1. Field of Invention
The present invention relates generally to improvements in new and existing chicken house structures and methods of operation which reduce air-borne contaminants, such as ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), emissions and pathogens including, but not limited to, salmonella, E-coli, coccidiosis, and other bacteria strains, while concurrently improving carbon dioxide removal, meat bird performance, chicken manure removal, chick brooding and overall chicken welfare during the growing process.
The present invention also relates to chicken house structures and methods in order to improve overall chicken production.
2. Background Information
The chicken growing industry is based on mass production and low margin in which production casualties or weight reduction that might be considered trivial in other commercial activities can be detrimental to production cost. The magnitude of the industry is evident from the fact that a typical chicken house (approximately 40 to 60 feet×500 to 600 feet) will house from about 20,000 to about 45,000 birds per flock. At harvest time, a typical commercial chicken house can have a density of 0.8 square feet per chicken or 7.5 lbs/square foot. Each bird will have consumed an average of 1.8 lbs. of feed per pound of chicken and an average of 2.25 gallons of water per pound of chicken by harvest time. Forty percent of the feed and water is consumed during the last week of growth. Broilers are grown to an average of 5.5 lbs. and roasters to an average of 7.25 lbs. The total amount of manure deposited on the floor bedding during each growth cycle is approximately 150,000 lbs. The total amount of excreted water is approximately 50,000 gallons, which makes it impossible to achieve and/or maintain bedding dryness under existing chicken house conditions.
Wet manure and saturated bedding, along with the massive animal heat generated by so many birds, results in perfect environmental conditions for bacteria development. Unfortunately, the widespread use of evaporative coolers for reducing the temperature can be counterproductive in that it results in high humidity, which is also conducive to ammonia and pathogen production. As the bacteria feeds on the manure and multiplies, it produces large amounts of ammonia gas. Uric acid breakdown accounts for 60% to 75% of the ammonia and CO2 emissions. The use of ventilation systems for removing ammonia and other gasses is not a satisfactory solution since such use can have undesirable results such as the introduction of cold air into the facility during cold weather with minimal ventilation.
More specifically, microbial degradation of uric acid in the litter is the primary source of ammonia formation and Bacillus pasteurii is one of the primary uricolytic bacteria that facilitate ammonia production. For optimum growth, these bacteria require a pH around 8.5. The decomposition process requires uric acid, water, and oxygen to react giving off ammonia and carbon dioxide. Factors that contribute to the formation of ammonia include temperature, moisture, pH, and nitrogen content of the litter or manure. Temperature, moisture, and pH have direct influence on the living environment of the microorganisms that facilitate the conversion of uric acid to ammonia. High house temperatures increase both bacterial activity and ammonia production, with a 1 to 2° C. increase having a large effect on ammonia levels.
One of the main problems resulting from high levels of ammonia in the chicken house is a wider variation in the uniformity of the flock. The percentage of small chickens can be as high as ten percent (10%) or more, and such birds cannot recover from growth deprivation early in their life cycle due to the fact that they cannot compete for or reach the water and feeder systems, which are at an elevation to accommodate normal-sized birds in the flock. Another problem resulting from high ammonia levels is increased susceptibility to disease producing pathogens including, but not limited to, E-coli infection, infectious bronchitis, and New Castle Disease.
Research has demonstrated that ammonia levels at or above 50 ppm (parts per million) inhibit bird growth, creating a degree of weight loss in all of the birds, not just the stunted chickens. Such weight loss can be as much as a half-pound per bird during a typical seven-week growth period. In fact, ammonia levels as low as 25 ppm have been shown to diminish bird growth. High ammonia levels also create physical defects such as blindness in the birds. Needless to say, a reduction in the number and size of marketable birds in a flock can be significantly detrimental to production cost. Moreover, the financial damage to the producer resultant from the loss of mature birds goes beyond the lost sales due to the previously incurred cost of feeding the chickens.
As stated previously, decomposition of the uric acid contributes 60% to 75% of the ammonia emissions in the chicken house, and large amounts of growth-inhibiting carbon dioxide are also produced. The carbon dioxide is 50% heavier than air and collects in a layer which remains near the floor of the facility affecting the bird level environment. Moreover, the carbon dioxide is difficult to remove due to the fact that the exhaust ports in conventional facilities are typically located in elevated positions well above the carbon dioxide layer. Also, the density of the chickens in the chicken house reduces the ability to effect flushing of the carbon dioxide from the facility since the chickens occupy the same space on the floor of the facility as the carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gas concentration is also greater during the last week of growth because the chickens consume approximately 40% of their total feed and water requirements during this time period as they are achieving their genetic potential for growth. The size of the chickens as well as their high concentration per sq. ft. of floor space consequently makes it very difficult to properly flush carbon dioxide and any other gas trapped between and under the chickens.
At chicken harvesting collection time the bedding is saturated with wet manure, making it the perfect environment for high ammonia levels, salmonella, E-coli, coccidiosis, multiple bacteria strains, and other pathogens to develop and multiply. This problem is exasperated at collection time due to the fact that the feed and water lines are lifted to a high elevation out of reach of the chickens in preparation for the collection procedure. The chickens consequently then naturally feed from the contaminated bedding with the result frequently being significant contamination of the chickens by potential food borne pathogens, i.e., salmonella, E-coli, and campylobacter.
Detection of ammonia would obviously permit steps to be taken in an effort to reduce the ammonia level; however, such steps are frequently not taken because many producers are unaware of low, but harmful, ammonia levels in their facilities. Such unawareness is due to the fact that the human nose loses olfactory sensitivity to ammonia after repeated or long-term exposure and the growers become incapable of detecting ammonia levels of 50 ppm or lower due to such deterioration.
