Method and apparatus for organizing scanned images

A system is provided for scanning batch-type documents containing indicia on either a single side or on two sides of each document sheet. Misfeeds through a scanning device are identified by comparison of an anticipated number of pages with an actual number of scanned pages. Similar misfeeds may be identified by comparison of first and second series of pages in two-sided documents. Automatic collating of scanned pages is then performed where desired. The automatic collating may be based upon simple interleaving of pages, or upon recognition of page identifiers, such as page numbers in common or anticipated regions of the page. The scanning, analysis and collating operations may be followed by other processing steps, including transmission of facsimiles, printing, copying, and so forth.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to the field of document scanning wherein document pages are encoded digitally for storage and reproduction. More particularly, the invention relates to a novel technique for analyzing and organizing scanned pages to detect erroneously fed or scanned pages and to place the scanned pages in a desired order with a minimal degree of operator intervention.

2. Description of the Related Art

Digital document scanners have become a wide-spread tool in many document handling and production tasks. At present, digital scanners for encoding text and images are utilized in office environments both for the storage of documents, the transmission of documents, such as in facsimile machines, and the copying of documents, such as in digital copiers, and so forth. Scanners may include both hand-held devices, sheet-feed devices, and fill page devices. Moreover, full page devices may include automatic sheet-feeding arrangements for drawing a stack of documents to be scanned over a scanning surface in batch processes.

Digital scanners of the various types mentioned above generally include light sources and light detectors arranged to reflect radiation from a surface to be scanned, and to receive reflected radiation. The reflected radiation is then encoded to provide data representative of discrete picture elements or pixels on the document surface. The light source and receiver elements may provide for either single-color scanning or multiple-color scanning. Moreover, various resolutions are available, each dividing the scanned image into different numbers of pixels and different spatial densities of pixels in an image matrix. Once the image has been scanned, software routines are employed for analyzing and reconstructing an image, such as on a computer monitor, printer or copier, and for transmitting the image data, such as in a facsimile transmission or data file.

Where multiple page documents are scanned in batch processes, an operator may control the accurate duplication and collation of the scanned pages by manually placing the pages on the scanner one-by-one, or by manually monitoring the scanning process. However, where automatic sheet-feeders are employed, an operator is often freed to pursue other tasks while the scanner sequentially draws in the pages from a stack and scans them in the stack order. Certain scanners, such as in copying machines, are also available with automatic collating features for two-sided copying wherein pages having useful information on both sides are flipped in sequential scanning operations and either single or double-sided reproductions are produced.

Several problems arise in automatic sheet-feeding scanners. For example, in single-side scanners, when two-sided documents are to be scanned, an operator must process the batch job on a first or recto side, then reinsert the stack for scanning on the second or verso side, and subsequently manually collate the pages to interleave the odd and even pages. Where the scanner is employed for facsimile transmissions and similar operations, the receiver must perform this collating operation. In the event of “misfeeds,” in which the scanner draws in more than one page at a time, the operator may receive a series of scanned pages which will not properly interleave due to the absence of one or more pages. The latter problem occurs not only in reproduction of double-sided documents in a scanner, but can result in the failure to fully scan even single-side documents. In either event, the operator is faced with the time consuming task of sorting through the scanned pages to identify the missing pages, re-scanning the missing pages, and inserting the missing pages in the appropriate location in the document.

There is a need, therefore, for an improved technique for scanning and managing documents which permits misfed pages, or absent pages, to be identified easily with a minimal amount of operator intervention. There is also a need for a technique which can interleave or reorganize scanned pages, such as two-sided pages scanned in a single-side batch job, while flagging mismatching or missing pages in a sequence, also with a minimal degree of operator intervention.


