Method and apparatus for providing policy-based services for internal applications

A packet-forwarding device for providing policy-based services has at least a first interface, a second interface, and a packet forwarder for forwarding external packets between the first and second interfaces. The packet-forwarding device also runs internal applications that may be remotely accessed. The first and second interfaces transmit and receive internal and external packets, the internal packets being those packets generated or received by the internal applications during remote access, and the external packets being those packets destined for devices other than the packet-forwarding device. The packet forwarder forwards external packets between the first and second interfaces. An internal interface forwards internal packets between the internal applications and the first and second interfaces, and a policy engine logically connected to the internal interface applies a policy to the internal packets.


A. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to the field of digital telecommunications. More particularly, this invention relates to a method and apparatus for applying policies in packet forwarding devices, such as routers and remote access servers.

B. Description of Related Art

Packet-switched networks, such as the Internet, typically include one or more packet forwarding devices, such as routers or remote access servers. Viewed at the simplest level, a router is a device having a plurality of interfaces, with each interface typically connected to a wide area network (WAN), a local area network (LAN), or a host. Internally, the router forwards packets from one interface to another based on the destination address contained in the header of each packet. A remote access server is similar to a router, except that, in addition to interfaces to WANs and/or LANs, a remote access server also includes one or more interfaces to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to provide dial-in access to the network. Remote access servers also forward packets from one interface to another based on the destination addresses of the packets.

Increasingly, routers and remote access servers are also performing more sophisticated handling of packets than simply routing them on the basis of destination address. In particular, some packets may be selected for special treatment in order to provide “policy-based services.” “Policy-based services” encompass any disposition of packets that involves more than simply routing them based on their destination addresses. For example, routers and remote access servers may perform packet filtering, in which certain packets are dropped, diverted, and/or logged. The router or remote access server may also perform network address translation (NAT), in which the source and/or destination addresses are changed. Certain packets may be encrypted or decrypted, such as provided for in the IPsec protocols. Finally, certain packets may be prioritized in the queue of the router or remote access server in order to provide a particular quality of service (QoS) level. Many other types of special handling of packets could also be performed.

To identify the packets that are to be subject to such special handling, the router or remote access server typically examines more than the destination address of the packet. In general, the packet-forwarding device examines one or more “selector fields” within each packet, such as the source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type. User name, more particularly the IP address allocated to a particular user, may also be used as a selector filed in remote access servers. The packet-forwarding device then enforces a “policy” by applying a set of rules to packets whose selector fields meet predefined criteria. The rules specify how the packets are to be handled. As a result of this policy enforcement, packets may be dropped, logged, translated, encrypted, decrypted, or prioritized, if the selector fields within the packets match certain predefined criteria.

Typically, the “policy” is applied to all interfaces of the packet-forwarding device. For example, Abraham et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,983,270 discloses a network server through which all traffic between a LAN and the Internet passes. A filter engine in the network server applies a policy, embodied in a set of rules, to all outbound packets transmitted from the LAN to the Internet and to all inbound packets from the Internet to the LAN.

Similarly, Haddock et al., PCT Publication No. WO 99/11003 discloses a packet-forwarding device having a comparison engine. The comparison engine examines the packets arriving at each input port to determine with which traffic group each packet is associated, the traffic groups defining different QoS levels.

A packet-forwarding device


that typifies the prior art approach of applying policies to packets is shown in FIG.



FIG. 1

is a functional block diagram in which arrows illustrate the flow of packets between functional blocks. Device


may be a router, a remote access server, or other such device that forwards packets. Device


includes interfaces




, and


, that connect device


to nodes




, and


, respectively. Nodes




may represent hosts connected via a LAN or WAN or via the PSTN. Nodes




may also represent other packet forwarding devices. Although device


is shown in

FIG. 1

with three interfaces, device


may, in general, have a greater or fewer number of interfaces.

As indicated by the double-headed arrows, interfaces




are able to send packets to and to receive packets from nodes




, respectively. Interfaces




, in turn, are logically connected to a packet forwarder


via policy engines




, and


. Internal applications


are also logically connected to packet forwarder


. Internal applications


include the applications on device


, such as applications for controlling and configuring device


, that arc accessible remotely, such as by SNMP or by Telnet.

