Method and device for controlling the drive unit of a vehicle

A method and a device for controlling the drive unit of a vehicle are described, wherein in addition to the selection variable for an output variable of the drive unit, another setpoint variable representing the required dynamic setting of the output variable is preselected. The manipulated variable of the drive unit to be influenced is selected on the basis of the selection variable and the additional setpoint variable.


[0001] The present invention relates to a method and a device for controlling the drive unit of a motor vehicle.

[0002] German Patent Application 197 39 567 A1 describes the control of a drive unit in which a plurality of setpoint assignments, some having contradictory effects, act on the actuators present. For example, the drive unit is controlled on the basis of a driving intent selected by the driver, setpoints of external and/or internal regulating and control functions such as a traction control, an engine drag-torque control, a transmission control, a speed limiter, and/or an idle speed regulator. To coordinate these setpoint assignments, i.e., to determine a setpoint assignment to be implemented, a setpoint is selected from the setpoints supplied in the case of the known implementation through selection of maximum and minimum values, and this setpoint is implemented in the momentary operating state of the drive unit through the individual control parameters of the drive unit. In the preferred embodiment of an internal combustion engine, these control parameters may include, for example, the filling, the firing angle and/or the quantity of fuel. Conversion of the setpoints to forced values is performed according to the origin of the setpoint assignment, among other things. For example, separate setpoint assignments are formed for the relatively slow filling actuation path and for the relatively rapid ignition actuation path, so that flexibility is limited with regard to the selection of control parameters for implementation of the setpoint assignment.


[0003] It is especially advantageous that a more precise assignment and implementation of intervening measures is made possible by implementing the setpoint variable on the basis of a continuously variable actuating time.

[0004] Through implementation of the setpoint assignment via the filling path and enabling of rapid intervention measures such as ignition and fuel suppression if necessary, the decision regarding the choice of the actuating path is made independently of the origin of the setpoint assignment. Furthermore, the overall efficiency is improved due to optimal utilization of the torque achievable via the filling path. The optimization potential at high rotational speeds in particular is utilized through a choice of actuating path as a function of operating point. This is the case because the efficiency-reducing firing angle and fuel intervention measures take place only when it is impossible to reach the setpoint variable via the filling path.

[0005] Additional advantages are derived from the following description and the dependent patent claims.


[0006] The present invention is explained in greater detail below with reference to the embodiments illustrated in the drawing.

FIG. 1 shows a survey diagram of a control unit for controlling a drive unit, while

FIG. 2 shows a flow chart which illustrates the coordination of the setpoint assignments of all properties and their implementation.

FIGS. 3 through 5 show flow charts which illustrate a preferred embodiment for conversion of the setpoint assignment and the actuating time assigned to it into individual actuating paths.

FIG. 6 shows time diagrams illustrating the actual torque curve when using the procedure described here in various situations.


FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a control device for controlling a drive unit, of an internal combustion engine in particular. A control unit 10 is provided, having as components an input circuit 14, at least one computer unit 16 and an output circuit 18. A communications system 20 connects these components for mutual data exchange. Input lines 22 through 26 lead to input circuit 14 of control unit 10; in a preferred embodiment, these input lines are designed as a bus system and carry signals, which represent operating variables to be analyzed for controlling the drive unit, to control unit 10. These signals are detected by measuring devices 28 through 32. Such operating variables include the accelerator pedal position, engine speed, engine load, exhaust gas composition, engine temperature, etc. Control unit 10 controls the power of the drive unit via output circuit 18. This is symbolized in FIG. 1 by output lines 34, 36 and 38 over which the fuel mass to be injected, the firing angle of the engine and/or at least one electrically operable throttle valve is actuated to adjust the air supply to the engine. In addition to the input variables described here, other control systems of the vehicle are provided to relay selection variables, e.g., torque setpoints, to input circuit 14 (see 40-43 and lines 44-47). Such control systems include, for example, traction control, ESP, transmission controls, engine drag-torque controls, etc. The air supply to the engine, the firing angle of the individual cylinders, the fuel mass to be injected, the injection time and/or the air/fuel ratio, etc. are adjusted via the actuating paths illustrated. In addition to the setpoint assignments shown here, external setpoint assignments, which also include a setpoint assignment by the driver in the form of a driving intent and/or a speed limiting function, there are also internal assigned variables for controlling the drive unit, e.g., a change in torque of an idle speed regulator, a rotational speed limiter which outputs a corresponding setpoint selection variable, a change-in-torque limiter, limitations arising from component protection and/or a separate setpoint selection variable in startup.

