The invention relates to methods and apparatus for the provision of ventilatory assistance matched to a subject's respiratory need. The ventilatory assistance can be for a subject who is either spontaneously or non-spontaneously breathing, or moves between these breathing states. The invention is especially suitable for, but not limited to, spontaneously breathing human subjects requiring long-term ventilatory assistance, particularly during sleep.
Subjects with severe lung disease, chest wall disease, neuromuscular disease, or diseases of respiratory control may require in-hospital mechanical ventilatory assistance, followed by long-term home mechanical ventilatory assistance, particularly during sleep. The ventilator delivers air or air enriched with oxygen to the subject, via an interface such as a nosemask, at a pressure that is higher during inspiration and lower during expiration.
In the awake state, and while waiting to go to sleep, the subject's ventilatory pattern is variable in rate and depth. Most known ventilatory devices do not accurately match the amplitude and phase of mask pressure to the subject's spontaneous efforts, leading to discomfort or panic. Larger amounts of asynchrony also reduce the efficiency of the device. During sleep, there are changes in the neural control of breathing as well as the mechanics of the subject's airways, respiratory muscles and chest wall, leading to a need for substantially increased ventilatory support. Therefore, unless the device can automatically adjust the degree of support, the amplitude of delivered pressure will either be inadequate during sleep, or must be excessive in the awake state. This is particularly important in subjects with abnormalities of respiratory control, for example central hypoventilation syndromes, such as Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome, where there is inadequate chemoreceptor drive, or Cheyne Stokes breathing such as in patients with severe cardiac failure or after a stroke, where there is excessive or unstable chemoreceptor drive.
Furthermore, during sleep there are inevitably large leaks between mask and subject, or at the subject's mouth if this is left free. Such leaks worsen the error in matching the phase and magnitude of the machine's effort to the subject's needs, and, in the case of mouth leak, reduce the effectiveness of the ventilatory support.
Ideally a ventilatory assistance device should simultaneously address the following goals:
(i) While the subject is awake and making substantial ventilatory efforts, the delivered assistance should be closely matched in phase with the patient's efforts.
(ii) The machine should automatically adjust the degree of assistance to maintain at least a specified minimum ventilation, without relying on the integrity of the subject's chemoreflexes.
(iii) It should continue to work correctly in the presence of large leaks.
Most simple home ventilators either deliver a fixed volume, or cycle between two fixed pressures. They do so either at a fixed rate, or are triggered by the patient's spontaneous efforts, or both. All such simple devices fail to meet goal (ii) of adjusting the degree of assistance to maintain at least a given ventilation. They also largely fail to meet goal (i) of closely matching the subjects respiratory phase: timed devices make no attempt to synchronize with the subject's efforts; triggered devices attempt to synchronize the start and end of the breath with the subject's efforts, but make no attempt to tailor the instantaneous pressure during a breath to the subject's efforts. Furthermore, the triggering tends to fail in the presence of leaks, thus failing goal (iii).
The broad family of servo-ventilators known for at least 20 years measure ventilation and adjust the degree of assistance to maintain ventilation at or above a specified level, thus meeting goal (ii), but they still fail to meet goal (i) of closely matching the phase of the subject's spontaneous efforts, for the reasons given above. No attempt is made to meet goal (iii).
Proportional assistist ventilation (PAV), as taught by Dr Magdy Younes, for example in Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, chapter 15, aims to tailor the pressure vs. time profile within a breath to partially or completely unload the subject's resistive and elastic work, while minimizing the airway pressure required to achieve the desired ventilation. During the inspiratory half-cycle, the administered pressure takes the form:
where R is a percentage of the resistance of the airway, f.sub.RESP(t) is the instantaneous respiratory airflow at time t, E is a percentage of the elastance of lung and chest wall, and V(t) is the volume inspired since the start of inspiration to the present moment. During the expiratory half-cycle, V(t) is taken as zero, to produce passive expiration.
An advantage of proportional assist ventilation during spontaneous breathing is that the degree of assistance is automatically adjusted to suit the subject's immediate needs and their pattern of breathing, and is therefore comfortable in the spontaneously breathing subject. However, there are at least two important disadvantages. Firstly, V(t) is calculated as the integral of flow with respect to time since the start of inspiration. A disadvantage of calculating V(t) in this way is that, in the presence of leaks, the integral of the flow through the leak will be included in V(t), resulting in an overestimation of V(t), in turn resulting in a runaway increase in the administered pressure. This can be distressing to the subject. Secondly, PAV relies on the subject's chemoreceptor reflexes to monitor the composition of the arterial blood, and thereby set the level of spontaneous effort. The PAV device then amplifies this spontaneous effort. In subjects with abnormal chemoreceptor reflexes, the spontaneous efforts may either cease entirely, or become unrelated to the composition of the arterial blood, and amplification of these efforts will yield inadequate ventilation. In patients with existing Cheyne Stokes breathing during sleep, PAV will by design amplify the subject's waxing and waning breathing efforts, and actually make matters worse by exaggerating the disturbance. Thus PAV substantially meets goal (i) of providing assistance in phase with the subject's spontaneous ventilation, but cannot meet goal (ii) of adjusting the depth of assistance if the subject has inadequate chemoreflexes, and does not satisfactorily meet goal (iii).
Thus there are known devices that meet each of the above goals, but there is no device that meets all the goals simultaneously. Additionally, it is desirable to provide improvements over the prior art directed to any one of the stated goals.
Therefore, the present invention seeks to achieve, at least partially, one or more of the following:
(i) to match the phase and degree of assistance to the subject's spontaneous efforts when ventilation is well above a target ventilation,
(ii) to automatically adjust the degree of assistance to maintain at least a specified minimum average ventilation without relying on the integrity of the subject's chemoreflexes and to damp out instabilities in the spontaneous ventilatory efforts, such as Cheyne Stokes breathing.
(iii) to provide some immunity to the effects of sudden leaks
In what follows, a fuzzy membership function is taken as returning a value between zero and unity, fuzzy intersection A AND B is the smaller of A and B, fuzzy union A OR B is the larger of A and B, and fuzzy negation NOT A is 1−A.
The invention discloses the determination of the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable.
The invention further discloses a method for calculating the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle including at least the steps of determining that if the instantaneous airflow is small and increasing fast, then it is close to start of inspiration, if the instantaneous airflow is large and steady, then it is close to mid-inspiration, if the instantaneous airflow is small and decreasing fast, then it is close to mid-expiration, if the instantaneous airflow is zero and steady, then it is during an end-expiratory pause, and airflow conditions intermediate between the above are associated with correspondingly intermediate phases.
The invention further discloses a method for determining the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable from 0 to 1 revolution, the method comprising the steps of:
selecting at least two identifiable features FN of a prototype flow-vs.-time waveform f(t) similar to an expected respiratory flow-vs.-time waveform, and for each said feature:
determining by inspection the phase φN in the respiratory cycle for said feature, assigning a weight WN to said phase,
defining a “magnitude” fuzzy set MN whose membership function is a function of respiratory airflow, and a “rate of change” fuzzy set CN, whose membership function is a function of the time derivative of respiratory airflow, chosen such that the fuzzy intersection MN AND CN will be larger for points on the generalized prototype respiratory waveform whose phase is closer to the said feature FN than for points closer to all other selected features,
setting the fuzzy inference rule RN for the selected feature FN to be: If flow is MN and rate of change of flow is CN then phase=φN, with weight WN
measuring leak-corrected respiratory airflow,
for each feature FN calculating fuzzy membership in fuzzy sets MN and CN,
for each feature FN applying fuzzy inference rule RN to determine the fuzzy extent YN=MN AND CN to which the phase is φN, and
applying a defuzzification procedure using YN at phases φN and weights WN to determine the instantaneous phase φ.
Preferably, the identifiable features include zero crossings, peaks, inflection points or plateaus of the prototype flow-vs.-time waveform. Furthermore, said weights can be unity, or chosen to reflect the anticipated reliability of deduction of the particular feature.
The invention further discloses a method for calculating instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable, as described above, in which the step of calculating respiratory airflow includes a low pass filtering step to reduce non-respiratory noise, in which the time constant of the low pass filter is an increasing function of an estimate of the length of the respiratory cycle.
The invention further discloses a method for calculating instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable, as described above, in which the step of calculating respiratory airflow includes a low pass filtering step to reduce non-respiratory noise, in which the time constant of the low pass filter is an increasing function of an estimate of the length of the respiratory cycle.
The invention further discloses a method for measuring the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable as described above, in which the defuzzification step includes a correction for any phase delay introduced in the step of low pass filtering respiratory airflow.
The invention further discloses a method for measuring the average respiratory rate, comprising the steps of:
measuring leak-corrected respiratory airflow,
from the respiratory airflow, calculating the instantaneous phase φ in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable from 0 to 1 revolution, calculating the instantaneous rate of change of phase dφ/dt and
calculating the average respiratory rate by low pass filtering said instantaneous rate of change of phase dφ/dt.
Preferably, the instantaneous phase is calculated by the methods described above.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject, comprising the steps, performed at repeated sampling intervals, of:
ascribing a desired waveform template function π(φ), with domain 0 to 1 revolution and range 0 to 1,
calculating the instantaneous phase φ in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable from 0 to 1 revolution,
selecting a desired pressure modulation amplitude A,
calculating a desired instantaneous delivery pressure as an end expiratory pressure plus the desired pressure modulation amplitude A multiplied by the value of the waveform template function π(φ) at the said calculated phase (φ), and
setting delivered pressure to subject to the desired delivery pressure.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject as described above, in which the step of selecting a desired pressure modulation amplitude is a fixed amplitude.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject as described above, in which the step of selecting a desired pressure modulation amplitude in which said amplitude is equal to an elastance multiplied by an estimate of the subject's tidal volume.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject as described above, in which the step of selecting a desired pressure modulation amplitude comprises the substeps of:
specifying a typical respiratory rate giving a typical cycle time,
specifying a preset pressure modulation amplitude to apply at said typical respiratory rate,
calculating the observed respiratory rate giving an observed cycle time, and
calculating the desired amplitude of pressure modulation as said preset pressure modulation amplitude multiplied by said observed cycle time divided by the said specified cycle time.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject, including at least the step of determining the extent that the subject is adequately ventilated, to said extent the phase in the respiratory cycle is determined from the subject's respiratory airflow, but to the extent that the subject's ventilation is inadequate, the phase in the respiratory cycle is assumed to increase at a pre-set rate, and setting mask pressure as a function of said phase.
