The invention relates to a method and to a device for controlling an industrial system. Also, a system comprising at least one such device is suggested.
Abductive reasoning is a method for generating hypotheses that explain an observation based on a model of the domain, typically in the presence of incomplete data. Its non-monotonicity and explorative nature make abduction a promising candidate for an interpretation of potentially incomplete information—a task which is much harder to accomplish using established monotonic inference methods such as deduction or the more elaborate axiom pinpointing.
The applications of abductive inference are diverse, ranging from text interpretation according to [Hobbs1993] to plan generation and analysis according to [Appelt1992], and interpretation of sensor or multimedia data according to [Shanahan2005] or [Peraldi2007].
The problem to be solved is to provide an efficient mechanism for abductive inference that enables a compact representation of hypotheses explaining an observation and is computable in a polynomial amount of time.
This problem is solved according to the features of the independent claims. Further embodiments result from the depending claims.
In order to overcome this problem, a method controlling an industrial system is provided,
The pattern allows restricting the number of abducibles and thus the search space for, e.g. hypotheses to be generated. This increases efficiency and in particular feasibility of controlling the industrial system, e.g., in real-time.
In an embodiment, the abduction problem is denoted as
In another embodiment, the pattern-based definition of abducibles comprises a set of abducibles containing all axioms generated by normalizing the elements of the set of axiom patterns and instantiating them with concept names from the range, omitting axioms already contained in the EL-Tbox.
In a further embodiment, each abducible in the set of abducibles is labeled with a unique propositional variable.
In a next embodiment, each axiom in the EL-Tbox and each abducible in the set of abducibles is labeled with a unique propositional variable, respectively, such that the sets of axiom labels and abducible labels are disjoint.
It is also an embodiment that hypotheses are determined as formula over all labels occurring in the abduction problem such that for all valuations the following applies:
Pursuant to another embodiment, the abduction problem is solved via a weighted automaton.
According to an embodiment, the abduction problem is solved via a weighted Büchi automaton
According to another embodiment, the industrial system is at least partially described by a description logic, in particular one of a lightweight description logic family.
Hence, EL, EL+ or EL++ can be used as a description logic.
In yet another embodiment, said controlling comprises diagnosing, adjusting, accessing or setting parameters of said industrial system.
According to a next embodiment, said industrial system comprises at least one of the following:
The problem stated above is also solved by a device for controlling an industrial system, comprising or being associated with a processing or controlling unit that is arranged
The problem is in particular solved by a device comprising a controlling unit that is arranged such that the (steps of the) method described herein (are) is executable thereon
It is further noted that said processing unit (or controlling unit) can comprise at least one, in particular several means that are arranged to execute the steps of the method described herein. The means may be logically or physically separated; in particular several logically separate means could be combined in at least one physical unit.
Said processing unit may comprise at least one of the following: a processor, a microcontroller, a hard-wired circuit, an ASIC, an FPGA, a logic device.
The solution provided herein further comprises a computer program product directly loadable into a memory of a digital computer, comprising software code portions for performing the steps of the method as described herein.
In addition, the problem stated above is solved by a computer-readable medium, e.g., storage of any kind, having computer-executable instructions adapted to cause a computer system to perform the method as described herein.
According to an embodiment, the device is a control device of the industrial system.
According to another embodiment, the device is connected to the industrial system via a network, in particular via the Internet.
Furthermore, the problem stated above is solved by a system comprising at least one device as described herein.
Embodiments of the invention are shown and illustrated in the following figure:
Abductive reasoning has been recognized as a valuable complement to deductive inference for tasks such as diagnosis and integration of incomplete information despite its inherent computational complexity.
Herewith, a novel, tractable abduction procedure for a lightweight description logic EL is introduced. The proposed approach extends recent research on automata-based axiom pinpointing (which is in some sense dual to the current problem) by assuming information from a predefined abducible part of the domain model if necessary, while the remainder of the domain is considered to be fixed. The approach is motivated by the need for efficient diagnostic reasoning for large-scale industrial systems where observations are partially incomplete and often sparse. However, the largest part of the domain such as physical structures is known.
Technically, a novel pattern-based definition of abducibles is introduced and it will be shown how to construct a weighted automaton that commonly encodes the definite and abducible parts of the domain model. Its behavior provides a compact representation of all possible hypotheses explaining an observation, and is in fact computable in PTIME.