Hazards and additional grower expense arising from ammonia and other air-borne contaminants present in poultry growth facilities are not limited to poultry since such contaminants also create substantial health hazards for workers in such facilities including coughing, eye-irritation, dyspnea, headaches, fatigue and behavioral changes resulting in lost work-days and increased health and insurance costs to the producer.
3. Description of Prior Technology
It has been the practice of the poultry industry to require producers to meet certain minimal chicken house conditions. These requirements include providing a compacted dirt floor. Over this dirt floor, at least three (3) inches of bedding (wood chips, sawdust, straw, chopped cardboard, etc., sometimes referred to as “litter”) are required. The intended purpose of this bedding litter is to provide insulation from the ground and to have the capacity to absorb moisture from the chicken manure.
The litter requirement for a typical chicken house is a further factor contributing to poor conditions adjacent the floor of the chicken house. The temperature of the ground serving as the floor underneath the bedding litter is usually at about 56 degrees Fahrenheit which creates a heat sink effect in the chicken house during warm weather. This heat sink effect causes moisture in the air in the house to go to the ground in warm weather. Further, during cold weather, when the chicken house is heated, moisture in the ground can rise up into the bedding litter. These factors exacerbate the problem of moisture in the bedding litter and a resultant increase in the chemical and bacterial reactions which produce ammonia and other pollutant gases.
Another requirement for producers is to provide ventilation capable of changing the total air in the chicken house once per minute during warm weather (tunnel ventilation) and to provide minimum ventilation capable of changing the total air by cross ventilation every 6 to 8 minutes in cold weather, in addition to maintaining a required temperature, water and forage. Such ventilation requirements can be energy inefficient.
Conventional chicken house design and ventilation technology in use today consist of tunnel ventilation in warm weather and minimal cross ventilation in cold weather, neither procedure conforming with EPA ammonia emission and OSHA human exposure standards. The humidity retained in the litter, along with the undigested feed and uric acid found in chicken manure, creates a uniquely productive environment for the development of ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and bacteria. The present invention is directed to apparatus and methods for alleviating the foregoing problems.
Tunnel or laminar ventilation of conventional chicken houses in warm weather is provided by a series of exhaust fans located at one end of the elongated chicken house that pulls air through the length of the house (exhaust). On the opposite end of the elongated chicken house, ambient air is pulled through negative pressure flap openings and/or cold water saturated cooling pads (intake) that cool and saturate the air which then travels along the length of the chicken house and is exhausted by the exhaust fans.
Although the tunnel ventilation system of water-saturated air will create the sensation of lower temperatures in most animals, it is not effective for cooling chickens due to the fact that they do not perspire. Moreover, their feathers insulate their skin so that the effects of water-saturated airflow can actually be adverse to them because the chickens' natural method of cooling is by panting. Panting is pulling ambient temperature air into the chickens' lungs and airsacs to absorb body heat and expel this warmer air. Their ability to effectively cool themselves by panting is greatly hampered when the air is already saturated with moisture prior to inhalation. This condition forces the chickens to pant for prolonged periods of time during which they are burning calories due to breast muscular activity and not eating or drinking, thereby negatively affecting their growth.
The above-described tunnel ventilation when using water-saturated air can also suffer from the inability of the moisture-saturated air to absorb additional moisture from the bedding. As the bedding becomes saturated with water and manure, and with the lack of natural light, substantial heat is generated by the bedding thus raising the temperature surrounding the chickens. An environment is thus created for multiplying bacteria. Moreover, the water-saturated air enhances uric acid decomposition and resultant carbon dioxide and ammonia emissions. The additional water in the saturated air can also increase bacterial production of ammonia in the litter.
Another problem for the conventional chicken house is that the tunnel ventilation can cause the chickens to migrate toward the incoming air seeking fresh oxygenated air, packing themselves in tightly at the air intake end, and causing injuries and bruises. This migration also increases the concentration of manure in this area and also reduces the area for natural water absorption by the bedding, since the chickens defecate in a reduced floor area, which prevents the bedding from evaporating the liquid and precludes bedding drying.
An alternative to exhausting the noxious gases generated in chicken houses to the surrounding environment is to use air-scrubbers, which are typically installed at the air exhaust end of the chicken house for removing ammonia and other gas emissions. Although proven in other industries, this technology is very costly and requires high maintenance and substantial energy consumption. Moreover, the air-scrubbers have no effect on salmonella, E-coli, coccidiosis, and multiple bacteria strains, and the scrubbers provide no advantages which improve the chickens' welfare.
During the chicks first two weeks, the environment as well as the temperature is important in order to achieve full genetic potential. Improper brooding is one of the most common causes of stress in poultry production.
There is a large body of information available with the recommended brooding temperatures during this critical time. All these recommendations are made with the assumption that the starting point is clean dry bedding. The bedding materials used today are absolvent and not able to dry during chicken house down time (typically 13 days) as the manure blocks any ventilation that would be necessary to accomplish this process. As the chicken house is prepared for brooding the temperature is raised above 95° F. Not only is this extremely energy inefficient, but it causes the evaporation of the urine retained by the bedding of the previous flock. This chemical reaction produces large amounts of ammonia gas as well as carbon dioxide. Although the house is at 95° F., the evaporation at floor level where the baby chicks are placed creates a cooling effect. The CO2 gases are 50% heavier than air. This creates a very poor environment for the baby chicks as their needs are warmth and fresh or properly oxygenated air.
In order to overcome the technical problems of existing chicken houses and the established inefficient operating procedures currently being followed, the present invention provides apparatus and methods which avoid or minimize the use of bedding and which provide for better control of ventilation, temperature and humidity. The apparatus and methods of the present invention act to remove the water and moisture from the manure deposited on the floor so as to reduce ammonia formation, as well as reduce salmonella, E-coli, coccidiosis, and multiple bacteria strain growth. The manure and chicken house floor are kept dry. If air-borne contaminants are generated, they are effectively removed from the chicken house and exhausted to the outside. The present invention also improves chicken genetic performance potential, uniformity and provides improved harvesting of mature birds at collection time.
