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SIGPLAN 94-6/94 Orlando, Florida, pp. 302-312, On Slicing Programs with Jump Statements, H. Agrawal, Bellcore, Morristown, NJ. |
Journal of Programming Languages 3 (1995) 121-189, pp. 121-189 “A Survey of Program Slicing Techniques”, Frank Tip, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. |
OOPSLA 94-10/94 Portland, Oregon USA, Sifting Out the Gold, Delivering Compact Applications from an Exploratory Object-Oriented Programming Environment, Ole Agesen, David Ungar, pp. 355-369. |
Proceedings of ICSE-18, Mar. 1996, Berlin, pp. 495-505 “Slicing Object-Oriented Software”, L. Larsen and M. J. Harrold, Clemson University. |
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Thomas Reps, Susan Horwitz and Mooly Sagiv, University of Copenhagen; Genevieve Rosay, University of Wisconsin-Madison, pp. 1-13, “Speeding up Slicing”. |
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