Method And Device For Aiding The Control Of Guiding Modes Transitions Of An Aircraft


  • Patent Application
  • 20120016540
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    July 14, 2011
    13 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 19, 2012
    12 years ago
The device includes means (15A, 15B) for determining and using a heading target which represents the heading value reached by the aircraft (AC) at the end of a procedure of folding the wings of the aircraft (AC) flat, initiated at the current instant, from a rolling angle holding mode.

The present invention relates to a method and a device for aiding the guidance of an airplane, in particular, a transport airplane, for aiding to manage the transition from a rolling angle holding mode, wherein the airplane flies with a constant rolling angle, to a heading (or itinerary or trajectory) holding mode wherein the airplane flies following a constant heading (or itinerary or trajectory) with its wings being folded flat.

Although not exclusively, the present invention more particularly applies to the management of such transition during a flight refuelling operation involving one refuelling airplane and one refuelled airplane so as, more specifically, to reduce the workload of the crews during such a critical phase and to improve the refuelling performances.

As known, during a flight refuelling phase, the refuelling airplane and the refuelled airplane should be positioned one behind the other and follow the same trajectory, at the same speed, and this throughout the whole refuelling phase. Such a phase is particularly difficult, as the two airplanes should limit the relative position deviations according to the three axes throughout the whole refuelling.

In order to limit such deviations, the two pilots should communicate together permanently and take into account the dynamics of their respective airplanes so as to coordinate to the best the relative trajectories of the two airplanes. Such a phase is therefore particularly demanding and nervously stressing for the pilots.

A simple means for limiting the relative deviations would be to implement a stabilized rectilinear flight, thus limiting the changes of attitude of the airplanes. However, as a refuelling operation generally takes about twenty minutes, the distance covered in a straight line during this phase is often incompatible with the operational need (risk of entering an enemy area or flying too much apart from the operation theatre, for instance) so that such a solution is not used in principle.

Flight refuelling operations are generally implemented along flight circuits having, most often, an oblong shape, with two parallel linear paths, laterally spaced apart one from the other and connected together at the ends thereof by circle arcs. Such a circuit therefore involves that the airplanes perform successively and alternately straight line flights, along linear paths, and stabilized turn flight, along circle arcs.

Such a straight line flight could be managed via the autopilot through a usual heading (or itinerary) holding mode, and a turn flight could be managed via the autopilot through a usual rolling (angle) holding mode or by the pilot manually.

If the refuelling phase is managed manually, it is very probable that holding the heading and/or holding the rolling will not be perfectly respected, thus increasing the workload of the pilots, and including that of the refuelled airplane.

On the other hand, if the heading and rolling holding phases are managed by the autopilot, the accuracy is improved upon such phases. However, in this case, if the pilot changes mode too late or too early, the trajectory will not be regular at the transitions, and as a result, changes of attitude of the refuelling airplane will occur, that the pilot of the refuelled airplane will have to compensate for.

The usual management of the transition between these two modes, and including of the rolling angle holding mode (with a not nil rolling angle) to a heading holding mode (with a nil rolling angle), is thus not completely satisfactory.

The present invention aims at remedying these drawbacks. It relates to a method for aiding the guidance of an airplane, for automatically aiding managing the transition from a current rolling angle holding mode, wherein the airplane flies with a constant (not nil) rolling angle, to a following heading holding mode, wherein the airplane flies according to a constant heading with the wings being folded flat (that is with a nil rolling angle), in particular during a flight refuelling phase.

To this end, according to this invention, said method is remarkable in that, automatically:

    • A/ a target heading (or itinerary or trajectory) is determined representing the heading (or the itinerary or the trajectory) value reached by the airplane at the end of a procedure of folding the wings of the airplane flat, initiated at the current instant, from the current situation (current rolling angle, current heading angle, etc.) of the airplane and from the knowledge of the dynamics of the airplane in an automatic guidance mode; and
    • B/ the thus determined target heading (or itinerary or trajectory) for aiding (manually or automatically) initiating the transition to the heading holding mode.