Packet forwarder


receives packets forwarded by interfaces




, via policy engines




, and by internal applications


. Packet forwarder


, in turn, is able to forward packets to internal interfaces




, via policy engines




, and to internal applications


. Packet forwarder


performs a routing functionality. Specifically, packet forwarder


determines, for each packet it receives, whether to forward the packet to one or more of interfaces




and/or internal applications


. Packet forwarder


makes this routing determination for each packet based on the packet's destination address. Typically, packet forwarder


has access to routing tables that specify where to send each destination address. Normally, packet forwarder


will forward a packet to internal applications


when the packet's destination address matches one of the packet-forwarding device's own IP addresses.

Policy engines




apply policies to all packets forwarded between interfaces




and packet forwarder


. In this process, policy engines




trap each packet and examine various selector fields in each packet, such as source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type. Based on this information, policy engines




apply a set of rules that specify the manner in which the packets are to be handled. In general, policy engines




may be separately configured so as to apply different policies.

The problem with this approach is that there is a high overhead associated with applying policies to all incoming and outgoing packets. This high overhead may increase the latency of each packet and may degrade the throughput of the packet-forwarding device. Another disadvantage with the prior art approach is the time and effort required to develop and manage policies for each interface. Finally, the overhead and management difficulties serve to limit the complexity of the policies that a packet-forwarding device can apply.


In a first principal aspect, the present invention provides a method for providing policy-based services in a packet-forwarding device running an internal application and having a first interface and a second interface. The internal application generates internally-generated packets. A policy is applied to the internally-generated packets, and the internally-generated packets are forwarded to the first interface. External packets are received at the second interface, and these external packets are forwarded to the first interface without applying the policy to them.

In a second principal aspect, the present invention provides a method for providing policy-based services in a packet-forwarding device running an internal application and having a first interface and a second interface. Incoming packets, each of which has a source address, are received at the first interface. The incoming packets are classified as internally-destined packets if their source addresses are in a first set of addresses and as external packets if their source addresses are in a second set of addresses. A policy is applied to the internally-destined packets, and the internally-destined packets are forwarded to the internal application. However, the external packets arc forwarded to the second interface without applying the policy to them.

In a third principal aspect, the present invention provides a packet-forwarding device comprising first and second interfaces for transmitting and receiving packets, an internal application running on the packet-forwarding device, an internal interface logically connected to the internal application, a packet forwarder logically connected to the first and second interfaces, and a policy engine logically connected to the internal interface and the internal application. The internal application generates internally-generated packets and uses internally-destined packets. The internal interface forwards the internally-generated packets to the first interface and forwards the internally-destined packets to the internal application. The packet forwarder forwards packets between the first and second interfaces. The policy engine applies a policy to internal packets, the internal packets being selected from the group consisting of internally-generated packets and internally-destined packets.

In a fourth principal aspect, the present invention provides an improvement to a packet-forwarding device. The packet-forwarding device has a first interface, a second interface, a packet forwarder forwarding packets between the first and second interfaces, and runs an internal application. The internal application generates internally-generated packets and uses internally-destined packets. The improvement comprises an internal interface logically connected to the internal application and a policy engine logically connected to the internal interface. The internal interface forwards internal packets, the internal packets being selected from the group consisting of internally-generated packets and internally-destined packets. The policy engine applies a policy to the internal packets.


FIG. 1

is a functional block diagram of a packet-forwarding device typifying the prior art approach of applying policies.

FIG. 2

is a functional block diagram of a packet-forwarding device in accordance with a first preferred embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 3

is a functional block diagram of a packet-forwarding device in accordance with a second preferred embodiment of the present invention


FIG. 2

is a functional block diagram showing a packet-forwarding device


in accordance with a first preferred embodiment of the present invention. The arrows in

FIG. 2

illustrate the flow of packets between functional blocks and, thus, the logical connections between functional blocks. As used herein, two elements of a device are “logically connected” if packets are able to flow in at least one direction from one element to the other, either directly or via one or more intermediate elements, provided that the flow of packets occurs within the device. Additionally, as used herein, a first element “forwards” packets to a second element when packets flow from the first element to the second element, either directly or via one or more intermediate elements.



may be a router, a remote access server, or other such device that forwards packets. Device


includes interfaces




that are able to transmit packets to and to receive packets from nodes




, respectively. Nodes




may represent either hosts or packet-forwarding devices, such as routers, that are connected to device


via digital networks or via the PSTN. Note that although device


is shown in

FIG. 2

with three interfaces




, device


may have a greater or fewer number.

If device


is a router, at least one of nodes




will typically be a router or other device connected via a WAN, and another one of nodes




will typically be a host or other device connected via a LAN. If device


is a remote access server, at least one of interfaces




will include a modem, with the corresponding node being a user connected via the PSTN using a protocol such as PPP, and at least one other of interfaces




will be connected to a host or other device via a LAN or WAN.

