Method and apparatus for performing sequential executions of elements in cooperation with a transform


  • Patent Grant
  • 6715064
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, January 21, 2000
    24 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, March 30, 2004
    20 years ago
A method and apparatus for predicting the outcome of a branch instruction based on the branch history of preceding branch instruction. As a sequence of instructions passes through an instruction execution pipeline, a base branch instruction is chosen, a history index is generated for the base branch instruction and subsequent branch instructions, and a transform is created for the branch instruction to be predicted. When the sequence of instructions subsequently passes through the pipeline again, the transform is used to operate on the history index of the base branch instruction to produce a history index for the branch to be predicted. The result is used as an index into a prediction array to access the prediction logic for the branch instruction being predicted. By using the predetermined transform, a branch status prediction can be made before the branch to be predicted reaches the normal prediction stage in the pipeline.


1. Field of the Invention

The invention pertains generally to computer processing. In particular, it pertains to making predictions of processing steps using global predictors.

2. Description of the Related Art

One of the techniques used to increase overall procesor speed is the well-known use of instruction execution pipelines. Since the execution of each instruction is actually a series of sequentially executed sub-steps, an assembly line process can be used. Instructions are fed into the input of an execution pipeline with a series of stages. Each stage performs one of the sub-steps and then passes the instruction to the next stage for performing the next sub-step. A simplified example would be: first stage—decode the instruction type, second stage—retrieve relevant data, third stage—operate on the data, fourth stage—store the result. Most actual pipelines have many more stages than this, for example twenty stages, with each stage performing a simpler task than those just recited. Multiple instructions can be in the pipeline at the same time, each undergoing a different sub-step in a different stage at the same time, so overall throughput is much higher than if each instruction had to be completed before the next could be started.

If an instruction is a conditional branch instruction, the selection of instructions hat should immediately follow it in the pipeline depends on whether or not the branch is taken. The fact that an instruction is a branch instruction is determined early in the pipeline, but whether the branch will be taken is not determined until the later stages of the pipeline, after several of the subsequent instructions have already been loaded into the pipeline. Because of this, microprocessor architectures incorporating instruction execution pipelines usually include some methodology for predicting the outcome of branch instructions so that the program instructions that are predicted to follow the branch instruction can be loaded into the pipeline. If the prediction is wrong, the instructions behind the branch instruction must be flushed from the pipeline and the correct instructions then loaded, thereby causing a delay. Thus, the accuracy of the predictive method is important to the performance of the system.

One conventional predictive approach is to look at a predetermined number (N) of branches immediately preceding the current branch, and then use the pattern of branching within that group as an index into a predictive logic array that actually predicts the branch status (branch or don't branch) of the branch instruction. For example, a global history array may be used to keep an ongoing track of the behavior of an N number of branches preceding each branch to be predicted. The contents of the history array can then be used as an index into a prediction array, with each location in the prediction array containing prediction logic for the specific branch being indexed. To make each index unique to a specific branch and also history-dependent, each branch's history index can be operated on by a unique parameter such as the branch's instruction pointer, to produce the index for the next branch. Thus, the history index for a given branch instruction is based partly on the branching path leading up to that branch instruction. If the branch history generation logic misses a particular branch, all the following branch prediction indexes will be corrupted, and the global history generation process must be restarted.

The difficulty of using this prediction method with an instruction execution pipeline is shown in FIG.



FIG. 1

shows an instruction execution pipeline


with ten stages labeled S




. At stage S


, the type of instruction (such as a conditional branch instruction) is identified. If the instruction is a branch instruction, at stage S


the parameter for predicting the branch status is extracted. At stage S


, the prediction of branch status is actually made. At stage S


, the actual branch status of the branch instruction can be identified, and the possibility of a pipeline flush becomes evident.

