Baltimore Magazine, May 1986, "Music of the Hemispheres". |
The Peabody, "Electronic and Computer Music at the Peabody Conservatory", Geoffrey Wright, presented at the International Computer Music Conference, 21 Aug. 1985, Vancouver, B.C. |
The Baltimore Sun, Feb. 14, 1986, "Music From the Mind". |
The Johns Hopkins University Gazette, Mar. 11, 1986, "New Field of Psychoacoustics Melds Music and Medicine". |
Johns Hopkins Magazine, Apr. 1986, "Brain Waves Make Music-Literally". |
The Evening Sun, May 14, 1982, "Art, Psychology Meet in Wave Music". |
Fort Lauderdale News, May 14, 1982, "This `New Wave` Comes From the Brain". |
Business Week, Jul. 8, 1985, "Racking the Brain to Create `Live` Stereo Sound". |
The Post, May 14, 1982, "Art, Psychology Meet in Brain Wave Music". |
The Banner, May 13, 1982, "Music (?) Tapped from Brain". |
The Times, May 1982, "Scientific Music Researcher Finds New Wave in Brain Waves". |
Purchase Order from Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N.Y. to Dr. Joel Knispel, dated Jul. 12, 1982, with Statement describing Job/Services. |
The News, May 13, 1982, "Art, Psychology Meet in Brain Wave Music". |