Method and apparatus for providing error correction


  • Patent Grant
  • 6230296
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, April 20, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 8, 2001
    23 years ago
The invention is directed to an error correction scheme used in a computer system where data is provided from a service to a terminal. The data is dynamically changing, and the user is interested more in a final or current state of the data than in intermediate states. Data is provided in a stream of blocks with sequential “sequence” numbers associated with each block. The invention assumes that the data provider transmits data blocks in order of sequence. The terminal tracks the sequence numbers of incoming blocks. When the terminal finds that one or more blocks have been skipped or are missing, the terminal sends a request to the central source for update data. Unlike prior art systems, which request that the missing block or blocks be re-sent, the present invention requests that the information contained in the missing command be provided, for example the current data at the display area associated with the missing block. The central source maintains the current data state of all display areas, and so sends a data block containing the requested data. In the meantime, the terminal continues to receive and display all received data blocks without waiting for the update request to be filled. This differs from many prior art schemes where display is halted until replacement data is received.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to the field of error correction in computer systems.

Portions of the disclosure of this patent document contain material that is subject to copyright protection. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document or the patent disclosure as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office file or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright rights whatsoever. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, JavaBeans, HotJava and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

2. Background Art

In a computer system data is typically generated by a data source and provided to a data consumer, or terminal. In some computer systems, the data consumer is only interested in a final or current state of some data rather than the intermediate steps traversed to reach the final, or current state. One such consumer of data is a display means for display of information to a user. Sometimes portions of data can be lost or dropped when moving from the source to the display, resulting in an error condition. It is necessary to correct the error condition so that correct data can be displayed. Existing schemes for error correction interrupt and delay the display of data, inhibiting performance of the computer system.

In some systems, a data source causes the display of data to be effected by sending a series of commands to a display generator (in the present application, the display generator is referred to as the terminal). Each command in the series has an associated sequence number and the sequence numbers are in numerical sequence with no gaps in the numbering. When the terminal receives the commands, one of the things the terminal does is to examine the sequence numbers of each command to see if it is the expected next sequence number. If the terminal receives a command that has an out of order sequence number, there is an assumption that the commands whose sequence numbers are between the sequence number of the last received command and the sequence number of the out of order command are missing. In a typical prior art scheme, the terminal stops generating display data until the missing commands are provided.

An example of the operation of one prior art scheme is illustrated in FIG.



FIG. 2

consists of a 4×4 grid of pixels. This is a subset of the entire display area used for purposes of example. The grid consists of columns A, B, C, and D, and rows 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pixel locations are thus identified by their column and row number, e.g. pixel B-2 is the second pixel in the second row, pixel C-4 is the third pixel in the fourth row, and so on.

Consider the situation where the display area is all one color, and it is desired to change the display to a second color. In

FIG. 2

at time T


, all of the pixels are one color, as shown by the “R” in each grid box. A series of commands are received from a source that is writing to that particular display area. The description assumes one command for each pixel for purposes of the example, but in reality, a single command could initiate the drawing of multiple pixels. The commands in the example of

FIG. 2

are to change each pixel to the color blue. At time T


, assume that the terminal has received commands with the following sequence numbers, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-7, C-8, C-9, C-10, C-11, C-12, C-13, C-14, C-15, and C-16. In other words, command sequence number C-6 is missing.

In the prior art, the commands of the correctly received commands C-1 through C-5 are executed so the display appears as is shown at time T


. However, when the next command sequence number C-7 appears, the prior art system stops to request that the missing command be re-sent by the source. Even though the subsequent commands C-7 through C-16 are available, the prior art system does not execute the commands, so that the display remains only partially updated. The display thus remains at time T


the same as at time T


. Finally, at time T


, the terminal has received the missing block C-6 and executes the commands for C-6 and previously received commands C-7 through C-16 so that the display new displays all blue pixels as at time T


of FIG.