Ten instructions I




have been sequentially loaded into the pipeline at input


, and are progressing through the pipeline from left to right. In the example shown, instructions I


, I


, I


and I


are branch instructions labeled BR


, BR


, BR


and BR


, respectively. As soon as BR


enters the pipeline at stage


, its branching status needs to be predicted so the instructions following BR


can be determined and loaded into the pipeline immediately after it. If an accurate prediction is to be made for BR


, two conventional approaches are typically used: 1) Wait until BR


reaches stage


to make a prediction. This reduces the effectiveness of making a prediction, since stages S




will be initially filled without the benefit of the prediction, and a pipeline flush of these stages is likely. 2) Maintain information on every branch needed to identify the branch and create its global history, so that the global histories of BR


and BR


can be generated and used to generate a global history for BR


in pipeline stage S


. This requires extensive circuitry for the prediction logic, since data must be kept for every branch instruction, and if information for BR


and BR


is missing due to cache capacity issues or for any other reason, BR


gets a corrupted global history that negatively impacts performance.


The invention includes a method of providing at least three elements, including first and last elements, with each element having an associated parameter, and further providing an index for the first element. For the first sequential execution of the elements, a first operation is performed on the first index and at least one of the parameters to produce a transform. The transform is then saved. For the second sequential execution of the elements, a second operation is performed on the transform to produce a last index, which is associated with the last element.


FIG. 1

shows an instruction execution pipeline of the prior art.

FIG. 2

shows a process flow of the prior art for producing global history indexes.

FIG. 3

shows a process flow for deriving a transform.

FIG. 4

shows a prediction circuit of the invention.

FIG. 5

shows a retirement circuit of the invention.


The present invention can be used to predict the performance of a decisional element based on the historic performance of preceding decisional elements, when information from the most recent elements is not available. In particular, the invention can be used to make branch predictions for branches in an instruction execution pipeline when the information from some of the branches normally used in the prediction are not yet available to the prediction logic.

In an instruction pipeline, information for some number of branches preceding a branch to be predicted may not be available at an early stage of the pipeline when a global history for the branch to be predicted is required by the predictor. However, some preceding branches will have advanced far enough in the pipeline that their global histories will be known. In a given design, it may be possible to identify a ‘base’ branch preceding a specific incarnation of a branch to be predicted which has these properties: 1) the specific incarnation of the branch to be predicted will never be encountered except through the base branch and a fixed set of instructions between the base branch and the branch to be predicted, and 2) the global history information for the base branch can be guaranteed to be available at the time that the specific incarnation of the branch to be predicted reaches the predictor. The present invention takes advantage of the fact that if such a base branch can be identified, it is possible during an initial pass through a stream of instructions to generate a transform such that on subsequent passes through the stream of instructions the transform can be combined with the global history of the base branch to produce the global history of the branch to be predicted, despite the fact that information relevant to the creation of global histories for branches between the base branch and the branch to be predicted is not available. Various methods can be used to create base branches with the properties described above.

Using the example of

FIG. 1

, suppose the particular branch to be predicted is instruction


in a pipeline that contains


instructions, of which instructions I


, I


and I


are also branches. The branch instructions are labeled BR


, BR


, BR


and BR


, respectively. The conventional way to determine the global history index for BR


is to progressively generate the prediction index from the branch history indexes of branches BR


, BR


and BR


. However, this provides difficulties with an instruction execution pipeline because a branch prediction for BR


is required when BR


is in stage S


(so the predicted subsequent instructions can be identified and immediately loaded behind BR