The invention further discloses a method for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject, comprising the steps of: measuring respiratory airflow, determining the extent to which the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle can be determined from said airflow, to said extent determining said phase from said airflow but to the extent that the phase in the respiratory cycle cannot be accurately determined, the phase is assumed to increase at a preset rate, and delivering pressure as a function of said phase.
The invention further discloses a method for calculating the instantaneous inspired volume of a subject, operable substantially without run-away under conditions of suddenly changing leak, the method comprising the steps of:
determining respiratory airflow approximately corrected for leak,
calculating an index J varying from 0 to 1 equal to the fuzzy extent to which said corrected respiratory airflow is large positive for longer than expected, or large negative for longer than expected,
identifying the start of inspiration, and
calculating the instantaneous inspired volume as the integral of said corrected respiratory airflow multiplied by the fuzzy negation of said index J with respect to time, from start of inspiration.
The invention further discloses a method “A” for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject, the method comprising the steps, performed at repeated sampling intervals, of:
determining respiratory airflow approximately corrected for leak,
calculating an index J varying from 0 to 1 equal to the fuzzy extent to which said respiratory airflow is large positive for longer than expected, or large negative for longer than expected,
calculating a modified airflow equal to said respiratory airflow multiplied by the fuzzy negation of said index J,
identifying the phase in the respiratory cycle,
calculating the instantaneous inspired volume as the integral of said modified airflow with respect to time, with the integral held at zero during the expiratory portion of the respiratory cycle,
calculating a desired instantaneous delivery pressure as a function at least of the said instantaneous inspired volume, and
setting delivered pressure to subject to the desired delivery pressure.
The invention further discloses a method “B” for providing ventilatory assistance in a spontaneously breathing subject, comprising the steps of:
determining respiratory airflow approximately corrected for leak,
calculating an index J varying from 0 to 1 equal to the fuzzy extent to which the respiratory airflow is large positive for longer than expected, or large negative for longer than expected,
identifying the phase in the respiratory cycle,
calculating a modified respiratory airflow equal to the respiratory airflow multiplied by the fuzzy negation of said index J,
calculating the instantaneous inspired volume as the integral of the modified airflow with respect to time, with the integral held at zero during the expiratory portion of the respiratory cycle,
calculating the desired instantaneous delivery pressure as an expiratory pressure plus a resistance multiplied by the instantaneous respiratory airflow plus a nonlinear resistance multiplied by the respiratory airflow multiplied by the absolute value of the respiratory airflow plus an elastance multiplied by the said adjusted instantaneous inspired volume, and
setting delivered pressure to subject to the desired delivery pressure.
The invention yet further discloses a method “C” for providing assisted ventilation to match the subject's need, comprising the steps of:
describing a desired waveform template function π(φ), with domain 0 to 1 revolution and range 0 to 1,
determining respiratory airflow approximately corrected for leak,
calculating an index J varying from 0 to 1 equal to the fuzzy extent to which the respiratory airflow is large positive for longer than expected, or large negative for longer than expected,
calculating JPEAK equal to the recent peak of the index J,
calculating the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle, calculating a desired amplitude of pressure modulation, chosen to servo-control the degree of ventilation to at least exceed a specified ventilation,
calculating a desired delivery pressure as an end expiratory pressure plus the calculated pressure modulation amplitude A multiplied by the value of the waveform template function π(φ) at the said calculated phase (φ), and
setting delivered pressure to subject to said desired instantaneous delivered pressure.
The invention yet further discloses a method for providing assisted ventilation to match the subject's need, as described above, in which the step of calculating a desired amplitude of pressure modulation, chosen to servo-control the degree of ventilation to at least exceed a specified ventilation, comprises the steps of:
calculating a target airflow equal to twice the target ventilation divided by the target respiratory rate,
deriving an error term equal to the absolute value of the instantaneous low pass filtered respiratory airflow minus the target airflow, and
calculating the amplitude of pressure modulation as the integral of the error term multiplied by a gain, with the integral clipped to lie between zero and a maximum.
The invention yet further discloses a method for providing assisted ventilation to match the subject's need, as described above, in which the step of calculating a desired amplitude of pressure modulation, chosen to servo-control the degree of ventilation to at least exceed a specified ventilation, comprises the following steps:
calculating a target airflow equal to twice the target ventilation divided by the target respiratory rate,
deriving an error term equal to the absolute value of the instantaneous low pass filtered respiratory airflow minus the target airflow,
calculating an uncorrected amplitude of pressure modulation as the integral of the error term multiplied by a gain, with the integral clipped to lie between zero and a maximum,
calculating the recent average of said amplitude as the low pass filtered amplitude, with a time constant of several times the length of a respiratory cycle, and
setting the actual amplitude of pressure modulation to equal the said low pass filtered amplitude multiplied by the recent peak jamming index JPEAK plus the uncorrected amplitude multiplied by the fuzzy negation of JPEAK.
The invention yet further discloses a method for providing assisted ventilation to match the subject's need, and with particular application to subjects with varying respiratory mechanics, insufficient respiratory drive, abnormal chemoreceptor reflexes, hypoventilation syndromes, or Cheyne Stokes breathing, combined with the advantages of proportional assist ventilation adjusted for sudden changes in leak, comprising the steps, performed at repeated sampling intervals, of:
calculating the instantaneous mask pressure as described for methods “A” or “B” above,
calculating the instantaneous mask pressure as described for method “C” above,
calculating a weighted average of the above two pressures, and setting the mask pressure to the said weighted average.
The invention yet further discloses apparatus to give effect to each one of the methods defined, including one or more transducers to measure flow and/or pressure, processor means to perform calculations and procedures, flow generators for the supply of breathable gas at a pressure above atmospheric pressure and gas delivery means to deliver the breathable gas to a subject's airways.
The apparatus can include ventilators, ventilatory assist devices, and CPAP devices including constant level, bilevel or autosetting level devices.
It is to be understood that while the algorithms embodying the invention are explained in terms of fuzzy logic, approximations to these algorithms can be constructed without the use of the fuzzy logic formalism.
A number of embodiments will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
used in low pass filtering steps in the calculation of the conductance of a leak, as a function of the recent peak jamming index JPEAK.
The two embodiments to be described are ventilators that operate in a manner that seeks to simultaneously achieve the three goals stated above.
Apparatus to give effect to a first embodiment of the apparatus is shown in
It is to be understood that the mask could equally be replaced with a tracheotomy tube, endotracheal tube, nasal pillows, or other means of making a sealed connection between the air delivery means and the subject's airway.
The microprocessor 16 is programmed to perform the following steps, to be considered in conjunction with Tables 1 and 2.
1. Set desired target values for the duration of inspiration TITGT, duration of expiration TETGT, and minute ventilation VTGT. Choose suitable constants P0 and ASTD where P0 is the desired end expiratory pressure, and ASTD is the desired increase in pressure above P0 at end inspiration for a breath of duration TTTGT=TITGT+TETGT.
2. Choose a suitable pressure waveform function π(Φ), such as that shown in
where the amplitude A equals the difference between the end inspiratory pressure and end expiratory pressure. However, other waveforms may be suitable for subjects with particular needs.
3. Initialize the phase Φ in the respiratory cycle to zero, and initialize the current estimates of actual inspiratory and expiratory duration TI and TE to TITGT and TETGT respectively.
4. Initialize the rate of change of phase during inspiration ΔΦI between sampling intervals of length T to:
5. Initialize the rate of change of phase during expiration ΔΦE to:
6. Measure the instantaneous respiratory airflow fRESP.
7. Calculate the average total breath duration TT=TI+TE
8. Low pass filter the respiratory airflow with an adjustable time constant τf, where τf is a fixed small fraction of TT.
9. Calculate the instantaneous ventilation V, as half the absolute value of the respiratory airflow:
10. From the target ventilation VTGT and the measured minute ventilation V, derive an error term VERR, such that large values of VERR indicate inadequate ventilation:
11. Take VBAR as the result of low pass filtering V with a time constant τVBAR which is long compared with TT.
12. Calculate a normalized airflow fNORM, where
13. From fNORM, calculate the degree of membership in each of the fuzzy sets whose membership functions are shown in
14. Calculate a normalized rate of change dfNORM/dΦ, equal to dfNORM/dt divided by the current estimate of the average respiratory cycle time TT.
15. From the normalized rate of change, calculate the degree of membership in each of the fuzzy sets shown in
16. For each row N in Table 1, calculate the degree of membership gN in the fuzzy set shown in the column labelled Fuzzy Phase, by applying the fuzzy inference rules shown.
17. Associate with the result of each of the N rules a phase ΦN as shown in Table 2, noting that Φ10 is the current phase Φ.
18. Increase each of the ΦN excepting Φ10 by 0.89 τ/TT, to compensate for the previous low pass filtering step.
19. Calculate a new instantaneous phase ΦINST as the angle to the center of gravity of N unit masses at polar coordinates of radius gN and angle ΦN revolutions.
20. Calculate the smallest signed difference ΔΦINST between the phase estimated in the previous step and the current phase.
21. Derive a revised estimate ΔΦREV equal to a weighted mean of the value calculated in the previous step and the average value (ΔΦI or ΔΦE as appropriate).