In computational complexity theory, P, also known as PTIME or DTIME(nO(1)), is a fundamental complexity class that contains all decision problems which can be solved by a deterministic Turing machine using a polynomial amount of computation time, or polynomial time.
The approach presented herein in particular relates to abductive inference and is for example motivated by industrial applications in Ambient Assisted Living and assistive diagnosis for complex technical devices. In these scenarios, the underlying models are typically large, though not overly complex in their structure. The main consideration is therefore scalability with respect to the size of the domain model; to effectively support humans or to avoid consequential damage to machinery, information processing is subject to soft real-time constraints.
The solution proposed is based upon logic-based abduction which is not the only, but probably the best-studied notion of this type of inference (see [Paul1993] for a survey). In logic-based reasoning, model, observations and hypotheses are represented and manipulated using formal logics; description logics were chosen as a representation language due to their decidability. Since logic-based abduction is known to be at least as hard as deduction, the underlying description logic obviously has to be polynomial for subsumption checking. Existential quantification may be of greater importance than universal quantification, the approach presented is in particular based on the lightweight description logic EL.
Choosing a lightweight description logic, however, does not necessarily guarantee tractability of abduction since the so-called support selection task common to all forms of goal-directed reasoning renders hypotheses generation NP-hard even for Horn-theories (see [Selman1990]). This hardness can only be alleviated if the number of hypotheses is bound polynomially allowing (under certain conditions) to generate a single preferred hypothesis in PTIME for EL and EL+ knowledge bases (see [Bienvenu2008]).
The following will be directed to some basics on description logics and abduction. Next, a formalism will be introduced and its tractability is illustrated. Then, a scenario is provided that illustrates how the diagnosis problem can be solved.
Description logics are a family of logic-based knowledge representation formalisms designed to ensure decidability of standard reasoning tasks. A concrete description logic is characterized by its admissible concept constructors and axiom types, typically constituting a tradeoff between expressivity and computational complexity. The EL family of lightweight description logics (see, e.g., [Baader2005a]) was tailored specifically to tractability, resulting in a language combining PTIME decidability of standard reasoning tasks with adequate expressivity for modeling, e.g., the biomedical ontology SNOMED CT.
The following table summarizes the constructs available in EL for defining concepts and axioms based on a set NC of concept names and a set NR of role names:
∩ Dx
y ∈ C
⊂ Dx
It may be assumed that a knowledge base is in normal form, containing only general concept inclusion axioms of the form
For the complete EL family, normalization of an axiom set is linear in the number of axioms both concerning the time required and the number of new axioms generated.
Axiom pinpointing, which provides a basis for the approach presented, can be seen to extend subsumption checking by determining sets S of axioms such that the axioms in each set provide a justification for a given subsumption
D (i.e. SC
While this non-standard inference task provides useful information in case C
D (i.e. if “C implies D” is logically entailed by the theory
), it necessarily fails if
D (i.e. if “C implies D” is NOT logically entailed by theory
). In this latter situation, abductive inference offers a solution by determining sets of hypotheses
compatible with
that justify the observation if added to the knowledge base, i.e.
Due to the restriction of EL to terminological information, a so-called TBox abduction is considered, where both observations and hypotheses are represented by concept inclusion axioms. This means that no so-called individuals (instances of concepts) are considered; instead, information is processed solely on the level of concept descriptions.
Tbox abduction can be deemed based on [Colucci2003] which determines, given a knowledge base and two concepts C and D), a concept H such that
This approach as well as the more elaborate notion of structural abduction according to [DiNoia2009] employs a tableaux-based calculus for finding a single, -optimal explanation and is thus less flexible than the approach defined here.
In order to obtain a tractable algorithm for abductive reasoning within description logics, reference is made to previous work on automata-based axiom pinpointing for EL (see [Baader2008b] or [Penaloza2009]).
The proposed method is based on encoding the model into a weighted Büchi automaton comprising accepting runs (called behavior) that represent all derivations of the observation from domain knowledge and abducible information, the latter of which is defined compactly using patterns. A hypothesis formula encoding this set of explanations can be determined in PTIME with respect to the size of the knowledge base. The upcoming section presents the details of the solution provided.
Next, the abductive framework will be illustrated. It differs from other approaches in that both the observation to be explained and the abducibles are general concept inclusion axioms. This appears to be a beneficial way to express relationships between domain elements in EL, e.g., because of the absence of individuals. As mentioned before, the knowledge base is assumed to be in normal form (otherwise, the normal form can be constructed).