), but the pipeline does not have enough available information to predict BR


until BR


reaches stage S



Instead, the present invention uses a consolidated transform to generate the global history index for BR


based upon the global histories that were determined during a previous pass through the instruction sequence. As used herein, the term ‘transform’ is a label that refers to a particular value, or set of values, that are used to derive the desired data from the available data. On one pass through the instruction sequence, the transform for BR


is generated. On a subsequent pass, as soon as BR


is detected entering stage S


, the branch prediction unit can provide the associated transform and immediately generate the index for BR


without waiting for the branch prediction stage of the pipeline to process BR


, and without considering BR


and BR



FIG. 2

shows how to generate a global history index for each branch in the sequence. Each branch in the trace has an associated history index Ghist(x) and an associated parameter X. Ghist


represents the global history index for branch BR


that has been designated as the first, or base, branch in the process. Ghist


represents the index for the fourth branch instruction, BR


, which is the branch instruction to be predicted and can be referred to as the current branch instruction. Ghist


and Ghist


represent the global history indexes for the intermediate second and third branches in the instruction sequence, labeled BR


and BR


, respectively. All branches of interest in the instruction sequence may have an associated index and parameter, but for clarity of explanation, only the first four branches are shown in this example. All branches shown in the example and referred to in this disclosure are branches “of interest”, meaning these are the branches chosen for use in the prediction process. They might include every branch, every conditional branch, or a subset of one or both of those. Some branches might be ignored. The method of selecting which branches are of interest is a design choice that is beyond the scope of this disclosure.

A, B, and C are constants chosen as the parameters associated with branch instructions BR


, BR


, and BR


, respectively (and by inference, associated with Ghist


, Ghist


and Ghist


, respectively). In one embodiment, these parameters are the instruction pointers for the branches, since the values of the instruction pointers are relatively unique and are available to the predictor. Other methods of choosing these constants can also be used. BR


and any subsequent branch instructions can also have associated parameters, but they are not used in this example and are therefore not described.

The index for the branch to be predicted (index Ghist


for branch BR


in the example) can be used as a pointer into a prediction array that contains decision logic for implementing the branch-don't branch prediction for BR


. In one embodiment, this decision logic contains a saturating counter in each location of the array. The use of saturating counters in prediction logic is known in the art and is not further described herein.

As seen, each branch's index can be derived from the previous branch's index and its associated parameter. Since the process described herein does not comprehend the branch instructions preceding the base branch, the base branch's history index can initially be derived in other ways, whose details are not important to the practice of the invention. However, the global history for the base branch must be available by the time the current branch reaches the prediction stage of the pipeline (stage


in FIG.



A process followed in the prior art for producing global history indexes is shown in FIG.


. As shown, each successive index is derived by using a shift-and-exclusive-OR operation. In this embodiment, an index is shifted one bit to the left and then an exclusive OR (XOR) function is performed on the shifted index value and the associated parameter. For example, Ghist


, the index for BR


, is shown in

FIG. 2

to be 100110011001. The associated parameter A for Ghist


is shown to be 10101010. In one embodiment, each parameter is the program counter for the branch instruction associated with that index Ghist(x). Shifting Ghist


(100110011001) to the left relative to associated parameter A and then performing an exclusive OR operation on it with parameter A (10101010) produces the quantity 001110011000, which becomes the index Ghist


for branch instruction BR


. The most significant bit of Ghist


is labeled ‘D’ (for “Don't care”) rather than ‘1’, because its value is not used. It may be shifted out and lost before or after the XOR operation, so that the ‘D’ bit will be not be a part of the result. Also, instead of shifting Ghist


to the left, the parameter A can be shifted one bit to the right relative to Ghist


. As long as the proper bits are maintained, the physical implementation of the shift operation is a trivial variation, well within the capabilities of a person of ordinary skill in the art.

Repeating this process, the newly-derived value of Ghist


is then shifted one bit and XOR'd with its associated parameter B, which is shown as 10001110, producing the result. 011110111110. This result becomes Ghist


, the index for the third branch instruction in the sequence. Again, the value of the most significant bit can be ignored or discarded.