Thus, thanks to this invention, for aiding managing the transition from the current rolling angle holding mode to a following heading (or itinerary or trajectory) holding mode, a target heading (or itinerary or trajectory) is determined and taken into account representing the heading (or itinerary or trajectory) value reached by the airplane at the end of a procedure of folding the wings of the airplane flat, from the current situation (current rolling angle, current heading angle, etc.) of the airplane and from the knowledge of the dynamics of the airplane in an automatic guidance mode. Thus, one is able to fold the wings flat regularly and to reach said target heading (or itinerary or trajectory) (that can be matched to a particular heading, that is to be reached), at the end of such a maneuver, as described below.

Thereby, during a change of mode, a smooth transition is achieved, without exceeding nor suddenly changing attitude, thus enabling to solve the above mentioned drawbacks.

The hereinbelow description will be set forth with respect to the heading airplane parameter. However, the present invention similarly applies to an itinerary airplane parameter and to a trajectory airplane parameter. For the purpose of simplifying the text, the characteristics applying to the heading have not been rewritten for the itinerary and the trajectory, although they apply analogously.

According to this invention, at step A/:

    • a heading deviation is determined, illustrating the heading value required for folding the wings of the airplane flat (that is to return it to a nil rolling angle), from the current situation (current rolling angle) thereof and from the knowledge of the dynamics of the airplane in an automatic guidance mode; and
    • such a heading deviation is added to the current heading of the airplane so as to reach said target heading.

The general principle of the present invention thus consists of anticipating the phases of transition between the rolling control (or holding) mode and the heading control (or holding) mode. In particular, as explained hereinbelow, during a turn flight, the pilot can prepare the turn outlet while preselecting an outlet heading. The present invention calculates a target heading allowing, when it reaches said outlet heading, to fold the wings flat, in a linear way, and to directly achieve the outlet heading at the end of such a flat laying operation.

In a preferred embodiment, for determining said heading deviation:

    • a usual conversion function is taken into account, allowing to convert a heading deviation into a corresponding rolling control (a rolling profile);
    • this conversion function is inverted, and it is applied to the current rolling angle of the airplane (that is the rolling angle deviation between the current rolling and a nil rolling representative of a folding flat of the wings) so as to obtain said heading deviation.

Moreover, in a particular embodiment:

    • the current rolling angle of the airplane is determined;
    • this current rolling angle is compared to a predetermined (rolling) value, for instance 25°, and:
    • if said current rolling angle is lower than or equal to said predetermined value, said heading deviation is determined through said conversion function, as set forth in the above mentioned preferred embodiment;
    • otherwise, said heading deviation is determined, based on said current rolling angle and at least one predetermined conversion table preferably empirically obtained.

Furthermore, in a first particular embodiment, at step B/, said target heading is automatically shown on display means of the cockpit and means are provided, for instance a button, to give the pilot of the airplane the possibility to manually control triggering of the heading holding mode (from and instead of the current rolling angle holding mode).

Moreover, in a second preferred embodiment of the semi-automatic or completely automatic type, at step B/:

    • said target heading is automatically compared to a setpoint value being inputted; and
    • the transition to the heading holding mode is automatically triggered, when said target heading becomes equal to said setpoint value.

In such a case, advantageously, said setpoint value is inputted either manually by a pilot of the airplane, or automatically.

In a preferred application, said rolling angle and heading holding modes represent modes being successively implemented during a flight refuelling phase, wherein said airplane is involved as a refuelling airplane or as a refuelled airplane. Thus, thanks to this invention, it is possible to automate the maneuvers performed upon a flight refuelling phase, upon the transition from a rolling holding mode to a following heading holding mode, allowing, in particular, to reduce the workload of crews during such a critical phase and to improve the refuelling performances.

The present invention also relates to a device for aiding the guidance of an airplane, for aiding to manage the transition from a current angle holding mode to a following heading holding mode.

According to this invention, said device is remarkable in that it comprises:

    • means for determining a target heading representing the heading value reached by the airplane at the end of the flat folding of the wings of the airplane, initiated at the current instant, from the current situation of the airplane and from the knowledge of the dynamics of the airplane in an automatic guidance; and
    • means for using the thus determined target heading for aiding triggering the transition to the heading holding mode.

The present invention further relates to an aircraft, in particular a transport airplane, provided with a device such as mentioned hereinabove.

The present invention applies to an airplane parameter being presented in the form of the airplane heading. However, within the scope of the present invention, such an airplane parameter could also be the itinerary or the trajectory of the airplane, as set forth hereinabove.

