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Micah Akler, John w. Byers and Richard M. Karp, “Parallel Sorting With Limited Bandwidth,” International Computer Science Institute and Computer Science Division, UC Berkeley, SPAA '95, 7th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Jul. 17-19, 1995, pp. 129-136. |
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Mark H. Nodine and Jeffrey Scott Vitter; “Deterministic Distribution Sort in Shared and Distributed Memory Muliprocessors”; 5th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorthims and Architectures; Jul. 1993; pp. 120-129. |
Charles Gregory Plaxton, “Efficient Computation On Sparse Inteconnection Networks,” Standford University Department of Computer Science, Report #STAN-CS-89-1283, Sep. 1989, 119-page document. |
Knuth, The Art of computer Programming, vol. 3, “Sorting and Searching,” pp. 252-380. |