The newly-derived value of Ghist


is then shifted one bit and XOR'd with its associated parameter C, which is shown as 01001101, producing the result 0111100110001. The most significant bit is again ignored. The final result of 111100110001 becomes Ghist


, the index for the fourth branch instruction in the sequence. Since Ghist


is the index for branch instruction BR


, it can be used as an index into a global history array that provides the branch prediction logic for BR


. Ghist


can also have an associated parameter, and the just-described process can be repeated to produce branch predictions for subsequent branch instructions.

FIG. 3

shows how the nature of exclusive OR operations can be used to abbreviate the approach of FIG.


. Rather than generating history indexes for Ghist


and Ghist


, the parameters A-C associated with Ghist




can each be shifted one bit to the left relative to the subsequent parameter and the three parameters XOR'd together to produce the combined transform 1111111001. This action is performed by shifting the base parameter A one bit to the left relative to the next parameter B to produce an intermediate shifted parameter, and performing an XOR operation on the intermediate shifted parameter and parameter B to produce an intermediate transform. This intermediate transform is then shifted one bit to the left relative to parameter C to produce a new intermediate shifted parameter and an XOR operation is performed on this new intermediate shifted parameter and parameter C to produce a final transform. The final transform can be saved in the global history array and later used with Ghist


to produce Ghist


in a single operation. In this single operation, base index Ghist


can be shifted three bits to the left (one bit for each of the parameters used) to produce a shifted index. The final transform can then be XOR'd with this shifted index to directly produce Ghist


=100111100110001. In keeping with the previous practice of ignoring the most significant bit at each stage, the three most significant bits (MSB's) of Ghist


can be discarded (one MSB for each of the parameters used to derive the transform). The final result for Ghist


is therefore 111100110001, the same result obtained in the process of FIG.



In practice, a base branch instruction is chosen and it's global history index is determined. The choice of base branch can be made using various criteria, which are not important to the following description. As the second, third, fourth, etc. branch instructions are encountered at stage S


of the pipeline, history indexes for each branch instruction are generated. These may represent every branch encountered in the instruction sequence, or may represent only those branches meeting a predetermined criteria. For illustration purposes, we assume here that BR


is the base branch, and BR


is the first branch for which we will make a prediction. Branches BR




might be monotonic branches, which don't require a prediction, or might not be predicted for some other reason.

Once the transform of

FIG. 3

has been generated, it can be saved in the global history array in a location associated with BR


. On a subsequent pass through this sequence of instructions, in which Ghist


was selected as a base for BR


because it was known to be available at the time BR


would require prediction, Ghist


can be operated on with the saved transform to produce Ghist


, the prediction index for BR


. Thus, the Ghist


can be predicted immediately without waiting for BR


to reach the normal prediction stage of the pipeline, and without even acknowledging the existence of BR


and BR


. Ghist


is then used as an index into the branch prediction logic to predict whether BR


will branch or not, and the instructions to follow BR


in the pipeline are thus determined in time to load them into the pipeline immediately behind BR



Concurrently with the process of the preceding paragraph, a new transform can be calculated for a subsequent pass through this sequence of instructions using the previously described process.

The preceding example assumes that two intermediate branches are located between the base branch and the branch to be predicted. Since the process is iterative, other quantities of intermediate branches can easily be used, including zero intermediate branches, without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention.

FIG. 4

shows prediction circuit


of the invention for predicting a branch. A multiplexer


selects a base history index from one of several sources for placement in register


. Rather than actually shifting the contents of register


with a shift register, a data shifting circuit in the form of a four-to-one multiplexer


can be used to perform the shift while the data is being transferred from register


to exclusive OR (XOR) circuit


. The symbols <<0, <<1, <<2 and <<3 indicate that the data is being effectively shifted left by 0, 1, 2 or 3 bits, respectively, depending on which multiplexer input is selected. In this known technique, the outputs of register


are each coupled to four different sets of inputs on multiplexer


, so the selection of different multiplexer inputs effectively performs a 0, 1, 2 or 3-bit shift between register


and the output of multiplexer


. By avoiding an actual shift operation in register


, a clock cycle can be saved for each one-bit shift that would otherwise be required, while still obtaining the same results by shifting the data during its transfer from register


to XOR circuit



A four-to-one multiplexer is shown for selecting 0, 1, 2 or 3-bit shifts. As those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate, the invention can be designed to accommodate other quantities of inputs on the multiplexer and other shift values by using the same concept.