The present invention provides a method and apparatus for scanning multiple page documents designed to respond to these needs. The technique may be employed on any type of scanner, including sheet-feed scanners or full page scanners, multi-function printers, copying machines, facsimile machines, and so forth. The technique permits a user to encode a series of pages, either single-sided or double-sided. Following the scanning process, data representative of the pages is analyzed to verify the order of the scanned pages, or to flag missing pages in a batch job. In the case of two-sided documents, the technique facilitates identification of misfeeds of either the recto or verso sides of the documents. The operator may then be notified of a misfeeds, and re-scan any missing pages. A similar technique is employed for single-sided documents. The technique permits automatic interleaving of scanned pages of two sided documents, as well as insertion and re-ordering of pages in both two-sided and single-sided documents. Moreover, the technique may employ character recognition devices, such as optical character recognition, to identify page designations where these are present on one or more of the pages. The locations of the page designations may be automatically determined or may be input by an operator. Misfeeds and interleaving may proceed based upon the recognized page designations. Where such character recognition techniques are employed, they may be used to verify that sections of batch jobs are presented in a uniform page orientation. The recognition may then prompt reorientation of certain pages in the batch job to provide consistency in the scanned data and page presentation.

In addition to the basic interleaving and misfeeds recognition functions, the technique may be adapted to provide some degree of tolerance in handling of the scanned pages. For example, tolerances may be provided for pages which are considered to be first or last pages in a sequence, particularly where optical character recognition routines are employed to identify the proper page order. Similarly, anomalies in page numbering may be permitted, particularly for pages in a sequence where the number of pages between recognized sequenced pages is proper but no page designation is found or recognized.


The foregoing and other advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon reference to the drawings in which:

FIG. 1

is a diagrammatical representation of a computer system, including a scanning device for scanning pages and transmitting corresponding digitized data for subsequent processing;

FIG. 2

is a diagrammatical representation of the system of

FIG. 1

in somewhat greater detail, illustrating certain of the functional components or circuits within the scanning device and the computer system;

FIG. 3

is an exemplary representation of a series of pages in a batch-processed document, indicating locations in which page numbers may be provided for recognition by a computer system;

FIG. 4

is a representation of an alternative document presentation scheme in which page numbers are positioned in different locations on facing pages;

FIG. 5

is a diagram indicating typical interleaving of pages in a batch-processed document, particularly of a two-sided document, processed through a single-side scanner; and,

FIG. 6

is a flow chart illustrating exemplary control logic for identifying misfeeds in a scanning system and for interleaving or reordering scanned pages.


Turning now to the drawings, and referring first to

FIG. 1

, a document handling system


is illustrated as including a scanning device


, a computer


, a keyboard


, a mouse


, and a monitor


. System


is particularly well suited to inputting user-defined data, such as through the keyboard, mouse and monitor, as well as for inputting data by digitizing indicia on a page in the scanning device. In the illustrated embodiment, system


includes a stand-alone computer designed to carry out instructions based upon stored application software or indicia disposed on a document as described more fully below. It should be noted, however, that the system may include a series of networked computers, servers, peripheral devices, and so forth. Also, in the illustrated embodiment described herein, scanning device


is linked to computer


, and serves multiple functions, including scanning or digitizing documents, printing documents, and transmission of facsimiles of documents. Accordingly, the scanning device may rely on certain of the circuitry and programming embodied within the computer, or may rely solely upon its own stand-alone circuitry and programming. In the latter case, certain of the techniques described herein may be employed on a self-sufficient device, such as a non-networked facsimile machine, multi-function peripheral device, photocopying machine, and the like.

As illustrated in

FIG. 1

, scanning device


is a sheet-feed scanner including a document feed tray


in which document


can be positioned for scanning. The present techniques may also be employed with hand-held scanners, flatbed scanners, and so forth. Device


further includes an interface panel


on which a series of input buttons or keys


are accessible by a user. Depending upon the particular configuration of the device, such keys may include conventional digit input keys, as well as particular function keys for executing such operations as scanning, copying, facsimile transmission, and instruction input. A read-out display


is provided on interface panel


to allow certain textual messages to be displayed for the user. Scanning device


may receive and transmit data via a telephone or similar network link


. In the illustrated embodiment, computer


also includes a similar network link


. Depending upon the system design, a single network link may suffice for the transmission and receipt of data to and from both the scanning device and the computer system.