While the present invention is described herein as relating to chickens and chicken houses, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention is also applicable to other poultry and poultry houses, such as turkeys, etc. Also, while the invention is also described herein as relating to growing chickens and other poultry, the present invention is also applicable for use in egg laying facilities. Finally, while most chicken houses are equipped to provide tunnel ventilation, it should also be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention is applicable to any configuration of currently existing or known chicken houses.
The present invention can be effected in either a new chicken house or retrofitted into any existing chicken house and only passive systems are included. The chicken house of this invention has a poultry growth or grow out chamber enclosed by a ceiling, a front wall, a rear wall, a right side wall, a left side wall and a multiple component floor assembly which provides a ventilated floor assembly. The floor assembly has a ventilated floor component in the form of flat molded plastic sections with small ventilation openings set side-by-side, through which air and liquid (moisture) can easily flow but retains substantially all of the solids on its upper surface, and a modular ventilated supporting structure. The ventilated floor assembly extends over the entire growth chamber for supporting the chickens thereon.
Spaced below the ventilated floor assembly is a bottom component made of water and vapor impermeable material, such as polyethylene sheeting or the like, which prevents any water or other liquid or gasses from escaping and/or entering into the ground of the chicken house. It has been found that the combined floor assembly and polyethylene sheeting of the present invention serve as an insulation barrier between the chicken growth chamber and the ground, thus reducing the effect of the ground acting as a heat sink in the chicken house in warm weather and a source of moisture in cold weather.
Spaced between the ventilated floor and the impermeable barrier is a modular ventilated supporting structure made up of a plurality of side-by-side ventilated plastic modules and which support the ventilated floor. The plastic modules together with the impermeable membrane form a bottom floor plenum underneath the lower surface of the ventilated floor component, which bottom floor plenum is open to the growth chamber and the tunnel ventilation of the chicken house.
In one preferred embodiment, the impermeable bottom component which covers the ground of the chicken house and the side-by-side ventilated plastic modules which support the ventilated floor are combined into a unitary bottom floor module. Each bottom floor module includes a flat base component and a plurality of upstanding hollow support elements or spacers. The hollow support elements are preferably cone-shaped and are truncated at the top to provide a flat upwardly facing support surface with a circular opening at its center. The flat base component of the bottom floor modules is rectangular in plan shape, preferably square, and the unitary modules are preferably injection molded of suitable polymeric material. The side edges of each flat bottom component also include an interlocking element or elements so that when they are set side-by-side on the ground, the flat bottom components interlock together. Thus, the flat bottom components cover the ground surface of the chicken house. Further, as mentioned previously, a separate layer of waterproof material, such as polyethylene sheeting, is preferably placed over the ground surface and under the unitary bottom floor modules forming the plenum to fully retain moisture, darkling beetles, bacteria, and other substances below the floor structure.
In this preferred embodiment, the ventilated floor is made up of a plurality of ventilated modular floor sections each having the same rectangular size and shape, preferably square, as the flat base component of the bottom floor modules. Other polygonal shapes such as triangular, hexagonal, etc., that allow for interlocking of adjacent floor sections to form a solid floor could also be used. The rectangular ventilated floor sections are also injection molded of a suitable polymeric material and have numerous small holes to allow gas and moisture to pass therethrough but retain substantially all of the manure and other solids on their upper surface. The ventilated floor sections also include cylindrical projections or bosses which extend downwardly from their lower surface and are sized to snap-fit or interlock into respective circular openings in the top of each hollow cone-shaped support element.
The small holes in the ventilated floor sections, which allow passage of gas and moisture therethrough but retain the manure and other solids thereon, can have any cross-sectional shape such as round, square, triangular, etc. and can be tapered or not tapered. In a preferred embodiment, the holes are in the shape of tapered slots. The slots are preferably about 0.020 inches to about 0.25 inches wide and about 0.125 inches to about 0.200 inches long, even up to about 1.0 inch in length.
It has been further found that the total area of the hole openings should comprise a minor portion of each floor section area. The hole opening area can comprise between about 2% and about 25% of the floor section area, preferably between about 3% and about 12%, and most preferably between about 4% and about 6%.
When assembling the floor assembly in this embodiment, the ventilated floor sections are preferably staggered with respect to the bottom modules. The staggered relationship produces an overall ventilated floor assembly which is an interlocked unitary structure over the entire floor surface of the chicken house, except adjacent the side edges due to the staggered relationship of the floor sections and bottom floor modules, which can be trimmed as necessary. When so assembled, the ventilated floor assembly of the present invention is sufficiently strong and rigid to support vehicular traffic typically used in a chicken house.
In one embodiment, the snap-fit configuration, previously described between projections or bosses of the ventilated floor sections and the top openings of the support elements, is preferably provided by laterally positioned locking teeth on the outer surface of the cylindrical projections or bosses. When the bosses are fully inserted into the hollow cone-shaped support elements or spacers, these teeth engage flanged ledges formed inside the tops of the support elements or spacers to interlock the floor sections to the bottom modules.
When assembled together, the side-by-side ventilated floor sections make up the ventilated floor. The side-by-side bottom modules, with their interlocked flat base components covering the ground surface and the cone-shaped spacers supporting the floor sections, form the bottom plenum underneath the ventilated floor. As mentioned previously, the ventilated floor assembly acts in combination with the polyethylene sheeting barrier as a heat insulator for the chicken house to insulate the higher temperature growth chamber (about 90°-98° F.) from the much lower ground temperature (about 56° F.). Because the floor assembly serves to insulate the growing chamber from the cooling effect of the ground, young chicks placed on the floor assembly do not huddle but start eating and drinking immediately which facilitates their growth from the start.