Global history array


contains a shift value and a transform for each branch instruction that will be predicted. For the selected branch instruction, the shift value determines how many bits Ghist


needs to be shifted by selecting one of the input sets of multiplexer


. The resulting output of multiplexer


is fed to one input of XOR circuit


, while the transform associated with the selected branch instruction is fed to the other input of XOR circuit


. XORing a shifted Ghist


with the relevant transform produces Ghist


, which can be used as an index into prediction logic


to make a branch prediction for the selected branch instruction BR


. Prediction logic


can be a prediction array containing multiple locations, each location providing its own decisional logic.



is also delivered to an input of multiplexer


. If the branch being predicted is to be used as the base branch for a subsequent prediction, its calculated history index can be fed from point


back to multiplexer


and loaded into register


to be used as the new base index.

The example described above can accommodate a 0-3 bit shift during the processing. This implies there will be no more than two intervening branch instructions of interest between the base branch instruction and the instruction to be predicted. Also, a shift-one-bit-and-XOR process was described. As those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate, the invention can be designed to accommodate more or fewer intervening branch instructions, and a different algorithm can be used, without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention.

FIG. 5

shows retirement circuit


, which is used to collect data when each branch instruction is retired (when it passes through stage


and exits the pipeline), and to place data in history array


for the branch to be predicted. The same array


is shown in both

FIGS. 4 and 5

. At the beginning of the sequence, counter


is reset to zero, and the initial base index value of Ghist


is placed in registers




, using multiplexer


to route the data to register


. The output of register


is connected to one of the inputs of XOR circuit


in such a way as to shift the data one bit to the left. Since this shift function is always set at one bit, no equivalent to multiplexer



FIG. 4

is needed here. As branch instruction BR


is retired, its associated parameter A and the shifted Ghist


are exclusively OR'd by XOR circuit


to produce Ghist


, which is placed back in register


. At the same time, counter


is incremented. Multiplexer


now feeds and output of register


back to its own input, so that Ghist


can be maintained in register


without turning off its clock. As branch instruction BR


is retired, its associated parameter B is XOR'd by XOR circuit


with shifted Ghist


to produce Ghist


. In a similar manner, when BR


is retired, XOR circuit


produces Ghist


. Counter


is incremented each time to keep track of how many parameters have been operated upon. Once Ghist


is produced, it will be XOR'd with a shifted Ghist


by exclusive OR circuit


. To shift the value of Ghist


by the proper number of bits, a data shifting circuit


is used. This data shifting circuit operates similarly to its counterpart circuit



FIG. 4

, selecting different sets of inputs to effectively shift the data by 0, 1, 2 or 3 bits. Counter


provides the selection signal. This shifted value of Ghist


can then be XOR'd by XOR circuit


with Ghist


from XOR circuit


. Because of the recombinant nature of exclusive OR logic, if XORing a shifted Ghist


with the transform produces Ghist


(see FIG.


), then XORing a shifted Ghist


with Ghist


produces the same transform. Thus, the output of XOR circuit


is the same transform produced in

FIG. 3

by XORing parameters A, B, and C. This quantity is then stored in global history array


in the location associated with BR


. The contents of counter


are also stored in the array as a shift value.

Each time a branch BR


, BR


and BR


is retired, counter


is incremented. When the transform is stored in array


, the value of counter


is also stored as the shift value associated with the transform. The output of counter


is also used with multiplexer


to shift Ghist


by selecting the correct multiplexer input.

