The present invention relates to a computer-implemented method and apparatus for data processing for the purpose of blind separation of nonnegative correlated pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures of mass spectra. The invention relates to preprocessing of recorded matrix of mixtures spectra by robust principal component analysis, trimmed thresholding, hard thresholding and soft thresholding; empirical kernel map-based nonlinear mappings of preprocessed matrix of mixtures mass spectra into reproducible kernel Hilbert space and linear sparseness and nonnegativity constrained factorization of mapped matrices therein. Thereby, preprocessing of recorded matrix of mixtures mass spectra is performed to suppress higher order monomials of the pure components that are induced by nonlinear mixtures. Components separated by each factorization are correlated with the ones stored in the library. Thereby, component from the library is associated with the separated component by which it has the highest correlation coefficient. Value of the correlation coefficient indicates degree of pureness of the separated component. Separated components that are not assigned to the pure components from the library can be considered as candidates for new pure components. Identified pure components can be used for identification of compounds in chemical synthesis, food quality inspection or pollution inspection, identification and characterization of compounds obtained from natural sources (microorganisms, plants and animals), or in instrumental diagnostics—determination and identification of metabolites and biomarkers present in biological fluids (urine, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, amniotic fluid, bile, tears, etc.) or tissue extracts.
Quantification and identification of the pure components present in the mixture is a traditional problem in NMR, IR, UV, EPR and Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, etc. In majority of applications separation of pure components is performed by assuming that mixture spectra are linear combinations of pure components. While linear mixture model applies to many scenarios nonlinear mixture model offers more accurate description of biochemical processes and interactions occurring during perturbations of biological systems caused by disease or drug treatment. Few examples of nonlinear model reactions that mimic biological processes include: esterification of amino acids and short peptides, ester hydrolysis and amide bond formation in the synthesis of peptides.
Identification of pure components present in mixtures proceeds often by matching separated components spectra with a library of reference compounds. Degree of correlation depends on how well pure components present in mixtures spectra are separated from each other. Thereby, of interest are methods for blind separation of pure components from mixtures spectra that use as input information the matrix with recorded mixtures spectra only. There are many methods for blind separation of pure components from mixtures spectra assuming linear mixture model. To name a few, we mention independent component analysis, nonnegative matrix factorization, sparse component analysis and/or smooth component analysis. However, there is considerably smaller number of methods for blind separation of pure components from recorded spectra assuming they are nonlinear mixtures of pure components. That number is reduced further when related nonlinear blind source separation problem is underdetermined, that is when number of pure components is greater than number of mixtures. One of the main reasons is that in an underdetermined scenario pure components are correlated (statistically dependent), that is their mass spectra overlap.
Subsequent paragraphs discuss state-of-the-art algorithms for nonlinear blind source separation problem. Patents and patent applications related to nonlinear blind source separation are also discussed. Thereby, there is no method that is related to blind separation of correlated (overlapping) pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures of mass spectra. Yet, underdetermined scenario is relevant for description of mixtures mass spectra of samples acquired in food, health and environment related studies. For example 497 unique chemical components were quantified in extracts of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf tissue in reference: Jonsson P, Johansson A I, Gullberg J, Trygg J, Jiye A, Grung B, Marklund S, Sjöström M, Antti H, Moritz T. High-throughput data analysis for detecting and identifying differences between samples in GC/MS-based metabolomic analyses, Analytical Chemistry 2005; 77: 5635-5642. Analysis of human adult urinary metabolome by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed presence of 1484 components, while 384 of them were characterized by matching their spectra with references stored in libraries: Roux A, Xu Y, Heilier J-F, Olivier M-F, Ezan E, Tabet J-C, Junot C, “Annotation of the human adult urinary metabolome and metabolite identification using ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a linear quadrupole ion trap-orbitrap mass spectrometer,” Analytical Chemistry 2012; 84: 6429-6437. Such large number of components present in much smaller number of mixtures will overlap, that is pure components will be correlated. Overlapping is also caused by chemical reason, that is when two or more pure components elute from chromatography column close to each other in time their peaks overlap partially or completely: Ni Y, Qiu Y, Jiang W, Suttlemyre K, Su M, Zhang W, Jia W, Du X, “ADAP-GC 2.0 Deconvolution of Coeluting Metabolites from GC/TOF-MS Data for Metabolomic Studies,” Analytical Chemistry 2012; 84: 6619-6629. Above discussion supports the statement that metabolic profiling, identification and quantification of small-molecule pure components present in biological samples is one of the most challenging tasks in chemical biology: Nicholson J K, Lindon J C, “Systems biology: Metabonomics,” Nature 2008; 455 (7216): 1054-1056.