Smaller values of W will cause better tracking of phase if the subject is breathing regularly, and larger values will cause better tracking of phase if the subject is breathing irregularly.
22. Derive a blending fraction B, such that the blending fraction is unity if the subject's ventilation is well above VTGT, zero if the subject is breathing near or below VTGT, and increasing proportionally from zero to unity as the subject's ventilation increases through an intermediate range.
23. Calculate ΔΦBLEND influenced chiefly by ΔΦ calculated in step 21 from the subject's respiratory activity if the subject's ventilation is well above VTGT; influenced chiefly by the target respiratory duration if the subject is breathing near or below VTGT; and proportionally between these two amounts if ventilation is in an intermediate range:
ΔΦBLEND=BΔΦ+0.5(1−B)T/TETGT (otherwise)
24. Increment Φ by ΔΦBLEND
25. Update the average rate of change of phase (ΔΦI or ΔΦE as appropriate).
ΔΦE=T/τBAR(ΔΦBLEND−ΔΦE) (otherwise)
26. Recalculate the approximate duration of inspiration TI and expiration TE:
27. Calculate the desired mask pressure modulation amplitude AD:
AD=ASTD·TT/TTSTD (otherwise)
28. From the error term VERR, calculate an additional mask pressure modulation amplitude AE:
AE=K·VERR (for VERR>0)
AE=0 (otherwise)
where larger values of K will produce a faster but less stable control of the degree of assistance, and smaller values of K will produce slower but more stable control of the degree of assistance.
29. Set the mask pressure PMASK to:
30. Wait for a sampling interval T, short compared with the duration of a respiratory cycle, and then continue at the step of measuring respiratory airflow.
Measurement of Respiratory Airflow
As follows from above, it is necessary to respiratory airflow, which is a standard procedure to one skilled in the art. In the absence of leak, respiratory airflow can be measured directly with a pneumotachograph placed between the mask and the exhaust. In the presence of a possible leak, one method disclosed in European Publication No. 0 651 971 incorporated herein by cross-reference is to calculate the mean flow through the leak, and thence calculate the amount of modulation of the pneumotachograph flow signal due to modulation of the flow through the leak induced by changing mask pressure, using the following steps:
1. Measure the airflow at the mask fMASK using a pneumotachograph
2. Measure the pressure at the mask PMASK
3. Calculate the mean leak as the low pass filtered airflow, with a time constant long compared with a breath.
4. Calculate the mean mask pressure as the low pass filtered mask pressure, with a time constant long compared with a breath.
5. Calculate the modulation of the flow through the leak as:
δ(leak)=0.5 times the mean leak times the inducing pressure, where the inducing pressure is PMASK−mean mask pressure.
Thence the instantaneous respiratory airflow can be calculated as:
fRESP=fMASK−mean leak−δ(leak)
A convenient extension as further disclosed in EP 0 651 971 (incorporated herein by cross-reference) is to measure airflow fTURBINE and pressure PTURBINE at the outlet of the turbine, and thence calculate P.sub.MASK and f.sub.MASK by allowing for the pressure drop down the air delivery hose, and the airflow lost via the exhaust:
The following embodiment is particularly applicable to subjects with varying respiratory mechanics, insufficient respiratory drive, abnormal chemoreceptor reflexes, hypoventilation syndromes, or Cheyne Stokes breathing, or to subjects with abnormalities of the upper or lower airways, lungs, chest wall, or neuromuscular system.
Many patients with severe lung disease cannot easily be treated using a smooth physiological pressure waveform, because the peak pressure required is unacceptably high, or unachievable with for example a nose-mask. Such patients may prefer a square pressure waveform, in which pressure rises explosively fast at the moment of commencement of inspiratory effort. This may be particularly important in patients with high intrinsic PEEP, in which it is not practicable to overcome the intrinsic PEEP by the use of high levels of extrinsic PEEP or CPAP, due to the risk of hyperinflation. In such subjects, any delay in triggering is perceived as very distressing, because of the enormous mis-match between expected and observed support. Smooth waveforms exaggerate the perceived delay, because of the time taken for the administered pressure to exceed the intrinsic PEEP. This embodiment permits the use of waveforms varying continuously from square (suitable for patients with for example severe lung or chest wall disease or high intrinsic PEEP) to very smooth, suitable for patients with normal lungs and chest wall, but abnormal respiratory control, or neuromuscular abnormalities. This waveform is combined either with or without elements of proportional assist ventilation (corrected for sudden changes in leak), with servo-control of the minute ventilation to equal or exceed a target ventilation. The latter servo-control has an adjustable gain, so that subjects with for example Cheyne Stokes breathing can be treated using a very high servo gain to over-ride their own waxing and waning patterns; subjects with various central hypoventilation syndromes can be treated with a low servo gain, so that short central apneas are permitted, for example to cough, clear the throat, talk, or roll over in bed, but only if they follow a previous period of high ventilation; and normal subjects are treated with an intermediate gain.
Restating the above in other words:
The integral gain of the servo-control of the degree of assistance is adjustable from very fast (0.3 cmH2O/L/sec/sec) to very slow. Patients with Cheyne-Stokes breathing have a very high ventilatory control loop gain, but a long control loop delay, leading to hunting. By setting the loop gain even higher, the patient's controller is stabilized. This prevents the extreme breathlessness that normally occurs during each cycle of Cheyne-Stokes breathing, and this is very reassuring to the patient. It is impossible for them to have a central apnea. Conversely, subjects with obesity-hypoventilation syndrome have low or zero loop gain. They will not feel breathless during a central apnea. However, they have much mucus and need to cough, and are also often very fidgety, needing to roll about in bed. This requires that they have central apneas which the machine does not attempt to treat. By setting the loop gain very low, the patient is permitted to take a couple of deep breaths and then have a moderate-length central apnea while coughing, rolling to over, etc, but prolonged sustained apneas or hypopneas are prevented.
Sudden changes in leakage flow are detected and handled using a fuzzy logic algorithm. The principle of the algorithm is that the leak filter time constant is reduced dynamically to the fuzzy extent that the apparent respiratory airflow is a long way from zero for a long time compared with the patient's expected respiratory cycle length.
Rather than simply triggering between two states (IPAP, EPAP), the device uses a fuzzy logic algorithm to estimate the position in the respiratory cycle as a continuous variable. The algorithm permits the smooth pressure waveform to adjust it's rise time automatically to the patient's instantaneous respiratory pattern.
The fuzzy phase detection algorithm under normal conditions closely tracks the patient's breathing. To the extent that there is a high or suddenly changing leak, or the patient's ventilation is low, the rate of change of phase (respiratory rate) smoothly reverts to the specified target respiratory rate. Longer or deeper hypopneas are permitted to the extent that ventilation is on average adequate. To the extent that the servo gain is set high to prevent Cheyne Stokes breathing, shorter and shallower pauses are permitted.
Airflow filtering uses an adaptive filter, which shortens it's time constant if the subject is breathing rapidly, to give very fast response times, and lengthens if the subject is breathing slowly, to help eliminate cardiogenic artifact.
The fuzzy changing leak detection algorithm, the fuzzy phase detection algorithm with its differential handling of brief expiratory pauses, and handling of changing leak, together with the smooth waveform severally and cooperatively make the system relatively immune to the effects of sudden leaks.
By suitably setting various parameters, the system can operate in CPAP, bilevel spontaneous, bilevel timed, proportional assist ventilation, volume cycled ventilation, and volume cycled servo-ventilation, and therefore all these modes are subsets of the present embodiment. However, the present embodiment permits states of operation that can not be achieved by any of the above states, and is therefore distinct from them.
Note 1: in this second embodiment, the names and symbols used for various quantities may be different to those used in the first embodiment.
Note 2: The term “swing” is used to refer to the difference between desired instantaneous pressure at end inspiration and the desired instantaneous pressure at end expiration.
Note 3: A fuzzy membership function is taken as returning a value between zero for complete nonmembership and unity for complete membership. Fuzzy intersection A AND B is the lesser of A and B, fuzzy union A OR B is the larger of A and B, and fuzzy negation NOT A is 1−A.
Note 4: root(x) is the square root of x, abs(x) is the absolute value of x, sign (x) is −1 if x is negative, and +1 otherwise. An asterisk (*) is used to explicitly indicate multiplication where this might not be obvious from context.
The apparatus for the second embodiment is shown in
The following user adjustable parameters are specified and stored:
At initialization, the following are calculated from the above user-specified settings:
The expected duration of a respiratory cycle, of an inspiration, and of an expiration are set respectively to:
STD TTOT=60/target respiratory rate
STD TISTD TTOT*target duty cycle
The standard rates of change of phase (revolutions per sec) during inspiration and expiration are set respectively to:
STD dφI=0.5/STD TI
STD dφE=0.5/STD TE
The instantaneous elastic support at any phase .phi. in the respiratory cycle is given by:
where swing is the pressure at end inspiration minus the pressure at end expiration,
π(φ)=e−2rφ during inspiration,
e−4t(φ−0.5) during expiration
and τ is the user-selectable waveform time constant.
If τ=0, then π(φ) is a square wave. The maximum implemented value for τ=0.3, producing a waveform approximately as shown in
The mean value of π(Φ) is calculated as follows:
Operations Performed Every 20 Milliseconds
The following is an overview of routine processing done at 50 Hz:
measure flow at flow sensor and pressure at pressure sensing port
calculate mask pressure and flow from sensor pressure and flow
calculate conductance of mask leak
calculate instantaneous airflow through leak
calculate respiratory airflow and low pass filtered respiratory airflow
calculate mask on-off status and lead-in
calculate instantaneous and recent peak jamming
calculate time constant for leak conductance calculations
calculate phase in respiratory cycle
update mean rates of change of phase for inspiration and expiration, lengths of inspiratory and expiratory times, and respiratory rate
add hose pressure loss to EPAP pressure
add resistive unloading
calculate instantaneous elastic assistance required to servo-control ventilation
estimate instantaneous elastic recoil pressure using various assumptions
weight and combine estimates
add servo pressure to yield desired sensor pressure
servo-control motor speed to achieve desired sensor pressure
The details of each step will now be explained.