In operation, the error correction scheme of the example of

FIG. 2

causes noticeable delays and hesitation in the display of data. To a user, it appears as if the computer is slow or temporarily inoperative. Such an experience is undesirable.

Another example of how the prior art error correction scheme causes unnecessary delay is illustrated in FIG.


. In this example, the pixels are being changed from red to blue to green. At time T


, all of the pixels are red. The terminal then receives commands to change the pixels to blue, followed by commands to change the pixels to green. As in the example of

FIG. 2

, command sequence number C-6 is missing, so that at time T


, the display has only changed the first row of pixels from red to blue, and the first pixel on the second row. The remaining pixels remain red. Again the terminal requests the missing data sequence block. Meanwhile, commands C-17 through C-32 have been received with commands to turn the pixels from blue to green. However, because the terminal is still waiting for the missing command block, the display remains at time T


as it did at time T



When the missing block is received, the terminal continues to execute the commands in order, so that at time T


, all pixels are changed to blue pixels. Finally, at time T


, the terminal has executed commands C-17 through C-32 and has changed the pixels from blue to green. A disadvantage of the “stop and wait” system of the prior art is that updating the display comes to a halt while the terminal requests data from the source. To a user, it can appear that the display has “frozen” or that there is a buffering of response to user commands. This limits the user experience and prevents it from being a substantially instantaneous interaction.


The invention is directed to an error correction scheme used in a computer system where data is provided from a central source to a terminal. The data is dynamically changing, and the user is interested more in a final or current state of the data than in intermediate states. Data is provided in a stream of blocks with sequential “sequence” numbers associated with each block. The invention assumes that the data provider transmits data blocks in order of sequence. The terminal tracks the sequence numbers of incoming blocks. When the terminal finds that one or more blocks have been skipped or are missing, the terminal sends a request to the central source for update data. Unlike prior art systems, which request that the missing block or blocks be re-sent, the present invention requests that the information contained in the missing command be provided, for example the current data at the display area associated with the missing block. The central source maintains the current data state of all display areas, and so sends a data block containing the requested data. In the meantime, the terminal continues to receive and display all received data blocks without waiting for the update request to be filled. This differs from many prior art schemes where display is halted until replacement data is received.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of an example computer system that can be used with the present invention.

FIG. 2

illustrates one example of prior art correction and display of data.

FIG. 3

illustrates another example of prior art correction and display of data.

FIG. 4

illustrates an example of the correction and display of data using the present invention.

FIG. 5

illustrates another example of the correction and display of data using the present invention.

FIG. 6

is a block diagram of a computer system that can be used with the present invention.

FIG. 7

is a flow diagram illustrating the operation of a terminal of the present invention.

FIG. 8

is a flow diagram illustrating the operation of a service of the present invention.

FIG. 9

is a block diagram of an HID device.


The invention is a method and apparatus for providing error correction. In the following description, numerous specific details are set forth to provide a more thorough description of embodiments of the invention. It will be apparent, however, to one skilled in the art, that the invention may be practiced without these specific details. In other instances, well known features have not been described in detail so as not to obscure the invention.

The invention is applied to a computer system consisting of one or more data sources, referred to herein as data services, communicating data to one or more terminals. For purposes of this invention, the interaction between a single service and a single terminal will be used as an example. Although the present invention is described in terms of a display terminal, it will be apparent to one skilled in the art that the invention may be applied in other situations where only the final or current state is desired at the data consumer.

The service in the invention sends commands to the terminal to cause display data to be produced on the terminal display. These commands may consist of display data and display address locations, or any other suitable data to cause a terminal to draw display data. In the invention, these commands are sent to the terminal as a series of data blocks. Using well known techniques, each data block that a service sends has an associated sequence number. The system constrains the service to send the blocks in correct order, that is, so that the numbers of the transmitted blocks are in sequential order.