Let be an EL-TBox over concept names NC and role names NR,
νC a set of concept variables and
a complete function mapping each concept variable to a set of concept names (possibly including T), called its range.
The range extends by subsumption to
An axiom pattern is an axiom as defined in the table above (not necessarily in normal form), where concept descriptions may contain concept variables from the set of concept variables νC. An instantiation of a pattern is an axiom derived from the pattern by replacing each of its concept variables ViC with an element of rng*(ViC).
Let be an EL-TBox over concept names NC and role names NR, A0
B0 a general concept inclusion in normal form such that A0, B0εNC (called an observation), and Pat a set of axiom patterns over νC which size is polynomially bounded by the number of concept names in NC, and rng a range function. The tuple
is called an abduction problem.
Concept patterns and range function allow for a fine-grained definition of the parts of the domain which may be assumed. This proves valuable in large-scale applications where typically most of the domain is considered to be fixed (and assumptions most presumably contradict reality), while only certain types of axioms are likely to represent missing information. As an example, compositional (part Of) hierarchies of technical systems may be known to the constructor, whereas the set of observations about such a system is much more likely to be incomplete.
Furthermore, explanations are typically required to be non-trivial (see [Paul1993]), in particular a piece of information must not be explained by itself. This can be achieved easily by selecting appropriate axiom patterns and concept variable ranges. As side-effect, restricting the set of abducibles cuts the search space and the number of hypotheses generated and may therefore increase efficiency.
It is noted that the limitation of the size of Pat in Definition 2 may be required to ensure a polynomial worst-case complexity of the algorithm.
Given the abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng), the set of abducibles Abd
contains all axioms generated by normalizing the elements of the set of axiom patterns Pat and instantiating them with concept names from the range rng, omitting axioms already contained in the EL-Tbox
Let NC′ denote a set of concept names NC extended by new concept names introduced during normalization.
Given the abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng), it is assumed that each axiom ax in the EL-Tbox
and each abducible abd in the set of abducibles Abd
is labeled with a unique propositional variable lax and labd, respectively, such that the sets of axiom labels and abducible labels are disjoint.
The labeling function lab then assigns a label to each general concept inclusion gci as follows: If the general concept inclusion gci is an axiom (abducible), then lab(gci) is a predefined propositional variable lax (labd). Otherwise, if the general concept inclusion gci is a tautology of the form AA
A or A
T, lab(gci) can be set to the top (i.e. lab(gci)=T; in all other cases: lab(gci)=⊥.
Also, lab() denotes a set of all labels occurring in the abduction problem.
To simplify the notation, a propositional valuation ν is identified with the set of variables it assigns to be true. Also, ν={axε
|lab(ax)εν} denotes a restriction of an axiom set
to the axioms made true by ν. This definition can be extended to axiom problems applying
A hypotheses formula for the abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng) is a monotone Boolean formula η
over the labeling function lab(
) such that for all valuations ν⊂lab(
) the following applies:
Hence the valuation ν makes the hypotheses formula η become TRUE if the abduction problem limited to axioms, which labels are set by ν to TRUE, fulfills the observation A0
Abductive inference on the original knowledge base can thus be expressed as a pinpointing problem in the extended problem space
. Hence, an abductive automaton can be defined employing the approach proposed in [Penaloza2009].
An abductive automaton for the abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng) is a weighted Büchi automaton
={Q, wt, in, F} over binary trees with
The definition of the transition weights wt can be extended to a complete run
ti {right arrow over (r)}=q1 . . . qn
wt({right arrow over (r)})=wt(q1) . . .
wherein succ(q) can be a set of all successful runs of the Büchi automaton starting in state q. The behavior of the Büchi automaton
can be defined by
qEQ(in(q){right arrow over (r)}εsucc(q)wt({right arrow over (r)})).
As there is exactly one state q having in(q)≠⊥, namely (A0, B0), the behavior of the Büchi automaton is the disjunction of the weights of all its successful runs starting in (A0, B0).
Due to the specification of the transition weights, each run corresponds to a derivation of A0B0. Intuitively, the weight wt attributes triples (q1, q2, q3) of states with provenance information regarding the derivation of q1 from q2 and q3: Trivial derivation steps (such as q1=(A, T) or q1=q2=q3 are labeled with the symbol T due to Definition 4; the weight of a non-trivial step is the label of an axiom and/or abducible such that q1 can be deduced from q2 and q3 using this axiom and/or abducible (or ⊥ if none exists).
