A device and method for creating sewing data using sample patterns (4) is provided in which relative movement between a detection device (27) and a sample pattern (4) is detected using an optic sensor, such as the one used in computer mice. The detection of movements is independent from any potentially visible edges. A processing unit (32) converts the movement data detected into sewing data, which can be saved in a storage unit (34, 56). Using said sewing data, a sewing machine can create sewing patterns, which are proportional to the ones of the sample pattern (4).

The invention is directed to a method and a device for creating sewing data in a sewing machine.

When sewing, embroidering, or quilting it is frequently desired to control the stitch formation according to a pattern. For this purpose, the article to be sewn is generally stretched into a frame. The frame can be moved via an actuator in a horizontal level within certain limits and/or positioned, e.g. underneath the stitch formation device. Alternatively, the article to be sewn can also be displaced step-wise in the two directions of the sewing plane, e.g., by means of a feeder inserted into the stitching plate. The machine control adjusts and/or controls the movements of the frame and/or the transportation device and the sewing needle depending on saved data, which represent the predetermined pattern. The format of such data is generally equivalent to normal regulations and/or standards. This allows the exchange of data concerning sewing, stitching, or embroidery patterns independent from the respective system platform. The databases can be created and/or modified e.g., in computers by means of suitable software, e.g., using an editor for embroidery patterns. In order to create embroidery pattern databases according to samples, said samples can be scanned, e.g., and subsequently be further processed by a computer program. Here, the entire sample can be dissected into individual partial sections, e.g. Data of the position of adjacent areas and/or edges or outlines can be determined from these partial sections and/or from the entire sample, e.g., using image processing. Subsequently, the database for the patterns to be saved can be calculated therefrom. In more complex samples it is usually necessary that an experienced person is to set certain conditions and make decisions during the process. In some cases, scanning can be difficult or even impossible, for example in thick and/or padded quilt samples and/or in large-surface samples. Additionally, the relatively high expenses for the required infrastructure can easily exceed a limited budget.

In sewing machines which include a learning mode, samples can also be detected and saved directly during sewing, embroidering, or quilting. Here, e.g., the coordinates of the position of the frame are detected, processed, and saved for each sewing stitch or the directional components of the displacement of the article to be sewn between two sewing stitches. The data saved in this manner reflects the allocation of the stitching positions on the article to be sewn. Data of the sewing, stitching, or embroidering pattern can directly be saved in the machine control or in an external storage medium. This method is disadvantageous in that an actual sewing process is necessary for collecting the data. Therefore, it is impossible to create databases according to already existing samples without damaging such samples.

For the purpose of reproduction, the sample data detected and saved can be provided for a sewing machine appropriately equipped. Based on the data this reproducing sewing machine controls the transportation means, i.e. for example an embroidery frame or the feeder, in such a manner that the newly created pattern is equivalent to the one of the sample.


The object of the present invention is to provide a method and a device for creating sewing data according to sample patterns.

This object is attained in a method and a device according to the invention.

Using the method according to the invention, based on a sample provided, sewing data can be created in a simple manner, which can be used for an automatic control of material transportation devices in sewing machines in order to create copies of an identical shape of the sample on the article to be sewn. When a predetermined scaling factor is considered during the generation of the sewing data or the further processing of the data for the purpose of creating a sewing, stitching, or embroidering patterns on the article to be sewn, the samples detected can remain unchanged with respect to their dimensions or can be enlarged or reduced.

