1. Field of the Invention
The present invention concerns a method to acquire spin echo-based magnetic resonance (MR) signals of an examination subject with a multi-spin echo sequence in which multiple refocusing pulses are radiated after each RF excitation pulse, and an MR system for implementing such a method.
2. Description of the Prior Art
Magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging of the brain with multiple echoes per excitation is very sensitive to spatially variant, non-linear phase errors. These errors are caused, among other things, by the pulsing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the brain that occurs upon switching of the diffusion-weighted gradients (Miller K L, Pauly J P. Nonlinear phase correction for navigated diffusion imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 2003;50:343-353). For example, phase images of a single-shot, diffusion-weighted echoplanar imaging sequence are shown in
Multiple imaging sequences with a repeat excitation were developed in which a correction of these non-linear phase errors is implemented afterwards (Pipe JG, Farthing V G, Forbes K P. Multishot diffusion-weighted FSE using PROPELLER MRL Magn. Reson. Med. 2002;47:42-52; Liu C, Bammer R, Kim D, Moseley M E. Self-navigated interleaved spiral (SNAILS): application to high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 2004;52:1388-1396; Wang F-N, Huang T-Y, Lin F-H, Chuang T-C, Chen N-K, Chung H-W, Chen C-Y, Kwong K K. PROPELLER EPI: an MRI technique suitable for diffusion tensor imaging at high field strength with reduced geometric distortions. Magn. Reson. Med. 2005;54:1232-1240; Atkinson D, Counsell S, Hajnal J V, Batchelor P G, Hill D L, Larkman D J. Nonlinear phase correction of navigated multi-coil diffusion images. Magn. Reson. Med. 2006;56:1135-1139; Porter D A, Heidemann R. High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging, Parallel Imaging and a Two-Dimensional Navigator-Based Re-Acquisition. Magn. Reson. Med. 2009;62:468-475). These sequences, however, impose limitations in the signal readout of the detected MR signal.
The difficulties in fast spin echo sequences (turbo spin echo sequence, TSE, or fast spin echo (FSE), namely in the readout of the signals during a train of 180° refocusing pulses, are particularly significant. This type of imaging sequence is attractive in the clinical routine since no susceptibility artifacts (which increasingly arise in other methods) occur. In this case an additional difficulty is that phase errors occur due to the random phase difference between the 90° excitation pulse and the 180° excitation pulse. This means that the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CMPG) condition, which is necessary in order to stabilize the amplitude and phase of the signal train of the spin echo, is not satisfied. A few techniques are known that remedy this problem of the fast spin echo sequences by cyclically switching the radiation direction of the refocusing pulses (Pipe J G, Farthing V G, Forbes K P. Multishot diffusion-weighted FSE using PROPELLER MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 2002;47:42-52; Bastin M E, Le Roux P. Application of non-CPMG fast-spin-echo sequences to MR diffusion imaging. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 2001;9;1549), or by using stimulated echoes in order to avoid the phase variation (Alsop DC. Phase insensitive preparation of single-shot RARE: application to diffusion imaging in humans. Magn. Reson. Med. 1997;38:527-533; SPLICE: sub-second diffusion-sensitive MR imaging using a modified fast spin-echo acquisition. Schick F. Magn. Reson. Med. 1997;38:638-644). However, the cyclical change of the radiation axis does not stabilize the echo train in all cases, and a signal reduction results given the use of the stimulated echo. In Norris D G, Driesel W. Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted imaging using navigator echoes: Application to RARE imaging without sensitivity loss. Magn. Reson. Med. 2001;45:729-733, a prospective (or predictive) correction of linear phase errors is described in which data of a navigator signal are used to switch a gradient before the data acquisition. This method was used in the original with a 1D navigator technique in order to correct a linear phase error along one spatial direction, In Weih K S, Driesel W, von Mengershausen M, Norris D G. Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted segmented EPI and FLASH imaging. MAGMA 2004;16:277-283, orthogonal navigator signals were used in order to correct k-space shifts in two dimensions.