The FIGS. of the appended drawing will better explain how this invention can be implemented. In these FIGS., like reference numerals relate to like components.

FIG. 1 is the block diagram of a device according to this invention.

FIG. 2 illustrates a preferred application of this invention, relating to a flight refuelling.

FIGS. 3 and 4 are graphics for explaining the characteristics and advantages of the present invention.

FIG. 5 illustrates a display achieved according to this invention, when the airplane is in a rolling angle holding mode.

FIGS. 6A, 6B and 6C illustrate successive displays achieved according to this invention, further to a triggering of a heading holding mode.

The device 1 according to this invention and schematically shown on FIG. 1 is intended for aiding the guidance of an airplane AC. More precisely, said device 1 is adapted for aiding managing the transition from a current rolling angle mode, wherein the airplane AC flies with a constant (not nil) rolling angle, to a following (current) heading holding mode wherein the airplane AC will fly according to a constant heading with its wings folded flat (that is with a nil rolling angle). Those two rolling and heading (automatic) holding modes are two usual modes of a system for automatically guiding the airplane AC and allow to automatically control the airplane AC so that it meets the corresponding value (rolling or heading) holding conditions.

In a preferred application, said device 1 is used for managing such a transition during a flight refuelling involving a refuelling airplane and a refuelled airplane, so as, more specifically, to reduce the workload of the crews during such a critical phase and to improve the refuelling performances. A flight refuelling is generally implemented along a flight circuit CV, for instance, such as shown on FIG. 2, wherein only the refuelling airplane has been illustrated. The flight circuit CV is defined in a horizontal plane and has an oblong shape, with two parallel linear paths V1 and V2, spaced laterally apart one from the other and connected together at their ends L1A, L1B, L2A and L2B, by circle arcs A1 and A2. Such a flight circuit CV therefore involves that the refuelling and refuelled airplanes, following each other, successively and alternately perform straight line flights, along linear paths V1 and V2, and stabilized turn flights, along the circle arcs A1 and A2. In this application, an aiding device such as said device 1 is arranged on one of said airplanes or, preferably, on both airplanes.

According to this invention, the device 1 comprises:

    • a set 2 of usual information sources, being able to usually determine the current values of the flight parameters of the airplane AC, and more specifically, the current rolling angle and the current heading, being representative of the current situation (or current state) of the airplane AC;
    • means 3 being connected via a link 4 to said set 2 and being formed so as to determine a target heading, through said current values of flight parameters. This target heading represents the heading value reached by the airplane AC at the end of a flat folding procedure of the wings of the airplane AC, if this procedure is initiated at the current instant, from the current situation of the airplane AC and from the knowledge of the dynamics of the airplane AC in an automatic guidance mode; and
    • means 5 to be explained below, being connected via a link 6 to said means 3 and using the target heading, determined by said means 3 for aiding triggering the transition to the heading holding mode, as indicated hereinafter.

Thus, for aiding managing the transition from a current rolling angle holding mode to a following heading holding mode, said device 1 according to this invention automatically determines and takes into account a target heading representing the heading value reached by the airplane AC at the end of the flat folding procedure of the wings of the airplane AC, from the current situation (current rolling angle, current heading angle, etc.) of the airplane AC.

Thus, one is able to fold the wings flat regularly and to reach said target heading (or itinerary or trajectory) (that can be matched to a particular heading to be reached), at the end of such a maneuver, as described below.

The device 1 according to this invention allows to be in a position to achieve a smooth transition, without exceeding the rolling angle, as shown on FIG. 3 illustrating the lateral trajectory T of the airplane AC in an horizontal plane. The beginning of the heading holding mode is emphasized by a line 10. As from this instant, the flight of the airplane AC is rectilinear (according to the heading to be followed), and by means of this invention, more specifically excursions from the usual trajectories are avoided, emphasized by a line T0 in a broken line on this FIG. 3.

Moreover, as the means 2 and 3, and at least part of the means 5 are automatic, the device 1 does not increase the workload of the crew during the change of mode.

FIG. 4 shows the variation V1 of the rolling angle and the variation V2 of the heading, expressed for instance in ° in function of the time at the moment of the transition between the two modes. Folding the wings flat starts at a time t0 with a current heading C1, and the targeted heading is C2.

