Method and apparatus for providing interoperability between key recovery and non-key recovery systems


  • Patent Grant
  • 6535607
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, November 2, 1998
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, March 18, 2003
    21 years ago
A method and apparatus for ensuring that a key recovery-enabled (KR-enabled) system communicating with a non-KR-enabled system in a cryptographic communication system transmits the information necessary to permit key recovery by a key recovery entity. In a first embodiment, data is encrypted under a second key K that is generated as a one-way function of a first key K′ and a key recovery block KRB generated on the first key K′. The key recovery block KRB and the encrypted data e(K, data) are transmitted to the receiver, who cannot decrypt the data without regenerating the second key K from the first key K′ and the key recovery block KRB. In a second embodiment, data is encrypted under a second key K that is generated independently of the first key K′. A third key X, generated as a one-way function of the first key K′ and a key recovery block KRB generated on the second key K, is used to encrypt the XOR product Y of the first and second keys K′, K. The key recovery block KRB, the encrypted XOR product e(X, Y) and the encrypted data e(K, data) are transmitted to the receiver, who cannot decrypt the data without regenerating the third key X from the first key K′ and the key recovery block KRB, decrypting the XOR product Y using the regenerated third key X, and recombining the XOR product Y with the first key K″ to regenerate the second key K. In a third embodiment, an integrity value is computed on a key K and its key recovery block KRB. The integrity value and the key K are encrypted to form an encrypted portion of a key exchange block KEB, while the key recovery block KRB is put in an unencrypted portion of the key exchange block KEB, which is sent along with the encrypted data e(K, data) to the receiver. The receiver decrypts the encrypted portion, recomputes the integrity value and compares it with the received integrity value. Only if the two integrity values compare is the key K extracted and used to decrypt the data.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a method and apparatus for providing interoperability between key recovery and non-key recovery systems. More particularly, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for ensuring, in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity.

2. Description of the Related Art

Data encryption systems are well known in the data processing art. In general, such systems operate by performing an encryption operation on a plaintext input block, using an encryption key, to produce a ciphertext output block. The receiver of an encrypted message performs a corresponding decryption operation, using a decryption key, to recover the plaintext block.

Encryption systems fall into two general categories. Symmetric (or private-key) encryption systems use the same secret key for both encrypting and decrypting messages. Perhaps the best-known symmetric encryption system is the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA), implementing the Data Encryption Standard (DES) as described in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publications “Data Encryption Standard (DES)”, FIPS PUB 46-2 (1980), and “DES Modes of Operation”, FIPS PUB 81 (1988). In the DES system, a 64-bit key is used to transform a plaintext message comprising one or more 64-bit plaintext blocks into a ciphertext message comprising a like number of 64-bit ciphertext blocks, or vice versa. Of the 64 key bits, 56 bits are independently specifiable, while the remaining 8 bits provide a parity check.

Asymmetric (or public-key) encryption systems, on the other hand, use different keys that are not feasibly derivable from one another for encryption and decryption. A person wishing to receive messages generates a pair of corresponding encryption and decryption keys. The encryption key is made public, while the corresponding decryption key is kept secret. Anyone wishing to communicate with the receiver may encrypt a message using the receiver's public key. Only the receiver may decrypt the message, however, since only he has the private key. Perhaps the best-known asymmetric encryption system is the RSA encryption system, named after its originators Rivest, Shamir and Adleman and described in B. Schneier,

Applied Cryptography

(1996), pages 466-474, incorporated herein by reference.

Asymmetric encryption systems are generally more computationally intensive than symmetric encryption systems, but have the advantage that they do not require a secure channel for the transmission of encryption keys. For this reason, asymmetric encryption systems are often used for the one-time transport of highly sensitive data such as symmetric encryption keys.

Data encryption systems of all types have attracted the attention of government intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies, since the same cryptographic strength that prevents decryption by unauthorized third parties also prevents decryption by intelligence or law enforcement officials having a legitimate reason for wanting to access the plaintext data. Because of such concerns, governments have either prohibited the use or export of strong encryption systems or have conditioned their approval on the use of weakened keys that are susceptible to key-exhaustion attacks (i.e., systematically testing all possible keys until the right one is found). Such weak encryption systems have the obvious disadvantage that they are just as vulnerable to unauthorized third parties as they are to authorized government officials.

Various cryptographic key recovery systems have recently been proposed as a compromise between the demands of communicating parties for privacy in electronic communications and the demands of law enforcement agencies for access to such communications when necessary to uncover crimes or threats to national security. Generally, in such key recovery systems, all or part of the key used by the communicating parties is made available to one or more key recovery agents, either by actually giving key-related recovery information to the key recovery agents ahead of time (in which case the recovery information is said to be “escrowed”) or by providing sufficient information in the communication itself (as by encrypting the key portions) which the key recovery agents could obtain after the communication occurred. Key recovery agents would reveal the escrowed or regenerated key information to a requesting law enforcement agent only upon presentation of proper evidence of authority, such as a court order authorizing the interception. The use of multiple key recovery agents, all of which must cooperate to recover the key, minimizes the possibility that a law enforcement agent can improperly recover a key by using a corrupt key recovery agent or that a compromise in the physical security of a single key recovery agent will expose the key.

