is more difficult in the case of 1-atm-pressure furnaces which, as mentioned above, are less precise than vacuum furnaces and involve a number of additional, sometimes uncontrollable processing variables such as air and combustible gas leakage or moisture desorption. The development of recipes may require more trials than in the case of vacuum furnaces, and the carburizing cycle including carbon boost and diffuse may necessitate real-time, dynamic corrections to the processing parameters using some type of a feedback loop.
Various carbon flux probes, microbalance instruments and schemes have been developed over the years to address the challenges of process control in non-equilibrium as well as equilibrium atmospheres. Illustrative examples include those disclosed in the following references: U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,035,203; 4,591,132; 5,064,620; 5,139.584; and 7,068,054; EP Pat. No. 0353517A2; and U.S. Publ. No. 2008/0149225A1. U.S. Pat. No. 7,068,054 describes a sensor probe, measurement system and measurement method for directly measuring solute concentration profiles in conductive material components at elevated processing temperatures. US Publ. No. 2008/0149225 provides a method of treating a metal part in an atmospheric pressure furnace using an oxygen free controlled gas. Their applicability to non-equilibrium atmosphere carburizing in 1-atm-pressure furnaces is, nevertheless, limited, as well as the reliability and lifetime of carbon-flux probes in industrial, non-stop production environments.
Accordingly, there is a need in the art to provide a method and/or apparatus to enable or improve the development of process recipe and the subsequent dynamic control when no suitable carbon flux probe is available and/or when the continuous use of the probe in the non-equilibrium atmosphere used poses reliability problems.
Described herein is a method and apparatus that can be used for heat treating a metal in at least one of the following processes: carburizing, carbonitriding, nitrocarburizing, controlled carbon potential annealing, softening, brazing and sintering that may be conducted, for example, in a one atmosphere-pressure, batch or continuous furnace and in an atmosphere that is oxygen free and comprises nitrogen and at least one hydrocarbon.
In one aspect, there is provided a method for controlling the atmosphere in a furnace wherein the pressure of the furnace comprises 1 atmosphere and wherein no oxygen or oxygen-containing gases are added, comprising the steps of: treating a metal part in a 1 atmosphere pressure furnaces and in an atmosphere comprising a hydrocarbon gas wherein a modified metal coupon method is used for determining a carbon flux from the atmosphere into the metal part and diffusion calculations are obtained for carbon concentration profile at and under the surface of the metal part. In this method, the carbon flux measurements were made using average measurements obtained from metal coupon probes.
In another aspect, there is provided a method for controlling the atmosphere in a furnace wherein the pressure of the furnace comprises 1 atmosphere and wherein no oxygen or oxygen-containing gases are added, comprising: treating a metal part in a 1 atmosphere pressure furnaces and in an atmosphere comprising a hydrocarbon gas wherein a carburizing recipe is developed using carbon flux measurements and correlating them with at least one measure comprising the amount of H2 in an effluent of the furnace and optionally a voltage reading from a zirconia probe, and controlling an amount of the hydrocarbon gas in the atmosphere during the subsequent processing steps. In one particular embodiment, the method further comprises: operating a zirconia probe comprising a zirconia cell in the atmosphere with no oxygen or oxygen containing gases added intentionally. In this method, the carbon flux measurements were made using the actual measurements obtained.
In any of the above aspects, the treating step is at least one process selected from carburizing, carbonitriding, nitrocarburizing, controlled carbon potential annealing, softening, brazing and sintering. In any of the above aspects, the method can be performed on a metal part that is selected from common, plain and low-alloy steels, high alloy steels, tool steels, stainless steels and superalloys. In any of the above aspects, the treating step can be conducted using electric plasma discharge activation methods of the treatment atmosphere.
In a further aspect, there is provided an apparatus for controlling treatment of a metal part, the apparatus comprises a modified metal coupon apparatus involving thick metal probes for determining carbon flux from atmosphere into metal allowing for subsequent diffusion calculations for carbon concentration profile at and under metal surface in the metal heat treatment atmosphere process in 1-atm-pressure furnaces involving non-equilibrium atmospheres containing hydrocarbon gases with no intentional additions of oxygen or gases containing oxygen.