Running on device


are internal applications


, which typically serve to to control or configure device


. Internal applications


communicate with other devices remote to device


, through the use of protocols such as PPTP, L


TP, SNMP or Telnet. As part of such remote access, internal applications


generate internally-packets and use internally-destined packets. These internally-generated packets and internally-destined packets together constitute the “internal” packets. These internal packets are transmitted and received by one or more of interfaces





In addition to such “internal” packets, interfaces




also transmit and receive “external” packets. The “external” packets are packets that are not associated with internal applications


but are, instead, destined for devices other than device


. For example, if device


is a remote access server, node


may represent a remote user connected via the PSTN and node


may represent a server on a LAN or a WAN being accessed by the remote user. In that case, the packets associated with the remote user that are transmitted and received by interfaces




would all be external packets.

Packet classifiers




, which are logically connected to interfaces




, respectively, classify the packets received at interfaces




as either internally-destined or external packets, based on the destination address of the packets. In particular, the internally-destined packets will have a destination address that is one of the addresses assigned to device


itself. The external packets will have destination addresses that correspond to devices other than device


. Packet classifiers




forward the internally-destined packets to an internal interface


and the external packets to a packet forwarder



Internal interface


serves as an interface for internal applications


. Internal interface


is preferably a pseudo interface implemented by software, rather than a physical interface. Internal interface


is logically connected to internal applications


, via a policy engine


, to packet forwarder


, and to packet classifiers




. Internal interface


forwards the internally-destined packets from packet classifiers




to internal applications


and forwards the internally-generated packets from internal applications


to packet forwarder



Policy engine


applies a policy to the internal packets. Specifically, policy engine


examines one or more selector fields present in the internal packets. Typical selector fields include the source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type. Policy engine


also applies a set of rules specifying the manner in which a given packet should be handled if the selector fields of the given packet match certain predefined criteria. Such handling can include without limitation dropping the packet, logging the packet, encrypting or decrypting the packet, performing network address translation and/or port address translation on the packet, and prioritizing the packet for QoS. Policy engine


may apply a policy to internally-generated packets that differs from the policy apply to the internally-destined packets. However, policy engine


typically applies the same policy to internally-destined and internally-generated packets.

Packet forwarder


forwards the external packets from packet classifiers




and the internally-generated packets from internal interface


to one or more of interfaces




. More particularly, packet forwarder


provides a routing functionality by determining to which of interfaces




to forward each packet, based on each packet's destination address. Packet forwarder


typically has access to routing tables to perform this routing.

Notably, device


applies policies to the internal packets, by means of policy engine


, but does not apply policies to the external packets. This approach offers several advantages. Typically, most of the packets transmitted and received by device


will be external packets. In fact, internal packets comprise less than 5% of the traffic in most remote access servers. However, security and other policy-related concerns are most significant for the internal packets, because these packets, being associated with internal applications


, can affect the configuration and management of device


. Thus, by applying a policy only to internal packets, the packets for which policies are typically most important, the overhead and latency that would be associated with examining all packets is greatly reduced. Additionally, the task of policy management is simplified because policies are applied at only a single interface, internal interface


, rather than at each of interfaces





It is also possible to extend this approach to allow policies to be applied to the external packets as well as to the internal packets. A device


utilizing this approach is shown in FIG.


. Device


includes interfaces




that transmit packets to and receive packets from nodes




, respectively. Packet classifiers




classify the packets received by nodes interfaces




, respectively, as either internally-destined packets or external packets, based on the packets destination addresses. Packet classifiers




forward the internally-destined packets to an internal interface


, and packet classifiers




forward the external packets to a packet forwarder


via policy engines




, respectively.

Internal interface


is logically connected to packet classifiers




, to packet forwarder


, and to internal applications


via a policy engine


. Internal interface


forwards the internally-destined packets from packet classifiers




to internal applications


and forwards the internally-generated packets from internal applications


to packet forwarder



Packet forwarder


performs a routing functionality, forwarding the external packets from packet classifiers




and the internally-generated packets from internal interface


to one or more of interfaces




, via policy engines




, based on the destination addresses of the packets.

Policy engine


applies a policy to the internal packets, i.e., the internally-generated packets generated by internal applications


and the internally-destined packets used by internal applications


. Policy engines




apply policies to the external packets forwarded by packet classifiers




, respectively. Policy engines




typically also apply policies to the external packets forwarded by packet forwarder



In this way, device


applies policies to the internal packets and to the external packets. In general, the policies applied to the internal and external packets may differ. The approach used in device


may not realize the efficiency advantage afforded by the approach used in device


. However, by applying policies to internal packets using policy engine


, regardless of which of interfaces




may transmit or receive the packet, the task of policy management is greatly simplified.