As an example, the definition
expresses that, given AB1 and A
B2, A
B can be derived in case B1
B is known.
For a given abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng), a behavior of the abductive automaton
is a hypotheses formula for the observation A0
Hence, the abductive automaton of Definition 6 can be used to determine the hypotheses formula of Definition 5.
If the set of axiom patterns is empty (i.e. Pat=φ), the abductive automaton and hypotheses formula defined before coincide with the notions of pinpointing automaton and pinpointing formula due to the empty space of abducibles. If the set of abducibles Abd is nonempty, the abductive automaton
can be interpreted as a pinpointing automaton for TBox
as noted before.
Details on how to compute behavior of an automaton can be obtained from [Baader2008b] or [Baader2009].
Pursuant to the setting introduced above this can even be done efficiently based on the following theorem.
For a given abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng) computing the hypotheses formula η
takes polynomial time in the size of the knowledge base
For a given abduction problem =(
, A0
B0, Pat, νC, rng), NC and NR are the sets of the concept names and the role names within the knowledge base
NC, is the extended set of concept names including the new names generated during normalization of the axiom patterns in Pat. The abductive automaton
can be regarded as a pinpointing automaton for the extended problem space
, whose behavior can be computed with an algorithm that is polynomial in the number of states of the automaton as shown in [Penaloza2009].
Following the construction given in Definition 6, the abductive automaton has
Since the number of axiom patterns is polynomially bounded by the size of the names NC (see Definition 2), there exists a polynomial boundary regarding the size of NC′, and therefore also with regard to the size of the abductive automaton .
It is noted that the size of the abductive automaton and thus the complexity of the proposed approach are independent of the number of concept variables used since variables cannot induce new concept names (and thus states in the abductive automaton .
In assistive diagnosis, it is often convenient to be able to compare explanations of different, competing diagnoses (called differential diagnosis in medicine). The abduction method proposed herewith naturally meets this demand, as the only part of the automaton that depends on the observation A0B0 is the initial distribution in. To derive the hypotheses formula for a different observation A1
B1, the complete automaton
can be re-used without any modification to determine the successful runs starting in (A1, B1).
The hypotheses formula generated by the automaton can be interpreted as follows: The hypotheses formula η
compactly encodes all possible derivations of A0
B0 with regard to the knowledge base
and the set of abducibles
. An explicit representation of the set of hypotheses can be derived in a straightforward manner by transforming the hypotheses formula η
into disjunctive normal form, each clause representing a single hypothesis. This approach is not optimal since it may lead to an exponential blowup, a real-world system should therefore directly present, interpret and manipulate the compact representation of the hypotheses formula η
whenever possible. It is noted that that the hypotheses formula η
carries information on both necessary assumptions and axioms required justifying A0
The proposed solution can therefore be seen to integrate and complement axiom pinpointing by allowing inferring reasons for unwanted entailments to hold as well as for expected subsumptions not to hold. This provides additional capabilities which may be useful among others for ontology debugging and refactoring. If only necessary assumptions are required, but not in their interactions with the axioms from the domain model, the approach can easily be adapted by adding only labels for abducibles to the hypotheses formula η, leading to a significantly more compact hypotheses formula η
This section illustrates the proposed approach by applying it to a use case in industrial diagnosis. Real-world models in this scenario typically consist of thousands of components and subcomponents, for most of which certain symptoms can be observed or determined indicating possible failure states of the system or a portion thereof.
Oftentimes, a causal structure of the domain of the system is at least partially unknown, models for diagnosis therefore have to be built on experience, relating sets of symptoms to diagnoses determined by a technician checking the system.
As an example, the scenario provides an assistive diagnosis, using sensor data and observations made by maintenance personnel to interactively diagnose the system by actively requesting missing observations.
For this exemplary scenario, a CNC lathe is considered comprising two components surveyed by sensors: An axle motor and an oil pump of the motor cooling system. Sensors mounted at the axle motor can recognize vibrations and increased temperature, the monitored parameters for the oil pump include the actual voltage. It is assumed that the measurements of these sensors are sufficient to recognize two different failure states, i.e.
A system having an axle cooling failure can, e.g., be represented by the following EL axiom:
In other words, given a system being observed, the axle motor showing as a symptom (“hasSymp”) a high temperature together with the oil pump showing as a symptom (“hasSymp”) a low voltage are enough to conclude that the system has a cooling failure of the axle (indicated as diagnosis “hasDiag”).