Furthermore, said means 3 comprise a calculation unit 7 comprising:

    • means 8 for determining a heading deviation. Such a heading deviation illustrates the heading required for folding the wings of the airplane AC flat (that is to return it to a nil rolling angle), from the current situation (current rolling angle) thereof; and
    • means 9 being connected via a link 10 to said means 8 and adding such a heading deviation to the current heading of the airplane AC, received from the set 2, so as to obtain via this sum said target heading.

The general principle of the present invention thus consists of anticipating the phases of transition between the rolling control (or holding) mode and the heading control (or holding) mode. A heading control mode comprises a heading capture phase and a heading holding mode. In particular as explained hereinbelow, during a turn flight, the pilot could prepare the turn outlet while preselecting an outlet heading. The present invention calculates a heading for initiating the transition to the heading control mode allowing, when it reaches said heading, to fold the wings flat linearily and to directly reach said outlet heading at the end of this flat folding operation.

In a preferred embodiment, for determining said heading deviation, said means 8 comprise (not shown) members for:

    • taking into account a usual conversion function F, allowing to convert a heading deviation into a corresponding rolling control; and
    • this conversion function is inverted, and it is applied to the current rolling angle of the airplane (that is the rolling angle deviation between the current rolling and a nil rolling representative of a flat folding of the wings) so as to obtain said heading deviation.

As an illustration, a function F is known being used in the following equation:



    • ∂com is a controlled rolling value;
    • Δχc is a heading deviation, between the current heading and a heading to be reached; and
    • Vs is the ground speed of the airplane AC.

In this example, therefore, the following expression is applied:


Moreover, in a particular embodiment, said means 3 comprise:

    • means 11 for comparing the current rolling angle of the airplane AC, received from the set 2, to a predetermined (rolling) value, for instance 25°;
    • said calculation unit 7 (being connected via a link 12 to said means 11), for determining said heading deviation, based on said conversion function F, as indicated in the above mentioned preferred embodiment, if said current rolling angle is lower than or equal to said predetermined value; and
    • means 13 (being connected via a link 14 to said means 11), for determining said heading deviation based on said current rolling angle and at least one predetermined conversion table, if said current rolling angle is higher than said predetermined value.

Said conversion table is determined preliminarily to the flight of the airplane AC, preferably empirically.

Furthermore, in this last embodiment:

    • when said current rolling angle is lower than or equal to said predetermined value, for instance 25°, the rolling authority is limited to the constant rolling angle; and
    • when said current rolling angle is higher than said predetermined value, the rolling authority is limited to this predetermined value.

Furthermore, in a particular embodiment, said means 5 comprise display means 15A, 15B being arranged in the cockpit of the airplane AC and automatically presenting said target heading received from the means 3 through symbols to be described hereinafter.

In a first embodiment, said means 5 further comprise usual means 16, for instance a button, allowing the pilot of the airplane AC to manually control triggering of the heading control mode (from the current rolling angle holding mode).

Furthermore, in a second preferred embodiment, said means 5 further comprise usual means 17, allowing to automatically control triggering the heading control mode (from the current rolling angle holding mode).

Such means 17 comprise (not shown) members for:

    • automatically comparing said target heading to a setpoint value being inputted; and
    • automatically engaging the, preliminarily armed, heading holding mode, when said target heading reaches said setpoint value.

In such a case, said setpoint value can be inputted:

    • either manually by a pilot of the airplane, in a selected mode;
    • or automatically, in a managed mode, using a usual means for calculating a setpoint value.

FIG. 5 and FIGS. 6A to 6C show said display means 15A and 15B, and the corresponding position of the airplane AC (shown from the back to emphasize its rolling). Said display means 15A show on these FIGS. a part of a navigation screen of the ND (<< Navigation Display>>) type, displaying a usual heading scale 19. Such a scale 19 is provided with a symbol 20 for instance a rectangle with a vertical yellow line, indicating the current heading of the airplane AC. Such a symbol 20 contains a ciphered indication of said current heading, in the present case 36°.

In addition, said display means 15B show on these FIGS. a part of a display of primary flight data of the PFD (<< Primary Navigation Display>>) type, also displaying a usual heading scale 21. Such scale 21 is also provided with a symbol 22, for instance a green lozenge, associated with a yellow vertical line, indicating the current heading of the airplane AC.

According to this invention, said display means 15A and 15B also display on the scales 19 and 21 symbols 23A, 23B and 24A, 24B, for instance geometric shapes, indicating heading values, to be detailed hereinafter.

