Article: "Progress in the Reduction of Diesel Engine Noise" Robert L. Mason; Sound and Vibration, Feb. 1974; pp. 16-19. |
SAE 840347: "A Transient Diesel Test Bed with Direct Digital Control"; J. Koustas and N. Watson; Internat'l Congress & Expo, Detroit, Michigan; Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 1984. |
SAE 840348: "Transient Testing of Diesel Engines"; C. A. Clark, M. P. May & B. J. Challen; Internat'l. Congress & Expo, Detroit, Michigan, Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 1984. |
SAE 840349: "Dynamometer Simulation of Truck and Bus Road Horsepower for Transient Emissions Evaluations"; Chas. M. Urban (Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas); pp. 69-84. |
Brochure: "PAISI* Does It"; by BBC Brown Boveri (one page). |
Brochure: "TELMA"; multi-page brochure. |