This invention relates to wireless communication. More particularly, the invention relates to the use of antennas designed to utilize more than one polarization component of transmitted or received electromagnetic radiation.
One advantage of communication over multiple propagation channels is that it is less susceptible to fading than is single-channel communication. Fading is the loss of received signal power due to destructive interference or obstructions in the propagation channel of the signal. The use of multiple propagation channels can mitigate the effects of fading because, if the various channels have statistically independent fading behavior, it will be unlikely for all channels to be equally affected by fading at a given time. Thus, even if some propagation channels are degraded by fading at a given time, it is likely that there will be other channels that have good quality.
Another advantage of the use of multiple propagation channels is that it affords higher capacity. One particular consequence of this is an increase in the practicality of sending redundant information, so that, for example, data corrupted by fading can be corrected.
The availability of alternate propagation channels due to transmission or reception at multiple polarizations is referred to as “polarization diversity.” Polarization diversity is helpful for mitigating fading effects because in scattering environments, mutually orthogonal polarization channels generally suffer fading effects that are at least partially independent. Fading effects are “independent” in this regard if they have a relatively low statistical correlation.
Prior art systems for wireless communication have embodied the long-recognized constraint, imposed by Maxwell's equations, that signals transmitted through free space in a straight line from point A to point B, and differing only in their polarization modes, can comprise at most two independent signal channels. Mathematically stated, the maximum number of independent communication channels cannot exceed the rank of a matrix H whose elements are coefficients relating the electric and magnetic field components at A to the electric and magnetic multipole moments of an electric current distribution localized at B. For free-space, line-of-sight communication between two points, such a matrix has rank 2 in the far-field limit.
As a consequence, a typical antenna of the prior art, designed for multi-channel reception or transmission at a single geographical point, consists of a pair of mutually orthogonal dipole elements, each effective for receiving or transmitting electromagnetic radiation having a corresponding polarization mode. Thus, each dipole element is effective for communicating over a distinct physical propagation channel, characterized by its polarization.
Because it has generally been believed that only two polarization channels are available at a given point, efforts to increase the number of propagation channels have focused on geographically distributed antenna arrays. That is, if a pair of antenna elements are separated by a sufficient distance, typically of about a communication wavelength or more, their respective propagation paths to or from a common receive or transmit antenna, in a scattering environment, will generally suffer fading effects that are at least partially independent. The availability of such alternate channels due to transmission from or reception at multiple, spatially separated antenna elements is referred to as “spatial diversity.”
It has recently been pointed out that in a rich scattering environment, i.e., where a significant fraction of received signal energy comes from scattering paths rather than from direct line-of-sight, there will generally be three, and not two, polarization channels available at any given point. This is explained, for example, in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/379,151, filed on Aug. 23, 1999, and in a continuation-in-part thereof having Ser. No. 09/477,972, filed on Jan. 5, 2000, both commonly assigned herewith. As a consequence of the third polarization channel, rich scattering environments potentially offer more polarization diversity than is available for pure line-of-sight communication.
Every increase in diversity has the potential to further improve reception in the presence of fading. For that reason among others, it is advantageous to find still further forms of diversity.
We have discovered that in a rich scattering environment, there are potentially six, and not merely two or three, independent polarization channels. Therefore, in such environments the opportunity for achieving polarization diversity using a spatially localized antenna is three times that available in free-space, line-of-sight communication.
Accordingly, the invention involves transmitting or receiving one or more wireless communication signals using four or more independent polarization channels at a single spatial location.
For example, the invention in one broad aspect pertinent to reception is a method that includes the steps of: (a) demodulating four or more current outputs from an antenna arrangement selected to be responsive to both the electric component and the corresponding magnetic component of at least one incident electromagnetic wave; and (b) combining the four or more demodulated outputs, thereby to recover signal information in one or more signal channels. Step (b) is carried out such that said electric component and said magnetic component make independent contributions to a total capacity for recovering signal information from the current outputs of the antenna arrangement.
The invention in one broad aspect pertinent to transmission is a method that includes the steps of: (a) modulating signal information in one or more signal channels onto a radiofrequency carrier so as to provide four or more carrier-level signals; and (b) applying each carrier-level signal to a respective input of an antenna arrangement. Significantly, the antenna arrangement is of a kind that, when operated in reception, is responsive to both the electric component and the corresponding magnetic component of at least one incident electromagnetic wave. Step (b) is carried out so as to impress at least partially independent signal information on, respectively, the electric and corresponding magnetic components of the outgoing counterpart of said incident electromagnetic wave.