The terminal receives data blocks and follows the commands contained therein to generate a display. Each data block contains one or more commands that instruct the terminal to draw at an associated location on the terminal display. At the same time, the service maintains a “true” copy of the display in memory. (This may be a virtual buffer or an actual physical buffer). The true copy is a current display image and is updated at the service end so that it corresponds to any instructions being transmitted to the terminal. That is, the true copy should be identical to the image displayed at the terminal, assuming all of the commands from the service to the terminal have been correctly received and executed at the terminal.

The terminal tracks the sequence numbers of incoming data. When a gap appears in the sequence, the terminal sends a request for the current data associated with the display location of that sequence block to the service. The terminal also keeps a “checklist” of the sequence block that was unavailable. When the service sends a new block of data that represents the current state of the display area whose sequence block had been missing, the service informs the terminal that the terminal is now up to date at that location. In some cases, the service may already have provided the current data for the display location in a subsequent block but prior to receiving the notice of the missing sequence block. In that case, the service informs the terminal that the terminal has already received the current display data.

When the terminal has received the current display data associated with a display area of a missing sequence block, or when the terminal has been informed that it has already received the current data, it can update its checklist and remove the reference to that display area. The terminal periodically checks its checklist and sends repeat requests for entries for which the terminal has not received current display data.

In the present invention, it should be noted that the request for error correction is not a request to re-send the sequence block of data that was not received. Rather, the request for error correction is to send the data that should be currently displayed at the display location associated with the missing sequence block.

The present invention operates on an assumption that it is preferable to continue to update a display quickly, even though some data may be temporarily incorrect, than to intermittently update a display with completely correct data. The invention has particular application in situations where display data is dynamic, but a current state or final state is considered of greater interest than any intermediate states. In addition, the invention assumes that small errors are likely to be undetected or undetectable by a human user of a terminal. An error in one or a few pixels is not likely to be noticed by a human user, as long as the majority of the display is performing as expected. The invention also works in any system where a user is interested in the most recent snapshot of state and which the recipient user will not return, that is, a system that is read only. For example, stock quote services are read only services where the current state information is of most interest. The system provides a scheme where the most recent information is sent when there is an error.

The operation of the present invention can be seen by reference to

FIGS. 4 and 5

. These present two cases of operation similar to those presented in the example of

FIGS. 2 and 3

. In the first case of

FIG. 4

, all of the pixels in a region are changed from red to blue, but one command block is lost. In the second case of

FIG. 5

, all of the pixels in a region are changed from red to blue to green, but a command for changing one pixel from red to blue is lost.

Referring first to

FIG. 4

, at time T


all of the pixels are red. The terminal then receives commands C-1 through C-5 to change the pixels of the first row and the first pixel of the second row to blue. Command C-6 is missing. The terminal notes in a status area that command C-6 is missing and sends a request for the current data corresponding to the display area associated with command C-6. However, the terminal continues executing subsequently received commands C-7 through C-16. As a result the display appears as at time T


, with all of the pixels changed to blue except at location B


. A single pixel is a relatively small area for the human eye to detect, so that the user may not even notice that a part of the display has not been updated. In many cases, the missing data may be in an area that is not uniform, making it even more difficult to notice that a small region has not been updated. Because of this, the user is provided with continuous updates (although not necessarily complete) sufficient to provide a satisfactory experience.

When the service receives the request from the terminal, the service checks its true copy of the display area associated with the missing sequence block. In this case the service determines that the pixel has been changed from red to blue so the service sends a command to the terminal to change that pixel to blue. The terminal executes the command so that the display appears as at time T


, with all pixels now blue.

Another illustrative example is that of FIG.