For collecting the sample data no sewing process needs to be performed. A planar scanning of the sample is not necessary, either. The detection device includes an optical sensor of high resolution in two dimensions that can detect the smallest structural and/or color differences in the sample pattern. When the detection device or at least that part of the imaging optic detecting the sample is moved along the edges of the sample in reference to the sample pattern, the detection device can detect the relative movement of the imaging optic and the sample pattern based on incremental changes in the position of structural features. Using a high scanning rate, e.g., changes in position and/or speed can be detected for subsequent periods. Due to the fact that the detection range of the sensor is large enough and the sharpness of the detection optic is high enough, individual color and/or structural features of the sample and/or the article to be sewn can be reliably detected even at relatively high speeds and accelerations as well as in slightly changing distances of the sensor in reference to the sample surface. Of course, alternatively to the movement of the detection device, the sample pattern may also be moved in reference to the detection device. Here, the sample pattern can optionally be stretched in a frame or be freely mobile, supported on the work surface. The data to be collected in this manner can be further processed and saved in a storage medium in a suitable format, preferably a normal format. Alternatively, wirelessly or via a communication wire the data can be directly forwarded to the control of a sewing machine, where it is used for controlling the transportation device for the article to be sewn for the purpose of creating a copy of the detected sample with an identical shape. Here, in a preferred embodiment a predetermined scaling factor may determine the size of the sewing pattern.

The sample patterns can be of any arbitrary type. For example, simple sewing patterns and/or seams on thin or thick material can serve as samples just as well as relatively thick, patted quilts or complex embroidery patterns. Even prints on paper are suitable as samples. The term “sewing patterns” is to be understood in a general manner and comprises in particular contours and/or stitch sequences of embroideries or quilts and samples of sewing stitches. In the context of detecting the samples, the terms “article to be sewn” and “sample” are used synonymously.

When in a first embodiment of the invention the detection device is arranged at a sewing machine, the sensor and/or a part of the detection device can be arranged, e.g., above or below the stitching plate and/or above or below a sample resting on the stitching plate at the sewing machine, in order to allow the sample to be detected from above or from below. In particular, the sensor can be integrated in a material pressure foot. The foot can be mounted to the sewing machine, if necessary, and connected to the control of the sewing machine or alternatively to an external data detection device if the sewing machine is appropriately equipped.

The tip of the sewing needle, parked above the sample pattern, is preferably located within the detection range of the sensor or in close proximity thereto. Here, the article to be sewn and/or the sample pattern, supported on a material support, can be guided manually such that the sample lines to be detected are always located below the raised sewing needle or alternatively below another reference mark. The conditions during the detection of the sample are similar to the ones during a later reproduction of the detected sample, with the article to be sewn then being displaced by means of a transportation device according to the detected sample lines. Alternatively, the article to be sewn can also be manually displaced for reproducing saved samples, with a laser beam e.g., projecting the patterns to be reproduced onto the article to be sewn.

When the detection device is arranged at a sewing machine it can also be used (with an appropriate embodiment of the control for processing the signals detected) for controlling and/or adjusting the transportation device for the article to be sewn. For example, deviations from the actual movement of the material from the predetermined target values can be detected during the automatic sewing and, if necessary, the transportation device can be influenced in such a manner that the deviations are minimal.

Alternatively, such a device can also be used for controlling the speed of the sewing needle and/or the needle rod movement depending on the movement of the article to be sewn such that in manual material feeding even distances between individual stitches are formed. In particular, the visible side and/or the surface of the article to be sewn can be detected here. This is of particular interest for quilting.

In another embodiment of the invention, the sensor or the detection device may also be freely movable. The detection device can e.g., be connected to the sewing machine by means of a wireless radio connection or via a cable. The sensor can be embodied e.g., as a stylus, which is guided over the sample pattern manually along the sample lines to be detected.

As an alternative to a sewing machine, the sensor can also be connected to another data collection device, e.g., to a computer. The data collection device can save sewing data on an internal or external storage medium, such as e.g., a hard disc or a flash—storage.

Such saved data can be used at a later time by the sewing machine control in order to reproduce the saved sample. Instead of or in addition to saving sewing data, the data collected by the sensor can also directly be used for controlling the transportation device and/or the needle movement of a sewing machine.

The detection device comprises lighting for the surface of the article to be sewn and/or the sample to be detected. Here the surface of the sample is lit by a light beam, which hits the surface of the sample at an optimized angle. This ensures that the surface of the article to be sewn is depicted on the image sensor in a contrast-rich manner.