FIG. 2

illustrates certain of the functional circuitry and components of system


in a diagrammatical representation. As summarized above, the system generally includes a computer


linked to the scanning device


. The user input and output devices, such as keyboard


, mouse


, and monitor


, are linked directly to computer


. While the scanning device


may include a wide array of functional circuits and hardware, depending upon its particular design, in the illustrated embodiment the device includes a control circuit


which is configured to execute programming code for independently controlling the operation of the various sub-circuits and components of the device. Thus, control circuit


is coupled to the input keys and display of interface panel


for receiving user-generated commands, and for displaying messages to a user. A scanning head


is provided within the device for digitizing indicia on documents fed into the device. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, scanning head


may be designed for either black-and-white scanning or for color scanning, or both. In general, such devices emit radiation to the surface of a document and detect reflections from the surface, encoding contrasting wavelengths differently to generate digital output data. The data is transmitted from scanning head


to control circuit


where it is processed as described below. A print head


is coupled to control circuit


to permit digitized data to be output on a printed page.

Control circuit


is also coupled to a memory circuit


. Tis circuitry will typically include stored data, including programming code executed by control circuit


for carrying out the functions described below. Moreover, memory circuit


includes operational parameters employed by the device in scanning documents, printing documents, transmitting digitized data, and so forth. Any suitable memory devices may be included in circuit


, such as volatile and non-volatile memory, disk drives, RAM, ROM, DRAM, and so forth.



further includes interface circuits linked to control circuit


for exchanging data with other remote components. Thus, a telephone/facsimile interface circuit


is provided for sending and receiving data defining documents in facsimile format. A system interface circuit


is also provided for receiving and exchanging data and commands from computer



It should be noted that certain of the functionalities described herein are designed to be carried out on peripheral devices such as a scanning device, including both scanning and printing capabilities. However, certain of the present techniques may be employed on devices having more limited capabilities, including scanning capabilities alone. Similarly, for certain of the techniques described herein, a telephone/facsimile interface circuit may not be required, particularly where scanned data is transmitted to a memory circuit or computer system for archival storage, further processing, transmission through the associated components, and so forth.

In the embodiment illustrated in

FIG. 2

, computer


includes a CPU


linked to a memory circuitry


, as well as to a peripheral interface circuit


. Computer


may be of any suitable type, such as a personal computer system, computer work station, laptop computer, and so forth. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, in general, CPU


executes pre-established programming code, typically in the form of application software. The code is stored in memory circuit


which may include hard disk drives, RAM, ROM, DRAM, and so forth. Peripheral interface circuitry


may include hardware, firmware, and software for driving scanning device


and for executing specific functions such as transmitting and receiving data representative of both operational instructions or parameters, as well as digitized documents.

In accordance with the present techniques, scanning device


can receive instructions for its operation in one of several manners. Firstly, manually input commands can be formulated by depressing keys


on interface panel


. As the keys are depressed, signals are transmitted to control circuit


for executing specific functions, typically by reference to code stored within memory circuit


. Secondly, specific instruction sets can be transmitted to the device from computer


. Finally, instructions can be input via an instruction support sheet on which machine and human readable indicia are provided. The instruction support sheet may take various forms, depending upon the nature of the instructions to be provided, the document to be scanned, the operation to be performed during and following scanning, and so forth.

Document handling system


is particularly well suited to scanning and analyzing documents including multiple pages provided in groups or batch jobs. Such batch jobs may include single-sided pages, double-sided pages, or both. In the case of single-sided pages, the batch job may be held within scanning device


and each sheet fed through scanning head


to encode or digitize indicia displayed on the pages. The digitized data may then be processed by control circuit


or by computer


, such as for cropping, sharpening, filtering, dynamic range adjustment, and so forth. The resulting scanned data is then stored either locally within the scanning device in memory circuit


, or in memory external to the device, such as in memory


of computer


. Double-sided documents are similarly processed. However, in the case of double-sided pages, the user may first scan a job stack on a recto side, then re-insert the job to scan the verso side of the double-sided pages. Again, the scanned data representative of the verso side of the sheets is processed and stored.

In conventional batch job scanning systems, several problems arise within the scanning sequence as summarized above. For example, the page drive employed to feed the individual sheets through scanning head


may malfunction, resulting in a misfeeds, in which two or more pages are fed through the scanning device at once. Moreover, where a two-sided document is scanned, the user must generally reorganize the scanned pages following the scanning operation to provide the desired order in the stored document. The present technique provides for alerting the operator of certain types of misfeeds, as well as for collating pages of double-sided documents automatically. When the misfeeds and collating functions are desired, the scanning device may be provided with specific instruction sets selectable by the user. Again, these instruction sets may be selected either by manipulation of keys on interface panel


, or on an input device of computer


, or through an instruction sheet which is scanned as a first sheet to the batch job.