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The method described herein can be used for estimating carbon flux into steel during carburizing operations in non-equilibrium atmospheres, e.g. oxygen-free, N2—HC gas carburizing at 1 atm pressure, or in an alternative embodiment, carburizing under HC or H2—HC gas blends. The same method can be used for carburizing, carbonitriding, nitrocarburizing, controlled carbon potential annealing, softening, brazing and sintering that may be conducted, for example, in a one atmosphere-pressure, batch or continuous furnace. At least one objective of the method described herein is to facilitate the development of new carburizing process recipes when suitable, real-time carbon flux probe or in-furnace microbalance and diffusion controllers are not available.
The term “oxygen free” as used herein describes atmospheres wherein no oxygen or oxygen containing gas is intentionally added to the furnace atmosphere; however, minor amounts of oxygen (e.g., 1% by volume percentage or below) may be present incidentally from entry or exits of the furnace, or from reduction of metals oxides and refractory ceramics present inside the furnace, and/or oxygen and moisture desorbed from furnace walls. Examples of intentionally added to the furnace atmosphere O2-containing gases include air, CO, CO2, H2O, or alcohols and their vapors. The most popular, O2-containing atmospheres are endothermic atmospheres which contain approximately 20 volume percent (vol %) CO, 40 vol % H2, trace levels of CO2 and H2O, and the balance of N2. Unless otherwise specified herein, the sum of all vol % equals 100 vol %. When enriched by the addition of HC for the purpose of carburizing steel, these atmospheres may, typically, include less than 10 vol % HC, less than 1 vol % CO2, and less than 2 vol % H2O of the overall vol %. Examples of intentionally added to the furnace atmosphere O2-free gases include HC, H2, N2, NH3 and their blends such as HC—N2, HC—H2 and N2—H2—HC. Typically, these atmospheres contain less than 15 vol % HC (HC partial pressure is below 0.15 atm), with the balance of N2 and/or H2. Examples of intentionally formed non-equilibrium furnace atmospheres include HC, HC—N2, HC—H2 and N2—H2—HC as well as their combinations with NH3 and noble gases: argon (Ar) and helium (He). These atmospheres are the same as the O2-free atmospheres described above. Examples of intentionally formed equilibrium furnace atmospheres include CO, CO—CO2, CO—H2, CO—CO2—H2, CO—CO2—H2—H2O, and their derivatives or combinations containing, also, N2, Ar, He, alcohol, NH3, and air or O2. These atmospheres are, essentially, the same atmospheres as the endothermic atmospheres described above. It is understood, that these atmospheres can be produced by external or in-furnace reforming of methane, propane, butane, dissociating methanol, ethanol, and mixing the products with the other listed gases: N2, H2, NH3, HC, Ar, and/or He. It is also understood that 1 (one) atmosphere pressure furnace is the furnace without special provisions for operation at very low or very high pressure such as the well known, high gas-pressure quenched vacuum furnaces used for heat treating of metals and ceramics. The 1 atmosphere pressure furnace operates at, approximately, the same as or slightly higher pressure than the pressure of ambient air in the furnace surroundings. These slight pressure variations may be a function of one or more of the following: weather, geographic location, the system of seals or curtains used in the furnace, furnace temperature, furnace atmosphere gas composition, and/or the total inlet gas flowrate related to the furnace volume, furnace exhausts, and uncontrolled leakage openings. In any case, these pressure variations may amount to less than 0.2 atm (or 0.2 barg or 20.2 kPa or 2.94 psig or 152 torr).
In certain embodiments, the method described herein may be used to monitor a carburization process involving a non-equilibrium atmosphere for carburization control in a system that uses a gas control panel to control the flow and mixing of a specific gas mixture and deliver that specific gas to the 1 atm pressure furnace. In one particular embodiment of a typical carburization process, a specific gas comprising nitrogen gas and hydrocarbon gas in prescribed concentrations is delivered to the 1 atm furnace as a function of time and temperature and other process parameters. The gas atmosphere within the furnace may be substantially oxygen free, with very small quantities of oxygen present as a result of leakage, impurities, etc. User inputs may include results or analysis from test samples from the furnace during the calibration and operation of the furnace. Preferably, such results or analysis may include actual carbon uptake realized in the furnace at certain atmosphere and/or other conditions. In addition to the foregoing, other sensed or measured processing parameters including furnace temperature as measured with a temperature sensor or thermocouple, H2 concentration in the furnace effluent gases, and furnace reducing potential as measured with an oxygen (zirconia) probe, may also be monitored and controlled by the end-user.