How a third polarization channel arises in the presence of scattering will be understood with reference to
The oscillating current Itrans gives rise, inter alia, to the electromagnetic wave 25 that propagates along the line of sight from antenna 10 to antenna 15 with polarization vector E0. At antenna 15, wave 25 is detected with polarization E0, as indicated in the figure.
The oscillating current Ilong does not contribute any polarization component to the wave 25, because Maxwell's equations preclude free-space propagation of longitudinally polarized electromagnetic waves.
However, in the particular example depicted in
Not shown in the figure is a further dipole element of antenna 10, oriented perpendicular to the plane of the figure. An oscillating electric current in such further dipole element gives rise, inter alia, to a further polarization component of electromagnetic wave 25, directed perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Thus, in all, there are two transverse polarization components and one longitudinal polarization component detectable at antenna 15.
Shown conceptually in
Antenna 40 may stand alone, or it may be but one local element in an array of transmit antennas. Similarly, antenna 45 may stand alone, or it may be but one local element in an array of receive antennas. In either case, it is significant that antennas 40 and 45 are local. By local is meant that spatial diversity within the antenna itself does not significantly affect the far-field radiation of the antenna in transmission, and does not significantly affect, in reception, the differences among the induced currents tapped at the various antenna outputs. Generally, the dipole, loop, or other specifically designated sensing elements of a local antenna are all disposed within a spatial region boundable by a sphere whose diameter is one communication wavelength. Often, it will be advantageous to integrate such elements within an even smaller region, boundable by a sphere whose diameter is one-half the communication wavelength. It should be noted in this regard that the smaller antennas can be made resonant by adding a matching circuit.
Associated with the communication system of
The element hij is set to such value that the response at output i is (with suitable normalization) equal to the product of hij times the signal applied at input j. The frequencies of the sinusoidal pilot signals are all advantageously chosen to lie within a frequency band so narrow that fading behavior is approximately independent of frequency thereover. In indoor experiments using a tripolarized (i.e., consisting of three mutually orthogonal dipole elements) transmit antenna and a tripolarized receive antenna, we found that fading behavior had no significant variation over bands 20 kHz in width, centered near the frequency corresponding to a communication wavelength of about 34 cm, i.e., a frequency of about 0.9 GHz.
In matrix notation, it is convenient to relate the vector Y of complex amplitudes at the outputs of antenna 45 to the vector X of complex amplitudes applied to the inputs of antenna 40 by the equation Y=HX+V, where V represents a vector of additive noise.
It will be understood that by appropriately stimulating three dipole elements, all local to each other and none parallel to any other, it is possible to produce, for the antenna as a whole, an (oscillating) electric dipole of any orientation. Similarly, by appropriately stimulating three loop elements, all local to each other and none parallel to any other, it is possible to produce, for the antenna as a whole, an (oscillating) magnetic dipole of any orientation.
Let p represent the electric dipole moment and let m represent the magnetic dipole moment of a transmitting antenna at a given instant of time. A further matrix Ĥ relates the electric field E(r) and the magnetic field B(r) at an arbitrary point r in the radiation field of the antenna to the electric and magnetic dipole moments according to the following equation, in which c represents the velocity of light, the antenna is taken to be positioned at the origin of coordinates, and all physical quantities are taken to be expressed in SI units:
Those skilled in the art will appreciate that in free space and in the far field, Ĥ reduces to a matrix Ĥ0 given by the matrix equation:
wherein k is the pertinent wave vector,
is the impedance of free space, and ℑ is a 3×3 matrix defined, in terms of the three components {circumflex over (r)}k of the unit vector
and the well-known Christoffel symbol εijk, by ℑij({circumflex over (r)})=εijk{circumflex over (r)}k, so that ℑ({circumflex over (r)})p={circumflex over (r)}×p.
There is known theory that can be used to relate the information capacity C of the communication channel to the matrix Ĥ. More specifically, a quantity M(Ĥ), referred to as the “mutual information” between the transmitter and the receiver, expresses the rate at which information can be transferred between a transmit antenna or antenna array of n elements, and a receive antenna or antenna array of n elements. In practice, Ĥ will generally be found to fluctuate, due, for example, to environmental fluctuations or to movement of (mobile) antennas. However, under the assumptions that Ĥ is known to the receiver but not to the transmitter, and that the elements of Ĥ are uncorrelated Gaussian variables, the capacity C is given by the statistical expectation of M(Ĥ) taken over the probability distribution of Ĥ . It should be noted that if Ĥ is also known to the transmitter, the capacity will be even higher.