A number of RF transmission channels were used in order to control the spatial distribution of a B1 amplitude of an RF excitation pulse and the phase of the excitation pulse in order to achieve an improved homogeneity in the image (Zhu Y. Parallel excitation with an array of transmit coils. Magn. Reson. Med. 2004;51:775-784; Zhu Y, Giaquinto R. Improving flip angle uniformity with parallel excitation. Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. 2005;13:2752; Collins C M, Liu W, Swift B J, Smith M B. Combination of optimized transmit arrays and some receive array reconstruction methods can yield homogeneous images at very high frequencies. Magn. Reson. Med. 2005;54:1327-1332).
An object of the present invention is to improve the acquisition of fast spin echo sequences such that phase-induced errors are minimized.
According to a first aspect of the invention, a method is provided to acquire spin echo-based MR signals of an examination subject with a multi-spin echo sequence with multiple refocusing pulses after an excitation pulse in an MR system, wherein this MR system has a multichannel transmission and reception module. The method according to the invention includes the following steps: detect a spatial, two-dimensional phase distribution in the examination subject by acquiring navigator signals; and subsequently calculate a phase and amplitude distribution for the individual transmission channels of the RF transmission and reception module to generate a magnetic field B1 for one of the RF refocusing pulses with which the spin echo-based MR signal is generated, under consideration of the spatial phase distribution of the navigation signals. Furthermore, this RF refocusing pulse is radiated by the transmission channels of the RF transmission and reception module with the calculated phase and amplitude distributions of the individual transmission channels. By the calculation of the phase and amplitude distributions of the individual transmission channels before the radiation of the refocusing pulse, it is possible that all refocusing pulses occur along a predetermined axis in a reference system rotating with the Larmor frequency. The phase errors thus can be corrected. The multi-spin echo sequence is preferably a diffusion-weighted imaging sequence, wherein 2D navigator signals are detected after switching (activation) of the additional diffusion gradients and before the readout of the first spin echo signal. The calculation of the phase and amplitude distributions for the individual transmission channels is implemented after the switching of the diffusion gradients and before the signal readout, such that the refocusing pulse (the radiation of which generates the first spin echo signal is generated that is then read out) can be radiated with the calculated spatial phase and amplitude distributions.
The phase distribution of the individual transmission channels is advantageously calculated such that the CPMG condition is satisfied. The CPMG condition is satisfied when the exposure pulse is radiated along an axis y′ in a reference system rotating along with the Larmor frequency, and the subsequent refocusing pulses are radiated perpendicular thereto along the x′ axis. All spin echoes are refocused along the x′ axis with an amplitude that is independent of local B0 field inhomogeneities. In a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence of the invention, three refocusing pulses are used before the readout of the first spin echo, wherein the phase and amplitude distribution of the B1 field of the third refocusing pulse that is responsible for the generation of the first detected signal echo is calculated such that the first spin echo is detected along a fixed axis (x′, for example) perpendicular to the basic magnetic field (along which the first refocusing pulse was also radiated) in a coordinate system rotating along with the Larmor frequency. It is possible to use the standard signal readout for fast spin echo sequences (FSE) in the data acquisition. According to this aspect of the invention, the phase of the third RF refocusing pulse is set such that the first spin echo acquisition along this axis x′ is refocused in the entire examination subject. This means that, for a voxel, the phases of all spin echo signals are identical and the phases do not change between the excitations in a multi-shot sequence. This means that the phase is controlled between excitation and refocusing pulses such that this remains constant. The signal phase then satisfies the CPMG condition, and all subsequent refocusing pulses are radiated along this axis x′, and the spin echoes resulting from this likewise lie along this axis x′.
The effect of the second refocusing pulse that was radiated with a fixed phase along this axis x′ is advantageously taken into account in the calculation of the phase and amplitude distribution of the B1 field for the third refocusing pulse. This refocusing pulse rotates the magnetization along this x′ axis and consequently changes the phase.