In a particularly advantageous embodiment of the invention, the light of the light source is guided to the surface of the article to be sewn via a prism and is guided therefrom to the image sensor via the same prism. Due to the special embodiment of the prism the light source and the image sensor can be arranged at a very close proximity of one another. Additionally, the space of the detection device required for detecting the sample surface is very small, so that it does not represent any hindrance for the works to be performed.


In the following, the invention is explained in greater detail using figures. In the drawings:

FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a sewing machine with a detection device arranged at the head;

FIG. 2 a view, partially in cross-section, of a sewing foot with an integrated detection device;

FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the sewing foot according to FIG. 2 with a detection mark at the sole;

FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view through a sewing machine in the area of the needle rod with a detection device being integrated in the lower arm;

FIG. 5 is a view of a mobile scanning head with a corresponding evaluation device; and

FIG. 6 is a view of an alternative embodiment of a movable scanning head.


FIG. 1 shows the principle structure of a sewing machine 1 with a horizontal lower arm 5, a stitching plate 9, a transportation device 7 in the form of a feeder 7a for displacing the article to be sewn 3 resting on the stitching plate 9, a vertical stand 11, and an upper arm 13, with its end being provided as a head part 15, a needle rod 17 with an inserted sewing needle 19, a material pressure rod 21 with a connected sewing foot 23, and a machine control 25. At the bottom of the head part 15 or between the head part 15 and the stitching plate 9 a detection device 27 is provided having a camera and/or an image sensor 29 with a display optic 30, such that the article to be sewn 3 is displayed on the image sensor 29 in the range of the sewing needle 19 and/or the puncture site of the sewing needle 19. The detection device 27 is embodied such that the relative motions of the article to be sewn 3 and/or a sample pattern 4 in reference to the sewing machine 1 can be detected. In connection with the detection of relative movements the term article to be sewn 3 may also include arbitrary sample patterns.

Due to the fact that the image sensor 29 of the detection device 27 can detect the finest structures and color differences of the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern with a high repetition frequency in the amount of e.g., 1500 Hz, the detection of relative motions is even possible when no edges of the article to be sewn 3 are located in the detection area of the sensor 29. Good results can be achieved, e.g. with the image sensor 29 of the type used in optic computer mice. Preferably, sensors are used with a high local resolution and very short reaction times, similar to the ones used in computer mice with laser light sources. Such laser computer mice are supplied for example by the company Logitech under the trade name MS1000. When displacing the article to be sewn 3 resting on the material support an image processing electronic, integrated in the image sensor 29 or arranged thereafter, can determine information concerning the direction and/or the amount and/or the speed and/or the acceleration of the displacement and/or the change in position of the article to be sewn 3 or equivalent or similar values e.g., based on the change of position of structural features of the image section detected.

In the first embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 1, the relative movements of the surface of the article to be sewn can be detected, which faces the sewing needle 19. The detection of the movement of the sample can e.g., occur during an ongoing sewing process or alternatively independent from the performance of a sewing process. For selecting the respective operational mode, appropriate adjustment means (not shown) are provided at the sewing machine 1.

In the detection of a sample pattern 4 independent from any sewing process, the sewing machine 1 comprises appropriate means for switching into this operational mode such that the needle rod 17 with the sewing needle 19 is parked in the upper position and decoupled from the needle rod drive. If the transportation device 7 comprises a feeder 7a, e.g., this device is deactivated and/or adjusted such that it can no longer affect the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern 4. The sewing foot 23 can optionally be removed from the material pressure rod 21 or lifted into an upper position or be placed onto the sample pattern 4 for guiding the sample pattern 4 with an elastic, slight pressure.