In relation to nonlinear nonnegative underdetermined blind source separation problem composed of statistically dependent sources, that is the aim of the present invention, state-of-the-art algorithms for nonlinear blind source separation have at least one of the several deficiencies: (i) they assume that number of mixtures is equal to or greater than the unknown number of sources; (ii) they do not take into account nonnegativity constraint that is chemically justified when sources are pure components represented by mass spectra; (iii) they assume that source signals are statistically independent and, sometimes, individually correlated. None of these assumptions applies to the nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention.
Algorithms developed for nonlinear blind source separation problem that are cited below assume that number of sources is less than or equal to the number of mixtures. Thus, they are incapable to solve underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention. These algorithms are published in: K. Zhang, and L. Chan, “Minimal Nonlinear Distortion Principle for Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis,” J Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 9, pp. 2455-2487, 2008; D. N. Levin, “Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 103, 044906:1-12, 2008; D. N. Levin, “Performing Nonlinear Blind Source Separation With Signal Invariants,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., vol. 58, pp. 2131-2140, 2010; A. Taleb, and C. Jutten, “Source Separation in Post-Nonlinear Mixtures,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., vol. 47, pp. 2807-2820, 1999; L. T. Duarte, R. Suyama, R. Attux, J. M. T. Romano, C. Jutten, “Blind compensation of nonlinear distortions via sparsity recovery,” Proc. EUSIPCO 2012, pp. 2362-2366, Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 27-31, 2012; E. F. S. Filho, J. M. de Seixas, L. P. Calôba, “Modified post-nonlinear ICA model for online neural discrimination,” Neurocomputing, vol. 73, pp. 2820-2828, 2010; T. V. Nguyen, J. C. Patra, A. Das, “A post nonlinear geometric algorithm for independent component analysis,” Digital Signal Proc., vol. 15, pp. 276-294, 2005; A. Ziehe, M. Kawanabe, S. Harmeling, K. R. Miiller, “Blind Separation of Post-Nonlinear Mixtures Using Gaussianizing Transformations And Temporal Decorrelation,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 4, pp. 1319-1338, 2003; K. Zhang, L. W. Chan, “Extended Gaussianization Method for Blind Separation of Post-Nonlinear Mixtures,” Neural Computation, vol. 17, pp. 425-452, 2005.
Algorithms developed for nonlinear blind source separation problem that are cited below assume that source signals are statistically independent. Thus, they are incapable to solve underdetermined blind source separation problem that is comprised of nonnegative statistically dependent sources and that is aim of the present invention. These algorithms are published in: S. Harmeling, A. Ziehe, and M. Kawanabe, “Kernel-Based Nonlinear Blind Source Separation,” Neural Computation, vol. 15, pp. 1089-1124, 2003; D. Martinez, and A. Bray, “Nonlinear Blind Source Separation Using Kernels. IEEE Tr. on Neural Networks vol. 14, pp. 228-235, 2003; L. Almeida, “MISEP-Linear and nonlinear ICA based on mutual information,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 4, pp. 1297-1318, 2003; Z. L. Sun, D. S. Huang, C. H. Zheng, L. Shang, “Using batch algorithm for kernel blind source separation,” Neurocomputing, vol. 69, pp. 273-278, 2005.