A carburization model which is controlled by the end-user via a control panel, CPU or other means, can be used to calculate processing inputs as a function of time. In certain embodiments, the carburization model uses a software program fed with selected inputs, including user's inputs, furnace temperature, furnace atmosphere reducing potential, as well as known parameters such as alloy composition, furnace type, etc. to calculate or ascertain the desired inlet gas concentrations and flowrates as a function of heat treatment time. During the actual carburization process, one or metal parts to be carburized are loaded into an atmospheric pressure furnace and contacted with the prescribed gas mixtures for a certain duration of time. Once heat treated, the treated metal parts are removed from the furnace and placed in a cooling or quench chamber. The cooling or quench chamber may also comprise an atmosphere that is O2-free so as to further minimize oxidation. Alternatively, the treated metal part or parts may be cooled inside the furnace. The ranges for processing conditions for the 1-atmosphere pressure treatments in the scope of the disclosed method can be vary, so that the following examples listed below can merely illustrate just a few applications. Thus, stainless steel metal parts can be high-temperature carburized and carbonitrided using N2—H2—HC—NH3 atmospheres within the temperature range of from 700° C. to 1150° C. Here, the volumetric concentrations of component gases may vary within the following ranges: H2 from 0% to 99.75%, N2 from 0% to 99.75%, HC from 0.25% to 10%, and NH3 from 0% to 99.75% by volume. Treatment times may vary from 1 hour to 48 hours. Using the same compositions, stainless steel metal parts can be also low-temperature carburized, carbonitrided or nitrocarburized. Here, the temperature may range from about 350° C. to about 580° C., and the typical treatment time could be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 72 hours. Mild steels, alloyed steels, and tool steel parts can be carburized between 840° C. and 1000° C.; the treatment time may range from 15 minutes to 12 days depending on the metal load used and the carbon profile desired. Nitrocarburizing and carbonitriding of these steel parts can be carried out between 450° C. and 750° C., and the atmosphere compositions will be the same as those listed above for stainless steels. Many sintering atmospheres may include 0%-98% N2, 0%-99.75% H2, and 0.25%-5% HC by volume, and the temperature in the continuous sintering furnaces could range from 18° C. to, typically, 1250° C. In alternative embodiments, broader treatment times, temperatures, and/or gas composition ranges may also be used for the process.
Metal coupon, metal foil or, shim stock methods for determining Cp are known and used in the conventional, equilibrium atmosphere carburizing operations. Since the surface carbon concentration cannot exceed Cp, the typical method involves a very thin steel foil and a relatively long exposure time in order to saturate metal throughout and achieve a constant carbon concentration profile across the width. Consequently, the measurement of weight gain of the foil directly indicates atmosphere Cp. However, applying this procedure for determining Cp when a non-equilibrium, oxygen-free, N2-hydrocarbon gas atmosphere is used would result in a complete conversion of the metal into carbide, i.e., no useful information about the time dependant carbon flux needed for controlling the process. In this regard, the method described herein, in one aspect, provides a metal coupon procedure where only one side is exposed to the carburizing atmosphere. The coupon thickness or width ‘W’ and carburizing time T are selected in such a way that the unexposed coupon side is not yet carburized by the flux of carbon atoms flowing from the exposed side. When comparing to the conventional metal foil procedure, the coupon width or thickness is larger and the exposure time typically is comparable to or shorter. It is believed that the weight gain of a relatively thick coupon is directly correlated with the rate of the carbon transfer from the atmosphere to the surface metal parts treated and the carbon flux from the surface to the core which is not inhibited by increasing carbon concentration on the opposed, unexposed side.