Although various embodiments of this invention have been shown and described, it should be understood that various modifications and substitutions, as well as rearrangements and combinations of the preceding embodiments, can be made by those skilled in the art, without departing from the novel spirit and scope of this invention. Accordingly, the true spirit and scope of the invention is defined by the appended claims, to be interpreted in light of the foregoing specification.

  • 1. In a packet-forwarding device running an internal application and having a first interface and a second interface, a method for providing policy-based services, said method comprising the steps of:said internal application generating internally-generated packets; applying a first policy to said internally-generated packets; forwarding said internally-generated packets to said first interface; receiving second incoming packets at said second interface, said second incoming packets having destination addresses; classifying said second incoming packets as internally-destined packets if said destination addresses of said second incoming packets are in a first set of one or more addresses and classifying said second incoming packets as second external packets if said destination addresses of said second incoming packets are in a second set of one or more addresses; and forwarding said second external packets to said first interface without applying said first policy to said second external packets.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said step of applying a first policy to said internally-generated packets includes the steps of:examining at least one selector field in each one of said internally-generated packets; and handling said internally-generated packets in a predetermined manner if said selector fields of said internally-generated packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein said at least one selector field is selected from the group consisting of source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type.
  • 4. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of handling said internally-generated packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of dropping said internally-generated packets.
  • 5. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of handling said internally-generated packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of translating the source addresses and destination addresses of said internally-generated packets.
  • 6. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of handling said intenally-generated packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of encrypting said internally-generated packets.
  • 7. The method of claim 2, wherein said step of handling said internally-generated packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of prioritizing said internally-generated packets.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of:applying a second policy to said second external packets, said second policy differing from said first policy.
  • 9. The method of claim 1, further comprising the steps of:applying a third policy to said internally-destined packets; and forwarding said internally-destined packets to said internal application.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein said step of applying a third policy to said internally-destined packets includes the steps of:examining at least one selector field in each one of said internally-destined packets; and handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner if said selector fields of said internally-destined packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, wherein said at least one selector field is selected from the group consisting of source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type.
  • 12. The method of claim 10, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of dropping said internally-destined packets.
  • 13. The method of claim 10, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of translating the source addresses and destination addresses of said internally-destined packets.
  • 14. The method of claim 10, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of decrypting said internally-destined packets.
  • 15. The method of claim 10, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of prioritizing said internally-destined packets.
  • 16. The method of claim 8, further comprising the steps of:receiving first incoming packets at said first interface, said first incoming packets having destination addresses; classifying said first incoming packets as internally-destined packets if said destination addresses of said first incoming packets are in said first set of one or more addresses and classifying said first incoming packets as first external packets if said destination addresses of said first incoming packets are in said second set of one or more addresses; and applying a fourth policy to said first external packets, said fourth policy differing from said first policy.
  • 17. The method of claim 1, wherein said second set of one or more addresses includes at least one address assigned to said packet-forwarding device.
  • 18. In a packet-forwarding device running an internal application and having a first interface and a second interface, a method for providing policy-based services, said method comprising the steps of:receiving incoming packets at said first interface, each one of said incoming packets having an address; classifying said incoming packets as internally-destined packets if said addresses of said incoming packets are in a first set of addresses and classifying said incoming packets as first external packets if said addresses of said incoming packets are in a second set of addresses; applying a first policy to said internally-destined packets; forwarding said internally-destined packets to said internal application; forwarding said first external packets to said second interface without applying said first policy to said first external packets.
  • 19. The method of claim 18, wherein said step of applying a first policy to said internally-destined packets includes the steps of:examining at least one selector field in each one of said internally-destined packets; and handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner if said selector fields of said internally-destined packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of dropping said internally-destined packets.
  • 21. The method of claim 19, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of translating the source addresses and destination addresses of said internally-destined packets.
  • 22. The method of claim 19, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of encrypting said internally-destined packets.
  • 23. The method of claim 19, wherein said step of handling said internally-destined packets in a predetermined manner includes the step of prioritizing said internally-destined packets.
  • 24. The method of claim 18, further comprising the step of:applying a second policy to said first external packets, said second policy differing from said first policy.
  • 25. The method of claim 18, further comprising the steps of:said internal application generating internally-generated packets; applying a third policy to said internally-generated packets; forwarding said internally-generated packets to said first interface; receiving second external packets at said second interface; and forwarding said second external packets to said first interface without applying said third policy to said second external packets.