The detection device 27 and the machine control 25 are in an effective connection to one another. In FIG. 1, this is shown with the dashed line LO. The effective connection serves for the unilateral or bilateral communication or signal transfer between the detection device 27 and the control 25 as well as the energy supply of the detection device 27, if necessary. The effective connection can, e.g., comprise an electric conductor and/or an optic transmitter and receiver and/or a radio connection, e.g., based on Bluetooth technology. Furthermore, optic elements can be lenses, mirrors, light conductors, and similar components of the effective connection between the detection device 27 and the machine control 25.

The control 25 comprises a processing unit 32, which further processes the measurements of the sewing data detected by the detection device 27. The sewing data may comprise, e.g., information concerning the absolute positions or the relative mutual positions of auxiliary sites, which represent a sewing pattern to be detected. When during the detection, the progression of the seam has been displayed on the image sensor 29, the sewing data may contain the positions of the puncture sites of the seam as auxiliary sites.

Additionally, the sewing data may also comprise feeder speeds. Preferably, predetermined values for the target distance of adjacent auxiliary sites may be provided to the processing unit 32, e.g., interactively via a contact screen of the sewing machine 1. In this case, the processing unit 32 can calculate the positions of equidistant auxiliary sites, which e.g., represent the relative movement between the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern 4 and the sewing machine 1. Preferably, the distance between the auxiliary sites is equivalent to the stitch length or a fraction therefrom for reproducing the sewing pattern desired. Alternatively, the processing unit 32 can also be instructed to determine suitable auxiliary site distances or stitch lengths within predetermined ranges, which are greater or smaller, e.g., depending on the bending radius to be created.

The sewing data that is calculated can be saved in a storage unit 34, with the storage unit 34 being embodied inside the sewing machine 1 or alternatively outside thereof in form of an external storage unit 34. Additionally, a sewing data editor 36 may be provided, by which the detected sewing data can be displayed visually, e.g., and post processed. This is particularly advantageous when the sewing data is determined sectionally and has to be assembled into a unit or when local corrections of the detected sewing patterns are necessary.

The sewing data is suitable to control an appropriately embodied sewing machine 1 in such a manner that the relative movement of the article to be sewn 3 and the sewing machine 1 occurs proportionally to the detected relative movement of the sample pattern. This relates at least to the geometric shape and/or the contours to be recreated. However, the saved sewing data may also include information concerning the stitch lengths and/or temporal information, which set e.g., the speed progression of the movement of the article to be sewn in the sewing level and/or the temporal control of the movement of the sewing needle.

The sewing machine 1 can reproduce the saved sewing pattern depending on the type of sewing data with the predetermined stitch lengths or with a function of the stitch lengths that can be predetermined for the reproduction process. (This may e.g., be the stitch lengths for each sewing stitch in reference to the respectively previous sewing stitch or depending on the bending radius of the seam to be formed). For the reproduction process the article to be sewn 3 can e.g., be stretched into an embroidery frame, which, controlled by the control 25, can be displaced in a plane below the sewing needle 19. Alternatively, the article to be sewn 3 may also be moved manually, with a laser beam e.g., projecting the contour of the sewing pattern to be reproduced onto the article to be sewn 3. The material feed can in this case be supported e.g., by an additional transportation device 7 having a feeder 7a, which can displace the article to be sewn 3 preferably in two directions in the sewing plane. An additional improvement can be achieved such that the detection device is now used as a control instrument, which detects deviations of the actual movement of the article to be sewn from the respective target movement and can act in a correcting manner on the transportation device 7 and/or the laser beam and/or the means for displaying the targeted sewing direction and/or the control of the needle movement.

Alternatively, the detection device 27 may also be arranged directly at the head part 15 of the sewing machine 1 in a second embodiment of the invention, either partially or entirely integrated in a preferably exchangeable sewing foot 23, as shown in FIG. 2.

The detection area of the image sensor 29 may include the puncture site of the sewing needle 19 into the article to be sewn 3, depending on the embodiment and arrangement of the detection device 27, or be embodied adjacent or at a distance thereto, for example in the area of the sole 47 of the sewing foot 23. The term “puncture site” refers to the position immediately below the sewing needle 19 in the article to be sewn 3 and/or in the sample pattern 4 and is also used when no sewing process occurs during the detection of a sample pattern 4.