a exemplifies one of many possible configurations of metal coupon that may be used: steel tubing which is snapped on a solid rod or supporting pipe which prevents carburizing of the internal diameter surface. For typical carburizing conditions, the following dimensions can be used: L=100 mm, OD=10 mm, W=0.5 mm. The exposed surface is about 31.4 cm2, starting weight is about 11.7 grams, and anticipated carbon weight gain may range between 2 and 80 mg making weight measurements easy using conventional (offline) microbalances. Alternative coupon geometries,
Proposed carbon flux measurements can be realized using the conventional shim stock probe ports found in all furnaces running carburizing operations. The procedure requires sticking a few metal coupons into furnace for a few different, precisely measured periods of time and measuring the weight gain as a function of exposure time. Thus, one probe with one coupon can be inserted to furnace for 5 minutes, another probe with another coupon for 10 minutes and, yet another probe for 20 minutes. The weight gain of each coupon can be reported as the average carbon flux for the exposure time used.
Carbon mass flux, J, is calculated by dividing weight gain Am by coupon surface area exposed to the atmosphere, A, and by the exposure time interval, t, (J=Δm/A/t) which means that the measured datapoints can be quickly converted into carbon flux values.
Using an off-line calculation spreadsheet, the six J-flux datapoints can be fitted with a power function curve of the general type: J=atb, since carbon flux into metal core typically decays during carburizing and C-saturation according to such a relationship, reflecting the characteristics of lattice diffusion of carbon and/or diffusion across a carbide reaction layer. Here, a and b are constants, and t is running time of the carburizing (boosting) cycle. Thus, a general function of J(t) is J=atb wherein a and b are trend constants, 0<1<10−5, b<0, and t-time in minutes.
Industrial carburizing treatments involve, typically, carbon boosting step or steps, when carbon flux and/or carbon potential is high, and carbon diffusing step or steps, when carbon flux and/or carbon potential is lower. This method accommodates the boosting-and-diffusing procedures by the way of utilizing a diffusional modeling software program, capable of predicting carbon diffusion during the treatments from the surface into the metal core. In this aspect of the method described herein, an offline diffusion software package, or “CarbTool” software from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609, may be used to evaluate the diffusing time needed to obtain a desired carbon profile for the average boosting flux estimated in
Described above modified metal coupon procedure is based on the assumption that the atmosphere and other carburizing process conditions do not depart significantly from the desired values through the boosting and diffusing steps. In certain embodiments, this assumption may be valid but, however, needs to be monitored as the carburizing process progresses. The key variability factors during the process involve atmosphere and temperature which may be monitored using conventional gas analyzers and thermocouples or zirconia probes operated according to the method disclosed hereinafter. The other factors, e.g., work load surface area or mixing, are set at the beginning of carburizing process and require adjustments only from one process cycle to another.
In one particular embodiment, monitoring H2 concentration in the furnace effluent while carburizing steel under oxygen-free, N2-hydrocarbon atmospheres is an effective process control measure. In alternative embodiments, monitoring the concentration of other effluents, e.g. H2O, CO2, CO, or CH4 may also be useful; however, in certain instances, the changes in concentration of these effluents may not be as significant and/or as easy to measure for steel surface carburizing as that of H2. Table 2 shows the correlation between carburizing steel surface and H2 concentration as a function of numerous process variables. Table 2 shows that there are 3 areas where increasing H2 effluent may signalize a drop in carburizing. Thus, if H2 effluent is monitored throughout the entire (1st) carburizing cycle, dedicated to the recipe development and involving carbon flux measurements, then the next carburizing cycles could be executed solely on the basis of H2-readings, and all lesser adjustments of the carburizing atmosphere could involve modification of the inlet hydrocarbon concentration in order to match the pre-recorded H2 concentration at any particular moment (minute) of the repeated cycle.