. This example perhaps more closely approximates typical display update problems when the display is more dynamic. At time T


all pixels are red. The terminal then receives commands C-1 through C-5 and changes the appropriate pixels to blue. Again the terminal detects an out of sequence command when it receives command C-7, so the terminal sends a request for correction for command C-6. However, the terminal continues executing commands C-7 through C-16, changing the remainder of the second row of pixels, and all of the third and fourth rows of pixels from red to blue so that the display appears as at time T


. Meanwhile, before the service has responded to the request for correction, commands C-17 through C-32 have been forwarded to the terminal, with commands to change the pixels to green. Even while waiting for the response to the request for correction, the terminal continues to execute all “in sequence” commands and changes all pixels to green. After execution of those commands, the display appears as at time T


of FIG.


. Thus, using the present scheme, the display is accurate even though there has as yet been no response to the request for correction. When the service receives the request for correction, the service informs the terminal that the terminal has already received the current data for that location. (Alternatively, the service can re-send the current data for that display location). The terminal then removes the request from its checklist.

A flow diagram of the operation of the error correction scheme of the present invention is illustrated in FIG.


. At step


the terminal receives a command. At decision block


the argument “Correct sequence?” is made. If the argument is false, meaning the sequence number of the received command was not the next expected sequence number, the terminal proceeds to step


. At step


the terminal sends a request for correction to the service. At step


the terminal adds an entry to a checklist for the missing command. The terminal then returns to step


to await the next command, incrementing a count of the sequence number so it can compare the next received command to its expected sequence number.

If the argument at decision block


is true, meaning that the command has the expected next sequence number, the terminal proceeds to step


and executes the command. After execution of the command, the terminal proceeds to decision block


. At decision block


the argument “Does command clear checklist entry?” is made. This is to determine if the command was in response to an earlier request for correction. If the argument is false, the terminal proceeds to decision block


. If the argument is true, the terminal clears the appropriate entry from the checklist at step


. In one embodiment, the invention clears all checklist entries up to a particular sequence number. The service informs the terminal that all errors up to that sequence number have been, or will be, repaired.

At decision block


the argument “Time to status checklist entry?” is made. This test is to determine if any of the entries in the checklist are old enough that a status check should be made. If the argument at decision block


is false, the terminal returns to step


. If the argument is true, the terminal sends a status request for the appropriate checklist entry or entries to the service at step


and returns to step


. It should be noted that the activity of steps




can be a separate interrupt driven or periodic process.

A flow diagram of the operation of a service in the present invention is illustrated in FIG.


. Two processes are described in

FIG. 8

, a command assembly process, and an error correction process. At step


, the service assembles a command to be transmitted to a terminal. At step


, the sequence number is incremented and associated with the command. At step


the command and sequence number are transmitted to the terminal. At step


, the local true copy of the display that is maintained by the service is updated. This true copy may be maintained in a physical buffer, a virtual buffer, or in mass storage.





describe the process for dealing with error correction requests from a terminal. At step


the service receives a correction request from a terminal. The correction request identifies a missing sequence number or numbers. At step


, the service determines the display region or regions that would have been affected by the missing command or commands. At step


the service retrieves the current data at those display regions from the true copy of the display. At step


service assembles a command for the requesting terminal with the current data and proceeds to step



The present invention also has application in situations other than when new data is being provided by the service. For example, the terminal may be asked to copy data from one display area and paste it to another display area. Should the data to be copied be dropped or unavailable, the terminal can request the data from the service. (Note that in this “stateless” copy situation, the terminal is not asking for the replacement of data associated with a missing sequence number command.)

Embodiment of Computer Execution Environment (Hardware)

An embodiment of the invention can be implemented as computer software in the form of computer readable code executed on a general purpose computer such as computer


illustrated in

FIG. 1

, or in the form of bytecode class files executable within a Java™ runtime environment running on such a computer. A keyboard


and mouse


are coupled to a bidirectional system bus


. The keyboard and mouse are for introducing user input to the computer system and communicating that user input to processor


. Other suitable input devices may be used in addition to, or in place of, the mouse


and keyboard


. I/O (input/output) unit


coupled to bidirectional system bus


represents such I/O elements as a printer, A/V (audio/video) I/O, etc.