Key recovery systems serve the communicants' interest in privacy, since their encryption system retains its full strength against third parties and does not have to be weakened to comply with domestic restrictions on encryption or to meet export requirements. At the same, key recovery systems serve the legitimate needs of law enforcement by permitting the interception of encrypted communications in circumstances where unencrypted communications have previously been intercepted (as where a court order has been obtained).

In addition to serving the needs of law enforcement, key recovery systems find application in purely private contexts. Thus, organizations may be concerned about employees using strong encryption of crucial files where keys are not recoverable. Loss of keys may result in loss of important stored data.

Key recovery systems of various types are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,557,346 (Lipner et al.); 5,815,573 (Johnson et al.); and 5,796,830 (Johnson et al.), as well as in copending U.S. patent applications Ser. Nos. 08/725,102, filed Oct. 2, 1996 (Gennaro et al.); 08/775,348, filed Jan. 3, 1997 (Gennaro et al.); and 08/899,855, filed Jul. 24, 1997 (Chandersekaran et al.), all of which are incorporated herein by reference.

An important aspect of key recovery systems is the method used to ensure that correct recovery information is provided. If the recovery information provided is not correct, either through unintentional error, or deliberate attempt to corrupt, the functionality of the key recovery system can be thwarted. Ordinarily, in the absence of some earlier validation check, any deficiency in the key recovery information is only detected when key recovery is attempted by a key recovery entity, which is generally too late to cure the deficiency.

Validation can be provided in several ways, including direct checking by the participants, checking by the recovery agents, and checking by the recovery entity. Access to accurate key recovery information can also be ensured by redundant calculation and disclosure of the recovery information by more than one of the communicating parties.

In a network of interconnected computer systems, where some computer systems are key recovery enabled (KR-enabled)—i.e., are capable of generating key recovery information —and some are non-KR-enabled, it would be desirable to permit a KR-enabled computer to interoperate with both KR-enabled and non-KR-enabled computers only if key recovery is enforced.

FIG. 1

shows a cryptographic system


comprising a KR-enabled computer system


coupled to a non-KR-enabled computer system


via a communications channel


. We assume the following model of trusted and untrusted components:

1. The KR-enabled system


has a key recovery subsystem


that provides key recovery and other cryptographic services to one or more application programs


. KR subsystem


may be implemented as software, as hardware, or as some combination of the two.

2. The non-KR-enabled system


has a cryptographic subsystem


that provides cryptographic services to one or more application programs


. Like KR subsystem


, cryptographic subsystem


may be implemented as software, as hardware, or as some combination of the two.

3. The KR-enabled key recovery subsystem


and its supporting cryptographic subsystem (not separately shown, but included within the KR subsystem) will enforce the use of the key recovery protocol, regardless of whether it is communicating with a KR-enabled or a non-KR-enabled system.

4. The key recovery subsystem


of the KR-enabled system


is a trusted component. It can be trusted to enforce the key recovery protocol.

5. The application programs


running on the KR-enabled system


, the cryptographic subsystem


of the non-KR-enabled system


, and the application programs


running on the non-KR-enabled system


are not trusted components. These components cannot be trusted to enforce the key recovery protocol. In fact, it is assumed that the applications




running on the KR-enabled and non-KR-enabled systems




, respectively, might attempt to circumvent the key recovery protocol, if such a circumvention were possible.

Consider an ideal situation in which a KR-enabled system


(Alice) communicates with a non-KR-enabled system


(Bob), where Alice's application program


is assumed (for the sake of argument) to perform the key recovery protocol correctly.

Alice's system


performs the following steps:

1. Alice generates a key K, which is to be used for strong encryption.

2. Alice generates a key exchange block (KEB), containing K, which is used to transport K in encrypted form to Bob.

3. Alice generates a key recovery block (KRB), which contains all the information needed to enable key recovery.

4. Alice encrypts data with K to produce ciphertext e(K, data).

5. Alice sends KEB, KRB, and e(K, data) to Bob.

Upon receipt of KEB, KRB, and e(K, data), Bob's system


performs the following steps:

1. Since Bob is non-KR-enabled, Bob ignores KRB.

2. Bob recovers K from KEB.

3. Bob decrypts e(K, data) to recover the data.

Now consider the case where Alice's application


does not behave properly. We observe that Alice's application


can easily circumvent the key recovery protocol by simply not sending KRB to Bob. Without KRB, there is no effective means for law enforcement to recover the key, even with a lawful warrant or court order. Bob, on the other hand, did not need KRB for anything, so its absence creates no problem.

If Bob is KR-enabled, and honest, then Bob could be designed to operate with Alice only if Alice sends Bob a correct KRB. One approach is for Bob recreate the KRB and compare it for equality with the KRB received from Alice. Bob's version of the key K is enabled for use only if the KRBs compare equal. However, the procedure for recreating the KRB typically involves a computationally expensive public-key encryption operation. Also, the procedure requires that Bob's system be trusted to perform the verification operation.