The detection area can for example be provided rectangular, elliptic, or circular and comprise an area of e.g., approximately 50 mm2 or approximately 100 mm2. Preferably, the detection area is located in proximity of the puncture site of the sewing needle 19. The center of a circular detection area can be located at a distance of approximately 5 mm or 10 mm or 15 mm from the puncture site of the sewing needle 19 e.g. In this way, the deviation of the predetermined movement information from the actual values of the relative movement of the article to be sewn 3 can be kept minimal at the puncture site. In particular, the influence of the rotational movements around a rotary axis (not shown) extending through the sewing needle 19 is minimal. Additionally, the sewing foot 23 prevents the article to be sewn 3 from essentially being lifted off the material support in the area of the puncture site. The detection device 27 can be embodied such that it not only detects the displacements of the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern 4 in two independent directions of the sewing plane but also in rotary movements. When the relative position of the puncture site of the sewing needle 19 and the detection area that can be displayed on the image sensor 29 is known and saved in the detection device 27, the detection device 27 can perform a fault correction, which compensates differences between the movement of the article to be sewn 3 within the detection area of the sensor 29 and at the puncture site.

FIG. 2 shows such a sewing foot 23, with it partially being in a cross-section. The sewing foot 23 comprises a shaft 31 with a round accepting opening 33 arranged on top for mounting the sewing foot 23 at the bottom end of a material pressure rod 21. At the top of shaft 31 contact element 37 can be embodied e.g., in the form of contact springs within a contact module. They contact, when the sewing foot 23 is fastened to the material pressure rod 21, complementary contact surfaces (not shown), with a contact print (not shown) being held in the lower area of the material pressure rod 21. This electric connection is a component of an effective connection of the machine control 25 to the detection device 27. At the bottom of the shaft 31 an intermediate part 43 is connected elastically or alternatively in a fixed manner to the shaft 31. One or more helical springs 45 may be provided between the shaft 31 and the intermediate part 43, which press the intermediate part 43 against a shaft and/or a stop connected thereto. If a counterforce develops when the sewing foot 32 is pressed against the article to be sewn 3, the intermediate part 43 is displaced in a guided manner against the force of the helical springs 45. At the bottom end of the intermediate part 43 a quilting and/or sewing sole, sole 47 for short, is exchangeably connected to the intermediate part 43 or alternatively in a fixed manner. In order to detect sample patterns 4 without any sewing process, preferably a sole 47 with a mark e.g., in the form of cross-hairs or another aiming or detection mark 44 is used, as shown in an exemplary manner in FIG. 3.

Alternatively, the sewing needle 19, parked in the upper position, may also be used as a target or reference mark for aligning and detecting the sample pattern 4.

In the example shown in FIG. 2, the detection device 27 comprises the CCD- or CMOS-image sensor 29, a sensor optic and/or an optical imaging system with a shutter 49 arranged in front of it, a lens 51, and a partially mirrored prism 53. Furthermore, the detection device 27 comprises a light source 55, e.g., an LED or a laser diode for lighting the article to be sewn 3 in the detection area of the image sensor 29. The LED, the image sensor 29, and an evaluation electronic 57 integrated into the image sensor 29 or positioned behind it is arranged on a common detection print 59, which is electrically connected to the contact module e.g., via a flexprint 61 or a connection cable. As an alternative to a contact module, a cable with a connection plug can also be used to connect the detection electronic to the control 25 (not shown).