Algorithm described in the paper: S. V. Vaerenbergh, I. Santamaria, “A Spectral Clustering Approach to Underdetermined Postnonlinear Blind Source Separation of Sparse Sources,” IEEE Trans. Neural Net., vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 811-814, 2006, is developed for nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem composed of nonnegative sources. The assumption made by the algorithm is that set of observation indexes exist such that each source component is present alone in at least one of these observation points. That assumption is too strong for the considered problem in mass spectrometry where number of pure components can be large and therefore they are expected to overlap significantly. That is especially the case if the resolution of the mass spectrometer is low. Thus, discussed algorithm is incapable to solve underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention.
Algorithms cited below are developed for nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) in reproducible kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) of functions. These algorithms are only applied to classification and regression problems in RKHS. That is, they were not tested on linear blind source separation problems in RKHS. In addition to that, employed NMF algorithms are based on nonnegativity constraints only. That, however, is not enough to separate pure components that are essentially unique. For that sparseness constraint is necessary. Thus, these algorithms are incapable to solve nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention. Discussed algorithms are published in: I. Buciu, N. Nikolaidis, and I. Pitas, “Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Polynomial Feature Space,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol. 19, pp. 1090-1100, 2007; D. Zhang, and W. Liu, “An Efficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach in Flexible Kernel Space,” Proc. of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'09), Pasadena, Calif., 2009; S. Zafeiriou, and M. Petrou, “Non-linear Non-negative Component Analysis,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1050-1066, 2010; B. Pan, J. Lai, and W. S. Chen, “Nonlinear nonnegative matrix factorization based on Mercer kernel construction,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, pp. 2800-2810, 2011.
In the U.S. Pat. No. 7,804,062 “Blind extraction of pure component mass spectra from overlapping mass spectrometric peaks” a method for blind extraction of pure components from their linear mixtures is presented. Thereby, mixtures correspond to mass spectra recorded at different elution times and separation vector corresponds with the pure component that has the minimum entropy. The algorithm proposed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,804,062 is incapable to solve nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention.
U.S. Pat. No. 8,165,373 “Method of and system for blind extraction of more pure components than mixtures in 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry combining sparse component analysis and single component points” considers linear underdetermined blind source separation problem in NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Thus, it is incapable to solve nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem that is the aim of the present invention. The same statement applies for the methods published in two journal papers: I. Kopriva, I. Jerić, “Blind separation of analytes in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry: sparseness-based robust multicomponent analysis,” Analytical Chemistry, vol. 82, pp. 1911-1920, 2010; I. Kopriva, I. Jerić, “Multi-component Analysis: Blind Extraction of Pure Components Mass Spectra using Sparse Component Analysis,” Journal of Mass Spectrometry, vol. 44, issue 9, pp. 1378-1388, 2009.
Patent application CN 101972143 “Blind source extraction-based atrial fibrillation monitoring method” relates to blind source separation method for extraction of electrocardio signal for monitoring of atrial fibrillation disease. The blind source separation is performed after nonlinear dimensionality expansion to extract electrocardio signal. To achieve this wavelet transform is used together with spectral subtraction and prior information on heart rate parameters. Since the use of wavelet transform destroys nonnegativity proposed method is not applicable, even in the principle, to solve the underdetermined nonlinear blind source problem composed of statistically dependent pure components represented by mass spectra and that is the aim of the present invention.
Patent application WO 2008/076680 “Method and apparatus for using state space differential geometry to perform nonlinear blind source separation,” has also been published in two journal papers: D. N. Levin, “Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 103, 044906:1-12, 2008; D. N. Levin, “Performing Nonlinear Blind Source Separation With Signal Invariants,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., vol. 58, pp. 2131-2140, 2010. Proposed method is capable to separate source signals from nonlinear mixtures provided that they are separable in phase space. It means that joint probability density function of the source signals and their derivatives is product of marginal probability density functions in the same space. This implies that source signals are statistically independent in the phase space. There are two limitations of the proposed method in relation to the underdetermined nonlinear blind source problem composed of statistically dependent pure components represented by mass spectra and that is the aim of the present invention: (i) statistical independence assumption is not true for overlapped nonnegative pure components in mass spectrometry; (ii) the method proposed in WO 2008/076680 requires that number of mixtures be equal to or greater than the number of pure component signals. Thus, it cannot solve underdetermined blind source separation problem.