includes a video memory


, main memory


and optionally, mass storage


, all coupled to bi-directional system bus


along with keyboard


, mouse


and processor


. The mass storage


, if used, may include both fixed and removable media, such as magnetic, optical or magnetic optical storage systems or any other available mass storage technology. Bus


may contain, for example, thirty-two address lines for addressing video memory


or main memory


. The system bus


also includes, for example, a 32-bit data bus for transferring data between and among the components, such as processor


, main memory


, video memory


and mass storage


. Alternatively, multiplex data/address lines may be used instead of separate data and address lines.

In one embodiment of the invention, the processor


is a microprocessor manufactured by Motorola, such as the 680X0 processor or a microprocessor manufactured by Intel, such as the 80X86, or Pentium processor, or a SPARC™ microprocessor from Sun Microsystems™, Inc. However, any other suitable microprocessor or microcomputer may be utilized. Main memory


is comprised of dynamic random access memory (DRAM). Video memory


is a dual-ported video random access memory. One port of the video memory


is coupled to video amplifier


. The video amplifier


is used to drive the cathode ray tube (CRT) raster monitor


. Alternatively, the video memory may be used to drive a flat panel or liquid crystal display (LCD) or any other suitable data presentation device. Video amplifier


is well known in the art and may be implemented by any suitable apparatus. This circuitry converts pixel data stored in video memory


to a raster signal suitable for use by monitor


. Monitor


is a type of monitor suitable for displaying graphic images.



may also include a communication interface


coupled to bus


. Communication interface


provides a two-way data communication coupling via a network link


to a local network


. For example, if communication interface


is an integrated services digital network (ISDN) card or a modem, communication interface


provides a data communication connection to the corresponding type of telephone line, which comprises part of network link


. If communication interface


is a local area network (LAN) card, communication interface


provides a data communication connection via network link


to a compatible LAN. Wireless links, modems or cable modems are also possible. In any such implementation, communication interface


sends and receives electrical, electromagnetic or optical signals which carry digital data streams representing various types of information.

Network link


typically provides data communication through one or more networks to other data devices. For example, network link


may provide a connection through local network


to local server computer


or to data equipment operated by an Internet Service Provider (ISP)




in turn provides data communication services through the world wide packet data communication network now commonly referred to as the “Internet”


. Local network


and Internet


both use electrical, electromagnetic or optical signals which carry digital data streams. The signals through the various networks and the signals on network link


and through communication interface


, which carry the digital data to and from computer


, are exemplary forms of carrier waves transporting the information.



can send messages and receive data, including program code, through the network(s), network link


, and communication interface


. In the Internet example, remote server computer


might transmit a requested code for an application program through Internet




, local network


and communication interface


. In accord with the invention, one such downloaded application is the apparatus for error correction described herein.

The received code may be executed by processor


as it is received, and/or stored in mass storage


, or other non-volatile storage for later execution. In this manner, computer


may obtain application code in the form of a carrier wave.

Application code may be embodied in any form of computer program product. A computer program product comprises a medium configured to store or transport computer readable code, or in which computer readable code may be embedded. Some examples of computer program products are CD-ROM disks, ROM cards, floppy disks, magnetic tapes, computer hard drives, servers on a network, and carrier waves.

Human Interface Device Computer System

The invention also has application to computer systems where the data to be displayed is provided through a network. The network can be a local area network, a wide area network, the internet, world wide web, or any other suitable network configuration. One embodiment of the invention is used in computer system configuration referred to herein as a human interface device computer system.

In this system the functionality of the system is partitioned between a display and input device, and data sources or services. The display and input device is a human interface device (HID). The partitioning of this system is such that state and computation functions have been removed from the HID and reside on data sources or services. In one embodiment of the invention, one or more services communicate with one or more HIDs through some interconnect fabric, such as a network. An example of such a system is illustrated in FIG.