When installing the ventilated floor assembly in the chicken house, either new or as a retrofit, the floor can be flat, but is preferably divided along a center line that runs the length of the house, with each side of the floor having a slight slope downward from the center line toward the sides of the house. The sides of the house are provided with a plurality of drains. After the chicks have grown to the harvesting stage and have been removed from the house, the slope of the floor and the interconnected construction of the floor plenum assists in washing down the floor and collecting and pumping off of the cleaning water so that the underlying ground is not saturated with the run-off when preparing the house for the next flock of chicks.
Further, if the existing or new chicken house is constructed over soft soil, it may be desirable to install a layer of crushed stone or other compactable material underneath the floor assembly of the present invention. Such substrate layer ensures that the soft soil will not impede use of conventional vehicular traffic in the chicken house. Also, if the ventilated floor assembly of the present invention is to be utilized in an existing or new chicken house with a concrete floor, rather than directly on ground or soil, it is still preferable to utilize the polyethylene barrier film in order to achieve the full heat and moisture insulator effect of the present invention since concrete has a high moisture content which could be drawn into the growth chamber.
According to the present invention, the floor plenum is vented at convenient locations to the growth chamber so that the air pressure is the same between them. As such, the only positively driven airflow into and out of the chicken house is the conventional tunnel ventilation air flow through the chicken house from one end to the other. This tunnel ventilation air flow through the ends of the house, typically generated by outwardly blowing exhaust fans at one end, and negative pressure flap openings, cold water cooling pads or other openings at the other end, as known in the art, creates a negative pressure inside the house relative to the outside environment. As stated previously, the present invention is adaptable to any and all configurations for existing or known chicken houses. As such, it is not necessary that the chicken house have tunnel ventilation air flow, so long as there is sufficient air flow to achieve the desired pH level in the manure retained on the top surface of the ventilated floor and the requisite drying of such manure.
The plenum vents to the growth chamber are preferably located along the sides of the chicken house and at various locations on the ventilated floor assembly, such as along a crown at the center line of the floor assembly at longitudinally spaced locations through the length of the chicken house. Due to the plenum vents, the negative pressure in the growth chamber is also transmitted to the floor plenum without the need for any additional air moving mechanism.
With the negative pressure in the floor plenum in contact with the underneath side of the manure retained on the floor sections through the small floor holes, and the negative pressure in the growth chamber in contact with the top side of the manure, the moisture in the manure continuously evaporates along both the top and the bottom surfaces of the retained manure. The ventilation air flow acts to exhaust the evaporated moisture from the chicken house to thus keep the manure “dry”. While not intending to be legally bound by a specific drying theory, it is believed that moisture in the manure is being continuously evaporated, and the manure dried, by a wicking action through both the top surface and the bottom surface of the manure.
A pH level above 8.0 in the chicken manure causes, or presents conditions which promote, ammonia formulation and the presence of water in the manure facilitates the pH level to elevate. It has therefore been found that reducing the moisture or water content in the manure serves to reduce the production of ammonia. Specifically, it has been determined that the manure should be dried in accordance with the present invention to a moisture content of between about 20% and about 30% on a weight basis. By maintaining this low moisture content in the manure, the pH of the manure can be kept below about 7.0, and preferably between about 5.0 and about 6.0. By keeping the pH and the moisture content within these ranges, the formation of ammonia is substantially reduced, and even eliminated, thus reducing a major factor inhibiting the growth of the chicks while at the same time reducing the growth of bacteria and eliminating noxious ammonia odor in the chicken house and surrounding environs.
It has further been recently theorized as a result of testing the present invention in growing chickens in actual chicken houses that another phenomena contributes to its success in dramatically reducing bacteria growth. Specifically, it is now believed that the repeated compaction of the manure by the feet of the growing chickens against the hard upper surface of the ventilated floor which retains the manure on its upper surface, while simultaneously drying the manure from the top and bottom, contributes to the reduction of bacteria growth. The repeated compaction by the feet of the chickens compresses the manure so as to reduce existing pores, thus eliminating water and air holding capacity, and reducing the available oxygen which is necessary to promote bacteria growth. By starving the aerobic bacteria which are always present in chicken manure of the oxygen necessary for bacteria growth, the growth of the bacteria in the compacted, dried manure is dramatically reduced by the present invention.
While the present invention is intended to function well without the use of bedding, the feet of new chicks must be protected in those areas of the chicken house where increased amounts of moisture accumulate and can become acidic due to excess urine, such as around the water dispensing nozzles where the chicks congregate and both drink and urinate. In these areas, a thin layer of wood shavings or chips may be placed on the upper surface of the floor. Once the chicks have grown sufficiently to develop naturally mature skin on their feet, generally after about 2-3 weeks, the wood chips are no longer necessary.
When the chicken house is ready for cleaning, the dry manure can simply be vacuumed or scraped up from the ventilated floor surface by appropriate collection equipment, pushed by power equipment onto an evacuating conveyor, washed away into appropriate drains, or removed by any convenient means. The ventilated floor assembly can then be washed down and disinfected as necessary. Any broken components of the floor assembly can be replaced due to the modular design.
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide a new and improved chicken growth or grow out facility or chicken house which reduces the moisture in the chicken house and particularly from the manure, thus leaving the manure dry.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a new and improved chicken growth facility or chicken house which significantly reduces the quantity of ammonia formation and bacteria growth in the chicken house and also reduces the levels of ammonia and bacteria exhausted from the chicken house to the outside atmosphere.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a chicken growth facility or chicken house having improved moisture and temperature control capabilities for better chicken growth and overall health.
A still further object of the present invention is to provide a new and improved chicken growth facility or chicken house in which the level of ammonia generation and bacteria growth are substantially reduced to improve the health of the flock and enhance the overall weight and uniformity of the mature chickens.