One possible alternative method of solution is for Alice's key recovery system to alter the plaintext prior to encryption, in such a way that Bob can recover the plaintext only if he also receives a correct copy of KRB. However, if Alice and Bob conspire to defeat the KR solution method, then the possible methods that we describe here can be attacked. Hence, it does not appear that a workable solution can be obtained by altering the plaintext. For example, the data could be combined with KRB using an invertible function F to produce F(data, KRB), where the quantity F(data, KRB) is then encrypted with the key K. In this case, Alice sends e(F(data, KRB)) to Bob instead of e(K, data). To illustrate this method still further, suppose that the data, X, is divided into blocks X


, X


, . . . , Xn, where the length of each Xi (except for the last block Xn) is equal to the length of KRB. Then KRB, or some appropriate sub-portion, is Exclusive-ORed (XORed) with each Xi to produce (X


⊕KRB), (X


⊕KRB), etc., and the masked plaintext is then encrypted with the key K. (The symbol “⊕” denotes XOR addition.) The idea here is that Alice would be required to send KRB to Bob in order for Bob to invert the process and recover the clear data. However, a problem with this method is that Alice and Bob could agree to exchange an encrypted KRB instead of a clear KRB. In this case, Alice sends KEB, e(K, KRB), and e(K, F(data, KRB)) to Bob. Using KEB, Bob imports K into his system, and then decrypts e(K, KRB) and e(K, F(data, KRB)) using K. Bob then uses the clear value of KRB to recover the original data from F(data, KRB). In this case, as long as Alice is able to send an encrypted copy of KRB to Bob, Bob can invert the function performed by Alice's system, regardless of what function is used.

Another problem with perturbing the plaintext with the KRB using an invertible function (e.g., an Exclusive-OR function) before encrypting it is that Alice is not prevented from modifying the plaintext—in the same way—with the KRB before invoking the encryption operation. In that case, Alice would Exclusive-OR the KRB with the blocks of plaintext, X


, X


, etc. so that when the KR system performs the KRB-based perturbation again, the real plaintext is the text finally encrypted, thus effectively foiling the scheme.

Another possible alternative method of solution is for Alice's key recovery system to alter the ciphertext after encryption, such that Bob could recover the plaintext only if he also receives a clear copy of KRB. However, there seems to be no way to accomplish this, since any alteration of the ciphertext that Bob could invert using KRB could also be inverted by Alice using KRB. And Alice, could merely send Bob the unaltered ciphertext without KRB instead of sending Bob the altered ciphertext with KRB.


The present invention describes a method in which Bob is able to decrypt the encrypted data, e(K, data), received from Alice only if a valid KRB is provided to Bob. The solution enables Alice (who obeys the rules for key recovery) to communicate with Bob, who may or may not be enabled for key recovery. The solution does not allow Bob, who is not KR-enabled, to communicate with Alice, who is KR-enabled. This latter case is not possible since Bob, who is not KR-enabled, has no way to generate a KRB to send to Alice, and Alice's decryption service is enabled only after receiving a valid KRB from Bob.

In accordance with the invention, the establishment of K in Bob's system is made dependent on Bob having a clear copy of KRB. In this case, Alice cannot subvert the protocol by encrypting KRB with K, since then (without KRB) Bob has no way to recover K in his system—i.e., Bob is confronted with a “chicken and egg” problem. Different methods can be used to tie the recovery of K to KRB, as described below.

The method of the present invention would replace the method described in the background section above, in which Bob recreates the KRB and compares it for equality with the KRB received from Alice. And because the method of the invention is an integral part of the decryption operation, it can provide a stronger form of checking. Also, Bob can avoid the costly public-key encryption steps that are required to recreate the KRB.


FIG. 1

shows a cryptographic communication system comprising a key-recovery-enabled (KR enabled) computer system and a non-KR-enabled computer system.

FIG. 2

shows a cryptographic communication system incorporating a first embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 3

shows the data transformations performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 4

shows the data transformations performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 5

shows the method steps performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 6

shows the method steps performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 7

shows a cryptographic communication system incorporating a second embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8

shows the data transformations performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 9

shows the data transformations performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 10

shows the method steps performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 11

shows the method steps performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 12

shows a cryptographic communication system incorporating a third embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 13

shows the data transformations performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 14

shows the data transformations performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 15

shows the method steps performed by the sender in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 16

shows the method steps performed by the receiver in the system shown in FIG.




1. First Embodiment

FIG. 2

shows a cryptographic communication system


incorporating a first embodiment of the present invention.



is similar in its general organization to system




). More particularly, system


comprises a KR-enabled computer system


coupled to a non-KR-enabled computer system


via a communications channel


. The KR-enabled system


has a key recovery (KR) subsystem


that provides key recovery and other cryptographic services to one or more application programs


, while the non-KR-enabled system


has a cryptographic subsystem


that provides cryptographic services to one or more application programs



As with the corresponding components of system


, KR subsystem


is assumed to be a “trusted” component, while application programs




and cryptographic subsystem


are not. System


differs from system


in the operations performed and the data flows between the various components, as described below.

