Wallace, et al., “Pump Reliability Improvements through Effective Seals and Coupling Management”, Proceedings of 15th International Pump Users Symposium, Mar. 3-5, 1998. |
Casada, D., “Examination of Pump Failure Data in the Nucleur Power Industry”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Proceedings of the Fourth NRC/ASME Symposium on Valve and Pump Testing, Jul. 1996. |
Flach, et al., “Analyzing Unacceptable Seal Performance”, Proceedings of 15th International Pump Users Symposium, Mar. 3-5, 1998. |
Urwin, et al., “Life Cycle Costs for Chemical Process Pumps”, Chemical Engineering, Jan. 1998. |
Wilkinson, et al., “Cavitation Effects on Pump Thrust Leading to Bearing Failures”, Proceedings of 15th International Pump Users Symposium, Mar. 3-5, 1998. |
Casada, D., “Using the Motor to Monitor Pump Conditions”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Date Unknown (but prior to 1999). |
Burstein, et al., “Reactor Coolant Pump Testing Using Motor Current Signature Analysis”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Date Unknown (but prior to 1999). |
Kenull, et al., “Diagnostics of Submersible Motor Pumps by Non-Stationary Signals in Motor Current”, The 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division, Summer Meeting, Jun. 22-26, 1997. |