[0012] Boundary conditions or properties which represent the type and manner of implementation of the setpoint selection variable are associated with the individual setpoint selection variables. Depending on the application, one or more properties may be associated with a setpoint selection variable, so that in an advantageous embodiment, the term properties is to be understood as a property vector into which the various property variables are entered. Properties of setpoint selection variables include, for example, the required dynamics in adjusting the setpoint selection variable, the priority of the setpoint selection variable, the quantity of torque reserve to be set and/or the comfort of the adjustment (e.g., change limiting). These properties are present in a preferred embodiment. Other embodiments may include more properties or fewer properties or only one property.

[0013] In the preferred embodiment, the actuating time within which the torque setpoint assignment is to be adjusted is assigned as a property to each torque setpoint assignment. Furthermore, a predicted setpoint torque is preselected which corresponds essentially to the unfiltered driver's intent value and the external reserve torques of accessory units such as the air conditioning compressor, generator, converter, etc. and are calculated into the internal torque reserves, e.g., of the idle speed regulator, a catalyst heating function, etc. This predicted torque is taken into account in converting the assigned torque to at least one manipulated variable of the drive unit.

[0014] Instead of the assignment of torque setpoints, in other embodiments other variables are preselected, likewise representing output variables of the drive unit such as the rotational speed, power, etc.

FIG. 2 shows a flow chart diagraming a process taking place in computer unit 16 of the control unit. This describes the coordination and conversion of setpoint assignments as well as their properties. Computer unit 16 receives a variable representing accelerator pedal position β. In a calculation step 100, computer unit 16 converts the variable, optionally taking into account other operating variables such as engine speed, into a driver's intended torque MiFA which is sent to a coordinator 102. Furthermore, external torque setpoints Mi1 through MiN are relayed to computer unit 16 as well as sent to coordinator 102. Selected property variables (or property vectors having individual property variables) e1 through eN are relayed with each torque setpoint and sent to coordinator 102. In addition, internal functions 110 are also provided, which either likewise send torque setpoints having the corresponding property variables to coordinator 102 or assign limit values Mlim for the torque setpoints or egrenz for the property variables, which are also sent to coordinator 102 and are taken into account in coordination of the setpoint values and property values. The output of coordinator 102 is a resulting torque setpoint value MiSOLL which is ultimately used for the adjustment as well as the resulting property variable(s) eSOLL, selected from the property variables supplied, taking into account the limit values, within the context of which the setpoint is implemented. These variables are sent to a converter 104 which also receives other operating variables such as the engine speed, etc. The converter converts torque setpoint MiSOLL, taking into account the operating variables supplied and the resulting property variable(s) into manipulated variables. Fuel metering, firing angle, air feed, etc. are influenced with these manipulated variables, so that the preselected torque setpoint is adjusted within the framework of the resulting property (properties).

[0016] As described below, the actuation paths to be selected for implementation of the torque setpoint are determined independently of the source of the torque request, merely on the basis of the dynamic information (actuating time) assigned to the torque setpoint. It is first determined whether the requested change in torque setpoint is implementable with the required dynamics exclusively via the filling path. In the preferred embodiment, this takes place in accordance with the prevailing operating point and the requested change in torque on the basis of an engine characteristics map, optionally by interpolation of the selected minimum actuating time via the filling path. A central input variable is therefore the dynamic information supplied with the torque setpoint, this information being either a required actuating time within which the torque setpoint is to be set, or a requirement in the form of logical variables (highly dynamic, dynamic, slow). This is interpreted as an additional setpoint assignment, which must be maintained under the given boundary conditions, in particular the operating state of the drive unit.

[0017] If the actuating time requirement, predetermined by the property input variable, is less than the actuating time feasible via the air path, i.e., the required dynamics may not be achieved merely through intervention in the filling path, the firing angle intervention measure is enabled. In addition, the firing angle intervention measure is also enabled if additional requirements necessitate an adjustment of the firing angle efficiency, e.g., when required due to external or internal reserve requirements as a reserve for a quick torque intervention measure in the sense of increasing torque or when measures having a direct influence on efficiency such as catalytic converter heating are active due to ignition retard. If the firing angle intervention measure is enabled, a deterioration in efficiency due to the altered firing angle is allowed. If the firing angle intervention measure is not enabled, the firing angle is set for the optimum firing angle according to a predetermined engine characteristics map through which a maximum torque is implemented at the given operating point.