Measurement of Flow and Pressure
Flow is measured at the outlet of the blower using a pneumotachograph and differential pressure transducer. Pressure is measured at any convenient point between the blower outlet and the mask. A humidifier and/or anti-bacterial filter may be inserted between the pressure sensing port and the blower. Flow and pressure are digitized at 50 Hz using an A/D converter.
Calculation of Mask Flow and Pressure
The pressure loss from pressure measuring point to mask is calculated from the flow at the blower and the (quadratic) resistance from measuring point to mask.
Hose pressure loss=sign(flow)*hose resistance*flow2
where sign(x)=−1 for x<0, +1 otherwise. The mask pressure is then calculated by subtracting the hose pressure loss from the measured sensor pressure:
Mask pressure=sensor pressure−hose pressure loss
The flow through the mask exhaust diffuser is calculated from the known parabolic resistance of the diffuser holes, and the square root of the mask pressure:
diffuser flow=exhaust resistance*sign(mask pressure)*root (abs(mask pressure))
Finally, the mask flow is calculated:
mask flow=sensor flow−diffuser flow
The foregoing describes calculation of mask pressure and flow in the various treatment modes. In diagnostic mode, the patient is wearing only nasal cannulae, not a mask. The cannula is plugged into the pressure sensing port. The nasal airflow is calculated from the pressure, after a linearization step, and the mask pressure is set to zero by definition.
Conductance of Leak
root mask pressure=sign(PMASK)√{right arrow over (abs(PMASK))}
LP mask airflow=low pass filtered mask airflow
LP root mask pressure=low pass filtered root mask pressure
conductance of leak=LP mask airflow/LP root mask pressure
The time constant for the two low pass filtering steps is initialized to 10 seconds and adjusted dynamically thereafter (see below).
Instantaneous Flow Through Leak
The instantaneous flow through the leak is calculated from the instantaneous mask pressure and the conductance of the leak:
instantaneous leak=conductance of leak*root mask pressure
Respiratory Airflow
The respiratory airflow is the difference between the flow at the mask and the instantaneous leak:
respiratory airflow=mask flow−instantaneous leak
Low Pass Filtered Respiratory Airflow
Low pass filter the respiratory airflow to remove cardiogenic airflow and other noise. The time constant is dynamically adjusted to be 1/40 of the current estimated length of the respiratory cycle TTOT (initialized to STD_TTOT and updated below). This means that at high respiratory rates, there is only a short phase delay introduced by the filter, but at low respiratory rates, there is good rejection of cardiogenic airflow.
Mask On/Off Status
The mask is assumed to initially be off. An off-on transition is taken as occurring when the respiratory airflow first goes above 0.2 L/sec, and an on-off transition is taken as occurring if the mask pressure is less than 2 cmH2O for more than 1.5 seconds.
Lead-in is a quantity that runs from zero if the mask is off, or has just been donned, to 1.0 if the mask has been on for 20 seconds or more, as shown in
Calculation of Instantaneous Jamming Index, J
J is the fuzzy extent to which the impedance of the leak has suddenly changed. It is calculated as the fuzzy extent to which the absolute magnitude of the respiratory airflow is large for longer than expected.
The fuzzy extent AI to which the airflow has been positive for longer than expected is calculated from the time tZI since the last positive-going zero crossing of the calculated respiratory airflow signal, and the expected duration STD TI of a normal inspiration for the particular subject, using the fuzzy membership function shown in
The fuzzy extent BI to which the airflow is large and positive is calculated from the instantaneous respiratory airflow using the fuzzy membership function shown in
The fuzzy extent II to which the leak has suddenly increased is calculated by calculating the fuzzy intersection (lesser) of AI and BI.
Precisely symmetrical calculations are performed for expiration, deriving IE as the fuzzy extent to which the leak has suddenly decreased. AE is calculated from TZE and TE, BE is calculated from minus fRESP, and IE is the fuzzy intersection of AE and BE. The instantaneous jamming index J is calculated as the fuzzy union (larger) of indices II and IE.
Recent Peak Jamming
If the instantaneous jamming index is larger than the current value of the recent peak jamming index, then the recent peak jamming index is set to equal the instantaneous jamming index. Otherwise, the recent peak jamming index is set to equal the instantaneous jamming index low pass filtered with a time constant of 10 seconds. An electrical analogy of the calculation is shown in
Time Constant for Leak Conductance Calculations
If the conductance of the leak suddenly changes, then the calculated conductance will initially be incorrect, and will gradually approach the correct value at a rate which will be slow if the time constant of the low pass filters is long, and fast if the time constant is short. Conversely, if the impedance of the leak is steady, the longer the time constant the more accurate the calculation of the instantaneous leak. Therefore, it is desirable to lengthen the time constant to the extent that the leak is steady, reduce the time constant to the extent that the leak has suddenly changed, and to use intermediately longer or shorter time constants if it is intermediately the case that the leak is steady.
If there is a large and sudden increase in the conductance of the leak, then the calculated respiratory airflow will be incorrect. In particular, during apparent inspiration, the calculated respiratory airflow will be large positive for a time that is large compared with the expected duration of a normal inspiration. Conversely, if there is a sudden decrease in conductance of the leak, then during apparent expiration the calculated respiratory airflow will be large negative for a time that is large compared with the duration of normal expiration.
Therefore, the time constant for the calculation of the conductance of the leak is adjusted depending on JPEAK, which is a measure of the fuzzy extent that the leak has recently suddenly changed, as shown in
In operation, to the extent that there has recently been a sudden and large change in the leak, JPEAK will be large, and the time constant for the calculation of the conductance of the leak will be small, allowing rapid convergence on the new value of the leakage conductance. Conversely, if the leak is steady for a long time, JPEAK will be small, and the time constant for calculation of the leakage conductance will be large, enabling accurate calculation of the instantaneous respiratory airflow. In the spectrum of intermediate situations, where the calculated instantaneous respiratory airflow is larger and for longer periods, JPEAK will be progressively larger, and the time constant for the calculation of the leak will progressively reduce. For example, at a moment in time where it is uncertain whether the leak is in fact constant, and the subject has merely commenced a large sigh, or whether in fact there has been a sudden increase in the leak, the index will be of an intermediate value, and the time constant for calculation of the impedance of the leak will also be of an intermediate value. The advantage is that some corrective action will occur very early, but without momentary total loss of knowledge of the impedance of the leak.
Instantaneous Phase in Respiratory Cycle
The current phase φ runs from 0 for start of inspiration to 0.5 for start of expiration to 1.0 for end expiration=start of next inspiration. Nine separate features (peaks, zero crossings, plateaus, and some intermediate points) are identified on the waveform, as shown in
Calculation of Normalized Respiratory Airflow
The filtered respiratory airflow is normalized with respect to the user specified target ventilation as follows:
standard airflow=target ventilation/7.5 L/min
f=filtered respiratory airflow/standard airflow
Next, the fuzzy membership in fuzzy sets large negative, small negative, zero, small positive, and large positive, describing the instantaneous airflow is calculated using the membership functions shown in
Calculation of Normalized Rate of Change of Airflow
The rate of change of filtered respiratory airflow is calculated and normalized to a target ventilation of 7.5 L/min at 15 breaths/min as follows:
standard df/dt=standard airflow*target frequency/15
calculate d(filtered airflow)/dt
low pass filter with a time constant of 8/50 seconds
normalize by dividing by standard df/dt
Now evaluate the membership of normalized df/dt in the fuzzy sets falling, steady, and rising, whose membership functions are shown in
Calculation of Ventilation, Normalized Ventilation, and Hypopnea
ventilation=abs(respiratory airflow), low pass filtered with a time constant of STD TTOT normalized ventilation=ventilation/standard airflow.
Hypopnea is the fuzzy extent to which the normalized ventilation is zero. The membership function for hypopnea is shown in
Calculation of Recent Ventilation, Normalized Recent Ventilation, and Hyperpnea
Recent ventilation is also a low pass filtered abs(respiratory airflow), but filtered with an adjustable time constant, calculated from servo gain (specified by the user) as shown in
Target absolute airflow=2*target ventilation normalized recent ventilation=recent ventilation/target absolute airflow
Hyperpnea is the fuzzy extent to which the recent ventilation is large. The membership function for hyperpnea is shown in
Big Leak
The fuzzy extent to which there is a big leak is calculated from the membership function shown in
Additional Fuzzy Sets Concerned with Fuzzy “Triggering”
Membership in fuzzy sets switch negative and switch positive are calculated from the normalized respiratory airflow using the membership functions shown in
Fuzzy Inference Rules for Phase
Procedure W(y) calculates the area of an isosceles triangle of unit height and unit base, truncated at height y as shown in
The first fuzzy rule indicates that lacking any other information the phase is to increase at a standard rate. This rule is unconditionally true, and has a very heavy weighting, especially if there is a large leak, or there has recently been a sudden change in the leak, or there is a hypopnea.
WSTANDARD=8+16*JPEAK+16*hyopopnea+16*big leak
The next batch of fuzzy rules correspond to the detection of various features of a typical flow-vs.-time curve.
These rules all have unit weighting, and are conditional upon the fuzzy membership in the indicated sets:
WEARLY INSP=W(rise and small positive)
WPEAK INSP=W(large positive AND steady AND NOT recent peak jamming)
WLATE INSP=W(fall AND small positive)
WEARLY EXP=W(fall AND small negative)
WPEAK EXP=W(large negative AND steady)
WLATE EXP=W(rise AND small negative)
The next rule indicates that there is a legitimate expiratory pause (as opposed to an apnea) if there has been a recent hyperpnea and the leak has not recently changed:
WPAUSE=(hyperpnea AND NOT JPEAK)*W(steady AND zero)
Recalling that the time constant for hyperpnea gets shorter as servo gain increases, the permitted length of expiratory pause gets shorter and shorter as the servo gain increases, and becomes zero at maximum servo gain. The rationale for this is that (i) high servo gain plus long pauses in breathing will result in “hunting” of the servo-as controller, and (ii) in general high servo gain is used if the subject's chemoreceptor responses are very brisk, and suppression of long apneas or hypopneas will help prevent the subject's own internal servo-control from hunting, thereby helping prevent Cheyne-Stokes breathing.