  • 26. The method of claim 25, further comprising the step of applying a fourth policy to said second external packets, said fourth policy differing from said third policy.
  • 27. The method of claim 19, wherein said at least one selector field is selected from the group consisting of source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type.
  • 28. The method of claim 18, wherein said second set of addresses includes at least one address assigned to said packet-forwarding device.
  • 29. A packet-forwarding device comprising:a first interface for transmitting first outgoing and receiving first incoming packets; a second interface for transmitting second outgoing and receiving second incoming packets; an internal application running on said packet-forwarding device, said internal application generating internally-generated packets and using internally-destined packets; an internal interface logically connected to said internal application, said internal interface forwarding said internally-generated packets to said first interface, said internal interface forwarding said internally-destined packets to said internal application; a packet forwarder logically connected to said first interface and to said second interface, said packet forwarder forwarding packets between said first and second interfaces; a first packet classifier logically connected to said first interface, said internal interface, and said packet forwarder, said first packet classifier classifying said first incoming packets as first internally-destined packets if destination addresses in said first incoming packets are in a first set of one or more addresses and classifying said first incoming packets as first external packets if destination addresses in said first incoming packets are in a second set of one or more addresses, said first packet classifier forwarding said first internally-destined packets to said internal interface, said packet classifier forwarding said first external packets to said packet forwarder; a second packet classifier logically connected to said second interface, said internal interface, and said packet forwarder, said second packet classifier classifying said second incoming packets as second internally-destined packets if destination addresses in said second incoming packets are in said first set of one or more addresses and classifying said second incoming packets as second external packets if destination addresses in said second incoming packets are in said second set of one or more addresses, said second packet classifier forwarding said second internally-destined packets to said internal interface, said packet classifier forwarding said second external packets to said packet forwarder, and a first policy engine logically connected to said internal interface and to said internal application, said first policy engine applying a first policy to internal packets, said internal packets being selected from the group consisting of said internally-generated packets and said internally-destined packets.
  • 30. The device of claim 29, further comprising a second policy engine logically connected to said first packet classifier and to said packet forwarder, said second policy engine applying a second policy to said first external packets.
  • 31. The device of claim 30, further comprising a third policy engine logically connected to said second packet classifier and to said packet forwarder, said third policy engine applying a third policy to said second external packets.
  • 32. The device of claim 29, wherein said first policy engine examines at least one selector field in each of one of said internal packets and handles said internal packets in a predetermined manner if said selector fields of said internal packets meets predetermined criteria.
  • 33. The device of claim 32, wherein said at least one selector field is selected from the group consisting of source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type.
  • 34. The device of claim 32, wherein said first policy engine drops said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 35. The device of claim 32, wherein said first policy engine translates the source and destination addresses of said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 36. The device of claim 32, wherein said first policy engine encrypts said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 37. The device of claim 32, wherein said first policy engine decrypts said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 38. The device of claim 32, wherein said first policy engine prioritizes said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 39. In a packet-forwarding device having a first interface, a second interface, a packet forwarder forwarding packets between said first and second interfaces, and running an internal application, said internal application generating internally-generated packets and using internally-destined packets, an improvement comprising:at least one packet classifier logically connected to said first and second interfaces, said at least one packet classifier classifying received packets received by said first and second interfaces as internal packets or external packets based on destination addresses in said received packets; an internal interface logically connected to said internal application and said at least one packet classifier; and a policy engine logically connected to said internal interface, said policy engine applying a policy to said internal packets.
  • 40. The improvement of claim 39, wherein said at least one packet classifier forwards said internal packets to said internal interface and forwards said external packets to said packet forwarder.
  • 41. The improvement of claim 39, wherein said at least one packet classifier includes a first packet classifier logically connected to said first interface and a second packet classifier logically connected to said second interface.
  • 42. The improvement of claim 39, whereinsaid policy engine examines at least one selector field in each of one of said internal packets and handles said internal packets in a predetermined manner if said selector fields of said internal packets meets predetermined criteria.
  • 43. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said at least one selector field is selected from the group consisting of source address, destination address, source port, destination port, and protocol type.
  • 44. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said policy engine drops said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 45. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said policy engine translates the source and destination addresses of said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 46. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said policy engine encrypts said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 47. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said policy engine decrypts said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
  • 48. The improvement of claim 42, wherein said policy engine prioritizes said internal packets if said selector fields of said internal packets meet predetermined criteria.
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