[0018] A torque setpoint is preselected for the firing angle path if the firing angle is enabled. This takes place in reducing intervention measures by outputting a setpoint in the time grid of the firing angle, which is obtained by interpolation between the momentary actual torque and the torque setpoint to be achieved at the predetermined actuating time. The interpolation guarantees that the filling path is always preferred because of the torque curve resulting from the delayed response of the filling path, because the interpolated torque setpoint is above this curve. In other words, the change in torque via the firing angle takes place as rapidly as necessary to maintain the predetermined actuating time in any case. In addition to the firing angle adjustment, the torque setpoint is implemented via the filling path, i.e., a setpoint value for controlling an actuator which influences the air supply is preselected from the torque setpoint for the filling path; this actuator adjusts the torque setpoint via the filling path. In the case of torque-increasing intervention measures, the torque setpoint for the firing angle results from the maximum of the torque, interpolated as presented above, and the basic torque, i.e., the torque of the filling path, so that torque-decreasing firing angle intervention measures are avoided. As an alternative, the ignition retard performed via interpolation may be retained in implementation of a torque reserve (e.g., for catalytic converter heating or idling).

[0019] The torque setpoints are implemented in a known manner by converting the torque setpoint for filling to a setpoint for the position of a throttle valve (via a filling model) which is then regulated in the context of a position control loop, while the firing angle torque setpoint is converted into a change in firing angle, which is used to correct the optimum firing angle by taking into account the actual torque value. The filling torque setpoint and the firing angle torque setpoint may have different values here.

[0020] The basis for the decision as to whether or not the required actuating time is feasible via the air path is a table or an engine characteristics map as mentioned above. The operating point of the engine is determined by the state variables of the filling path (e.g., load or relative cylinder filling) and by the rotational speed of the engine.

[0021] The fuel supply, in particular suppression of individual injections, is available as an additional actuating path which allows a dynamic charge in torque. A decision is also made regarding enabling this suppression on the basis of the dynamic information (actuating time) which is also supplied. This suppression is enabled only when the torque setpoint to be set in the required dynamics is less than the torque which is adjustable via the air path and the firing angle path within this actuating time. This is also determined on the basis of a table or an engine characteristics map. Fuel suppression is thus the last actuating path to be activated to adjust the torque setpoint in the required actuating time.

[0022] This procedure is described above on the example of throttled operation of an internal combustion engine. In addition to this operating method, unthrottled operation (stratified charge operation) is also available as another operating method in the case of engines having direct injection. Implementation of the torque setpoint via the filling path is out of the question here. Nevertheless, the strategy defined above may be adapted to stratified charge operation. As a rule, the required dynamics of the quick path may be achieved through the injected quantity in stratified charge operation. Nevertheless, individual injections may also be suppressed here if the torque to be set is not achievable within the required actuating time through the change in the injection quantity.

[0023] In a preferred exemplary application, the procedure described above is implemented as a program of computer element 16 of control unit 10. In a preferred embodiment, such a program is diagramed as a flow chart in FIGS. 3 through 5. The program or programs outlined are run through as a function of time, preferably as a function of rotational speed.

[0024] In first step 200 of the program illustrated in FIG. 3, the input variables on which the conversion is based, namely torque setpoint MSOLL, required actuating time TSOLL and predicted torque MPRÄD, are input. The latter usually represents the unfiltered driver's intent and thus represents the torque presumably to be set in the future, because the driver's intended torque is filtered for comfort reasons and is replaced or corrected by internal or external functions which influence the torque, such as traction control, limiting functions, etc. Step 202 is the next step, where the torque setpoint for filling path MSOLLFÜ is determined by taking into account additional functions such as load reversal damping functions, dashpot functions or reserves. A preferred procedure for determining the torque setpoint for the filling path is illustrated in the flow chart in FIG. 4 and is described below.

[0025] In step 204 which follows, a minimum actuating time TIST, which is required to adjust the torque setpoint via the filling path, is determined as described above, e.g., on the basis of a table or an engine characteristics map. Then in query step 206 a check is performed to determine whether calculated actual time TIST is greater than preselected setpoint time TSOLL. If this is not the case, then it is ensured that the torque setpoint is adjustable via the filling path in the required actuating time. Therefore, the firing angle intervention measure is not enabled. In step 208 the additional conditions under which a firing angle intervention may be enabled independently of the question of actuating time are checked. These conditions include activation of an anti-jerk function, the requirement for setting a torque reserve greater than zero, activation of a driving comfort function such as a load reversal damping function or a dashpot function and/or keeping torque setpoint MSOLL below a minimum filling torque MFÜMIN. If one of these conditions is met, then according to step 210 the firing angle intervention measure is enabled; otherwise the program is terminated after step 210 and is run through the next time.