. Referring to

FIG. 6

, the system consists of computational service providers


communicating data through interconnect fabric


to HIDs



Computational Service Providers—In the HID system, the computational power and state maintenance is found in the service providers, or services. The services are not tied to a specific computer, but may be distributed over one or more traditional desktop systems such as described in connection with

FIG. 1

, or with traditional servers. One computer may have one or more services, or a service may be implemented by one or more computers. The service provides computation, state, and data to the HIDs and the service is under the control of a common authority or manager. In

FIG. 6

, the services are found on computers








, and



Examples of services include X11/Unix services, archived or live audio and video services, Windows NT service, Java™ program execution service, and others. A service herein is a process that provides output data and responds to user requests and input.

Interconnection Fabric—In the invention, the interconnection fabric is any of multiple suitable communication paths for carrying data between the services and the HIDs. In one embodiment the interconnect fabric is a local area network implemented as an Ethernet network. Any other local network may also be utilized. The invention also contemplates the use of wide area networks, the internet, the world wide web, and others. The interconnect fabric may be implemented with a physical medium such as a wire or fiber optic cable, or it may be implemented in a wireless environment.

HIDs—The HID is the means by which users access the computational services provided by the services.

FIG. 6

illustrates HIDs




, and


. A HID consists of a collection of one or more interface devices, including display


, a keyboard


, mouse


, and audio speakers


. The HID includes the electronics need to interface these devices to the interconnection fabric and to transmit to and receive data from the services.

A block diagram of the HID is illustrated in FIG.


. The components of the HID are coupled internally to a PCI bus


. A network control block


communicates to the interconnect fabric, such as an ethernet, through line


. An audio codec


receives audio data on interface


and is coupled to block


. USB data communication is provided on lines


to USB controller



An embedded processor


may be, for example, a Sparc2ep with coupled flash memory


and DRAM


. The USB controller


, network controller


and embedded processor


are all coupled to the PCI bus


. Also coupled to the PCI


is the video controller


. The video controller


may be for example, and ATI RagePro+ frame buffer controller that provides SVGA output on line


. NTSC data is provided in and out of the video controller through video decoder


and video encoder


respectively. A smartcard interface


may also be coupled to the video controller



The computer systems described above are for purposes of example only. An embodiment of the invention may be implemented in any type of computer system or programming or processing environment.

Thus a method and apparatus for error correction has been described.