Finally, there are two phase-switching rules. During regular quiet breathing at roughly the expected rate, these rules should not strongly activate, but they are there to handle irregular breathing or breathing at unusual rates. They have very heavy weightings.
WTRIG INSP=32W(expiratory phase AND switch positive)
WTRIG EXP=32W(inspiratory phase AND switch negative)
For each of the ten fuzzy rules above, we attach phase angles fN, as shown in Table ZZZ. Note that φN are in revolutions, not radians. We now place the ten masses W(N) calculated above at the appropriate phase angles φN around the unit circle, and take the centroid.
Note that if the user has entered very short duty cycle, k will be small. For example a normal duty cycle is 40%, giving k=40/60=0.67. Thus the expiratory peak will be associated with a phase angle of 0.5+0.2*0.67=0.63, corresponding 26% of the way into expiratory time, and the expiratory pause would start at 0.5+0.5*0.67=0.83, corresponding to 67% of the way into expiratory time. Conversely, if the duty cycle is set to 20% in a patient with severe obstructive lung disease, features 6 through 10 will be skewed or compressed into early expiration, generating an appropriately longer expiratory pause.
The new estimate of the phase is the centroid, in polar coordinates, of the above ten rules:
The change in phase dφ from the current phase φ to the centroid is calculated in polar coordinates. Thus if the centroid is 0.01 and the current phase is 0.99, the change in phase is dφ=0.02. Conversely, if the centroid is 0.99 and the current phase is 0.01, then dφ=−0.02. The new phase is then set to the centroid:
This concludes the calculation of the instantaneous phase in the respiratory cycle φ.
Estimated Mean Duration of Inspiration, Expiration, Cycle Time, and Respiratory Rate
If the current phase is inspiratory (φ<0.5) the estimated duration of inspiration TI is updated:
LP(dφI)=low pass filtered dφ with a time constant of: 4*STD Ttot
Clip LP(dφI) to the range(0.5/STD TI)/2 to 4(0.5/STD TI)
TI=0.5/clipped LP(dφI)
Conversely, if the current phase is expiratory, (φ=0.5) the estimated duration of expiration TE is updated:
LP(dφE)=low pass filtered dφ with a time constant of 4*STD TTOTClip LP(dφE) to the range(0.5/STD TE)/2 to 4(0.5/STD TE)
TE=0.5/clipped LP(dφE)
The purpose of the clipping is firstly to prevent division by zero, and also so that the calculated TI and TE are never more than a factor of 4 shorter or a factor of 2 longer than expected.
Finally, the observed mean duration of a breath TTOT and respiratory rate RR are:
Resistive Unloading
The resistive unloading is the pressure drop across the patient's upper and lower airways, calculated from the respiratory airflow and resistance values stored in SRAM
f=respiratory airflow truncated to +/−2 L/sec
resistive unloading=airway resistance*f+upper airway resistance*f2*sign(f)
Instantaneous Elastic Assistance
The purpose of the instantaneous elastic assistance is to provide a pressure which balances some or all of the elastic deflating pressure supplied by the springiness of the lungs and chest wall (instantaneous elastic pressure), plus an additional component required to servo-control the minute ventilation to at least exceed on average a pre-set target ventilation. In addition, a minimum swing, always present, is added to the total. The user-specified parameter elastance is preset to say 50-75% of the known or estimated elastance of the patient's lung and chest wall. The various components are calculated as follows:
Instantaneous Assistance Based on Minimum Pressure Swing Set by Physician:
instantaneous minimum assistance=minimum swing*π(φ)
Elastic Assistance Required to Servo-Control Ventilation to Equal or Exceed Target
The quantity servo swing is the additional pressure modulation amplitude required to servo-control the minute ventilation to at least equal on average a pre-set target ventilation.
Minute ventilation is defined as the total number of liters inspired or expired per minute. However, we can't wait for a whole minute, or even several seconds, to calculate it, because we wish to be able to prevent apneas or hypopneas lasting even a few seconds, and a PI controller based on an average ventilation over a few seconds would be either sluggish or unstable.
The quantity actually servo-controlled is half the absolute value of the instantaneous respiratory airflow. A simple clipped integral controller with no damping works very satisfactorily. The controller gain and maximum output ramp up over the first few seconds after putting the mask on.
If we have had a sudden increase in mouth leak, airflow will be nonzero for a long time. A side effect is that the ventilation will be falsely measured as well above target, and the amount of servo assistance will be falsely reduced to zero. To prevent this, to the extent that the fuzzy recent peak jamming index is large, we hold the degree of servo assistance at its recent average value, prior to the jamming.
The algorithm for calculating servo swing is as follows:
error=target ventilation−abs(respiratory airflow)/2
servo swing=S error*servo gain*sample interval
clip servo swing to range 0 to 20 cmH2O*lead-in
set recent servo swing=servo swing low pass filtered with a time constant of 25 sec.
clip servo swing to be at most JPEAK*recent servo swing
The instantaneous servo assistance is calculated by multiplying servo swing by the previously calculated pressure waveform template:
instantaneous servo assistance=servo swing*π(φ)
Estimating Instantaneous Elastic Pressure
The instantaneous pressure required to unload the elastic work of inspiring against the user-specified elastance is the specified elastance times the instantaneous inspired volume. Unfortunately, calculating instantaneous inspired volume simply by integrating respiratory airflow with respect to time does not work in practice for three reasons: firstly leaks cause explosive run-away of the integration. Secondly, the integrator is reset at the start of each inspiration, and this point is difficult to detect reliably. Thirdly, and crucially, if the patient is making no efforts, nothing will happen.
Therefore, four separate estimates are made, and a weighted average taken.
Estimate 1: Exact Instantaneous Elastic Recoil Calculated from Instantaneous Tidal Volume, with a Correction for Sudden Change in Leak
The first estimate is the instantaneous elastic recoil of a specified elastance at the estimated instantaneous inspired volume, calculated by multiplying the specified elastance by the integral of a weighted respiratory airflow with respect to time, reset to zero if the respiratory phase is expiratory. The respiratory airflow is weighted by the fuzzy negation of the recent peak jamming index JPEAK, to partly ameliorate an explosive run-away of the integral during brief periods of sudden increase in leak, before the leak detector has had time to adapt to the changing leak. In the case where the leak is very steady, JPEAK will be zero, the weighting will be unity, and the inspired volume will be calculated normally and correctly. In the case where the leak increases suddenly, JPEAK will rapidly increase, the weighting will decrease, and although typically the calculated inspired volume will be incorrect, the over-estimation of inspired volume will be ameliorated. Calculations are as follows:
Instantaneous volume=integral of respiratory airflow*(1−JPEAK)dt
if phase is expiratory(0.5<φ<1.0 revolutions)reset integral to zero
estimate 1=instantaneous volume*elastance
Estimate 2: Based on Assumption that the Tidal Volume Equals the Target Tidal Volume
The quantity standard swing is the additional pressure modulation amplitude that would unload the specified elastance for a breath of a preset target tidal volume.
target tidal volume=target ventilation/target frequency
standard swing=elastance*target tidal volume
estimate 2=standard swing*π(φ)
Estimate 3: Based on Assumption that the Tidal Volume Equals the Target Tidal Volume Divided by the Observed Mean Respiratory Rate RR Calculated Previously.
Estimate 3=elastance*target ventilation/RR*π(φ)
Estimate 4: Based on Assumption that this Breath is Much Like Recent Breaths
The instantaneous assistance based on the assumption that the elastic work for this breath is similar to that for recent breaths is calculated as follows:
LP elastic assistance=instantaneous elastic assistance low pass filtered with a time constant of 2 STD TTOT
estimate 4=LP elastic assistance*π(φ)/PBAR
The above algorithm works correctly even if π(φ) is dynamically changed on-the-fly by the user, from square to a smooth or vice versa. For example, if an 8 cmH2O square wave (πBAR=1) adequately assists the patient, then a sawtooth wave (πBAR=0.5) will require 16 cmH2O swing to produce the same average assistance.
Best Estimate of Instantaneous Elastic Recoil Pressure
Next, calculate the pressure required to unload a best estimate of the actual elastic recoil pressure based on a weighted average of the above.
smoothness−waveform time constant/0.3
instantaneous recoil=(smoothness*estimate 1+estimate 2+estimate 3+estimate 4)/(smoothness+3)
Now add the estimates based on minimum and servo swing, truncate so as not to exceed a maximum swing set by the user. Reduce (lead in gradually) if the mask has only just been put on.
I=instantaneous minimum assistance+instantaneous servo assistance+instantaneous recoil
Truncate I to be less than preset maximum permissible swing instantaneous elastic assistance=I*lead-in
This completes the calculation of instantaneous elastic assistance.
Desired Pressure at Sensor
desired sensor pressure=epap+hose pressure loss+resistive unloading+instantaneous elastic assistance
Servo Control of Motor Speed
In the final step, the measured pressure at the sensor is servo-controlled to equal the desired sensor pressure, using for example a clipped pseudodifferential controller to adjust the motor current. Reference can be made to
Device Performance
The above correct behaviour is also exhibited by a time mode device, but is very different to that of a spontaneous mode bilevel device, or equally of proportional assist ventilation, both of which would fail to cycle after all central apneas, regardless of appropriateness.
Use of Phase as a Continuous Variable.