In the manner just described, circuit


generates and stores a transform and a shift value for every branch instruction that is to be predicted. On a subsequent pass through the same set of instructions, circuit


uses the stored transform and shift value to predict whether the targeted branch instruction will or will not branch.

While the examples described involve predicting the branch status (branch or don't branch) of branch instructions in an execution pipeline that uses a global history array, the invention can also be used to predict the outcome of other types of elements, and more generally can be used to identify elements. Some of the terms used in deriving the final prediction have been referred to as indexes because that describes their function in connection with the prediction array of the examples. But these values could be used in other ways and the term ‘index’ should not be seen as a limitation on their use.

It is also possible to perform the described sequences in software or firmware. This type of implementation may not be fast enough for branch predictions with an instruction execution pipeline, but can be used to perform the same functions in an application with lesser speed requirements. The instructions can be stored on a machine-readable medium. When the instructions are read and executed by one or more devices, such as a computer, the aforementioned functions can be performed.

The foregoing description is intended to be illustrative and not limiting. Variations will occur to those of skill in the art. Those variations are intended to be included in the invention, which is limited only by the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A method, comprising:providing at least three elements, including a first element and a last element, each element having an associated parameter; providing a first identifier for the first element; for a first sequential execution of the at least three elements, performing a first operation on the first identifier and at least one of the parameters to produce a transform; saving the transform; for a second sequential execution of the elements, performing a second operation on the transform to produce a last identifier associated with the last element, wherein performing the first operation includes: performing a first logic function on the first identifier and the parameter associated with the first element to produce a next identifier for a next one of the elements; repeating the performing a first logic function on the next identifier and the parameter associated with the next one of the elements, until a last identifier has been produced that is associated with the last element; and performing a second logic function on the first identifier and the last identifier to produce the transform.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein performing the first logic function includes:shifting the first identifier to produce a shifted identifier; and performing an exclusive OR operation on the shifted identifier and the associated parameter to produce the next identifier.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein shifting the first identifier includes shifting the first identifier one bit to the left relative to the associated parameter.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein performing the second logic function includes:shifting the first identifier to produce a shifted identifier; and performing an exclusive OR operation on the shifted identifier and the last identifier to produce the transform.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein shifting the first identifier includes shifting the first identifier to the left relative to the last identifier by a number of bits equal in value to one less than a quantity of the at least three elements.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least three elements are branch instructions in an instruction execution pipeline.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, further comprising:using a last index to access a location in a prediction array; and using a content of said location to predict a decision status of the last element.
  • 8. A method comprising:providing at least three elements, including a first element and a last element, each element having an associated parameter; providing a first identifier for the first element; for a first sequential execution of the at least three elements, performing a first operation on the first identifier and at least one of the parameters to produce a transform; saving the transform; and for a second sequential execution of the elements, performing a second operation on the transform to produce a last identifier associated with the last element, wherein performing the second operation includes shifting the first identifier to produce a shifted identifier, wherein shifting the first identifier includes shifting the first identifier to the left relative to the transform by a number of bits equal in value to one less than a quantity of the at least three elements, and performing an exclusive OR operation on the shifted identifier and the transform to produce the last identifier.
  • 9. A circuit, comprising:first and second exclusive OR circuits; a first register having an output coupled to a first input of the first exclusive OR circuit and having an input coupled to an output of the first exclusive OR circuit; a second register having an output coupled to a first input of the second exclusive OR circuit and having an input; a multiplexer having an output coupled to the input of the second register, having a first input coupled to the output of the first exclusive OR circuit, and having a second input coupled to the output of the second register; wherein the output of the first exclusive OR circuit is coupled to a second input of the second exclusive OR circuit.
