J. S. Linnell et al., "New Customer-Controlled DS3 Video Switch", Telephony Magazine, pp. 53-60, Jun. 16, 1986. |
Northern Telecom Marketing Bulletins dated Oct. 12, 1989, entitled, "S/DMS AccessNode Residential Fiber Access Applications", Fiber World Wire Central Consolidation, S/DMS TransportNode, S/DMS AccessNode Business Access Applications, S/DMS SuperNode System, S/DMS SuperNode Remote Access in the Fiber World, Fiber World SERVICES, Fiber World Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning, SONET Overview. |
Northern Telecom Product Announcements dated Oct. 1989, entitled, "Northern Telecom Introduces Sonet-Based DMS Supermode Product Family", Northern Telecom Introduces Sonet-Based Fiber Transport System, Northern Telecom Introduces Sonet-Based Fiber Access System, Background Information-The Technology Behind Fiber World. |
News Release-Northern Telecom Introduces, "Fiberworld", Family of Fiber Optic Transmission/Switching Products-dated Oct. 12, 1989. |
Copies of Slides dated Oct. 10, 1989, entitled "Fiber World". |
Copies of Slides dated Oct. 9, 1989, and Oct. 10, 1989, entitled, "The Products", by John Taylor. |