
  • Patent Application
  • 20150242647
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    February 04, 2015
    9 years ago
  • Date Published
    August 27, 2015
    9 years ago
This invention aims to propose a method and a system allowing to supply certified reliable information without the source of the information being transmitted to the applicant.

The present application refers to the domain of the protection of private or personal data, in particular data stored in databases used for authentication.

It may be desirable that data be accessible in order to allow an authorized third party to obtain reliable information in order to access services. This may be the case for obtaining a credit, a process during which the financial capacity of the applicant has to be verified. Other applications may concern the age of the person or its skills. It could also be the characteristics of an object such as performance, size, capacity.

The problem of such verifications is that the access to these data is open for the applicant party during the verification process.

Hence it is desirable that these base data, specific to a person or an object, are used without being disclosed, for example to ensure the conformity of the person or the object to conditions defined by an applicant party.

Moreover, the conformity to a request or to the conditions required by the requiring party has to be validated by an authority so that the response delivered by the requiring party can be reliable without having to disclose the raw data.


This invention aims to propose a method and a system allowing to supply certified reliable information, without the source of the information being transmitted to the requiring party.

This invention proposes an access method to the data of at least one person or company or object stored in a secure database on a removable support, these data comprising quantitative or qualitative data, each datum comprising at least one describer and one value, this method comprising steps of initialization and of use, the initialization steps comprising the following steps:

    • connecting the removable support to a device for acquiring information,
    • authenticating at the database by demonstrating the right to at least one introduction,
    • introducing in the secure database, for a person or a company or an object, a current value corresponding to the describer of said datum;

      the use comprising the following steps:
    • connecting the removable support to a communication device,
    • receiving a request from a requiring party, this request comprising at least one target describer and one operator,
    • carrying out, by the removable support, the request by applying the operator on the current value corresponding to the target describer and producing a response,
    • returning the response to the requiring party.

Thus this invention can be a respondent which can have the form of a removable support such as a smart card, a mobile phone or any electronic element having memory capacity, storing the data of a person or company or object. Person means an individual or a group of persons such as a family. A company can also be an association or an organization. An object also has characteristics which can be used for authentication.

This invention proposes a limited access method for the data of a plurality of persons or companies or objects, stored in a secure database of a respondent, these data comprising quantitative or qualitative data, each datum comprising at least one describer and one value, this method comprising steps of initialization and of use, the initialization comprising the following steps:

    • authenticating at the database by demonstrating the right to at least one introduction,
    • identifying at least one person or one object,
    • introducing into the secure database, for said person or object, a current value corresponding to the describer of said datum,

      the use comprising the following steps:
    • receiving a request from a requiring party, this request comprising a person or object identifier, a target describer, an operator,
    • carrying out, by the respondent, the request by applying the operator on the current value corresponding to the target describer and producing a response,
    • returning the response to the requiring party.

Thus this method includes a first step of initialization, comprising the introduction or update of the data, and a second step of use, comprising the reception of requests, their treatment and response.


The present application will be better understood by viewing the attached figures in which:

FIG. 1 shows the different components of the invention.


The method articulates around a respondent ENR having a database DB being able to store private data of person or company or object. The data are generally organized in the form of a recording, i.e. a set of data linked by a common definition.

Each record includes at least one describer (for example salary, profession, age, address etc.) and a value corresponding to said describer. Optionally, a certificate is associated to one or more records.

An example of certificate is known under the denomination X.509. In the X.509 system, a certification authority attributes a certificate linking a public key to a distinguished name, to an electronic address or a DNS record.

This certificate places the signature of a certification authority in the last field. Concretely this signature is realized by: an excerpt of all previous fields of the certificate, and an encryption of this excerpt by the private key of the certification authority. Anybody possessing the public key of this certification authority can decrypt the excerpt and compare it with the calculation of his own condensate of the certificate. If the two condensates are identical this ensures that the certificate is intact, it has not been modified. The certificate of the certification authority, which contains its public key, can also be signed by another certificate authority of higher level, thus forming a chain. On top of the chain one finds the most important certificates: the root certificates.

The root certificates are not signed, or self-signed, public keys which are relied upon. The software, like web browser or e-mail clients contain root certificates of many governmental or commercial certification authorities. When a browser opens a secure connection (TLS/SSL) towards a website possessing a certificate emitted by a known authority, it considers the site as secure as the certification path is validated. The switch into protected mode is then transparent.