Algorithm described in the paper: I. Kopriva, I. Jerić, L. Brklja{hacek over (c)}ić, “Nonlinear mixture-wise expansion approach to underdetermined blind separation of nonnegative dependent sources,” Journal of Chemometrics, vol. 27, pp. 189-197, 2013, is developed for linear underdetermined blind separation of nonnegative dependent sources, whereas sources represented pure components mass spectra and were required to have amplitudes that are sparsely distributed. This algorithm is in part related to the aim of the present invention: the method for nonlinear underdetermined blind separation of nonnegative dependent sources. Even though nonlinear blind source separation problem is more difficult to solve than its linear counterpart it is unexpectedly found that solution of both problems can be obtained under the same constraints imposed on nonnegative dependent sources: they have to be sparse in support and amplitude and pure components in mass spectrometry satisfy these constraints. However, as opposed to the linear blind source separation problem, errors introduced in nonlinear blind source separation problem by nonlinear mixing process have to be reduced further.
In the present invention errors introduced by nonlinear mixing process are reduced by a combination of methods that preprocess recorded matrix of mixtures mass spectra: (i) robust principal component analysis (RPCA): E. J. Candès, X. Li, Y. Ma and J. Wright, “Robust Principal Component Analysis?”, Journal of the ACM, vol. 58, No. 3, Article 11, May, 2011; V. Chandrasekaran, S. Sanghavi, P. A. Paririlo, A. S. Wilsky, “Rank-Sparsity Incoherence for Matrix Decomposition,” SIAM Journal on Optimization, vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 572-596, 2011.
RPCA decomposes corrupted recorded matrix of mixture mass spectra into low-rank matrix and sparse error matrix. The corruption is due to nonlinear mixing process that introduces error terms in the Taylor expansion of recorded matrix of mixture mass spectra. Thereby, low-rank matrix contains mixtures mass spectra with reduced error terms; (ii) hard thresholding of the recorded matrix of mixture mass spectra: Donoho D. L. De-Noising by Soft-Thresholding. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1995; 41 (3): 613-627. Hard thresholding is a process that sets to zero coefficients of some vector or matrix if their absolute value is lower than the threshold; (iii) soft thresholding of the recorded matrix of mixture mass spectra: Donoho D. L. De-Noising by Soft-Thresholding. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 1995; 41 (3): 613-627. Soft thresholding is an extension of hard thresholding. First, it sets to zero elements of vector or matrix if their absolute values are lower than a threshold; (iv) trimmed thresholding of the recorded matrix of mixture mass spectra: H. T. Fang, D. S. Huang, “Wavelet de-noising by means of trimmed thresholding,” Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Jun. 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P. R. China, pp. 1621-1624. Trimmed thresholding is between hard and soft thresholding. By selecting value of the proper parameter it can act as a hard thresholding, soft thresholding or in between.
Accordingly, it is the aim of the present invention to provide a method and system for blind separation of nonnegative dependent (overlapping) pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures of mass spectra. Thereby, the pure components are identified by correlating separated components with the components stored in the library of referenced compounds.
This aim is achieved by a method for blind separation of nonnegative correlated pure components mass spectra from smaller number of nonlinear mixture mass spectra by means of empirical kernel map-based mappings of pre-processed matrix of mixture mass spectra and sparseness and nonnegativity constrained factorization of mapped pre-processed matrices, characterised in that said nonlinear underdetermined nonnegative blind separation of correlated sources comprises the following steps:
max [I]
X=f(S) [II]
p(sr)=ρmδ(smr)+(1−ρm)δ*(smr)ƒ(smr) [III]
X=A+E [V]
stands for low-rank matrix composed of linear combination of original pure components and linear combination of second order monomials that represent new components correlated with the original ones, and E≈HOT stands for sparse matrix that represents error terms associated with higher-order monomials,
Further, this aim is achieved by a system for blind separation of nonnegative dependent pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures of mass spectra comprising: mass spectrometer (1) for recording mixtures data X, an input storing device/medium (2) for storing the mixture data X, a processor (3) wherein code is implemented or carried out for executing a method according to anyone of the claims 1 to 13 based on mixtures mass spectra X stored in/on the input storing device/medium (2), an output storing device or medium (4) for storing the result of the method carried out by the processor.