In the example in FIG. 5, the airplane AC is piloted in a rolling angle holding mode, with a current heading of 36°, with which there is associated a heading of 54°, being the heading resulting from the wings being folded flat if the heading control mode is engaged at the current instant. Consequently, from the current rolling angle shown by the position of the airplane AC and of the current heading of 36°, if the heading control mode is triggered from such current conditions, folding flat the wings of the airplane AC will be completed when the airplane AC is directed according to a heading of 54°.

FIG. 6A illustrates a situation at an instant T0, with a current heading of 47° and a corresponding target heading, calculated according to the present invention, of 65°. At that instant T0, the change of mode is triggered, from the rolling angle holding mode to the heading control mode, as it is desired that the heading holding mode achieves a heading holding of the airplane at 65°. Such a change could be either automatically engaged by the means 17 or be manually triggered by the pilot through the means 16.

FIGS. 6A to 6C show the evolution with time T, more specifically of the heading and the rolling, of the airplane AC, from the beginning of the transition (FIG. 6A) to the end of this transition (FIG. 60).

The above description has been set forth with respect to the heading airplane parameter.

However, the present invention similarly applies to an itinerary airplane parameter and to a trajectory airplane parameter. For the purpose of simplifying the text, the characteristics applying to the heading have not been rewritten for the itinerary and the trajectory, although they apply analogously.

  • 1. A method for aiding the guidance of an airplane (AC), for aiding to manage the transition from a current rolling angle holding mode, wherein the airplane (AC) flies with a constant rolling angle, to a following heading holding mode, wherein the airplane (AC) flies according to a constant heading with its wings being folded flat, said method wherein automatically: A/ a target heading is determined representing the heading value reached by the airplane (AC) at the end of a procedure of flat folding the wings of the airplane (AC), initiated at the current instant, from the current situation of the airplane (AC) while performing the following operations:a heading deviation is determined, illustrating the heading value required for folding the wings of the airplane (AC) flat, from the current situation thereof; andsuch a heading deviation is added to the current heading of the airplane (AC) so as to reach said target heading; andB/ the thus determined target heading is used for aiding triggering the transition to the heading holding mode while comparing it to a heading to be reached.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that for determining said heading deviation:a usual conversion function is taken into account, allowing to convert a heading deviation into a corresponding rolling control;this conversion function is inverted, and it is applied to the current rolling angle of the airplane (AC) so as to obtain said heading deviation.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that:the current rolling angle of the airplane (AC) is determined;this current rolling angle is compared to a predetermined value, and:if said current rolling angle is lower than or equal to said predetermined value, said heading deviation is determined through said conversion function;otherwise, said heading deviation is determined based on said current rolling angle and at least one predetermined conversion table.
  • 4. The method according to claim 3, characterized in that: when said current rolling angle is lower than or equal to said predetermined value, the rolling authority is limited to the constant rolling angle; andwhen said current rolling angle is higher than said predetermined value, the rolling authority is limited to this predetermined value.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that at step B/, said target heading is automatically shown on display means (15A, 15B) of the cockpit and means (16) are provided, allowing the pilot of the airplane (AC) to manually control triggering of the heading holding mode.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that at step B/:said target heading is automatically compared to a setpoint value being inputted; andthe transition to the heading holding mode is automatically triggered, when said target heading becomes equal to said setpoint value.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that said setpoint value is inputted manually by a pilot of the airplane (AC).
  • 8. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that said setpoint value is inputted automatically.
  • 9. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that said rolling angle and heading holding modes are implemented, successively and alternately, during a flight refuelling phase, wherein said airplane (AC) is involved.
  • 10. A device for aiding the guidance of an airplane, for aiding to manage the transition from a current rolling angle holding mode, wherein the airplane (AC) flies with a constant rolling angle, to a following heading holding mode, wherein the airplane (AC) flies according to a constant heading with its wings being folded flat, characterized in that it comprises:means (3) for determining a target heading representing the heading value reached by the airplane (AC) at the end of a procedure of flat folding of the wings of the airplane (AC), initiated at the current instant, from the current situation of the airplane (AC); andmeans (5) for using the thus determined target heading for aiding triggering the transition to the heading holding mode.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
1055756 Jul 2010 FR national