In this first embodiment, the key recovery subsystem


in Alice's (i.e., the sender's) system


defines the encryption key K actually used to encrypt the data as follows:







where K′ is a first key either generated by the subsystem


or (as assumed below) received from the application program


, KRB is a key recovery block generated on K′, e(X, Y) denotes symmetric (e.g. DES) encryption of Y under the key X, and Hash(X) denotes a “one-way” cryptographic hash function. That is, K is a hash of the ciphertext produced by encrypting KRB with K′. In this case, K′ is an independent variable and K is a dependent variable; K can be computed only after both K′ and KRB have been produced.

The following assumptions are made about the secrecy of K′ and K:

1. K′ may or may not be known to Alice's application program



2. K is unknown to Alice's application program


. Since Alice (i.e., the application program


) has no means to encrypt with the “strong” key K′, she cannot compute e(K′, KRB) and therefore has no means to compute K. Moreover, Alice cannot have another party encrypt KRB with K′ without exposing KRB.

In the envisioned protocol, Alice's application program


, using the services of the key recovery subsystem


when required, generates a key exchange block (KEB) for key K′, generates a key recovery block (KRB) for K′, encrypts data to produce e(K, data), and transmits KEB, KRB, e(K, data) to Bob. Bob, who must have KRB in order to compute K, cannot circumvent the protocol. Under the protocol, Alice must send KRB to Bob.

FIG. 5

shows the encryption procedure


performed by the sender


(Alice) in the system


shown in FIG.



FIG. 3

shows the data transformations performed in this procedure


. The procedure


may be invoked when application program


provides a first key K′ and plaintext data to KR subsystem



Upon receiving these parameters, the KR subsystem


first generates a key exchange block KEB from which the first key K′ may be recovered by the receiver




). This may be done by encrypting the key K′ under a public encryption key of the receiver


, using a public-key procedure.

The KR subsystem


then generates a key recovery block KRB from which the first key K′ may be recovered by a key recovery entity (step


). (The term “key recovery entity” is used as an umbrella term for key recovery agents, law enforcement agents, and others involved in the key recovery process.) If there is one such entity, this may be done by encrypting the key K′ under a public encryption key of the key recovery entity. If there are multiple such entities, this may be done by encrypting shares of the key K′ under respective public encryption keys of the key recovery entities.

Next, the KR subsystem


encrypts the key recovery block KRB under the first key K′ to generate an encrypted value e(K′, KRB), as shown in

FIG. 3



). The KR subsystem then passes this encrypted value through a hash function to obtain a second key K=Hash(e(K′, KRB)), as shown in

FIG. 3



). This second key is kept in a private area of the KR subsystem


and is not made available to the application


. Finally, the KR subsystem


encrypts the original plaintext data under the second key K to obtain e(K, data), as shown in

FIG. 3



). The KR subsystem


returns the key exchange block KEB, the key recovery block KRB and the encrypted value e(K, data) to the application program


, which transmits these values to the application program


in the receiver





FIG. 6

shows the procedure


performed by the receiver


(Bob) in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 4

shows the data transformations performed in this procedure


. The steps shown are performed by the cryptographic subsystem


upon receiving the values KEB, KRB and e(K, data) from the application program





first extracts the first key K′ from the key exchange block KEB by using an extraction procedure EXTR that reverses the generation procedure, as shown in

FIG. 4



). Thus, if KEB was generated by encrypting K′ under a public encryption key of the receiver


, then K′ is extracted by decrypting KEB using the corresponding private decryption key. Subsystem


then regenerates the second key K from the first key K′ and the KRB, using the same procedure as the sender


in steps




, as shown in

FIG. 4



). Finally, subsystem


decrypts e(K, data) using the second key K, as shown in

FIG. 4



), and returns the plaintext data to the application program



2. Second Embodiment

FIG. 7

shows a cryptographic communication system


incorporating a second embodiment of the present invention.



is similar in its general organization to systems




. More particularly, system


comprises a KR-enabled computer system


coupled to a non-KR-enabled computer system


via a communications channel


. The KR-enabled system


has a key recovery subsystem


that provides key recovery and other cryptographic services to one or more application programs


, while the non-KR-enabled system


has a cryptographic subsystem


that provides cryptographic services to one or more application programs



As with the corresponding components of systems




, KR subsystem


is assumed to be a “trusted” component, while application programs




and cryptographic subsystem


are not. System


differs from systems




in the operations performed and the data flows between the various components, as described below.

In this second embodiment, the key recovery subsystem


defines independent first and second encryption keys K′ and K, as follows:


where Y is a dependent value calculated from K′ and K. As in the first embodiment, K′ is the ostensible key, made available outside the KR subsystem


, while K is the key actually used to encrypt data. Unlike the procedure in the first embodiment, however, K is generated independently of K′.