Preferably, probability density function ƒ(smr) in [III] is exponential density ƒ(smr)=(1/μm)exp(−smr/μm) where μm stands for most expected value of the exponential distribution used to model probability distribution of the random variable smr, that is amplitude of the pure component smr.
Preferably, robust principal component analysis [V] is obtained as a solution of the optimization problem: minimize ∥A∥•+λ∥E∥1 subject to: A+E=X. Thereby,
denotes nuclear norm (sum of singular values) and I≦N is a rank of matrix A;
denotes l-norm of E and λ≈1√{square root over (R)} is a regularization constant.
Preferably, hard thresholding operator in [VI] is applied to X entry-wise according to:
n=1, . . . , N and r=1, . . . , R and τ1ε[10−6, 10−4] stands for a threshold.
Preferably, soft thresholding operator in [VII] is applied to X entry-wise according to: cnr=ST(xnr)=max(0,xnr−τ2), n=1, . . . , N and r=1, . . . , R, and τ2ε[10−6, 10−4] stands for a threshold.
Preferably, trimmed thresholding operator in [VIII] is applied to X entry-wise according to:
n=1, . . . , N and r=1, . . . , R, τ3ε[10−6, 10−4] stands for a threshold and α is a trade-off parameter between hard and soft thresholding. When α=1 trimmed thresholding equals soft thresholding. When α→∞ trimmed thresholding is equivalent to hard thresholding. Conveniently, α=3.5.
Preferably, positive symmetric kernel functions in [IX], [X], [XI] and [XII] are selected as Gaussian kernels: κ(ar,vd)=exp(−∥ar−vd∥2/σ2), κ(br,vd)=exp(−∥br−vd∥2/σ2), κ(cr,vd)=exp(−∥cr−vd∥2/σ2) and κ(dr,vd)=exp(−∥dr−vd∥2/σ2). Conveniently, σ2=1.
Advantageously, dimension D of the basis {vd}d=1D in [IX], [X], [XI] and [XII] is D=R. In this case each column vector of the matrices A, B, C and D is a basis vector, that is {(vr=ar}r=1R, {vr=br}r=1R, {vr=cr}r=1R and {vr=dr}r=1R. In this case the basis spans the same vector space as the empirical set of the column vectors of A, B, C and D. When number of spectral lines R is large, that is the case with the high-resolution mass spectrometers, selection D=R can lead to computationally intractable problem. In this case some basis selection algorithm can be used yielding basis {vd}d=1D that satisfies: D<<R and span{vd}d=1D≈span{ar}r=1R, respectively span{br}r=1R, span{cr}r=R and span{dr}r=1R. Preferably, k-means data clustering algorithm can be used for basis selection by clustering R column vectors in D clusters. Thereby, cluster centroids represent basis vectors.
Preferably, sparseness and nonnegativity constrained matrix factorization (sNMF) algorithm in [XIII], [XIV], [XV] and [XVI] is nonnegative matrix underapproximation (NMU) algorithm: N. Gillis, F. Glineur, “Using underapproximations for sparse nonnegative matrix factorization,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, pp. 1676-1687, 2010. Thereby, assumed number of pure components {circumflex over (M)} in [XIII], [XIV], [XV] and [XVI] can, in the absence of a priori information, be set to dimension of induced reproducible kernel Hilbert space, that is: {circumflex over (M)}=D.
Alternatively, if number of pure components M and maximal number of overlapping components K are known a priori, sNMF algorithm in [XIII], [XIV], [XV] and [XVI] is nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm constrained with l0-norm of
According to a further special embodiment, a method is applied to the identification of compounds in chemical synthesis, food quality inspection or pollution inspection; that is environment protection.
Preferably, said method is applied to the identification of compounds obtained from natural sources (microorganisms, plants and animals), metabolites and biomarkers present in biological fluids (urine, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, amniotic fluid, bile, tears, etc.) or tissue extracts.