Yet a further object of the present invention is to provide a ventilated floor assembly which is made of molded plastic modular components that can be assembled in an interlocked rigid floor assembly, including a ventilated floor and a bottom air plenum below the ventilated floor which provides a continuous bottom wall to protect the ground surface of the chicken house.
Yet a further object of the present invention is to provide a chicken house in which the ground thereof is sealed off to prevent darkling beetles from coming up out of the ground to feed on the manure and contaminate the growth chamber.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an improved chicken growth facility or chicken house with a ventilated floor assembly having side-by-side ventilated plastic modules interlocked with and supporting ventilated floor sections together with a waterproof barrier underneath to serve as a heat insulator to insulate the higher temperature of the chicken house growth chamber from the much lower ground temperature.
Still yet another object of the present invention is to provide an improved chicken growth facility or chicken house with a floor heat insulator comprised of a ventilated floor assembly in combination with a waterproof film barrier underneath which insulator reduces the effect of the ground acting as a heat sink to draw the moisture in the growth chamber towards the floor in warm weather and prevents moisture from rising up out of the ground during cold weather.
Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved chicken growth facility or chicken house that achieves a reduction in the production of ammonia by reducing the moisture content of the manure to between about 20% and about 30%, and a pH of the manure between about 5.0 and about 7.0.
A further object of the present invention is to provide an improved chicken growth facility or chicken house with a ventilated floor assembly which achieves the desired manure moisture content and manure pH level in accordance with the preceding object without the need for air blowers associated with the bottom plenum.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a chicken house in accordance with the preceding object that includes a ventilated floor assembly having a ventilated floor through which air and liquid can easily flow but which retains substantially all of the solids on its upper surface, together with a bottom air plenum underneath the ventilated floor.
A still further object of the present invention is to provide a ventilated floor assembly which is made of molded plastic modular components that can be assembled in an interlocked rigid floor assembly, including a ventilated floor, a bottom or floor air plenum below the ventilated floor and open vents between the floor plenum and the growth chamber, preferably along the sides of the chicken house, so that manure retained on the ventilated floor can be dried from above in the growth chamber and from below through the floor plenum.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a chicken house in accordance with the preceding objects that includes a ventilated floor assembly having a center line that runs the length of the house with each side of the floor assembly with respect to the center line slightly sloping downwardly toward the left and right sides of the house.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a chicken house in accordance with the preceding object in which drains can be provided along the longitudinal sides of the chicken house that, in combination with the sloped side of the floor, facilitate the collection of cleaning water when the floor assembly is washed down in between different chick flocks.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a chicken house in which a layer of crushed stone, gravel or other compressible material is laid under the vapor barrier when the chicken house is installed over a soft ground surface to ensure that the floor assembly of the present invention can readily support vehicular traffic thereon.
Yet another object of the new and improved chicken house of the present invention is to provide a more favorable environment for the chicken flock to remain healthy and grow to full weight or full genetic potential.
Still yet a further object of the new and improved chicken house of the present invention is to provide a more favorable environment for the chicken workers by improving or eliminating noxious gases and/or airborne related health problems.
These and other objects of the invention, as well as many of the intended advantages thereof, will become more readily apparent when reference is made to the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
In describing preferred embodiments of the present invention, specific terminology will be used for the sake of clarity. However, the invention is not intended to be limited to the specific terms as selected. Therefore, it is to be understood that each specific term includes all technical equivalents, which operate in a similar manner to accomplish a similar purpose.
Turning initially to
The chicken house 10 provides an elongated growth chamber 11 generally defined by a left side wall 12, a right side wall 14, a rear wall 18, a front wall 20, and left and right ceiling panels 22 and 24, which are interconnected along their adjacent top edges. Additionally, truss-supported left roof panel 26 and right roof panel 28 are also interconnected and cooperate with ceiling panels 22 and 24 to provide a ceiling plenum 30 extending the entire length of the house. This structure is typical of existing chicken houses with the floor formed by the ground on which bedding litter approximately 6 inches thick has been placed.
Instead of the conventional bedding litter and ground as the floor, the present invention utilizes a ventilated floor assembly, generally designated by reference numeral 16, which extends between side walls 12 and 14 and end walls 18 and 20 and constitutes the entire floor of the growth chamber 11. The upper component of the floor assembly 16 is a ventilated floor, generally designated by reference number 64, made up of ventilated modular floor sections to be described hereinafter. The floor 64 is supported by a plurality of side-by-side unique ventilated hollow plastic modules 62 which comprise a second component. The modules 62, in turn, rest on a plastic vapor barrier 60, which comprises a third and lowest component of the sandwich-like floor assembly 16, see
The ventilated rectangular plastic modules 62 (
The waterproof vapor barrier 60 comprising the lower component of the floor assembly 16 is preferably made of an impermeable inert polymeric material, such as approximately 6 to 8 mils thick polyethylene sheeting or the like. The barrier extends upwardly about the sides and ends of the outer modules 62 to define a floor plenum 66. The ventilated hollow modules 62 form an air plenum beneath the ventilated floor 64 which is vented to the elongated growth chamber 11 along the sides 12, 14 of the chicken house as indicated by arrows 69. Short walls 70 along the sides of the ventilated floor keep the growing chicks from moving into the side wall vent passageway.
Another embodiment of components for the ventilated floor assembly 16 is illustrated in
The unitary bottom floor modules 100 are preferably injection molded of suitable polymeric material. Modules 100 include interlocking elements 112 along the side edges 114 of each flat base component 102, see
In this embodiment, the ventilated floor 64 is made up of a plurality of ventilated modular floor sections, generally designated by reference numeral 120, which have the same rectangular size and shape, preferably square, as the base 102 of the bottom floor modules 100. The rectangular floor sections 120 are also injection molded of a suitable polymeric material and include a large number of small holes 122 extending completely therethrough. The holes 122 are sized to allow air and other gases to pass therethrough but retain the manure and other solids on their upper surface.