The following assumptions are made about the secrecy of K, K′, and Y:

1. K′ may or may not be known to Alice's application program



2. K is unknown to Alice's application program



3. Y is unknown to Alice's application program


. Since Alice (i.e., the application program


) does not know K, she cannot compute Y from K and K′.

The trick employed here is to encrypt and send Y to Bob by encrypting it with a third key X derived from K′ and KRB, as follows:







where the various functions are defined as before.

In the envisioned protocol, Alice's application program


, using the services of the KR subsystem


when required, generates a key exchange block (KEB) for key K′, generates a key recovery block (KRB) for K, generates the encrypted value e(X, Y) from the calculated values of X and Y, encrypts data to produce e(K, data), and transmits KEB, KRB, e(X, Y), e(K, data) to Bob. Bob, who must have KRB in order to compute X, which is required to decrypt e(X, Y) in order to recover Y so that K can be calculated from K′, cannot circumvent the protocol. Under the protocol, Alice must send KRB to Bob.

Possible advantages of this embodiment over the first embodiment are: (a) K is an independent key generated by the key recovery system rather than a dependent key (as in the first embodiment); and (b) KRB is generated on K rather then K′ (as in the first method). In the first embodiment, generating KRB on K′ has the disadvantage that the KRB does not directly allow the recovery of K; in that embodiment, one would first use KRB to do a key recovery of K′, and then K would be computed from K′ and KRB via the equation K=Hash(e(K′, KRB)). A possible disadvantage of this method over the first method is that this method requires an extra Exclusive-OR (XOR) operation of two secret values, K and K′. Such an operation may already be provided, however, by the cryptographic subsystem component of the KR subsystem



FIG. 10

shows the encryption procedure


performed by the sender


(Alice) in the system


shown in FIG.



FIG. 8

shows the data transformations performed in this procedure


. The procedure


may be invoked when application program


provides a first key K′ and plaintext data to KR subsystem


. It is assumed in the description that follows that the KR subsystem


has already generated a second key K independently of the first key K′.

Upon receiving these parameters, the KR subsystem


first generates a key exchange block KEB from which the first key K′ may be recovered by the receiver





This may be done by encrypting the key K′ under a public encryption key of the receiver


, using a public-key procedure.

The KR subsystem


then generates a key recovery block KRB from which the independently generated key K may be recovered by a key recovery entity (step


). If there is one such entity, this may be done by encrypting the key K under a public encryption key of the key recovery entity. If there are multiple such entities, this may be done by encrypting shares of the key K under respective public encryption keys of the key recovery entities.

Next, the KR subsystem


encrypts the key recovery block KRB under the first key K′ to generate an encrypted value e(K′, KRB), as shown in

FIG. 8



). The KR subsystem then passes this encrypted value through a hash function to obtain a derived key X=Hash(e(K′, KRB)), as shown in

FIG. 8



). This derived key X, like the independently generated key K, is kept in a private area of the KR subsystem


and is not made available to the application



KR Subsystem


then generates a value Y as the XOR product of K and K′ (step


) and encrypts Y under the derived key X to generate e(X, Y), as shown in

FIG. 8




Finally, the KR subsystem


encrypts the original plaintext data under the independently generated key K to obtain e(K, data), as shown in

FIG. 8



). The KR subsystem


returns the key exchange block KEB, the key recovery block KRB, the encrypted value e(X, Y) and the encrypted value e(K, data) to the application program


, which transmits these values to the application program


in the receiver





FIG. 11

shows the decryption procedure


performed by the receiver


(Bob) in the system


shown in FIG.



FIG. 9

shows the data transformations performed in this procedure


. The steps shown are performed by the cryptographic subsystem


upon receiving the values KEB, KRB, e(X, Y) and e(K, data) from the application program





first extracts the first key K′ from the key exchange block KEB by reversing the generation procedure (step


). Thus, if KEB was generated by encrypting K′ under a public encryption key of the receiver


, then K′ is regenerated by decrypting KEB using the corresponding private decryption key.



then regenerates the derived key X from the first key K′ and the KRB, using the same procedure as the sender


in steps




, as shown in

FIG. 9



). Subsystem


then decrypts e(X, Y) using the derived key X to regenerate Y (step


), which it XORs with K′ to regenerate the key K, as shown in

FIG. 9




Finally, subsystem


decrypts e(K, data) using the regenerated key K, as shown in

FIG. 9

, and returns the plaintext data to the application program





The effectiveness of the first and second embodiments in ensuring the generation and transmission of a correct KRB is predicated on the reliance of the application programs




on their associated KR subsystems




to perform strong encryption. That is, the encryption operations using the keys K′ and K in the first embodiment and the keys K′, K and X in the second embodiment are presumed to be strong encryption operations, which can be performed by the KR subsystems




, respectively, but cannot be performed by their respective application programs




. After all, if the application programs




could perform strong encryption independently of the KR subsystems




, then there is no need for application programs




to use key recovery in order to obtain a strong encryption capability, and the enforcement procedures described above could be circumvented. This reliance of the application programs




on their associated KR subsystems




to perform strong encryption should therefore be enforced.