  • 10. The circuit of claim 9, wherein the first input of the first exclusive OR circuit is offset from the output of the first register to perform a bit-shift operation on data received from the first register by the first exclusive OR circuit.
  • 11. The circuit of claim 9, wherein the second input of the multiplexer is offset from the output of the second register to perform a bit-shift operation on data received from the second register by the multiplexer.
  • 12. The circuit of claim 9, further comprising an array coupled to an output of the second exclusive OR circuit to store transforms generated by the second exclusive OR circuit.
  • 13. The circuit of claim 12, further comprising a counter to generate a shift value to store in the array.
  • 14. A computer system, comprising:an instruction execution pipeline; and a branch prediction circuit coupled to the instruction execution pipeline and including: first and second exclusive OR circuits; a first register having an output coupled to a first input of the first exclusive OR circuit and having an input coupled to an output of the first exclusive OR circuit; a second register having an output coupled to a first input of the second exclusive OR circuit and having an input; and a multiplexer having an output coupled to the input of the second register, having a first input coupled to the output of the first exclusive OR circuit, and having a second input coupled to the output of the second register; wherein the output of the first exclusive OR circuit is coupled to a second input of the second exclusive OR circuit.
  • 15. The computer system of claim 14, wherein the first input of the first exclusive OR circuit is offset from the output of the first register to perform a bit-shift operation on data received from the first register by the first exclusive OR circuit.
  • 16. The computer system of claim 14, wherein the second input of the multiplexer is offset from the output of the second register to perform a bit-shift operation on data received from the second register by the multiplexer.
  • 17. The computer system of claim 14, further comprising an array coupled to an output of the second exclusive OR circuit to store transforms generated by the second exclusive OR circuit.
  • 18. The computer system of claim 17, further comprising a counter to generate a shift value to store in the array.
  • 19. A circuit, comprising:a register; a data shifting circuit having an input coupled to an output of the register; an exclusive OR circuit having a first input coupled to an output of the data shifting circuit; an array coupled to a second input of the exclusive OR circuit to transfer transform data to the exclusive OR circuit, and further coupled to the data shifting circuit to transfer data shift information to the data shifting circuit; a prediction logic circuit coupled to an output of the exclusive OR circuit; and a multiplexer having an output coupled to an input of the register, a first input to receive initial data, and a second input coupled to the output of the exclusive OR circuit.
  • 20. The circuit of claim 19, wherein the data shifting circuit includes a plurality of inputs coupled to the output of the register to shift data from the register by a selected number of bits.
  • 21. A computer system comprising:an instruction execution pipeline; a transform generation circuit coupled to the instruction execution pipeline and including: a register; a data shifting circuit having an input coupled to an output of the register; an exclusive OR circuit having a first input coupled to an output of the data shifting circuit; an array coupled to a second input of the exclusive OR circuit to transfer transform data to the exclusive OR circuit, and further coupled to the data shifting circuit to transfer data shift information to the data shifting circuit; and a prediction logic circuit coupled to an output of the exclusive OR circuit; and a multiplexer having an output coupled to an input of the register, a first input to receive initial data, and a second input coupled to the output of the exclusive OR circuit.
  • 22. The computer system of claim 21, wherein the data shifting circuit includes a plurality of inputs coupled to the output of the register to shift data from the register by a selected number of bits.
  • 23. A machine-readable medium having stored thereon instructions, which when executed by at least one processor cause said at least one processor to perform:providing at least three elements, including a first element and a last element, each element having an associated parameter; providing a first identifier for the first element; for a first sequential execution of the at least three elements, performing a first operation on the first identifier and at least one of the parameters to produce a transform; saving the transform; for a second sequential execution of the elements, performing a second operation on the transform to produce a last identifier associated with the last element; using the last identifier to access a location in a prediction array; and using a content of said location to predict a decision status of the last element, wherein performing the first operation includes: performing a first logic function on the first identifier and the parameter associated with the first element to produce a next identifier for a next one of the elements; repeating the performing a first logic function on the next identifier and the parameter associated with the next one of the elements, until a last identifier has been produced that is associated with the last element; and performing a second logic function on the first identifier and the last identifier to produce the transform.
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