The floor sections 120 also include cylindrical projections or bosses 124 which extend from the lower surface 126 and are sized to pressure-fit or snap-in fit for interlocking into respective circular openings 110 in the tops of the support elements or spacers 104. Lateral reinforcing ribs 125 extend between adjacent bosses 124 and crossover ribs 127 extend between opposed bosses 124. As shown in
While support elements or spacers 104 are preferably cone shaped, tapering downwardly from the top to the bottom, other cross-sectional shapes such as triangular, square, hexagonal, etc. can be employed without departing from the present invention. Further, while the projections or bosses 124, 128 and 134, as well as spacer openings 110 are preferably circular, other cross-sectional shapes such as square, octagonal, etc. could be utilized as would be understood by those skilled in the art.
It will be seen that holes 122 cover most of the surface of sections 120, except areas 123 where projections or bosses 124, 128 and 134 are positioned, and along side edges 125, see
The bottom floor modules 100 are interlocked along their side edges 114 by interlocking elements 112. One embodiment of the interlocking elements 112 is shown in
Once assembled into the ventilated floor assembly 98, the interlocked floor sections 120 and bottom floor modules 100 form a bottom floor plenum 150 underneath the ventilated floor (see
A preferred method for assembling the two component floor assembly 98 is to place four bottom modules 100 interlocked among themselves onto the ground where the floor assembly 98 is to be assembled. A ventilated top section 120 is then placed in the center of the square created by the four interconnected bottom floor modules 100 to thus engage the adjacent one-quarter sections of the four bottom pieces together by interlocking the projections 124, 128 and 134 into their respective openings 110 of the cone-shaped spacers 104. Bottom floor modules 100 and floor sections 120 are then respectively interlocked in the direction desired, until the entire ventilated floor assembly 98 has been erected. At the end there will be exposed (unmated) bottom floor modules 100 and/or rectangular floor sections 120 along the perimeter of the floor assembly. These modules and/or sections can be cut to have matching side edges for the ventilated floor 64 and base components 102.
In the floor assembly 98 shown in
The flat base component 102 of the bottom floor module 100 has a smooth upper surface and, when interlocked to form the ventilated floor assembly 98, allows the air and other gases to flow around the cone-shaped spacers or studs 104 in all directions with no entrapment areas. The ability to tightly interlock the base components 102 as well as the round shape of the spacers 104 allows for less air resistance, or better air flow, of the air and other gases through the plenum 150 and also provides for a smooth surface for wash down if necessary with no entrapment areas.
Preferably, a waterproof film barrier is positioned underneath the ventilated floor assembly 98 and over the ground surface or concrete floor, which would otherwise form the bottom of the chicken house. The ventilated floor assembly together with the waterproof film barrier form a heat insulator which reduces the effect of the ground acting as a heat sink to draw the moisture in the growth chamber towards the floor, in warm weather, and prevents moisture from rising up out of the ground or concrete floor, during cold weather. This insulating action of the combined ventilated floor assembly and waterproof film barrier thus serve to reduce the moisture content of the manure which accumulates on the top of the floor assembly. Further, the waterproof film barrier serves to prevent contaminated water from passing through the floor and invading the water table in the ground in the event a water line break occurs in the growth chamber of the chicken house.
The waterproof film barrier is preferred even when the chicken house includes a concrete floor, which could be a source of high alkalinity due to the high moisture levels in the chicken house caused by the drying manure. As described elsewhere herein, it is important in accordance with the present invention to maintain a pH level well below 7.0, preferably on the order of 5.0-6.0. By utilizing the vapor barrier underneath the ventilated floor assembly, any potential alkalinity from the concrete floor is prevented.
Upon completion of the chicken growth cycle, which typically extends over about a seven week period, and evacuation of the chicken, the dried manure on the upper surface of ventilated floor assembly 16 or 98 can be removed by any suitable means, such as by shoveling, vacuuming or the like.
It is also contemplated that ultra-violet light may be used in the growth chamber 11 for destroying salmonella, E-coli, coccidiosis, and multiple bacteria strains during the chicken growth period as they develop, and in a final cleaning procedure following removal of the chickens and dry manure from the growth chamber. One such system and method is disclosed and claimed in co-pending application, filed on Jun. 1, 2005, entitled “System and Method for Providing Germicidal Lighting for Poultry Facilities” (Attorney Docket No. P69532US1), owned by the same assignee, the disclosure of which is expressly incorporated in this application as if fully set forth herein.
In accordance with the present invention, it is not necessary to use air blowers or exhaust fans that create a pressure differential as between the growth chamber and the floor plenum to cause air to be drawn downwardly from the growth chamber through the ventilated floor and into the floor plenum. Rather, the ventilated floor assembly of the present invention can be very effective in drying the manure retained on top of the ventilated floor without the need for air blowers or exhaust fans to be connected with the floor plenum to draw air through the floor. Such a passive system relies on the creation of a negative pressure differential as between the inside of the growth chamber and the outside environment. This negative pressure differential is created by the already existing practice of tunnel ventilation air flow through the length of the chicken house. By using air blowers or exhaust fans in one end wall of the chicken house to expel air out of the one end, a negative pressure is created in the growth chamber. This negative pressure causes air intake flap openings, cold water cooling pads or other negative pressure-operated openings in the other end wall to open, thus drawing air from the outside environment to flow into the chicken house.
The air plenum of the ventilated floor assembly is vented directly to the growth chamber, thus serving to equalize the negative pressure both above and below the ventilated floor and the manure retained thereon. While the air vents between the growth chamber and the floor plenum are preferably located along the sides of the chicken house and along the crown or crowns of the ventilated floor assembly, as will be described hereinafter, the plenum venting can be located at any convenient location or locations through or around the ventilated floor. With the negative pressure both above and below the retained manure, the moisture in the manure is continuously being evaporated into the air of the chicken house along both the top and bottom surfaces of the manure. Once airborne, the moisture is expelled out of the chicken house by the tunnel ventilation air flow. This continuous evaporation of the moisture in the manure and its removal from the chicken house by the tunnel ventilation serves to dry the manure to a desired moisture content, preferably between about 20% and about 30%. It has been found that moisture levels below 20% are not desirable because at this low level of moisture dust is created which can become airborne. Moisture levels substantially above 30% allow for too much water content in the manure, thus elevating its pH level and causing ammonia formation.