There is a simple theoretical expression for M(Ĥ) when the components of additive noise measured by the receiver are uncorrelated Gaussian white noise with equal variance, the communication takes place over a bandwidth narrow enough for Ĥ to have negligible frequency dependence, Ĥ is time-independent, and the transmitted signals are uncorrelated white Gaussian stochastic processes with equal power. Choosing units such that the noise components have unit variance so that the same symbol ρ denotes both the total power and the signal-to-noise ratio, and letting I denote the n×n unit matrix, the mutual information is given under these assumptions by:
Those skilled in the art will appreciate that at large values of the signal-to-noise ratio ρ for fixed Ĥ, the expected value of the above expression, and thus the value of C, will tend to the value (log2ρ)×rank(Ĥ). Thus, the rank of Ĥ expresses an effective number of propagation channels. In free-space, line-of-sight communication, for example, rank(Ĥ0)=2, which is consonant with what was said above concerning the availability of only two polarization channels for such conditions.
We believe that in practice, especially in cities and within buildings, there will be many propagation environments in which the rank of Ĥ is 4, 5, or 6, thus affording an increase in the capacity of the wireless communication channel over what was previously believed possible. Local antennas that can take best advantage of such higher capacity will be designed, e.g., to respond to both electric and magnetic field components that would conventionally be expected to carry only duplicative, and not complementary, information.
We have performed a theoretical calculation that shows that, even in some relatively simple scattering environments, Ĥ would be expected to have a rank of 6. Our calculation modeled the scattering environment shown in
It is interesting to note that in general, for a random n×n matrix H with independent entries, the singular values are distributed according to the Wigner-Dyson semicircle law. This implies that for a randomly chosen matrix H, there will always be some singular values close to zero. However, theoretical studies of the channel capacity of random matrix channels show that the capacity increases in proportion to n. (See, e.g., I. E. Telatar, “Capacity of multi-antenna gaussian channels,” European Transactions on Telecommunications 10, 585-595 (1999).) Therefore, we do not expect the presence of a few small singular values to affect the basic result, namely an n-fold increase in the channel capacity. The matrix H will be substantially random in at least some scattering environments. When six polarizations are utilized in such an environment, we thus expect as much as a sixfold increase in capacity, particularly at large values of the signal-to-noise ratio.
We have made and successfully tested a tripolarized antenna composed of three orthogonal sleeve elements of the kind described in the book J. D. Kraus, Antennas, 2d Ed., McGraw-Hill, Boston (1988). The feed points for the three sleeve elements were co-located. Each sleeve element had two variable-length segments for adjustment to efficiently couple radiation to its respective transmission line. Each sleeve element was approximately 17 cm, or one-half wavelength, in length, and was trimmed for efficient resonant operation at 880 MHz by adjusting the variable-length segments. Each sleeve element had less than 5% power reflected back to the transmitting source, and there was less than −25 dB of power coupling between any element and any other. The tripoloarized antenna can create an arbitrarily oriented vector electric dipole moment when operated in transmission. To also create an arbitrarily oriented magnetic dipole moment, it would be possible to add three further resonant structures sensitive to the magnetic field component, such as mutually orthogonal loop elements co-located with the three sleeve elements.
Of course, an antenna need not be specifically constructed of three dipole and three loop elements in order to enjoy the advantages of wireless communication as described here. An appropriate antenna may have only one or two dipole elements, or none at all. Similarly, it may have one or two loop elements, or none at all. It is sufficient for the antenna to have four or more current outputs from which complementary information can be obtained when the antenna is operated receivingly, or through which complementary information can be imposed on transmitted radiation. The requisite sensitivity may be provided by one or more elements that deviate from the strict definition of a dipole element or loop. One example of an element that is not, strictly speaking, a dipole element or loop is a slotted sphere having taps at points of appropriate sensitivity.
It should also be noted that the sensitivity to oscillating magnetic field components afforded by a simple conductive loop can also be afforded by elements of other conformations. These alternative conformations include, by way of example, compound loops composed from multiple simple loop elements. Other alternative conformations include split ring resonators and arrangements of multiple split ring resonators as described, e.g., in D. R. Smith et al., “Composite Medium with Simultaneously Negative Permeability and Permittivity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (1 May 2000) 4184-4187. We will use the term “loop element” to denote any such substantially planar element that is selected for use primarily for its coupling to the magnetic, rather than the electric, component of electromagnetic radiation.
One receptive mode of communication according to our invention involves demodulating four or more current outputs from an antenna arrangement selected to be responsive to both the electric component and the corresponding magnetic component of at least one incident electromagnetic wave; and combining the four or more demodulated outputs to recover signal information in one or more signal channels. Significantly, there will be at least one incident electromagnetic wave whose electric and magnetic components make independent contributions to a total capacity for recovering signal information from the current outputs.