3. Third Embodiment

In a third embodiment the key establishment protocol (not the key itself) is made dependent on KRB. The advantage of this embodiment over the first two embodiments is that the key used to encrypt the data is the same as the key transmitted in the key exchange block (KEB), i.e., K=K′. A disadvantage of the method is that the binding is not as strong as the binding provided by the first two embodiments. For example, the method requires the verification step to be tightly integrated into Bob's key establishment method, and we must trust that Bob has not and will not alter the key establishment method, thereby circumventing the verification step. In situations where the key establishment method can be counted on to perform the verification step, this method may be the preferred method.

FIG. 13

shows the data transformations performed by the sender in this third method. Referring to the figure, in this method we assume that a key exchange block (KEB)


consists of an encrypted portion


and an unencrypted portion


. The unencrypted portion


contains at least one field


for optional data, in which the KRB is transmitted. (In

FIG. 13

the KRB field


is shown as occupying the entire unencrypted portion


, although this need not be the case.) The encrypted portion


contains at least the key (K)


and a hash


of at least the KRB


in the unencrypted portion


of the KEB


. For simplicity, we shall assume that the hash


is calculated on the entire clear KEB


less the hash field


(i.e., on a portion including KRB field


and key field


). The hash


serves as an integrity value to ensure that the KRB has been correctly generated and has not been altered, as described below.



is ignored by Bob's application program


. However, because at least the KEB


less the hash field


is hashed and the hash value in field


is included within the encrypted portion


of the KEB


, there is no opportunity for Alice to delete or change the KRB


. This is so, because Bob's key establishment routine will calculate a similar hash value on the decrypted KEB


and will compare it for equality with the hash-of-reference


stored in the KEB. Only when the two hash values are equal will Bob's key establishment routine import K and make it available for decryption on Bob's system.

FIG. 15

shows the encryption procedure


performed by the sender


(Alice) in the system


shown in FIG.


. This procedure


may be invoked when application program


provides a key (K)


and plaintext data to KR subsystem



Upon receiving these parameters, the KR subsystem


first generates a key recovery block (KRB)


from which the key (K)


may be recovered by a key recovery entity (step


). As before, if there is one such entity, this may be done by encrypting the key K under a public encryption key of the key recovery entity; if there are multiple such entities, this may be done by encrypting shares of the key K under respective public encryption keys of the key recovery entities.

Referring also to

FIG. 13

, the KR subsystem


then generates at


a hash on the clear KEB


less the hash field


(i.e., including the key (K)


in clear form and the KRB


), for example, as Hash(K, KRB) (where the comma denotes concatenation) (step


). Next, the KR subsystem


encrypts at


the key (K)


and the generated hash


, for example, as E(K, Hash(K, KRB)), to generate the encrypted portion


of the KEB




); the method of encrypting Hash(K, KRB) and K can be with a public key (PUbob) belonging to Bob. KR subsystem


concatenates the encrypted portion


with the unencrypted portion


containing the KRB


to generate the KEB



Finally, the KR subsystem


encrypts the original plaintext data under the key K to obtain e(K, data) (step


). The KR subsystem


returns the key exchange block KEB


(which includes the key recovery block KRB


) and the encrypted value e(K, data) to the application program


, which transmits these values to the application program


in the receiver





FIG. 16

shows the procedure


performed by the receiver


(Bob) in the system shown in FIG.



FIG. 14

shows the data transformations performed in this procedure. The steps shown are performed by the cryptographic subsystem


upon receiving the values KEB and e(K, data) from the application program



Referring also to

FIG. 14

, subsystem


first decrypts at


the encrypted KEB portion


to recover the key (K)


and the hash


in clear form (step


). Subsystem


then generates at


a hash


on the clear KEB


less the hash field




), and compares at


the generated hash


with the hash contained in the hash field




). If the two hashes compare (step


), then the subsystem


proceeds to extract the key (K)


from the clear KEB




) and uses this key to decrypt the encrypted data, which is returned in clear form to the application program (step


). Otherwise, the subsystem


terminates the decryption procedure


without decrypting the data or extracting the decryption key (step



While particular embodiments have been shown and described, various modifications will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Thus, in the first and second embodiments, rather than using a key exchange block, the key K′ may be established between the sender and receiver by other means, such as by using some variation of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. Still other variations and modifications will be apparent to those skilled in the art.