A chicken growth facility or chicken house in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention is shown in
The chicken house 250 provides an elongated growth chamber, generally designated by reference numeral 311 and generally defined by a left side wall 312, a right side wall 314, a rear wall 318, a front wall 319, and left and right ceiling panels 322 and 324, which are connected in a generally A-frame configuration. Exhaust fans 402 are mounted in the front wall 319 at one end of the chicken house 250, and cooperating inlet flap openings or cold water cooling pads 404 are mounted in the rear wall 318 at the opposite end of the chicken house, as is conventional in the industry. As is also known by those skilled in the art, the exhaust fans 402 are not operated continuously. Rather, the exhaust fans typically commence operation automatically when either the humidity (in the winter) or the temperature (in the summer) reaches designated undesirably high levels in the growth chamber. Upon reaching such a predetermined level, the exhaust fans commence operation, thus creating the negative pressure in the growth chamber, and the floor assembly plenum through the plenum vents, thus opening the air intake flaps 404. The exhaust fans typically operate for about 5-10 minutes to reduce the humidity or temperature, as the case may be, to a desired level in the growth chamber and then the fans stop until the undesirably high condition level is again reached to initiate fan operation. This cycling on-and-off of the exhaust fans 402, and the consequent creation of a reduced pressure in the growth chamber and floor plenum causes the undesired moisture in the manure to be continuously evaporated, thus maintaining a desired moisture content of between about 20% and about 30%, by which the manure would be “dry” to the touch.
Further, by achieving the aforesaid moisture level in the range of between about 20% and about 30%, the pH of the manure is kept below 7.0, and preferably is between about 5.0 and about 6.0. By maintaining the moisture and pH levels of the manure within these ranges, the growth of pathogens and intestinal parasites in the manure such as coccidiosis is prevented. In addition, bacteria growth is greatly reduced and the production of ammonia is largely prevented.
Based upon tests of growing chickens in actual chicken houses equipped with a ventilated floor assembly in accordance with the present invention, it is now believed that another phenomena contributes to the success achieved by the present invention in drastically reducing bacteria growth. More specifically, as the growing chickens walk around the floor of the chicken house, their feet repeatedly compact the excreted manure against the hard upper surface of the ventilated floor. This repeated compaction of the manure while simultaneously drying the manure from its top and bottom surfaces significantly reduces the pores which otherwise are naturally present in the manure, thus reducing the available oxygen which is necessary to promote bacteria growth. By starving the aerobic bacteria of the oxygen necessary for growth, the levels of bacteria in the compacted, dried manure produced in accordance with the present invention is dramatically reduced.
In addition, the testing of the present invention has demonstrated that the uric acid excreted by the chickens during their growth cycle dries out during the process of drying the manure. The retained dried uric acid maintains an acid environment in the manure, thus preventing production of the ammonium ion (NH4) and release of ammonia in the chicken house. The presence of the dried uric acid in the manure also keeps darkling beetles and larvae out of the manure, which are both typically found in large quantities in the manure of conventional chicken houses, since the darkling beetles and larvae do not like the acidic environment created by the dried uric acid. As an additional benefit, the dried uric acid also keeps out the bacteria associated with the darkling beetles.
The embodiment shown in
As shown in
While the chicks are present in the growth chamber 311, the chicks are protected from falling into the drains by the placement of sloped plastic sheeting 307, such as 8 mil polyethylene sheeting, or similar material that extends from the floor upwardly to a suitable height along the side walls. The sheeting 307 is secured to a line of wall components 309 that are attached to the studs of side walls 312, 314, which together form the plenum vents 350 that extend the full length of the growth area 311 (see
While the floor 364 is shown in
As in the earlier embodiments, the ventilated floor assembly 316 which extends over the entire floor of the growth chamber 311. With respect to the specific construction of the floor assembly 316, many of the components are the same as in the embodiment already described in connection with
As in the
An inwardly projecting ledge 411 is formed on the inner surface 409 of the support elements 304 near the truncated tops (see
The inner surface 409 of the support elements 304 further includes a plurality of tabs 418 near the truncated tops that extend substantially vertically from below the ledge 411 toward the opening 306 at the bottom of the module 300. The tabs 418 are preferably evenly spaced from one another around the circumference of the inner surface 409 of the support elements 304. As best seen in
As also in the
As in the
Like the bottom modules 300, the rectangular floor sections 320 are injection molded of a suitable polymeric material and include a flat upper surface 325 having a large number of small holes or openings 322 extending completely therethrough as shown in
As shown in
Another slot configuration is shown in
As shown in
As best seen in
When the ventilated floor assembly 316 is installed, the interlocked bottom modules 300 and floor sections 320 provide a very strong assembly with a smooth ventilated upper surface that is able to support vehicular traffic. When the chicken house is cleaned in between flocks, the cleaning crew can drive onto the floor assembly with pick-up trucks, tractors, etc. The floor when properly installed as described herein can hold approximately 300 pounds per square inch, and perhaps more.