As described more fully below, the process of misfeeds identification is generally carried out by comparing the number of pages actually scanned to a desired or predetermined number. In doubled-sided scanning jobs, a number of pages in a first series (e.g. first pass or recto side) with the number of pages in a second series (e.g. second pass or verso side). Moreover, both types of comparisons may be performed to identify possible misfeeds in the overall job, as well as in either series. The desired number of pages is supplied either by the user through manipulation of keys of interface panel


, or through identification of a number of pages on a scanned instruction sheet, such as through darkening of instruction locations corresponding to the known number of pages in a scanned job and encoding the corresponding number. Because the pages of the scanned job are stored or marked individually in memory circuit


, a count of these pages is performed during the scanning operation. Where the number anticipated in the job does not correspond to the number of pages actually scanned and stored, an alert notification is provided to the user. Similarly, for double-sided jobs, where the number of pages of a recto series differs from that of a verso series, a similar notification is provided, indicating the probable location of the error in the first or second series. In certain scanning devices, an input tray may be provided with functionality whereby a number of sheets in a batch job is identifiable by page count, weight, or another technique. In such cases, the count compared in the misfeeds identification sequence may be based upon a signal generated by the scanning device itself or an input tray sensor.

The collating operation of the present technique, also described more fully below, may be performed in one of several manners. For example, in a collating operation on a two-sided document, the scanning device may be instructed to simply interleave pages of a recto scanning series and those of a verso scanning series. The user then need only invert the batch job after the recto scanning series to encode the verso sides of each page, the pages then being collated by redesignation or reordering of the page data in the memory circuit. In another presently preferred configuration, the scanning device or the computer to which it is coupled is provided with character recognition capabilities enabling it to analyze at least one region of a document page, and preferably several regions, for identification of page designations. Where such page designations are located and identified, automatic collation may then be performed by reference to the designations and corresponding reordering of the pages in the memory circuit. For double-sided jobs, character recognition or similar techniques may also be used to determine inconsistencies in the orientation of certain pages of the batch job. For example, several orientations may be presented, such as due to insertion of a portion (commonly a verso side stack) into the scanning device and an orientation different from a first portion of the batch job. Regions containing page designations may then be designated as “normal” orientations for the particular portion of the batch job, with a software rotation being performed on one portion of the batch job (typically recto or verso) based upon the location of the page designation. Because commercially available character recognition routines may fail to accurately perform where page orientation is other than expected, in accordance with the present technique, the routine may be performed on regions of the scanned document in several possible orientations, rotated with respect to one another to provide for recognition of the page designation in any of several possible page orientations.

FIGS. 3 and 4

illustrate typical pages in a batch job of the type which may be scanned through system


and the probable locations of page numbers or similar designations on the sheets of the scanned job. The job, designated generally by reference numeral


, includes a plurality of document sheets


, with indicia to be digitized provided on one or both sides of each sheet. Page number locations may be anticipated in one of several positions on each document page. In the illustrated embodiment, such locations include an upper left corner


, and upper middle position


, an upper right corner


, a lower left corner


, a lower middle position


, and a lower right corner


. As shown in

FIG. 4

, such locations may also be identified on facing recto and verso pages of two-sided documents, with only several of these possible locations being shown in

FIG. 4

, notably upper left or lower left positions




of a left or verso sheet, or upper right or lower right positions




of a right or recto sheet. It should be noted that although reference is made herein to “sheets” and “pages”, actual documents scanned may be supported on any suitable medium, including paper sheets, transparent sheets, as well as documents support between and located within transparent sheet covers, and so forth.

As noted above, the document scanning and management techniques described herein are particularly well suited to batch jobs in which a document scanning order is not necessarily the same as a desired document page order.