  • 1. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, a method for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising the steps of:generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; generating a second key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; and encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block and regenerating the second key from the first and the key recovery block.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of:transmitting the key recovery block and the encrypted data from the sender to the receiver.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 in which the receiver performs the steps of:regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block; and decrypting the encrypted data using the second key.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 in which the generating steps and the encrypting step are performed by a trusted component of the sender.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 in which the second key is not made available outside of the trusted component of the sender.
  • 6. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of:generating a key exchange block from which the first key is recoverable by the receiver.
  • 7. The method of claim 6 further comprising the step of:transmitting the key exchange block from the sender to the receiver.
  • 8. The method of claim 7 in which the receiver performs the step of:extracting the first key from the key exchange block.
  • 9. The method of claim 1 in which the step of generating a second key comprises the steps of:encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and generating the second key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 10. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, a method for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising the steps of:generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; generating a second key independently of the first key; generating a third key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; combining the first and second keys to obtain a result that can be recombined with the first key to regenerate the second key; encrypting the result under the third key; and encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block, regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block, decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key, and recombining the result with the first key to regenerate the second key.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, further comprising the step of:transmitting the key recovery block, the encrypted result and the encrypted data from the sender to the receiver.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 in which the receiver performs the steps of:regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block; decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key; recombining the decrypted result with the first key to regenerate the second key; and decrypting the encrypted data using the regenerated second key.
  • 13. The method of claim 10 in which the generating steps, the combining step and the encrypting steps are performed by a trusted component of the sender.
  • 14. The method of claim 13 in which the second and third keys are not made available outside of the trusted component of the sender.
  • 15. The method of claim 10, further comprising the step of:generating a key exchange block from which the first key is recoverable by the receiver.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, further comprising the step of:transmitting the key exchange block from the sender to the receiver.
  • 17. The method of claim 16 in which the receiver performs the step of:extracting the first key from the key exchange block.
  • 18. The method of claim 10 in which the step of generating the third key comprises the steps of:encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and generating the third key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 19. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, a method for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising the steps of:generating a key recovery block from which the encryption key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; and encrypting the data under an encryption procedure having a corresponding decryption procedure requiring the use of the key recovery block, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block and using the key recovery block in the decryption procedure; and transmitting the key recovery block and the encrypted data from the sender to the receiver; the receiver performing the steps of: receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; and decrypting the encrypted data by using the key recovery block in the decryption procedure.
  • 20. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, a method for decrypting the encrypted data, comprising the steps of:receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block; and decrypting the encrypted data using the second key.
  • 21. The method of claim 20 in which the step of regenerating the second key comprises the steps of:encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and generating the second key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 22. The method of claim 20 further comprising the step of:extracting the first key from a key exchange block from which the key is recoverable by the receiver.
  • 23. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated independently of the first key, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, along with a result of combining the first key with the second key that is encrypted under a third key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, a method for decrypting the encrypted data, comprising the steps of:receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block; decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key; recombining the decrypted result with the first key to regenerate the second key; and decrypting the encrypted data using the regenerated second key.
  • 24. The method of claim 23 in which the step of regenerating the third key comprises the steps of:encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and generating the third key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 25. The method of claim 23, further comprising the step of:extracting the first key from a key exchange block from which the key is recoverable by the receiver.
  • 26. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, a method for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, the method comprising the steps of:generating a key recovery block from which a key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; and generating an integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, whereby a receiver of the key recovery block and the integrity value may verify the key recovery block without regenerating it by regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block and comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value.
  • 27. The method of claim 26, comprising the further step of:transmitting the key recovery block and the integrity value to the receiver.
  • 28. The method of claim 26, further comprising the steps of:encrypting the integrity value and the key to generate an encrypted portion of a key exchange block having an unencrypted portion containing the key recovery block; and encrypting the data under the key to generate encrypted data, whereby a receiver of the key exchange block may verify the key recovery block without regenerating it by decrypting the integrity value and the key, regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, and comparing the regenerated integrity value with the decrypted integrity value.
  • 29. The method of claim 28 in which the receiver performs the steps of:decrypting the integrity value and the key; regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; comparing the regenerated integrity value with the decrypted integrity value; and decrypting the encrypted data with the key only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the decrypted integrity value.
  • 30. The method of claim 26 in which the receiver performs the steps of:regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value; and decrypting the encrypted data only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the received integrity value.
  • 31. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, along with a key recovery block from which the key is recoverable by a key recovery entity and an integrity value generated as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, a method for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising the steps of:regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value; and decrypting the encrypted data only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the received integrity value.
  • 32. The method of claim 31 in which the sender sends the receiver a key exchange block containing an encrypted portion and an unencrypted portion, the encrypted portion containing the key and the integrity value, the unencrypted portion containing the key recovery block, the method further comprising the step of:decrypting the integrity value and the key in the encrypted portion of the key exchange block.
  • 33. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, apparatus for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising:means for generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; means for generating a second key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; and means for encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block and regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block.
  • 34. The apparatus of claim 33 further comprising:means for transmitting the key recovery block and the encrypted data from the sender to the receiver.
  • 35. The apparatus of claim 34 in which the receiver comprises:means for regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block; and means for decrypting the encrypted data using the second key.