Another ventilated modular floor section 520 is shown in
Like the other ventilated modular floor sections described hereinbefore, the rectangular floor sections 520 are preferably injection molded of a suitable polymeric material and include a flat upper surface 521 having a large number of small holes or openings 523 extending completely therethrough. As best seen in
In this embodiment, there is a circular reinforcement 540 which surrounds the base of each boss 524 and multiple reinforcing ribs, including lateral ribs 542 extending between adjacent circular boss reinforcements and three cross ribs 544 interconnecting opposed circular boss reinforcements 540. The inclusion of the circular reinforcements 540 around the base of each boss 524 and the multiple cross ribs 544 on the bottom surface 530 serve to reinforce the floor section 520 and to increase the strength and rigidity of the overall ventilated floor assembly when the floor sections 520 are assembled with the bottom floor modules 300. Further, while the ribs 125/127 and 425/427 of the prior embodiments block some of the holes 122 or slots 322, respectively, the non-uniform arrangement of the slots in a four quadrant star burst and the reinforcing ribs 542 and 544 in a complimentary configuration leave all of the slots unblocked. The height of the support element or spacers 304 for the floor sections 520 are also shortened in order to increase the rigidity of the overall floor assembly and to reduce the total quantity of polymer.
The rectangular configuration of floor section 520 shown in
While the ventilated modular floor sections 120 and 320 of the previously described embodiments preferably include a large number of small holes 122 or small slots 322 extending completely therethrough, other configurations for the ventilated modular floor sections are possible without departing from the present invention. Specifically, the holes 122 or slots 322 could be sized and filled with an air and moisture permeable polymer or other material which provides for the necessary air and moisture flow downwardly from the manure retained on the upper surface of the floor sections and into the air plenum underneath the floor sections. The size and shape of the holes 122 or slots 322 along with the type of air/moisture permeable polymer or other material must also be selected so that the polymer or other material is retained in the holes or slots during use of the ventilated floor assembly in the chicken house or other poultry growing facility.
Another modified configuration for the ventilated modular floor sections 120 and 320 would be to actually mold or make the floor sections of an air and moisture permeable polymer or other material. The polymer or other material must have sufficient air and moisture permeability so as to provide necessary air and moisture to pass therethrough and into the air plenum in order to dry the manure retained on its upper surface to the desired moisture content between about 20% and about 30%. The floor sections of such permeable polymer or other material would also have to have sufficient strength so as to withstand and support the vehicular traffic utilized in conventional chicken houses and other poultry growing facilities. Such air/water permeable polymer or other material could include properly supported geotextile carpets and the like previously described in connection with the present invention.
Also, as will be understood by those skilled in the art, the dried manure retained on the upper surface of the ventilated modular floor sections 120 and 320, will tend to clog the small holes 122 and slots 322, respectively, as the manure piles up on top of the floor sections. Once the holes or slots become clogged with dry manure, air may not pass through the holes or slots into the air plenum below the floor sections, although the flow of moisture will continue. However, the make up of the air and the air pressure in the air plenum is equalized to that in the growth chamber by the air flow through the side plenum vents 350, and side plenum vents 550 and 650 as described hereinafter in connection with embodiments shown in
As is known, feeding stations 470 and water dispensers 472 are spaced throughout the growth chamber 311 as shown in
Turning now to the embodiment of the invention illustrated in
The difference between the ventilated floor system of
As described herein, the present invention provides a very efficient structure for improving the air and footing conditions for the chicks and/or eliminating the need for blowers to force air through the ventilated floor. Instead, using only the existing fans already conventionally used in chicken houses to create tunnel ventilation air flow through the ends of the house, a natural air flow and negative pressure is generated in the floor plenum as well as the growth chamber through the plenum vents along the sides of the growth chamber and/or down a center line crown. This negative pressure evaporates the moisture content into the ventilation air flow (and out of the chicken house) to effectively dry the manure retained on the upper surface of the floor assembly to an ideal moisture content. This moisture content avoids dust formation while also preventing the formation of ammonia so that odor in the chicken house is virtually eliminated. This improves both the quality of life for the chicks as well as the health of the livestock managers and the surrounding environs.
Another benefit of utilizing the present invention in existing chicken houses relates to the dust and other airborne contaminants usually encountered in chicken houses during the chicken growing cycle. Specifically, it has been surprisingly found during testing of the present invention that the dust and airborne contaminants usually encountered has been substantially reduced. As such, the present invention improves the health of the birds as they grow in the growth chamber and the atmospheric conditions encountered by workers in and around the growth chamber.
Further, the ventilated floor assembly and ventilated floor system of the present invention could also be used in egg laying facilities where pathogen levels should be kept to a minimum. Also, as stated previously, while the present invention has been primarily described for chickens and chicken houses, those skilled in the art will understand that the invention is not limited to chickens and chicken houses, but is equally applicable to poultry and poultry houses other than chicken, including but not limited to turkeys, quail, duck, pullets and breeders. Further, the configuration of the chicken or poultry house is not a prerequisite, the present invention is applicable to all existing or known chicken and other poultry houses so long as there is sufficient air flow to reduce the moisture content and pH level in the manure and dry the manure to the desired moisture level.
Modifications and variations of the above-described structures and methods will undoubtedly occur to those of skill in the art. For example, multiple features are disclosed for the ventilated floor assembly of the present invention as included in the different embodiments, as well as different operating parameters for the active and passive embodiments. As understood by those skilled in the art, these features can be readily interchanged among the various embodiments without departing from the disclosed invention. It is therefore to be understood that the following claims define the scope of the invention and the invention may be practiced otherwise than is specifically described while falling within the scope of the claims.
This application is a continuation-in-part application of, and hereby claims priority to each of, co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 12/923,084, filed Aug. 31, 2010, which is a continuation-in-part application claiming the priority of co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 11/475,236, filed Jun. 27, 2006, which claims the priority of provisional application Ser. No. 60/693,797, filed Jun. 27, 2005. The disclosure in Ser. No. 12/923,084 is expressly incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth.
Number | Date | Country | |
60693797 | Jun 2005 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12923084 | Aug 2010 | US |
Child | 13222451 | US | |
Parent | 11475236 | Jun 2006 | US |
Child | 12923084 | US |