Babcock & Wilcox, The World's Leading Recovery Boiler, Publication date unknown. |
MacCallum, Colin and Blackwell, B. R., Modern Kraft Recovery Boiler Liquor-Spray and Air Systems, technical paper International Recovery Conference, New Orleans, 1985, pp. 1, 2, 25 and 26. |
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Incinerator Overfire Mixing Study, Feb. 1972, pp. 1C, 1G, VI pp. 3-8. |
Chapman, Paul J. and Jones, Andrew K., Recovery Boiler Secondary Air System Development Using Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tappi Engineering Conference, Seattle, Sep. 1990. |
Blackwell, Brian; Hambleton, Hugh and Brown, Ed, Two-Wall Primary Air in Kraft Recovery Boilers, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association Conference, Whistler, B. C., 1991. |
Adams, T. N. & Frederick, W. J., Kraft Recovery Boiler Physical and Chemical Processes. |
Babcock & Wilcox, Steam/Its Generation and Use, 1978. |
Fridley M. W. & Barson, J. A. Upgrading the Combustion System of a 1956-Vintage Recovery Steam Generator, Tappi Journal, Mar. 1988. |
Fridley, M. W., Mid America Packaging, Barsin, J. A. Upgrading a 1956 Vintage Recovery Steam Generator--II, 1988 Annual Meeting, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. |