In the prior art, phase is taken as a categorical variable, with two values: inspiration and expiration. Errors in the detection of start of inspiration and start of expiration produce categorical errors in delivered pressure. Conversely, here, phase is treated as a continuous variable having values between zero and unity. Thus categorical errors in measurement of phase are avoided.
Adjustable Filter Frequency and Allowance for Phase Delay
By using a short time constant when the subject is breathing rapidly, and a long time constant when the subject is breathing slowly, the filter introduces a fixed phase delay which is always a small fraction of a respiratory cycle. Thus unnecessary phase delays can be avoided, but cardiogenic artifact can be rejected in subjects who are breathing slowly. Furthermore, because phase is treated as a continuous variable, it is possible to largely compensate for the delay in the low pass filter.
Within-Breath Pressure Regulation as a Continuous Function of Respiratory Phase
With all prior art there is an intrusive discontinuous change in pressure, either at the start of inspiration or at the start of expiration. Here, the pressure change is continuous, and therefore more comfortable.
With proportional assist ventilation, the instantaneous pressure is a function of instantaneous volume into the breath. This means that a sudden large leak can cause explosive pressure run-away. Here, where instantaneous pressure is a function of instantaneous phase rather than tidal volume, this is avoided.
Between-Breath Pressure-Regulation as a Function of Average Inspiratory Duration.
Average inspiratory duration is easier to calculate in the presence of leak than is tidal volume. By taking advantage of a correlation between average inspiratory duration and average tidal volume, it is possible to adjust the amplitude of modulation to suit the average tidal volume.
Provision of a Pressure Component for Unloading Turbulent Upper Airway Resistance, and Avoiding Cardiogenic Pressure Instabilities.
Although Younes describes the use of a component of pressure proportional to the square of respiratory airflow to unload the resistance of external apparatus, the resistance of the external apparatus in embodiments of the present invention is typically negligible. Conversely, embodiments of the present invention describes two uses for such a component proportional to the square of respiratory airflow that were not anticipated by Younes. Firstly, sleeping subjects, and subjects with a blocked nose, have a large resistance proportional to the square of airflow, and a pressure component proportional to the square of airflow can be used to unload the anatomical upper airway resistance. Secondly, small nonrespiratory airflow components due to heartbeat or other artifact, when squared, produces negligible pressure modulation, so that the use of such a component yields relative immunity to such nonrespiratory airflow.
Smooth Transition Between Spontaneous and Controlled Breathing
There is a smooth, seamless gradation from flexibly tracking the subject's respiratory pattern during spontaneous breathing well above the target ventilation, to fully controlling the duration, depth, and phase of breathing if the subject is making no efforts, via a transitional period in which the subject can make progressively smaller changes to the timing and depth of breathing. A smooth transition avoids categorization errors when ventilation is near but not at the desired threshold. The advantage is that the transition from spontaneous to controlled ventilation occurs unobtrusively to the subject. This can be especially important in a subject attempting to go to sleep. A similar smooth transition can occur in the reverse direction, as a subject awakens and resumes spontaneous respiratory efforts.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PO2474 | Sep 1996 | AU | national |
PCT/AU97/00517 | Aug 1997 | WO | international |
This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/238,670, filed Sep. 21, 2011, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/621,991, filed Nov. 19, 2009, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,051,853, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/372,311, filed Mar. 8, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,644,713, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/801,259, filed Mar. 15, 2004, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,137,389, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/188,489, filed Jul. 3, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,810,876, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/549,197, filed on Apr. 13, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,484,719, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/935,785, filed on Sep. 23, 1997, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,532,957, which claims priority from Australian Patent Application Serial No. PO2474 filed Sep. 23, 1996 and International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/AU97/00517 filed Aug. 14, 1997, all of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
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4971050 | Bartos | Nov 1990 | A |
4971065 | Pearce | Nov 1990 | A |
4972842 | Korten et al. | Nov 1990 | A |
4982738 | Griebel | Jan 1991 | A |
4986269 | Hakkinen | Jan 1991 | A |
4989599 | Carter | Feb 1991 | A |
5002050 | McGinnis | Mar 1991 | A |
5009635 | Scarberry | Apr 1991 | A |
5012430 | Sakurai | Apr 1991 | A |
5024219 | Dietz | Jun 1991 | A |
5042470 | Kanesaka | Aug 1991 | A |
5046491 | Derrick | Sep 1991 | A |
5048515 | Sanso | Sep 1991 | A |
5052400 | Dietz | Oct 1991 | A |
5063922 | Hakkinen | Nov 1991 | A |
5063938 | Beck et al. | Nov 1991 | A |
5065756 | Rapoport | Nov 1991 | A |
5067487 | Bauman | Nov 1991 | A |
5069222 | McDonald, Jr. | Dec 1991 | A |
5090248 | Cimmino et al. | Feb 1992 | A |
5099836 | Rowland et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5099837 | Russel, Sr. et al. | Mar 1992 | A |
5105354 | Nishimura | Apr 1992 | A |
5107830 | Younes | Apr 1992 | A |
5107831 | Halpern et al. | Apr 1992 | A |
5117819 | Servidio et al. | Jun 1992 | A |
5129390 | Chopin et al. | Jul 1992 | A |
5134995 | Gruenke et al. | Aug 1992 | A |
5148802 | Sanders et al. | Sep 1992 | A |
5161525 | Kimm et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5161541 | Bowman et al. | Nov 1992 | A |
5165397 | Arp | Nov 1992 | A |
5165398 | Bird | Nov 1992 | A |
5170798 | Riker | Dec 1992 | A |
5174287 | Kallok et al. | Dec 1992 | A |
5178138 | Walstrom et al. | Jan 1993 | A |
5183983 | Knop | Feb 1993 | A |
5190048 | Wilkinson | Mar 1993 | A |
5195528 | Hok | Mar 1993 | A |
5199424 | Sullivan et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5203343 | Axe et al. | Apr 1993 | A |
5222478 | Scarberry et al. | Jun 1993 | A |
5230330 | Price | Jul 1993 | A |
5231979 | Rose et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5231983 | Matson et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5233983 | Markowitz | Aug 1993 | A |
5239994 | Atkins | Aug 1993 | A |
5239995 | Estes et al. | Aug 1993 | A |
5245695 | Basehore | Sep 1993 | A |
5245995 | Sullivan et al. | Sep 1993 | A |
5251124 | Matsunaga | Oct 1993 | A |
5255687 | McKenna | Oct 1993 | A |
5259373 | Gruenke et al. | Nov 1993 | A |
5271391 | Graves | Dec 1993 | A |
5273031 | Olsson et al. | Dec 1993 | A |
5280784 | Kohler | Jan 1994 | A |
5293864 | McFadden | Mar 1994 | A |
5295229 | Viot et al. | Mar 1994 | A |
5295491 | Gevins | Mar 1994 | A |
5303698 | Tobia et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5303700 | Weismann et al. | Apr 1994 | A |
5305787 | Thygesen | Apr 1994 | A |
5311875 | Stasz | May 1994 | A |
5313937 | Zdrojkowski | May 1994 | A |
5316009 | Yamada | May 1994 | A |
5322057 | Raabe et al. | Jun 1994 | A |
5327899 | Harris et al. | Jul 1994 | A |
5335654 | Rapoport | Aug 1994 | A |
5335656 | Bowe et al. | Aug 1994 | A |
5343878 | Scarberry et al. | Sep 1994 | A |
5353788 | Miles | Oct 1994 | A |
5360008 | Campbell, Jr. | Nov 1994 | A |
5373842 | Olsson et al. | Dec 1994 | A |
5388571 | Roberts et al. | Feb 1995 | A |
5394882 | Mawhinney | Mar 1995 | A |
5398673 | Lambert | Mar 1995 | A |
5400777 | Olsson et al. | Mar 1995 | A |
5404871 | Goodman et al. | Apr 1995 | A |
5412757 | Endo | May 1995 | A |
5413111 | Wilkinson | May 1995 | A |
5433193 | Sanders et al. | Jul 1995 | A |
5438980 | Phillips | Aug 1995 | A |
5443061 | Champain et al. | Aug 1995 | A |
5443075 | Holscher | Aug 1995 | A |
5448996 | Bellin et al. | Sep 1995 | A |
5458137 | Axe et al. | Oct 1995 | A |
5479920 | Piper et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5479939 | Ogino | Jan 1996 | A |
5483969 | Testerman et al. | Jan 1996 | A |
5490502 | Rapoport et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5492113 | Estes et al. | Feb 1996 | A |
5503146 | Froehlich et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5507282 | Younes | Apr 1996 | A |
5509404 | Lloyd et al. | Apr 1996 | A |
5509414 | Hok | Apr 1996 | A |
5513631 | McWilliams | May 1996 | A |
5517983 | Deighan et al. | May 1996 | A |
5522382 | Sullivan et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
5526805 | Lutz et al. | Jun 1996 | A |
RE35295 | Estes et al. | Jul 1996 | E |
5535738 | Estes et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5535739 | Rapoport et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5537997 | Mechlenburg et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5540219 | Mechlenburg et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5540220 | Gropper et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5540222 | Younes | Jul 1996 | A |
5540733 | Testerman et al. | Jul 1996 | A |
5546933 | Rapoport et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5546934 | Kaigler et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5546952 | Erickson | Aug 1996 | A |
5549106 | Gruenke et al. | Aug 1996 | A |
5549655 | Erickson | Aug 1996 | A |