In certain embodiments, the 1 atmosphere (atm)-pressure, carburizing or controlled carbon potential industrial furnaces using the conventional, equilibrium atmospheres such as endothermic atmospheres can be equipped with ‘in-situ’ zirconia (ZrO2) probes called, also, oxygen probes or carbon probes. The term in-situ means that the sensing tip of the zirconia probe is located directly in the furnace atmosphere and at the furnace temperature. The electromotive force measured by these probes in millivolts (mV) can be associated with the carburizing potential of equilibrium (O2-containing) atmospheres as shown in
The method described herein provides, among other things, three ways to solve the problem of the high voltage limitation in order to enable zirconia probe operation in the O2-free, non-equilibrium atmospheres: [1] reducing the temperature of the zirconia cell to below the carburizing temperature of the furnace, [2] replacing the air reference gas inside the probe with an inert gas containing a known, negligible quantity of O2, e.g: 5 or 10 ppm O2, or [3] a combination of [1] and [2]. All these solutions are based on the Nernst equation predicting the electromotive force change in response to the changes in zirconia cell temperature (T in Kelvin degrees) and/or the O2 partial pressure in the reference gas (Preference partial pressure, a molar fraction of O2 at 1 atm-pressure):
E=0.0496T log(Psample/Preference)
where: Psample is the partial pressure of O2 or its equivalent reduction oxidation (redox) potential in the furnace's gas sample. Table 3 illustrates the zirconia probe readings (in millivolts) for various levels of O2 in gas sample at 1 atm-pressure as a function of cell temperature (600° C. and 900° C.) and the partial pressure of O2 on the reference side of the cell (air=0.209 atm=20.9 vol % at 1 atm-pressure, 0.001 atm=0.1 vol % at 1 atm-pressure, and 0.00001 atm=10 ppm O2 at 1 atm-pressure). Table 3 shows that reducing the cell temperature but, also, the O2 partial pressure on the reference side of the cell enables the increase of the millivolt output to above −1250 which is acceptable in the case of the most commonly used industrial zirconia probes. In the reversed zirconia probe configurations which use Preference/Psample ratio to measure mV, the same method reduces the output to below +1250 mV.
Using the low-O2 reference gas in ZrO2 probe, the industrial operators may continue to use their in-situ zirconia probes to supervise the carburizing process in the O2-free, non-equilibrium atmospheres, even without the capability of determining the carbon potential or flux into the metal. Just like in the case of using the H2-analysis of furnace effluents, the changes in mV readings are not always proportional to the change in metal carburizing effect. Table 2 shows the correlations between carburizing steel surface and mV readings as a function of numerous process variables. The trends are somewhat different than for the H2 concentration changes, and the combination of mV readings and H2 concentration is only partly complementary. Nevertheless, if both H2 effluent and mV are monitored throughout the entire (1st) carburizing cycle, dedicated to the recipe development and involving carbon flux measurements, then the next carburizing cycles could be executed solely on the basis of those readings, and all lesser adjustments of the carburizing atmosphere could involve modification of the inlet hydrocarbon concentration in order to match the pre-recorded H2 and mV values at any particular moment (minute) of the repeated cycle. Thus, H2 and mV readings could be used, individually or in combination, to supervise production runs and apply process corrections, as needed, by modifying the inlet HC concentration.
The method described herein for determining carbon flux during carburizing in non-equilibrium atmospheres using the carbon flux probe or the modified metal coupon technique and the subsequent H2-effluent, and/or optional mV monitoring according to the procedure involving reduced cell temperature or reference O2 concentration may be also applied, for example, to fine-tune and control atmospheres used in neutral carbon potential annealing in other types of furnaces, such as, but not limited to, batch and continuous furnaces, as well as other types of operations, such as but not limited to, carbonitriding and nitrocarburizing, softening, brazing, and sintering. Further, in certain embodiments, the method described herein may be applicable to thermal carbon-containing atmospheres. In alternative embodiments, the method described herein can be used in atmospheres involving an additional electric activation in form of plasma discharges such as that disclosed, for example, in U.S. Publ. No. 2008/10283153 A1 which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Also described herein are carburizing recipe development steps using a carbon-flux probe and auto-controller system performing real-time diffusional calculations if available (
In the method described in
In the method described in
This Application claims the benefit of U.S. Application No. 61/431,179 filed on Jan. 10, 2011. The disclosure of Application No. 61/431,179 is hereby incorporated by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
61431179 | Jan 2011 | US |