  • 1. A method configured to correct display errors comprising:obtaining a plurality of display commands in a sequence, wherein said plurality of display commands comprise instructions for drawing a display; identifying a missing display command; requesting current display data for a display location associated with said missing display command.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 further comprising:adding an entry to a check-list for said missing command.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 further comprising:removing an entry from said check-list when said data associated with said missing command is obtained.
  • 4. The method of claim 3 further comprising:replacing data at said display location with said data associated with said missing command.
  • 5. The method of claim 3 further comprising:replacing data at said display location with data obtained through the last obtained command associated with said display location.
  • 6. The method of claim 5 further comprising:requesting a status check for said missing display command associated with entries in said check-list that are older than a threshold period.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, wherein a command comprises a sequence number, said method further comprising:clearing said check-list of all entries up to a particular sequence number.
  • 8. The method of claim 7 further comprising:clearing said check-list of all entries when the sequence number for a last command received is larger than a sequence number for said missing command associated with a last entry in said check-list.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein said check-list comprises a sequence counter and the step of identifying a missing command comprises:identifying a command's sequence number; comparing said sequence number with said sequence counter; recording said sequence counter as a value for a missing command sequence, if said sequence number does not correspond to said sequence counter.
  • 10. A method configured to correct display errors comprising:obtaining a plurality of display commands in a sequence, wherein said plurality of display commands comprise instructions for drawing said display data; monitoring for a display command obtained out of said sequence comprising: sending a correction request for one or more missing display commands; adding an entry to a check-list corresponding to said one or more missing display commands; executing a display command obtained in said sequence; clearing an entry from said check-list if said executed command corresponds to said entry in said check-list.
  • 11. The method of claim 10 wherein a command comprises a sequence number and the step of clearing an entry from said check-list comprises:clearing said check-list of all entries up to a particular sequence number.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 wherein said check-list comprises a sequence counter and the step of identifying a missing command comprises:identifying a command's sequence number; comparing said sequence number with said sequence counter; recording said sequence counter as a value for said missing command sequence number, if said command's sequence number does not correspond to said sequence counter.
  • 13. A computer program product comprising:a computer usable medium having computer readable program code embodied therein configured to correct errors, said computer program product comprising: a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to obtain a plurality of display commands in a sequence, wherein said plurality of display commands comprise drawing instructions; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to identify a missing display command; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to request display data at a display location associated with said missing display command.
  • 14. The computer program product of claim 13 further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to add an entry to a check-list for said missing command.
  • 15. The computer program product of claim 14 further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to remove an entry from said check-list when said data associated with said missing command is obtained.
  • 16. The computer program product of claim 15 further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to replace data at said display location with said data associated with said missing command.
  • 17. The computer program product of claim 16 further comprising:a computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to request a status check for missing commands associated with entries.
  • 18. The computer program product of claim 17 further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to request a status check for missing commands associated with entries in said check-list that are older than a threshold period.
  • 19. The computer program of claim 18, wherein each command comprises a sequence number, said computer program product further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to clear all entries in said check-list up to a particular sequence number.
  • 20. The computer program product of claim 19 further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to clear said check-list of all entries when a sequence number for a last command received is larger than a sequence number for a missing command associated with a last entry in said check-list.
  • 21. The computer program product of claim 19, wherein said check-list comprises a sequence counter, said computer program product further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to identify a command's sequence number; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to compare said sequence number with a sequence counter; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to record said sequence counter as a value for a missing command sequence, if said sequence number does not correspond to said sequence counter.
  • 22. A computer program product comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable program code embodied therein configured to correct display errors, said computer program product comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to obtain a plurality of display commands in a sequence, wherein said plurality of display data comprises instructions for drawing said display data; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to monitor for a command obtained out of said sequence comprising: sending a correction request for one or more missing commands; adding an entry to a check-list corresponding to said one or more missing commands; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to execute a command obtained in said sequence; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to clear an entry from said check-list of entries up to said executed command's sequence number if said executed command corresponds to said entry in said check-list.
  • 23. The computer program product of claim 22, wherein a command comprises a sequence number, said computer program product further comprising computer readable code configured to cause a computer to clear all entries of said check-list up to a particular sequence number.
  • 24. The computer program product of claim 23, wherein said checklist comprises a sequence counter, said computer program product further comprising:a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to identify a command's sequence number; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to compare said sequence number with said sequence counter; a computer readable code configured to cause a computer to record said sequence counter as a value for a missing command sequence, if said sequence number does not correspond to said sequence counter.
  • 25. A method configured to correct display errors comprising:assembling display data into a command; incrementing a sequence counter; associating said sequence counter with said command; transmitting said sequence counter and said command to a display unit; preserving and updating a true copy of said display data; accepting correction requests from said display unit regarding a missing command; identifying a display location associated with said missing command; retrieving from said true copy current data for said display location; transmitting a new command containing said current data.
  • 26. A computer program product comprising a computer usable medium having computer readable program code embodied therein configured to correct display errors, said computer program product comprising:computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to assemble display data into a command; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to increment a sequence counter; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to associate said sequence counter with said command; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to transmit said sequence counter and said command to a display unit; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to preserve and update a true copy of said display data; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to accept correction requests from said display unit regarding a missing command; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to identify a display location associated with said missing command; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to retrieve from said true copy current data for said display location; computer readable program code configured to cause a computer to transmit a new command containing said current data.
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