5551418 | Estes et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5551419 | Froehlich et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
5558099 | Bowman et al. | Sep 1996 | A |
RE35339 | Rapoport | Oct 1996 | E |
5567127 | Wentz | Oct 1996 | A |
5570682 | Johnson | Nov 1996 | A |
5582182 | Hillsman | Dec 1996 | A |
5584291 | Vapola et al. | Dec 1996 | A |
5587898 | Palm | Dec 1996 | A |
5588439 | Hollub | Dec 1996 | A |
5598838 | Servidio et al. | Feb 1997 | A |
5603315 | Sasso, Jr. | Feb 1997 | A |
5605151 | Lynn | Feb 1997 | A |
5608647 | Rubsamen et al. | Mar 1997 | A |
5617846 | Graetz et al. | Apr 1997 | A |
5630411 | Holscher | May 1997 | A |
5632269 | Zdrojkowski | May 1997 | A |
5633552 | Lee et al. | May 1997 | A |
5642730 | Baran | Jul 1997 | A |
5645053 | Remmers et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5645054 | Cotner et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5647351 | Weismann et al. | Jul 1997 | A |
5655520 | Howe et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5655522 | Mechlenburg et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5660171 | Kimm et al. | Aug 1997 | A |
5666946 | Langenback | Sep 1997 | A |
5682878 | Ogden | Nov 1997 | A |
5685296 | Zdrojkowski et al. | Nov 1997 | A |
5694351 | Chang et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5694923 | Hete et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5701883 | Hete et al. | Dec 1997 | A |
5704345 | Berthon-Jones | Jan 1998 | A |
5715812 | Deighan et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5730121 | Hawkins, Jr. et al. | Mar 1998 | A |
5737493 | Viot et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740795 | Brydon | Apr 1998 | A |
5752509 | Lachmann et al. | May 1998 | A |
5794615 | Estes | Aug 1998 | A |
5797852 | Karakasoglu et al. | Aug 1998 | A |
5799652 | Kotliar | Sep 1998 | A |
5803065 | Zdrojkowski et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5803066 | Rapoport et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5813399 | Isaza et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
5822496 | Lee et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5823187 | Estes et al. | Oct 1998 | A |
5845636 | Gruenke et al. | Dec 1998 | A |
5865174 | Kloeppel | Feb 1999 | A |
5970975 | Estes et al. | Oct 1999 | A |
6006748 | Hollis | Dec 1999 | A |
6029660 | Calluaud et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
6119686 | Somerson et al. | Sep 2000 | A |
6152129 | Berthon-Jones | Nov 2000 | A |
6212507 | Hwang | Apr 2001 | B1 |
6257234 | Sun | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6286508 | Remmers et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6318365 | Vogele et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6484719 | Berthon-Jones | Nov 2002 | B1 |
6532957 | Berthon-Jones | Mar 2003 | B2 |
6575163 | Berthon-Jones | Jun 2003 | B1 |
6688307 | Berthon-Jones | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6810876 | Berthon-Jones | Nov 2004 | B2 |
7137389 | Berthon-Jones | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7644713 | Berthon-Jones | Jan 2010 | B2 |
8051853 | Berthon-Jones | Nov 2011 | B2 |
8733351 | Berthon-Jones | May 2014 | B2 |
Number | Date | Country |
5927090 | Dec 1990 | AU |
6222190 | Mar 1991 | AU |
7601991 | Jan 1992 | AU |
3387793 | Apr 1993 | AU |
3850893 | Jul 1993 | AU |
4874893 | Dec 1993 | AU |
5262893 | Jul 1994 | AU |
7917494 | Jun 1995 | AU |
A39130 | Nov 1995 | AU |
3447195 | Feb 1996 | AU |
4071195 | Apr 1996 | AU |
3435495 | May 1996 | AU |
3913095 | Jun 1996 | AU |
A 4202797 | Feb 1998 | AU |
746101 | Apr 2002 | AU |
2266454 | Apr 1998 | CA |
2298547 | Apr 1998 | CA |
1432572 | Apr 1976 | CH |
459104 | Apr 1928 | DE |
4591043 | Apr 1928 | DE |
3015279 | Oct 1981 | DE |
3345067 | Jun 1984 | DE |
3429345 | Jun 1985 | DE |
34 02 603 | Aug 1985 | DE |
3537507 | Apr 1987 | DE |
3539073 | May 1987 | DE |
195 36 623 | Oct 1996 | DE |
29612119 | Oct 1996 | DE |
195 36 632 | Mar 1997 | DE |
19566632 | Mar 1997 | DE |
69710100 | Jul 2002 | DE |
69721837 | Jan 2004 | DE |
0 062 166 | Oct 1982 | EP |
0 066 451 | Dec 1982 | EP |
0 066 461 | Dec 1982 | EP |
0 088 761 | Sep 1983 | EP |
93503 | Nov 1983 | EP |
0 164 500 | Dec 1985 | EP |
0 171 321 | Feb 1986 | EP |
178 925 | Apr 1986 | EP |
0 185 980 | Jul 1986 | EP |
200737 | Nov 1986 | EP |
0 236 850 | Sep 1987 | EP |
274996 | Jul 1988 | EP |
298 367 | Jan 1989 | EP |
347015 | Dec 1989 | EP |
0 388 525 | Sep 1990 | EP |
0 425 092 | May 1991 | EP |
0 452 001 | Oct 1991 | EP |
0 453 001 | Oct 1991 | EP |
0 461 281 | Dec 1991 | EP |
481 459 | Apr 1992 | EP |
0514 744 | Nov 1992 | EP |
549 299 | Jun 1993 | EP |
606 687 | Jul 1994 | EP |
0651971 | May 1995 | EP |
0 656 216 | Jun 1995 | EP |
0 661 071 | Jul 1995 | EP |
0 705 615 | Apr 1996 | EP |
0 709 107 | May 1996 | EP |
714670 | Jun 1996 | EP |
0 765 631 | Apr 1997 | EP |
0 774 269 | May 1997 | EP |
788805 | Aug 1997 | EP |
0811394 | Dec 1997 | EP |
0 839 545 | May 1998 | EP |
0 872 643 | Oct 1998 | EP |
0996358 | May 2000 | EP |
1005830 | Jun 2000 | EP |
2 574 657 | Jun 1986 | FR |
2 596 279 | Oct 1987 | FR |
2662042 | Nov 1991 | FR |
2 672 221 | Aug 1992 | FR |
2682042 | Apr 1993 | FR |
2 733 668 | Nov 1996 | FR |
2 733 688 | Nov 1996 | FR |
207 444 | Nov 1923 | GB |
1432572 | Apr 1976 | GB |
1 444 053 | Jul 1976 | GB |
1583273 | Jan 1981 | GB |
2054387 | Feb 1981 | GB |
2077444 | Dec 1981 | GB |
2 097 272 | Nov 1982 | GB |
2 147 506 | May 1985 | GB |
2 164 569 | Mar 1986 | GB |
2 166 371 | May 1986 | GB |
2 166 871 | May 1986 | GB |
2 205 167 | Nov 1988 | GB |
2 221 302 | Jan 1990 | GB |
2 254 700 | Oct 1992 | GB |
2 261 290 | May 1993 | GB |
2 271 811 | Apr 1994 | GB |
2294400 | May 1996 | GB |
54-104369 | Aug 1979 | JP |
60-212607 | Oct 1985 | JP |
62-103297 | May 1987 | JP |
63-275352 | Nov 1988 | JP |
02-173397 | Jul 1990 | JP |
04-70516 | Mar 1992 | JP |
05-115554 | May 1993 | JP |
06-249741 | Sep 1994 | JP |
06-249742 | Sep 1994 | JP |
07-280609 | Oct 1995 | JP |
8019610 | Jan 1996 | JP |
1432572 | Apr 1976 | SE |
1710064 | Feb 1992 | SE |
467041-8 | May 1992 | SE |
467041 | May 1992 | SE |
1432572 | Oct 1988 | SU |
1710064 | Feb 1992 | SU |
8001044 | May 1980 | WO |
8203326 | Oct 1982 | WO |
8203548 | Oct 1982 | WO |
8605965 | Oct 1986 | WO |
8606969 | Dec 1986 | WO |
8702577 | May 1987 | WO |
8810108 | Dec 1988 | WO |
8905669 | Jun 1989 | WO |
8909565 | Oct 1989 | WO |
8910768 | Nov 1989 | WO |
9002800 | Mar 1990 | WO |
9009146 | Aug 1990 | WO |
9014121 | Nov 1990 | WO |
9112051 | Aug 1991 | WO |
9119456 | Dec 1991 | WO |
9211054 | Jul 1992 | WO |
9215353 | Sep 1992 | WO |
92-22244 | Dec 1992 | WO |
9308857 | May 1993 | WO |
9309834 | May 1993 | WO |
9321982 | Nov 1993 | WO |
9324169 | Dec 1993 | WO |
9404071 | Mar 1994 | WO |
9416759 | Aug 1994 | WO |
9420018 | Sep 1994 | WO |
9420051 | Sep 1994 | WO |
9422517 | Oct 1994 | WO |
9423780 | Oct 1994 | WO |
9532016 | Nov 1995 | WO |
9534917 | Dec 1995 | WO |
9616688 | Jun 1996 | WO |
9632055 | Oct 1996 | WO |
9636279 | Nov 1996 | WO |
9639216 | Dec 1996 | WO |
9640336 | Dec 1996 | WO |
9640337 | Dec 1996 | WO |
9640338 | Dec 1996 | WO |
9641571 | Dec 1996 | WO |
9702064 | Jan 1997 | WO |
9705824 | Feb 1997 | WO |
9706884 | Feb 1997 | WO |
9706844 | Feb 1997 | WO |
9709090 | Mar 1997 | WO |
9710019 | Mar 1997 | WO |
9710868 | Mar 1997 | WO |
9714354 | Apr 1997 | WO |
9715343 | May 1997 | WO |
9715348 | May 1997 | WO |
9718752 | May 1997 | WO |
9720499 | Jun 1997 | WO |
9722377 | Jun 1997 | WO |
9728838 | Aug 1997 | WO |
9741812 | Nov 1997 | WO |
9806449 | Feb 1998 | WO |
9812965 | Apr 1998 | WO |
9825662 | Jun 1998 | WO |
9833433 | Aug 1998 | WO |
9836245 | Aug 1998 | WO |
9836338 | Aug 1998 | WO |
9835715 | Aug 1998 | WO |
9847554 | Oct 1998 | WO |
9852467 | Nov 1998 | WO |
9857691 | Dec 1998 | WO |
0 774 269 | Jul 2007 | WO |
Entry |
.ResMed; Sullivan VPAP II & II ST. |
AirStep; Medical Products . . . Stand the Test of Time. |
AirStep; Medical Products . . . Stand the Test of Time . . . . |
Cohen et al, “Breath Detection using Fuzzy Sets and Sensor Fusion”, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1994. Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers, Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of theIEEE, vol. 16, pp. 1067-1068. |
Cohen et al, “Breath Detection using Fuzzy Sets and Sensor Fusion”, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1994. Engineering Advances: New Opportunities for Biomedical Engineers. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference of theIEEE, vol. 16, pp. 1067-1068. |
Derwent: Flowmeter for fluids-has turbine transducer and volumetric sensor for simultaneous calibration, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Derwent: Flowmeter for fluids-has turbine transducer and volumetric sensor for simultaneous calibration . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DeVilbis Night Guard Nasal CPAP for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Devilbis; Revitalizer Soft Start; The Facts Speak for Themselves . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DeVilbiss a Division of Sunrise Medical; Expand your Horizons With the Horizons, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DeVilbiss a Division of Sunrise Medical; Expand your Horizons With the Horizons . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DeVilbiss Night Guard Nasal CPAP for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DeVilbiss Night Guard Nasal CPAP for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Devilbiss; Revitalizer Soft Start: The Facts Speak for Themselves, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Devilbiss; Revitalizer Soft Start; The Facts Speak for Themselves, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DPAP; Breath, by breath, by breath, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
