IEEE publication, “Determining the Benefit of Knowledge Management Activities” by Tim Kotnour Ph.D. et al., Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, pp. 94-99, Jan. 1997.* |
Internet publication, “A Concept for an Internet-based Process-oriented Knowledge Management Environment” by Frank Maurer, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada, pp. 1-22;, Oct. 2000.* |
Internet publication, “A Process for Knowledge Acquistion and Management” by Jeffrey D. Kenyon, US West Information Technologies, Inc. Denver, CO, Proceedings of KAW'98, Eleventh Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management, Banff, Alberta, pp. 1-17, Apr. 1998.* |
IEEE publication, “Enterprise Knowledge Management” by, Daniel O'Leary, University of Southern California, Computer, pp. 54-61., Mar. 1998.* |
U. Roy et al. paper entitled, “Product Develpment in a Collaborative Design Environment”, Knowledge Based Engin. Lab., Dept. of Mech., Aerospace and Manuf. Engin., Syracuse, NY. vol. 5, No. 4, Technomic Publishing, Co. pp. 347-364. |