[0026] If it was found in step 206 that the minimum actuating time within which the torque setpoint is adjustable via the filling path is greater than the required actuating time, then according to step 212 the firing angle intervention measure is enabled. Then in step 214 a check is also performed on the basis of tables or engine characteristics maps to determine whether the torque setpoint is achievable via the firing angle intervention measure and whether the filling intervention measure is achievable within actuating time TSOLL. If this is not the case, then according to step 216 the suppression is also enabled to ensure the adjustment of the torque setpoint within the actuating time. In the other case, enabling of the firing angle path is sufficient so that the program is terminated after step 214 or 216 and is run through again the next time. A determination is performed in step 214, e.g., on the basis of an engine characteristics map, to determine whether the preselected firing angle adjustment is feasible at the momentary operating point of the drive unit. If the change in torque due to the firing angle is too slow or if the amount of change in torque via firing angle is not feasible, fuel injection is suppressed.

FIG. 4 shows a preferred embodiment of step 202 from FIG. 3 according to which the torque setpoint for filling path MSOLLFÜ is determined on the basis of the torque setpoint, among other things. In first step 2020, a check is performed to determine whether a load reversal damping function is active. This function is active when a load reversal from coasting operation to traction operation of the drive unit, for example, is detected. If this function is active, torque setpoint MSOLLFÜ for the filling path is determined from a map on the basis of gear setting GANG and torque setpoint MSOLL (step 2022). In next step 2024, setpoint filling torque MSOLLFÜ calculated in this manner is optionally limited to a maximum value or a minimum value, where the maximum value corresponds to predicted torque MPRÄD which represents essentially the unfiltered intended torque of the driver, and the minimum value of torque setpoint MSOLL is formed. Then the procedure is continued with step 204 in the program according to FIG. 3. If step 2020 has shown that the load reversal damping function is not active, then in step 2026 a query determines whether the dashpot function is active. This function is active when the driver releases the pedal very rapidly, whereupon the dashpot function smooths the change in torque in the transition from accelerator pedal actuated to accelerator pedal not actuated. If this function is active, then according to step 2028, setpoint filling torque MSOLLFÜ is determined as a function of predicted torque MPRÄD and as a function of a filter T. This filter is preferably a first-order low-pass filter. Then in step 2029, torque setpoint MSOLLFÜ is limited to a maximum value which is formed from the quotient of torque setpoint MSOLL and the lowest firing angle efficiency. Then step 204 is initiated. If the dashpot function is not active either, then setpoint filling torque MSOLLFÜ is formed as the maximum value of torque setpoint MSOLL, predicted torque MPRÄD or torque MRES, which is selected on the basis of internal reserves (step 2027). This is followed by step 204.

FIG. 5 shows a flow chart illustrating the formation of the torque setpoint for the firing angle adjustment. The program outlined here is initiated and run through at the specified points in time if the firing angle intervention measure has been enabled. If the firing angle intervention measure has not been enabled, the firing angle torque setpoint is set at the basic torque value, i.e., the filling torque setpoint. When the firing angle intervention measure has been enabled, a check is performed in first step 300 to ascertain whether a torque-increasing intervention measure is being implemented. If this is the case, then according to step 302, the torque setpoint for firing angle MSOLLZW′ is calculated by interpolation on the basis of actual torque MIST, torque setpoint MSOLL and actuating time TSOLL. In doing so, a change in the firing angle setpoint is implemented with each program run by interpolation, so that after a predetermined actuating time TSOLL has elapsed, desired torque setpoint MSOLL is reached. According to step 302, torque setpoint MSOLLZW is stipulated and output in step 304 as the maximum of value MSOLLZW′ calculated in step 302 and basic torque value MBAS, i.e., the filling torque setpoint. If it has been found in step 300 that a torque-reducing intervention measure is being implemented, then according to step 306, as explained above on the basis of step 302, torque setpoint MSOLLZW is formed on the basis of the actual torque, the torque setpoint, and the actuating time according to a time-dependent interpolation. Then the program is terminated and run through again the next time.