In one approach to the recovery of signal information, the receiver circuitry includes demodulators arranged to separately demodulate each of the current outputs, so that a respective baseband signal will be obtained corresponding to each of the current outputs. In an alternative approach, the receiver circuitry is configured to form a weighted sum of some or all of the current outputs, and then to obtain a baseband signal by demodulating the weighted sum. In such an arrangement, the respective weights are advantageously adjusted so as to obtain the best possible baseband signal.
As mentioned above, the method of communication described here will be beneficial even without the utilization of spatial diversity. Thus, the use of localized antennas, as described above, will often be advantageous.
If, for example, the receiver circuitry provides multiple, separately demodulated baseband signals, a variety of techniques are available to take advantage of diversity (in this case, polarization diversity) for enhanced recovery of signal information from such baseband signals. Some of these techniques have been previously described in the context of signal recovery from spatially distributed antenna arrays of the kind that provide spatial diversity.
More specifically, there are at least two ways to utilize polarization diversity for enhanced signal recovery. These are: (a) to increase redundancy in a transmitted signal corresponding to a single communication channel, leading to improved quality in the received signal; and (b) to increase the capacity of the propagation channel by sending independent signals corresponding to distinct communication channels. The first of these effects is sometimes referred to as “receive diversity,” and the second is sometimes referred to as “transmit diversity.”
Several co-pending patent applications, commonly assigned herewith, describe techniques for achieving spatial diversity using spatially extended antenna arrays. These include application Ser. No. 08/673,981, filed on Jul. 1, 1996 by G. J. Foschini, application Ser. No. 09/060,657, filed on Apr. 15, 1998 by G. J. Foschini et al., application Ser. No. 09/587,396, filed on Jun. 5, 2000 by G. J. Foschini et al., and application Ser. No. 09/438,900, filed on Nov. 12, 1999 by B. Hassibi.
The advantages of polarization diversity from tripolarized antennas have previously been discussed in the co-pending patent application, commonly assigned herewith, Ser. No. 09/379,151 and a continuation-in-part thereof, also commonly assigned herewith, Ser. No. 09/477,972.
By way of example, when a CDMA modulation scheme is used, receive diversity is advantageously achieved by applying the same signal successively to each input connection of the transmission antenna. Each copy of the transmitted signal thus has a corresponding time delay (which may be regarded as zero if one of the three copies is taken as the reference signal). A RAKE receiver at the receiving location will interpret each of these time delays as corresponding to a distinct echo. The RAKE receiver will apply known techniques to compile the various received echoes, both actual and simulated, into a recovered signal having optimal, or near-optimal, noise characteristics. RAKE receivers are described, e.g., in J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 3d Ed., WCB Division of McGraw-Hill, 1995, pp. 795-806.
There are other methods for deriving increased benefit from receive diversity that are applicable even when CDMA is not used. In this regard, it should be noted that the greatest diversity is achieved between signals that are statistically independent. Thus, when parallel channels contain substantially the same communication data, it is advantageous to process the respective base-band signals in such a way that they are effectively randomized, i.e., de-correlated, with respect to each other. Timing jitter, as in the CDMA scheme described above, provides one type of randomization. Another type of randomization is provided in the form of random codes. For example, when three parallel signals are to be transmitted, two of them are multiplied at baseband by respective sequences of random digits, such as random binary sequences. The random sequences are known by the receiver and used for recovery of the original signal. Generally, the same sequences can be reused repeatedly. Thus, it is not necessary to continually generate new random code.
It is important to note in this regard that a 4-, 5-, or 6-polarized receiving antenna as described herein will generally provide useful benefits of receive diversity even when transmission is from but a single transmitting antenna element.
One particular subset of the six polarization channels we have described above consists of two mutually orthogonal electric polarizations, and a magnetic polarization in the third orthogonal direction. Such a selection of polarization channels can be utilized, for example, by an arrangement of two dipole elements 100, 105 and a loop element 110. As shown in
This is a divisional of application Ser. No. 09/733,478 filed on Dec. 8, 2000 which is now a U.S. Pat. No. 6,646,615.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
4588993 | Babij et al. | May 1986 | A |
5719586 | Tuttle | Feb 1998 | A |
6097771 | Foschini | Aug 2000 | A |
6140972 | Johnston et al. | Oct 2000 | A |
6195064 | Andrews et al. | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6317098 | Andrews et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317466 | Foschini et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6600796 | Hassibi | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6646615 | Andrews et al. | Nov 2003 | B2 |
Number | Date | Country | |
20020190908 A1 | Dec 2002 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 09733478 | Dec 2000 | US |
Child | 10191720 | US |