In a third embodiment of the invention, as shown in FIG. 4, the detection device 27 is integrated into the stitching plate 9 in the bottom arm 5 below a protective window 38. This way, the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern 4 is detected from the bottom. Above the protective window 38, optionally a preferably removable gliding shoe or roller 40 can be mounted to the material pressure rod 21. Here, a spring 42 slightly presses a ball against the article to be sewn 3 opposite the protective window 38. FIG. 4 shows a situation with a sewing foot 23 placed onto the needle rod 17 as it can occur during the detection of the movements of an article to be sewn during the sewing process. Similarly, for detecting the surface of the article to be sewn 3 and/or the sample pattern 4, a detection of the bottom of the sample pattern 4 may also occur without the performance of a sewing process, with the needle rod 17 being parked in the upper position with or without the needle 19. The sewing foot 23 and/or the gliding shoe 40 can here optionally remain at the material pressure rod 21 or be removed therefrom. In another embodiment of the invention as shown in FIG. 5, the detection device 27 is provided as a scanning head 50 with a stylus, which is in an effective connection to a computer and/or evaluation device 54 via a wireless communication device. This is symbolically shown in FIG. 5 by a dashed line LO between two antenna stubs 58 at the scanning head 50 and the evaluation device 54. Of course, an appropriately embodied machine control 25 of a sewing machine 1 may also be used as the evaluation device 54. Similar to the machine control 25, the evaluation device 54 includes a processing unit 32 with a work storage device and an internal permanent storage medium 34 (for example a hard drive) and/or an external permanent storage medium (for example a memory stick 56 with a flash storage). At the bottom end of the scanning head 50, a detection device 27 with a detection mark 44 is arranged, as already described according to FIG. 3 in connection with the integration into a sewing foot 23. Instead of an oblong stylus form, the scanning head 50 can also be embodied in a compact manner, similar to a small optic RF computer mouse with an attached detection mark 44, and a level support surface as shown in FIG. 6. Preferably, scanners and/or switching elements 60 are embodied at the scanner head 50, by which a user can signal e.g., the start and stop of detection processes and/or can perform editing functions at the detected sewing pattern. In the latter case, the evaluation device 54 is preferably a computer with a high-resolution display, and detection and editing software, allowing the scanner head 50 to be used both as an indicating device for the menu-controlled software as well as a detection device. In order to detect and save sewing data, the scanner head 50 is now positioned on the sample pattern 4 and/or the article to be sewn 3 such that the sample line to be detected is located below the detection mark 44 of the scanning head 50. The detection begins with a push of the start/stop switch element 60. The scanning head 50 is displaced manually along the sample line such that it is also positioned below the detection mark 44. Here, with a high scanning rate the detection device 27 determines the incremental displacement vectors and forwards them to the processing unit 32. Considering any additional predetermined data, the processing unit 32 calculates the positions of the auxiliary sites. They are saved as sewing data in the storage device 34. Alternatively or additionally such sewing data can also be transmitted directly to the sewing machine control 25, with said control adjusting the transportation device 7 and the needle rod drive according to the data received. In this manner, the sewing machine 1 can reproduce the sample detected in the respectively desired scale.

Alternative to the optic scanner head 50, which is guided over the sample pattern 4, a mechanical scanner head can also be used, which e.g., comprises a roller ball or a pivotal and rotating scanning wheel (not shown.) Furthermore, a digitizing board with a digitizing stylus can be used as well. In this case the digitizing stylus can follow the contours of a sample pattern 4 resting on the digitizing board. The digitizing board itself is connected to the evaluation device 54 and/or the machine control 25 via an effective connection via radio or cable.