FIG. 5

illustrates a tabulated document order and scanning order which summarizes this point. As shown in

FIG. 5

, a document order


will generally be defined by a series of pages












, and so forth. These pages may be provided on one or more sides of document sheets, however. Thus, in a scan job, the scan order


may differ, typically defining odd (recto) and even (verso) sets depending upon the location of the pages on recto or verso sides of scanned sheets. The series


defining the desired document order


, thus, differs from the series




defining the scan order. In the illustrated example, a recto scan series


consists of a series of odd pages






. A verso scan series


consists of even pages on respective verso sides of the sheets of the first series


, including pages






. The present technique enables automatic collating of such scanned sequences to map a scan order onto a desired document order.

It should also be noted that misfeeds within a batch job may occur in both the case of single-sided scanning and double-sided scanning. Where a misfeeds occurs, a number of scanned pages,


in the example of

FIG. 5

, will not be recorded in memory. In general, however, for double-sided documents the misfeeds may occur in either the recto series


or the verso series


. In general, however, the overall number of pages in the scanned document will differ from a desired or known number of pages when a misfeeds occurs. Where possible, the present technique also enables identification of the probable occurrence of a misfeeds and either a recto or a verso series




in a double-sided batch job.

FIG. 6

summarizes exemplary steps in control logic for carrying out misfeeds identification and reordering or collating operations described above. This control logic, designated generally by reference numeral


, includes a series of steps generally summarized in

FIG. 6

, which would, when implemented, be defined by appropriate programming code well within the competence of one skilled in the art.



begins at step


where the batch job is prepared by assembling pages to be scanned. As mentioned above, the job may further include one or more cover sheets on which instruction sets are defined by darkened or otherwise contrasting regions placed and recognizable by the scanning device. At step


it is determined whether the job includes two-sided document pages. If such pages are included, automatic collating or reordering may be commanded as indicated at step


. Such reordering processing may be either automatic upon recognition of a two-sided document, or may be operator programmed. In general, however, where memory circuit


stores and labels individual batch jobs separately, the two-sided job may be stored and labeled only after both sides of the document have been scanned and processed to maintain the document in a cohesive form.

At step


, the scanning device determines whether a check for possible misfeeds is in order. Again, the scanning device may be programmed to monitor scan jobs for possible misfeeds, or may be enabled to do so only upon operator request. In general, however, where such verification is desired, a number of pages in the job is provided as indicated at step


, such as through a scanned page or through operator manipulation of interface panel


. As noted above, where functionalities on the scanning device provide for identification of the number of pages in a batch job, such as through a page counter, input tray sensor, or any suitable means, the number of pages in the job for use in the misfeeds sequence may be obtained through the scanning device directly.

At step


the scanning device determines whether page identification routines such as optical character recognition software is employed. Where such routines are available and used for the collating functions described herein, a known or probable location of page identifying indicia may be input at step


. As before, this input may be performed via a scanned instruction sheet or through operator input via panel


. Alternatively, as mentioned above, the scanning device may be programmed to review encoded data in a number of regions to automatically identify such page designations.

With the instruction information determined as identified above, the batch document is scanned as indicated at step


. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, this scanning operation includes feeding each page of the document through the scanning device at a known rate, encoding contrasting regions of each scanned page into digital values, processing and storing the digital values and identified pages or data sets. As noted above, where a two-sided document is processed, the scanning operation at step


will include inverting the document for scanning of the verso side of each page. It should also be noted that the inversion of scanned pages for encoding of two-sided documents may or may not result in feeding of pages in an order corresponding to the order of a recto series of scanned pages in the two-sided stack. For example, the stack may be scanned in an order of recto pages






and so forth in a first series, with the second series effectively scanning verso pages






and so forth. However, the second series may, alternatively, scan the same pages in a reverse order, such as beginning with the final verso page, followed by the penultimate verso page, and so forth. In the latter case, the reordering or collating operations described below may include reversing the order of the first or second series, in addition to interleaving of series pages.