Normalizing the axiom results in the normal form axioms (which corresponds to the knowledge base in normal form):
SystemACF (1)
∃hasComp·HotAMHasHotAMComp (2)
HotAM (3)
∃hasSymp·HiTempHasHiTempSymp (4)
DeadOP (6)
∃hasSymp·LowVoltageHasLowVoltageSymp (7).
A new concept name SystemACF is defined by
In case of an untrue axle, the second diagnosis considered in this example, can be defined and normalized analogously, leading to the following additional EL axioms in normal form:
SystemUA (8)
∃hasComp·VibratAMHasVibratAMComp (9)
VibratAM (10)
∃hasSymp·VibrationsHasVibrationsSymp (11).
Having specified general (terminological) knowledge about the dependencies of certain symptoms and diagnoses, the concrete system can be formalized denoted by SystemObs, for which both an increased axle temperature and a low voltage in the system for pumping the oil used to cool the axle motor are measured:
SystemObs∃hasComp·AxleMotorObs (12)
SystemObs∃hasComp·OilPumpObs (13)
AxleMotorObsAxleMotor (14)
AxleMotorObs∃hasSymp·HiTemp (15)
OilPumpObsOilPump (16)
OilPumpObs∃Symp·LowVoltage (17).
In case maintenance personnel wants to compare explanations for the diagnoses “untrue axle” and “axle cooling failure” to decide on further diagnostic or corrective steps, two target (or terminal) states can be derived:
0=(SystemObs,SystemACF) (a)
1=(SystemObs,SystemUA) (b)
wherein “UA” indicates an untrue axle and “ACF” indicates an axle cooling failure.
For these both target states (a) and (b) the hypotheses formula may be determined independently using the same abductive automaton (with a modified definition of the initial distribution in). Regarding the space of abducibles, the physical structure of the system can be regarded fixed and only allow for symptoms to be assumed. This can be achieved by defining the pattern
with a range amounting to
The number of concept inclusions in the set of abducibles Abd is too large for an extensive listing even in this simple case, so the presentation can be limited to one axiom in Abd
required to form a hypothesis for the diagnosis of an untrue axle, i.e.:
AxleMotorObs∃has Symp·Vibrations (18)
For the same reason, the complete automaton cannot be represented.
The label “T” indicates a tautology label T, the labels “1” to “17” represent axiom labels and the label “18” indicates an abducible. Identical sub-trees are merged in
The weights of the runs from the two input nodes (SystemObs, SystemACF) and (SystemObs, SystemUA) to the terminal (leaf) nodes represent two partial hypotheses formulas for the diagnoses AxleCodingFailure (ACF) and UntrueAxle (UA), i.e.:
Comparing the two hypotheses, it shows that neither of them is clearly better than the other: On the one hand, an axle cooling failure is justified by the observations alone (requiring no assumptions to be made), yet it postulates faults in two distinct components. On the other hand, an untrue axle can be diagnosed locally for one component, it however requires the assumption of general concept inclusion axiom 18.
The present solution realizes TBox abduction in the lightweight description logic EL based on a novel reduction to axiom pinpointing in PTIME. The approach is applicable in an industrial diagnosis scenario. Given a knowledge base and a concept inclusion representing the observation to be explained, the procedure determines a hypotheses formula that compactly encodes all explanations with respect to a pattern-based representation of the abducible part of the domain model. The remainder of the model is considered to be fixed in accordance with the scenario. The proposed reduction of abductive inference to axiom pinpointing exploits the duality of the two tasks: Whereas the latter addresses the problem of explaining why a certain unwanted subsumption is entailed by the ontology, the solution presented determines the reason for an expected subsumption not to hold, expressed in terms of additions to the domain model necessary to actually make it hold.
This approach can be extended as follows: Since role inclusion axioms and nominals are frequently used in diagnostic models, it is favorable (and feasible) to include such constructs to extend the logical expressivity as much as possible without sacrificing tractability. Additionally, including quantitative information into the model allows for weighting hypotheses and can eventually be used as a criterion for guiding hypothesis generation. Finally, extending minimality criteria for single hypotheses to sets of hypotheses compactly represented by a hypothesis formula will allow us to efficiently infer common effects.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
10004355.3 | Apr 2010 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2011/056122 | 4/18/2011 | WO | 00 | 10/23/2012 |