[0029] The corresponding procedure, as illustrated in FIG. 5, is provided for determining the number of injections to be suppressed, the suppression pattern for each program run being determined here likewise by interpolation based on the torque setpoint, actual torque, and actuating time. The procedure outlined above is illustrated in FIG. 6 via time diagrams. The torque of the drive unit is plotted here as a function of time. FIG. 6a describes a situation in which desired torque setpoint MSOLL is achievable in desired actuating time TSOLL merely on the basis of the filling path. Starting from MIST, the torque of the drive unit drops within time TSOLL to value MSOLL, the typical delayed filling control procedure occurring here. Firing angle intervention is not enabled. The situation is different in the case of FIG. 6b, where desired torque MSOLL is not achievable by filling control alone within actuating time TSOLL. Therefore, firing angle is enabled here, leading to a rapid decline in torque within actuating time TSOLL from momentary actual torque MIST at the starting point to desired torque MSOLL within time TSOLL. The filling intervention taking place concurrently is indicated with a broken line. FIG. 6c shows the limiting situation because actuating time TSOLL here is just large enough so that in the case of linear interpolation, the actual torque is initially below the desired torque due to the filling intervention but then the desired torque is not exactly achievable after the actuating time has elapsed. If there is a reserve torque via the firing angle, an improvement in efficiency is achieved in linear interpolation because of this situation (firing angle is advanced), whereas in the case of a lack of reserve (optimum firing angle efficiency) at first there is no worsening due to a retard of the firing angle, and this occurs only on reaching the desired torque in the last interval of time.

[0030] The procedure for the firing angle intervention is illustrated in FIG. 6d on the basis of the situation according to FIG. 6c. As described above, the torque setpoint for the firing angle MSOLLZW is interpolated with each program run by interpolation (linear interpolation here) between momentary actual torque MIST at the beginning of the intervention and the desired torque setpoint after actuating time TSOLL has elapsed. This results in the straight line illustrated in FIG. 6d according to which, starting from the actual torque, the torque setpoint for the firing angle decreases successfully in essentially equal increments until torque setpoint MSOLL reaches time TSOLL. Instead of linear interpolation, interpolation based on other functions such as exponential functions, etc. may also be used in other embodiments.

  • 1. A method of controlling the drive unit of a motor vehicle, at least one manipulated variable of the drive unit being set as a function of a selection variable for an output variable of the drive unit, wherein in addition to the at least one selection variable for the output variable of the drive unit, a setpoint variable representing the dynamics of the setting of the selection variable is transmitted and the at least one manipulated variable being selected as a function of the selection variable and this additional setpoint variable.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the at least one additional setpoint variable is the setpoint actuating time within which the selection variable for the output variable is to be set.
  • 3. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the selection variable is a torque setpoint.
  • 4. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein a setpoint variable is formed as a function of the selection variable, as a function of which a manipulated variable which is to ensure steady-state operation of the drive unit is set, whereas when there is a corresponding dynamic requirement, an additional manipulated variable is set as a function of a setpoint value derived from the selection variable, allowing a rapid change in output variable.
  • 5. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the manipulated variable for steady-state operation is the filling of an internal combustion engine or the quantity of fuel to be injected in the case of an internal combustion engine operating with direct gasoline injection in stratified charge operation, and the additional manipulated variable, which allows a rapid change in the output variable, is the firing angle and/or suppression of individual fuel injections.
  • 6. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the measure influencing the additional manipulated variable is enabled when it is impossible to adjust the selection variable within the given period of time via the first manipulated variable.
  • 7. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the time required for setting the selection variable is determined as a function of the momentary operating state of the drive unit, and a measure influencing an additional manipulated variable is enabled to achieve the selection variable when the calculated time is greater than the setpoint time within which which the selection variable is to be set.
  • 8. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the suppression of individual injections is enabled when the selection variable cannot be set within the predetermined period of time via a change in the firing angle and the filling.
  • 9. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the measure intervening in the firing angle is also enabled when a torque reserve is required, an anti-jerk function or a driving comfort function is active, or the torque setpoint is less than the minimum torque that is adjustable through the filling control.
  • 10. The method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein the selection variable for controlling the steady-state operation of the internal combustion engine is determined as a function of the torque setpoint, a predicted torque value formed on the basis of the unfiltered intended torque of the driver, or a required reserve torque.
  • 11. A device for controlling the drive unit of a vehicle, having a control unit which forms at least one selection variable for an output variable of the drive unit as a function of which it influences at least one manipulated variable of the drive unit, wherein the microcomputer contained in the control unit has a program which receives, in addition to the selection variable, another selection variable which represents the required dynamics of the setting of the selection variable for the output variable and which selects the manipulated variable to be influenced as a function of these two variables.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
19961291.9 Dec 1999 DE
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/DE00/04469 12/16/2000 WO