  • 36. The apparatus of claim 33 in which the means for generating a second key comprises:means for encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and means for generating the second key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 37. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, apparatus for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising:means for generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; means for generating a second key independently of the first key; means for generating a third key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; means for combining the first and second keys to obtain a result that can be recombined with the first key to regenerate the second key; means for encrypting the result under the third key; and means for encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block, regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block, decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key, and recombining the result with the first key to regenerate the second key.
  • 38. The apparatus of claim 37, further comprising:means for transmitting the key recovery block, the encrypted result and the encrypted data from the sender to the receiver.
  • 39. The apparatus of claim 38 in which the receiver comprises:means for regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block; means for decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key; means for recombining the decrypted result with the first key to regenerate the second key; and means for decrypting the encrypted data using the regenerated second key.
  • 40. The apparatus of claim 37 in which the means for generating the third key comprises:means for encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and means for generating the third key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 41. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, apparatus for decrypting the encrypted data, comprising:means for receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; means for regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block; and means for decrypting the encrypted data using the second key.
  • 42. The apparatus of claim 41 in which the means for regenerating the second key comprises:means for encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and means for generating the second key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 43. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which an encryption key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated independently of the first key, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, along with a result of combining the first key with the second key that is encrypted under a third key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, apparatus for decrypting the encrypted data, comprising:means for receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; means for regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block; means for decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key; means for recombining the decrypted result with the first key to regenerate the second key; and means for decrypting the encrypted data using the regenerated second key.
  • 44. The apparatus of claim 43 in which the means for regenerating the third key comprises:means for encrypting the key recovery block under the first key to generate an encrypted key recovery block; and means for generating the third key as a one-way function of the encrypted key recovery block.
  • 45. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, apparatus for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, the apparatus comprising:means for generating a key recovery block from which a key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; and means for generating an integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, whereby a receiver of the key recovery block and the integrity value may verify the key recovery block without regenerating it by regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block and comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value.
  • 46. The apparatus of claim 45, further comprising:means for encrypting the integrity value and the key to generate an encrypted portion of a key exchange block having an unencrypted portion containing the key recovery block; and means for encrypting the data under the key to generate encrypted data, whereby a receiver of the key exchange block may verify the key recovery block without regenerating it by decrypting the integrity value and the key, regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, and comparing the regenerated integrity value with the decrypted integrity value.
  • 47. The apparatus of claim 46 in which the receiver comprises:means for decrypting the integrity value and the key; means for regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; means for comparing the regenerated integrity value with the decrypted integrity value; and means for decrypting the encrypted data with the key only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the decrypted integrity value.
  • 48. The apparatus of claim 45 in which the receiver comprises:means for regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; means for comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value; and means for decrypting the encrypted data only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the received integrity value.
  • 49. In a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, along with a key recovery block from which the key is recoverable by a key recovery entity and an integrity value generated as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, apparatus for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of the encryption key by a key recovery entity, comprising:means for regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; means for comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value; and means for decrypting the encrypted data only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the received integrity value.
  • 50. The apparatus of claim 49 in which the sender sends the receiver a key exchange block containing an encrypted portion and an unencrypted portion, the encrypted portion containing the key and the integrity value, the unencrypted portion containing the key recovery block, the apparatus further comprising:means for decrypting the integrity value and the key in the encrypted portion of the key exchange block.
  • 51. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of an encryption key by a key recovery entity in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, the method steps comprising:generating a key recovery block from which a key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; and generating an integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, whereby a receiver of the key recovery block and the integrity value may verify the key recovery block without regenerating it by regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block and comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value.
  • 52. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of an encryption key by a key recovery entity in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under an encryption key to a receiver, along with a key recovery block from which the key is recoverable by a key recovery entity and an integrity value generated as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block, the method steps comprising:regenerating the integrity value as a one-way function of the key and the key recovery block; comparing the regenerated integrity value with the received integrity value; and decrypting the encrypted data only if the regenerated integrity value compares with the received integrity value.
  • 53. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of an encryption key by a key recovery entity in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under the encryption key to a receiver, the method steps comprising:generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; generating a second key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; and encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block and regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block.
  • 54. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for ensuring the concomitant transmission of data sufficient to permit recovery of an encryption key by a key recovery entity in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender transmits data encrypted under the encryption key to a receiver, the method steps comprising:generating a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity; generating a second key independently of the first key; generating a third key as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block; combining the first and second keys to obtain a result that can be recombined with the first key to regenerate the second key; encrypting the result under the third key; and encrypting the data under the second key to generate encrypted data, whereby the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted data without receiving the key recovery block, regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block, decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key, and recombining the result with the first key to regenerate the second key.
  • 55. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for decrypting encrypted data in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, the method steps comprising:receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; regenerating the second key from the first key and the key recovery block; and decrypting the encrypted data using the second key.
  • 56. A program storage device readable by a machine, tangibly embodying a program of instructions executable by the machine to perform method steps for decrypting encrypted data in a cryptographic communication system in which a sender generates a key recovery block from which a first key is recoverable by a key recovery entity, encrypts data under a second key generated independently of the first key, and transmits the key recovery block and the encrypted data to a receiver, along with a result of combining the first key with the second key that is encrypted under a third key generated as a one-way function of the first key and the key recovery block, the method steps comprising:receiving the key recovery block and the encrypted data; regenerating the third key from the first key and the key recovery block; decrypting the encrypted result using the regenerated third key; recombining the decrypted result with the first key to regenerate the second key; and decrypting the encrypted data using the regenerated second key.
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