During an initialization step, a company (a society, an organization) or a person can store private data in the respondent's database. In case of data related to an object, the data can be automatically stored (for example, values captured by a probe). The storing can also be temporary, for example if data are captured by a probe linked to a memory which has the function of “database”. The respondent can be a removable support comprising a memory and means for processing the requests. This can be a mobile phone for example, temporarily connected to an applicant party by Bluetooth or NFC.

The database can comprise two types of describer, predefined and defined by the user.

In the first category there are all the predefined records for which it will be enough to fill the target value. They are the current data like date of birth, address, family situation or income.

The describer of the record is thus a simple value which refers to a definition list (for example, the value 27 of the describer means that the target value is the year of birth).

In the other type, the describer can be a freely editable field. Thus the person can define data types not predefined by the respondent ENR and associate the value of his choice to them.

The respondent's database is secured, i.e. introduction of data cannot be done without authorization. The database is protected by a strong authentication like the use of a one-time password, the use of an electronic certificate, or the use of biometric data.

According to a certification process, the data are then certified by an authority AUT which is shown as a distinct entity in FIG. 1. This authority can be integrated in the respondent or be a separate entity.

The certification process consists in involving a third party which can confirm the information. This authority AUT can with the help of other sources obtain information to corroborate the value stored in the database. Indeed, specialized societies have reliable information on persons or companies and can certify one or more values. For example on the application of the person, the respondent ENR can access to this authority AUT which is in the form of a specialized service (for example a bank for verifying the credit limit). Before, the respondent can ask the person for complementary data such as password or verification information. This complementary information will be added to the request transmitted to the authority in order to allow this authority to verify the legitimacy of the request. This authority has a certificate to sign the value transmitted in the request. As the database is realized with a protected element, which does not allow the extraction of information beyond that which is supposed to be a part of communication with the outside (ex. smart card, . . . ), the authority AUT will communicate its certificate to the protected element so that the latter can use it to sign the provided response. In another embodiment, the protected element will use another certificate for the signature which has been for its part verified and signed by an authority AUT.

Thus the respondent's database will comprise registrations organized with a data describer and one or more values as well as one or more certificates associated to authorities.

Subsequently, an applicant party ENP1, ENP2 can form a request to obtain a verification of information. This request will comprise an applicant party identifier, the datum describer (for example income), an operator (for example < or >) and secondarily a target value. The target value can be optional, for example during the verification of the access to a pub, it is sufficient that the describer is “age” and the operator is “of legal age?”. A request can comprise several describers (for example home town and street) and/or several target values (for example a list of supposed employers). This request can be also signed by the applicant party in order to authenticate the request.

At the reception of this request, the respondent can determine the person this request is addressed to thanks to the identifier, and will find the related datum thanks to the describer and find the value corresponding to this datum.

The respondent then applies the operator on the value and obtains a response. This response will be mainly binary, either positive or negative, or a refusal to answer. The response can also contain a signature attached to this response. This response is sent to the requesting party. The response can comprise a copy of the question namely the target value, the operator, the identifier of the person.

According to a variant of the invention, when a request in received by the respondent, it forwards the request or a part of it to the person corresponding to the person identifier. This request is presented to a device for displaying to the person. Thus an identifier of the requesting party is presented, and the details of the request. The person can accept or refuse that a response is sent to the requesting party, but it cannot modify the result of the request if the transmission has been authorized by the person.

According to a variant of the invention, the treatment of the request differs according to the requesting party. The respondent will determine the category to which this requesting party belongs, and according to this category certain data will be accessible or not. The database DB includes a list of the possible requesting parties and their category. A official institution for example will be in category 4 (high trust value) while a simple store will be in category 1 (low trust level). In the same way, the data of the person or company can be classified according to the categories, thus allowing, during a request, to verify if the category to which the requesting party belongs authorizes the access to this datum. If the level attached to the data is equal or lower than the requesting party's level, the request is treated and the response is sent. In the negative, a response refusing the request is sent to the requesting party by the respondent.

A known method for extracting raw data from such a database is to send a large number of requests with varying target values. Thus for example if the income is targeted, a request asking if the income is lower than a first target value is sent and if the response is positive, the target value is incremented. Thus the value of the income corresponds to the moment in which the response changes. Thanks to this recurrent method, it is possible to know all the values of the database.