Furthermore, the present invention provides a computer-readable medium having computer executable instructions stored thereon, which, when executed by computer will cause the computer to carry out a method of the present invention.
In a preferred embodiment of the system, the output storing device is a printer or plotter and the output storing medium is a memory based device that is readable by computer.
The novelty of proposed method for nonlinear underdetermined blind separation of correlated pure components mass spectra in relation to state-of-the-art in nonlinear blind source separation is that use of the sparseness constraint across support and amplitude of the pure components mass spectra in combination with preprocessing of recorded matrix of mixtures spectra by robust principal component analysis, trimmed thresholding, hard thresholding and soft thresholding and empirical kernel maps-based mapping of the preprocessed matrix of mixtures mass spectra enables reduction of errors introduced by nonlinear mixtures. Thus, effect of generating new mixtures by means of empirical kernel map-based mapping prevails over errors associated with higher-order terms that are induced by nonlinear mixtures. Therefore, nonnegativity and sparseness constrained factorization of mapped preprocessed matrices of mixture mass spectra will yield estimates of the pure components present in the nonlinear mixtures mass spectra.
A more detailed description of the invention will be given with references to the following figures, in which:
A schematic block-diagram of a device for blind separation of correlated pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures mass spectra that is defined by equation [II] and employing methodology of robust principal component analysis, hard, trimmed and soft thresholding, empirical kernel map-based nonlinear mapping and nonnegativity and sparseness constrained matrix factorization according to an embodiment of the present invention is shown in
The procedure for processing acquired and stored mixtures mass spectra with the aim to blindly separate nonnegative correlated pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures is implemented in the software or firmware in the CPU 3 and according to an embodiment of the present invention consists of the following steps: scaling of the acquired mixtures mass spectra according to equation [I] in order to constrain amplitudes of the mixture mass spectra to be in the range between 0 and 1; scaled mixture data are represented by nonlinear mixture model [II] which, due to mixed state sparse probabilistic model of the pure components mass spectra [III], can be expressed in truncated Taylor expansion [IV]. Taylor expansion [IV] ignores the cross-products of the pure components (also called monomials) of the order greater than 2. That is, due to the fact that 21 out of 25 pure components mass spectra are zero in 40% to 75% of the support (m/z ratios), see
In detail, according to an embodiment of the present invention procedure for blind separation of nonnegative correlated pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures mass spectra consists of the following steps:
The present invention relates to the field of mass spectrometry. More specifically, the invention relates to blind separation of nonnegative correlated pure components from smaller number of nonlinear mixtures spectra recorded by mass spectrometer. Proposed invention separates pure components by means of sparseness and nonnegativity constrained factorization of empirical kernel map-based mappings of matrices obtained by preprocessing matrix of mixtures mass spectra. Thus, data matrix comprised of recorded mixtures mass spectra [II]/[IV] is decomposed by means of robust principal component analysis into low-rank and sparse matrices prior mapping and factorization. It is also preprocessed by hard, soft and trimmed thresholding. The enabling constraint for solution of nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem is sparseness of the pure components mass spectra in support and amplitude. That is demonstrated in
Constraint on sparseness of pure components in terms of support and amplitude is what enables solution of the related nonlinear underdetermined blind source separation problem comprised of nonnegative dependent (correlated) sources (pure components). That is distinction with respect to other algorithms that comprise state-of-the-art in nonlinear blind source separation and that either use other constraints or use sparseness constraint related to support only.
The present invention can be applied to the identification of compounds in the pharmaceutical industry, in the chemical synthesis of new compounds. It can also be applied in the food quality inspection and environment protection through pollution inspection. Another application of proposed invention is in commercial software packages, as built in computer code, that are used for analysis and identification of chemical compounds. Possibly the most important application of the present invention is in instrumental diagnostics, determination and identification of biomarkers present in biological fluids (urine, blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, amniotic fluid, bile, tears, etc) or tissue extracts; detection of pathologies (genetically determined diseases), detection of patients with predisposition for certain disease, monitoring the response of the organism to the action of pharmaceuticals, pathogens or toxic compounds (wars, natural or ecology disasters).