At step


in the control logic summarized in

FIG. 6

, the control circuit


performs a comparison of the total number of pages scanned in the batch job with a desired or anticipated number of pages. If the resulting numbers do not match, a mismatch or misfeeds flag is produced at step


. The flag may include generation of a user alarm or notification which may be output via readout display


of the scanning device or on a printed report page. Following generation of the flag or notification, or if the total number of pages matches the desired or anticipated number, control advances to step


. Where no collating is to be performed as described below, control may advance directly from the mismatch or misfeeds identification steps to a viewing step


or report generation step



At step


the control circuit determines whether page numbers were located in the anticipated or designated regions of the pages as described above. If no page numbers are located, but were anticipated, a flag may be set as indicated at step


, notifying the user that no page numbers were found for the collating operation. Again, the flag or notification set at step


may result in the display of a notice on the scanning device or mention of the failure to identify page numbers in a batch job report. Similar results may be generated where no application software is provided for recognition of such page identifiers. As noted above, where character recognition routines are employed for locating a page identifier, such as a page number, the regions checked for the page identifiers may be analyzed in several possible orientations, typically rotated 90° from one another, so as to accurately identify the page identifiers regardless of the orientation of the page in the scanning device.

In processing where collating has been programmed, such collating or interleaving is performed at step


. This collating or interleaving may be performed based upon page identifiers located at step


, or simply based upon the interposition of odd and even pages from recto and verso series of the batch job. As noted above, tolerance in the processing and interleaving may be permitted where desired. For example, where page identifiers are recognized at step


for some, but not all pages, the interleaving performed at step


may permit sequence interleaving without requiring that all pages be identified. Thus, by way of example, a page “


” which is not so labeled may be interposed between a page “


” and a page “


” by virtue of identified pages “


” and “


” on either side of the page “


.” Such permitted tolerances may be particularly well suited to pages having images, photographs, charts, and the like interposed between pages of text. As noted above, where the foregoing process identifies that certain pages are oriented in the scanning sequence and inconsistent page orientations (typically verso sides inverted with respect to recto sides), the collating routine may perform a rotation of one of the portions of the batch job to provide consistent page orientation in the resulting data.

Following the misfeeds analysis and collating steps described above, the application software of the scanning device or of the computer system coupled to the scanning device may prompt the user for viewing of the scanned and collated document as indicated at step


. Step


may include opening full-size or reduced-size reproductions of the scanned pages, permitting the viewer to verify that all pages are properly scanned and collated. This display step is summarized in

FIG. 6

at reference numeral


. Where the application software permits, the user may further modify the collation performed automatically, may delete certain pages from the scanned document, and so forth, based upon the displayed pages.

At step


a report is generated indicating that the scanning operation has been successfully completed. As noted above, the report may include information regarding possible misfed or mismatched pages, and the results of character recognition and collating operations. In addition to identifying mismatched pages, the report may also attempt to identify, within each series of pages, which series contains the mismatched page. The scanning, analyzing, and collating steps may be further followed by any suitable processing, data transmission, and similar operations, including transmission of facsimiles, printing of hard copies, and so forth.

While the invention may be susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments have been shown by way of example in the drawings and will be described in detail herein. However, it should be understood that the invention is not intended to be limited to the particular forms disclosed. Rather, the invention is to cover all modifications, equivalents and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the following appended claims.