Thus according to the invention a request counter is added to the respondent and allows to limit the number of requests. The counter can be associated to the data set of a person, to a datum of a person, or to an requesting party, or to a set of the mentioned parameters. As a third example, at each request of a particular requesting party, the counter is incremented. A maximum is defined for the counter and when this maximum is reached, the respondent refuses any following requests. The counter can be reset by a respondent's operator, by the person or according to the expiration of a duration (e.g. after 1 day).

The control by the counter can be associated to a maximum for each time unit, for example 3 requests within 24 hours. Once this number is reached during the predefined time, any following requests are rejected. Once the period is expired, the counter is reset.

  • 1. Access method to the personal data of at least one person or company or object, stored in a secure database on a removable support, these data comprising quantitative or qualitative data, each datum comprising at least one describer and one value, this method comprising steps of initialization and of use, the initialization comprising the following steps: connecting the removable support to a device for acquiring information,authenticating at the database by demonstrating the right to at least one introduction,introducing into the secure database, for a person or a company or an object, a current value corresponding to the describer of said datum;
  • 2. Limited access method to the data of a plurality of persons or companies or objects, stored in a secure database of a respondent, these data comprising quantitative or qualitative data, each datum comprising at least one describer and one value, this method comprising steps of initialization and of use, the initialization comprising the following steps: authenticating at the database by demonstrating the right to at least one introduction,identifying at least one person or an object,introducing into the secure database, for said person or object, a current value corresponding to the describer of said datum,
  • 3. Method according to claim 1, characterized by including a certification step, comprising the addition of a certificate emitted by an authority to a datum of the database, and characterized in that said certificate is used in the preparation of the response sent to the applicant party.
  • 4. Method according to claim 1, wherein the requesting party has a certificate, said certificate being used for signing the request sent to the respondent, said certificate being verified before he can carry out the request.
  • 5. Method according to claim 1, wherein the describer is of the index type, an index value corresponding to a type of describer.
  • 6. Method according to claim 1, wherein the describer is of the type free field, the contents of the free field being initialized during the introduction of the current value into the database, the respondent, during the reception of the target describer of the request, carries out a search by comparing the target describer with the contents of the describer(s) of said database.
  • 7. Method according to claim 1, wherein it includes the following steps: once the request has been received by the respondent, transmitting a message to the person identified by the person identifier, this message containing at least the target describer,displaying, on a device of the person, the target describer,receiving a command on behalf of the person, this command authorizing or forbidding the request,transmitting the command to the respondent,authorizing or forgiving the treatment of the request according to the value of the control.
  • 8. Method according to claim 7, wherein the request includes an identifier of the requesting party, and in that this identifier is displayed on the device of the person with the target describer.
  • 9. Method according to claim 1, wherein the request includes an requesting party identifier, and in that it includes the following steps: organizing the data of a person according to at least two categories,determining to which category the requesting party belongs,accepting a request if the category of the requesting party is compatible with the category of the data of the target describer.
  • 10. Method according to claim 1, wherein the database includes at least one request counter associated to one or more data, comprising the following steps: comparing the value of the counter with a maximum value, if the value is lower, carrying out the request and incrementing the counter at each request carried out by the respondent.
  • 11. Removable support associated to at least one person or company or object and comprising a secure database, comprising quantitative or qualitative data, each datum comprising at least one describer and one value, said removable support being able to be in an initialization state or use state, said removable support being configured for, in the initialization state, connecting to a device for acquiring information, receiving authentication data by demonstrating the right to at least one introduction into said database, and introducing into the secure database, for a person or a company or an object, a current value corresponding to the describer of said datum; said removable support being configured for, in the state of use, connecting to a communication device, receiving a request from a requesting entity, this request comprising at least one target describer and one operator, carrying out the request by applying the operator on the current value corresponding to the target describer and producing a response, and returning the response to the requesting entity.
  • 12. Removable support of claim 11, wherein the database includes at least one request counter associated to one or more data, said removable support being configured for: comparing the value of the counter with a maximum value, if the value is lower, carrying out the request and incrementing the counter at each request carried out by the respondent.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
14156392.4 Feb 2014 EP regional