DPAP; Breath, by breath . . . , by breath, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Fisher & Payicel Healthcare; HC200 Series Nasal CPAP Blower & Heated Humidifier, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare; HC200 Series Nasal CPAP Blower & Heated Humidifier, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare; HC200 Series Nasal CPAP Blower & Heated Humidifier . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Healthdyne International; Tranquility Plus, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Healthdyne International; Tranquility Plus . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Healthdyne International; Tranquility Quest, The Compact CPAP for Greater patient comfort, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Healthdyne International; Tranquility Quest, The Compact CPAP for Greater patient comfort . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Healthdyne Technologies; Home Health Care Dealer; The Journal of Home Medical Equipment and Services/Supplier; Nov. and Dec. 1997. |
Healthdyne Technologies; Home Health Care Dealer; The Journal of Home Medical Equipment and Services/Supplier; Nov. and Dec. 1997 . . . . |
Lifecare: Software Nasal Mask, Custom Nasal Masks; 1991. |
Lifecare; Quiet CPAP System for Maximum Compliance; 1991. |
Lifecare; Quiet CPAP System for Maximum Compliance; 1991 . . . . |
Lifecare; Smallest. Quietest. Smartest, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Lifecare; Software Nasal Mask . . . , Custom Nasal Masks: 1991. |
Lifecare; Software Nasal Mask, Custom Nasal Masks; 1991 . . . . |
MAP Medical Progress for Physician und Patient; The Gentle Therapy for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
MAP Medical Progress for Physician und Patient; The Gentle Therapy for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders. Taema; Ventilation CP 90, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
MAP Medical Progress for Physician and Patient; The Gentle Therapy for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Mark Kantrowitz, Erik Horskotte and Cliff Joslyn; “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems” Version 1.24 last Modified Feb. 20, 1996, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Mark Kantrowitz, Erik Horskotte and Cliff Joslyn; “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems” Version 1.24 last Modified Feb. 20, 1996 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Mark Kantrowitz, Erik Horskotte and Cliff Joslyn; “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems” Version 1.24 last Modified Feb. 20, 1996 . . . . |
MaxII nCPAP and Moritz II Bi-Level Brochure, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
MaxII nCPAP and Moritz II Bi-Level Brochure . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Maxil nCPAP and Moritz II Bi-Level Brochure, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Neilcor Puritan Bennett; Announcing the Goodnight 314 and Goodknight 318 Nasal CPAP Systems . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Nellcor Puritan Bennett; Announcing the Goodnight 314 and GoodKnight 318 Nasal CPAP Systems, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Nellcor Puritan Bennett; Announcing the Goodnight 314 and GoodKnight 318 Nasal CPAP Systems . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
New! Breas PV 100 CPAP First Class Quality and Function. At the right Price: Jul. 4, 1998, pp. 1-2. |
New! Breas PV 100 CPAP First Class Quality and Function. At the right Price; Jul. 4, 1998, pp. 1-2 . . . . |
New! Breas PV 100 CPAP First Class Quality and Function. At the right Price; Jul. 4, 1998, pp. 1-2. |
New! Breas PV 100 CPAP First Glass Quality and Function. At the right Price; Jul. 4, 1998, pp. 1-2. |
Nidek Medical; Silenzio . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Nidek Medical; Silenzio, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Nidek Medical; Slienzio, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Pierre Medical: Morphee Plus appareil de traitment des apnees du sommeli manuel d'utllisation, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Pierre Medical; Morphee Plus appareil de traitment des apnees du sommeil manuel d'utilisation, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Prodigy Medical Supplies Co. Ltd.; CPAP, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Prodigy Medical Supplies Co. Ltd.; CPAP . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Puritan Bennett; 515a Part of Our Blueprint for the Future; Mar. 1990, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Puritan Bennett; 515a Part of Our Blueprint for the Future; Mar. 1990 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Puritan Bennett; 515a Part of Our Blueprint for the Future; May 1990. |
Puritan Bennett; Clean, Quiet, and Comfortable . . . The Companion's 515 Nasal CPAP System; Jun. 1988 . . . . |
Puritan Bennett; Clean, Quiet, and Comfortable . . . The Companion's 515 Nasal CPAP System; Jun. 1988. |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 318 Nasal CPAP System; May 1993 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 318 Nasal CPAP System; May 1993. |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 318 Nasal CPAP System; May 1993 . . . . |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 320 I/E Bi-Level Respiratory System; Apr. 1993 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 320 I/E Bi-Level Respiratory System; Apr. 1993. |
Puritan Bennett; Companion 320 I/E Bi-Level Respiratory System; Apr. 1993 . . . . |
PV 101 Bi Level CPAP and PV 102 Bi-Level Time: pp. 1-3, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
PV 101 Bi Level CPAP and PV 102 Bi-Level Time; pp. 1-3 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
PV 101 Bi Level CPAP and PV 102 Bi-Level Time; pp. 1-3, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; Sullivan Nasal CPAP System, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; Sullivan Nasal Cpap System . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; Sullivan VPAP II & II ST, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; Sullivan VPAP II & II ST . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The AutoSet Portable II, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Autoset Portable II . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Sullivan Comfort . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Sullivan Comfort, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Sullivan IIID, pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Sullivan V Family of CPAP Systems, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
ResMed; The Sullivan V Family of CPAP Systems . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc: Respironics' Solo CPAP System Provides Simplified OSA Therapy at an Outstanding, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Aria CPAP System, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Aria CPAP System . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc ; Muliple Choice REMstar Choice Nasal CPAP System, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Muliple Choice REMstar Choice Nasal CPAP System . . . , pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc; Multiple Choice REMstar Choice Nasal CPAP System, pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Multiple Choice REMstar Choice Nasal CPAP System . . . , pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Respironics' Solo CPAP System Provides Simplified OSA Therapy at an Outstanding value; Sep. 19, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; Respironics' Solo CPAP System Provides Simplified OSA Therapy at an Outstanding value; Sep. 19, 1996 . . . . |
Respironics Inc.; SleepEasy III A New Dawn in Patient Compliance, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; SleepEasy III A New Dawn in Patient Compliance . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Respironics Inc.; The First Family of OSA Therapy; 1991. |
Respironics Inc.; The First Family of OSA Therapy; 1991 . . . . |
Respironics Inc.; The First: Family of OSA Therapy: 1991. |
Sunrise; DeVilbiss Horizon LT 8001 Nasal CPAP Therapy Small in Size, big features, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Sunrise; DeVilbiss Horizon LT 8001 Nasal CPAP Therapy Small in Size, big features . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Taema; Ventilation CP 90. Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Taema; Ventilation CP 90 . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Textbook Fuzzy Logic, by Daniel McNeill and Paul Freiberger, Simon & Schuster pp. 102-117, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Textbook Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, theory and application by George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, Prentice Hall PTR, pp. 1-5, 11-14, 236-237 327-338, 1995. |
Textbook Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, theory and application by George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, Prentice Hall PTR, pp. 1-5, 11-14. 236-237. 327-328, 1995. Textbook Fuzzy Logic, by Daniel McNeill and Paul Freiberger, Simon & Schuster, pp. 102-117. |
Tranquility; Performance CPAP Advantage, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Tranquility; Performance CPAP Advantage . . . , Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Weinmann: Just to Fell Well, Sensitive Sleep Apnoea Therapy with Somnotron 3 and Somno-Mask System, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
Weinmann:Hamburg: Somnotron nCPAP—Great WM 2300, Pre-Sep. 23, 1996. |
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Number | Date | Country | |
20140283835 A1 | Sep 2014 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13238670 | Sep 2011 | US |
Child | 14224620 | US | |
Parent | 12621991 | Nov 2009 | US |
Child | 13238670 | US | |
Parent | 11372311 | Mar 2006 | US |
Child | 12621991 | US | |
Parent | 10801259 | Mar 2004 | US |
Child | 11372311 | US | |
Parent | 10188489 | Jul 2002 | US |
Child | 10801259 | US | |
Parent | 09549197 | Apr 2000 | US |
Child | 10188489 | US | |
Parent | 08935785 | Sep 1997 | US |
Child | 09549197 | US |