  • 1. A system for processing scanned data comprising:a scanning circuit configured to detect discrete-regions of a plurality of document pages in a batch job and to generate scan data representative thereof; a memory circuit coupled to the scanning circuit for storing the scan data in separately identifiable pages, the pages being stored initially in a first order; a comparison circuit coupled to the memory circuit and configured to compare the number of scanned pages of the batch job to a predefined number; and an output circuit coupled to the comparison circuit and configured to generate a user alert when the number of scanned pages differs from the predefined number; wherein the scanning circuit, the memory circuit, the comparison circuit and the output circuit are included in a programmable scanning device.
  • 2. A system for processing scanned data comprising:a scanning circuit configured to detect discrete regions of a plurality of document pages in a batch job and to generate scan data representative thereof; a memory circuit coupled to the scanning circuit for storing the scan data in separately identifiable pages, the pages being stored initially in a first order; a comparison circuit coupled to the memory circuit and configured to compare the number of scanned pages of the batch job to a predefined number; an output circuit coupled to the comparison circuit and configured to generate a user alert when the number of scanned pages differs from the predefined number; and a collating circuit coupled to the memory circuit for reordering the stored pages into a second order different from the first order.
  • 3. A system for processing scanned data comprising:a scanning circuit configured to detect discrete regions, of a plurality of document pages in a batch job and to generate scan data representative thereof; a memory circuit coupled to the scanning circuit for storing the scan data in separately identifiable pages, the pages being stored initially in a first order; a comparison circuit coupled to the memory circuit and configured to compare the number of scanned pages of the batch job to a predefined number; an output circuit coupled to the comparison circuit and configured to generate a user alert when the number of scanned pages differs from the predefined number; a character recognition circuit coupled to the memory circuit, the character recognition circuit being configured to review at least a portion of the stored pages and to recognize page identifying features; and a collating circuit coupled to the memory circuit, the collating circuit operable to reorder the stored pages into a second order different from the first order based upon the page identifying features.
  • 4. The system of claim 3, further comprising an input circuit for receiving user-defined input data, and wherein the predefined number is programmed via the input circuit.
  • 5. The system of claim 3, wherein the output circuit generates a user alert including an indication of one or more pages missing from the batch job.
  • 6. A system for organizing scanned images, the system comprising:a scanning device configured to scan a plurality of pages in a batch scanning job in a first order and to generate data signals representative thereof, a memory circuit coupled to the scanning device for storing the data signals representative of the pages, a collating circuit coupled to the memory circuit for analyzing the data signals and for reordering the pages into a second order different from the first order.
  • 7. The system of claim 6, wherein the collating circuit identifies characters representative of page sequence and reorders the pages into the second order based upon the characters.
  • 8. The system of claim 7, wherein the collating circuit analyzes the data signals representative of the pages to identify the characters representative of page sequence in at least two regions of each page.
  • 9. The system of claim 6, further comprising a comparison circuit configured to compare the number of pages of the batch job scanned by the scanning device to a desired number and to generate a user notification based upon the comparison.
  • 10. The system of claim 6, wherein the second order is based upon interleaving odd and even pages of the batch job.
  • 11. The system of claim 6, further comprising a user workstation coupled to the memory circuit for viewing images of the scanned pages.
  • 12. A system for organizing a plurality of scanned image pages, the system comprising:a scanning device configured to scan a plurality of pages of a batch job and to generate data representative thereof; a memory circuit coupled to the scanning device for storing the data; a character recognition circuit coupled to the memory circuit and configured to analyze at least a portion of the data for each page to identify characters representative of a desired page sequence; and a collating circuit coupled to the character recognition circuit and to the memory circuit for reordering the pages based upon characters recognized by the character recognition circuit.
  • 13. The system of claim 12, wherein the character recognition circuit is configured to analyze data for at least two regions of the pages to identify the characters.
  • 14. The system of claim 12, further comprising a viewing station coupled to the memory circuit for displaying images of the scanned pages.
  • 15. The system of claim 12, further comprising a comparison circuit coupled to the memory circuit and configured to compare the number of scanned pages of the batch job to a predetermined number and to generate a user message based upon the comparison.
  • 16. The system of claim 15, further comprising a user input device for programming the predetermined number.
  • 17. The system of claim 12, wherein the character recognition circuit and the collating circuit are defined by programming code stored in the memory circuit.
  • 18. A method for collating scanned pages comprising the steps of:scanning a plurality of pages of a document in a first order to generate page data representative of each page; storing the page data in a memory; analyzing the page data to identify page designations; and reordering the pages of the document in a second order different from the first order based upon the page designations.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, including the further step of identifying a location of the page designations on the document pages.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein the location is identified by an operator input.
  • 21. The method of claim 18, wherein the step of analyzing the page data includes analyzing a plurality of regions of each page to identify the page designations.
  • 22. The method of claim 18, including the step of comparing a number of pages scanned to a desired number of pages and generating a user notifications based upon the comparison.
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5161037 Saito Nov 1992 A
5384785 Yoda Jan 1995 A
5563986 Suzuki Oct 1996 A
5669056 Rubscha Sep 1997 A
5801837 Hamanaka et al. Sep 1998 A
5889896 Meshinsky et al. Mar 1999 A
5940543 Isemura et al. Aug 1999 A
6101283 Knox Aug 2000 A