  • 1 Sewing machine

  • 3 Article to be sewn

  • 4 Sample pattern

  • 5 Lower arm

  • 7 Transportation device

  • 7
    a Feeder

  • 9 Stitching plate

  • 11 Stand

  • 13 Upper arm

  • 15 Head part

  • 17 Needle rod

  • 19 Sewing needle

  • 21 Material pressure rod

  • 23 Sewing foot

  • 25 Machine control

  • 27 Detection device

  • 29 Image sensor

  • 30 Display optic

  • 31 Shaft

  • 32 Processing unit

  • 33 Accepting opening

  • 34 Storage unit

  • 36 Sewing data editor

  • 37 Contact element

  • 38 Protective window

  • 40 Gliding shoe or roller

  • 42 Spring

  • 43 Intermediate part

  • 44 Detection mark

  • 45 Helical spring

  • 47 Sole

  • 49 Shutter

  • 50 Scanner head

  • 51 Lens

  • 53 Prism

  • 54 Evaluation device

  • 55 Light source

  • 56 Memory stick

  • 58 Antenna stub

  • 59 Detection print

  • 60 Switching element

  • 61 Flexprint

  • 1. A method for creating sewing data according to a sample pattern (4), comprising: using a detection device (27) to detect a relative movement of the sample pattern (4) using an optic sensor, and processing measurements obtained by the detection device (27) into sewing data using a processing unit (32), which is suitable to control a transportation device (7) for displacing the article to be sewn (3) in a sewing machine (1) in such a manner that movement of the article to be sewn (1) proportional to the relative movement of the sample pattern (4) detected below the sewing needle (19) occurs.
  • 2. A method for creating sewing data according to claim 1, further comprising displacing the sample pattern (4) which is at least partially resting on a support surface along the support surface.
  • 3. A method for creating sewing data according to claim 1, further comprising moving the detection device (27) or parts thereof relative to the sample pattern (4).
  • 4. A method for creating sewing data according to claim 1, further comprising saving the sewing data in a storage medium (34, 56).
  • 5. A method for creating sewing data according to claim 1, further comprising transferring the sewing data into a work storage part of a sewing machine control (25) and further processing the sewing data to control a transportation device (7, 7a) for the article to be sewn (3).
  • 6. A method according to claim 5, further comprising incrementally displacing the article to be sewn (3) using the transportation device (7, 7a) from one puncture position to a subsequent puncture position each, with the puncture positions being predetermined by the sewing data or by the sewing machine control (25) calculated based on the sewing data, and initiating execution of a sewing stitch at each puncture position using the sewing machine control (25).
  • 7. A device for creating sewing data according to a sample pattern (4), comprising: a detection device (27) that is adapted to detect a relative movement of the sample pattern (4) including an optic sensor, and a processing unit (32) which is adapted to receive processing measurements obtained by the detection device (27) for conversion into sewing data, the processing unit being adapted to control a transportation device (7) for displacing the article to be sewn (3) in a sewing machine (1) in such a manner that movement of the article to be sewn (1) proportional to the relative movement of the sample pattern (4) detected below the sewing needle (19) occurs, the optic sensor is an image sensor (29) and the detection device (27) comprises an imaging optic (30) adapted to image surface areas of the sample pattern to be displayed with the image sensor (29).
  • 8. A device according to claim 7, further comprising the detection device (27) being located on the sewing machine (1) such that the surface and/or a bottom of the sample pattern (4) and/or the article to be sewn (3) can be detected in an area of a detection mark (44).
  • 9. A device according to claim 7, wherein the detection device (27) is at least partially integrated in a sewing foot (23).
  • 10. A device according to claim 7, wherein the detection device (27) for detecting movement patterns comprises a scanner head (5) that can be guided over the sample pattern.
  • 11. A device according to claim 10, wherein the detection device (27) comprises a communication device for a wireless or a wired communication to the processing unit (32) and/or an evaluation device (54) and/or a sewing machine control (25).
  • 12. A device according to claim 7, wherein the detection device (27) comprises a light source (55), and optic elements adapted to guide light emitted from the light source (55) onto a surface of the sample pattern (4) to be scanned such that it can be detected through high-contrast by the sensor (29).
  • 13. A device according to claim 7, wherein the processing unit (32) is adapted to transfer measurements or data generated by the sensor (29) into sewing data or into control data for influencing movement of a transportation device for the article to be sewn (3) and/or needle rod movement.
  • 14. A device according to claim 13, further comprising a storage medium (34, 56) for saving sewing data.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
01030/05 Jun 2005 CH national