The connection between the spatial phase distribution of the navigator signals that is detected in each reception channel, and the radiated RF excitation pulse, is taken into account in the calculation of the phase and amplitude distribution in the individual transmission channels. For example, this can be achieved using reference data of a non-diffusion-weighted imaging method in which acquired data do not have any movement-induced phases.
For example, the navigator signals can be generated with the use of the echoplanar technique. The associated raw data space can likewise be acquired in a spiral pattern.
To radiate the RF refocusing pulse, the individual transmission channels are adjusted with the calculated phase and amplitude distributions to generate the B1 field before the RF refocusing pulse is ultimately radiated with the calculated phases.
Since it is a multi-echo sequence, additional refocusing pulses to detect additional signal echoes are radiated after the third refocusing pulse.
To cause the MR spin echo signals to occur along the x′ axis, the method described above can also be combined with a method in which the occurrence of the spin echo signals along a fixed axis is controlled by the selection of the shape of additional magnetic field gradients. This is described in detail in Norris D G, Driesel W. Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted imaging using navigator echoes: Application to RARE imaging without sensitivity loss. Magn. Reson. Med. 2001;45:729-733 and Weih K S, Driesel W, von Mengershausen M, Norris D G. Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted segmented EPI and FLASH imaging. MAGMA 2004;16:277-283. The additional magnetic field gradients could be switched before or after the refocusing pulse R3.
The invention furthermore concerns an MR system with which the aforementioned method can be executed that has a multichannel RF transmission and reception module to transmit the excitation and refocusing pulses. In addition to the typical units—such as gradient control unit and image sequence control unit—a computer is provided that calculates the phase and amplitude distribution of the individual transmission channels to generate the B1 field for the RF refocusing pulse that takes the spatial phase distribution of the navigation signals into account in the calculation in order to achieve that all spins of the examined subject have the signal echo along the predetermined axis, such that the phase in a voxel is constant and equal.
As is apparent in
An MR system with which the method according to the invention can be implemented is shown in
Furthermore, shown in the second line is the individual readout windows 33 of the spin echo signals that are induced by the RF excitation pulse chain with a 90° excitation pulse 34, three first refocusing pulses RI through R3 and additional 180° pulses. Each of the spin echo signals is typically detected in a single k-space line under a fixed readout gradient, as is the case in a typical fast spin echo sequence. In another embodiment, multiple parallel phase coding lines Ky can also be acquired with the aid of the GRASE method (see publication 15). The use of spiral-patternd acquisition techniques is likewise possible. The signal readout can take place with the use of the propeller technique, for example as is described in reference 2. Given this technique a train of spin echoes is likewise used, wherein the x and y coordinate axes are next rotated by an excitation. This method is less sensitive to movements of the examination subject; however, the acquisition time is longer. The boxes 35 shown in line 4 represent the calculation in which the properties of the multiple RF transmission channels are determined with the aid of the navigator signals detected in the data acquisition 32. According to the invention, the phase and amplitude curve of each channel of the multichannel RF transmission and reception module is calculated. The properties of the transmission channels for the subsequent refocusing pulses, i.e. for the refocusing pulse R3 and possibly the following RF refocusing pulses, are calculated in this time window (shown with 35). The pulse R3 is calculated dynamically; the subsequent pulses maintain the CPMG condition with the use of a predetermined amplitude and phase. If it is not possible to achieve the necessary phases and amplitudes for R3, it can also be necessary to calculate the RF pulses according to R3. The calculation of phase and amplitude ratios of the third refocusing pulse R3 thereby takes place such that the first spin echo acquisition (which is designated with R1) takes place along an x′ axis in a rotating reference system, such that the first spin echo signal is refocused along this axis x′. The signal phase then satisfies the CPMG condition, and all subsequent refocusing pulses are radiated along this axis x′ (see
How the phase of the local magnetic field B1 for the pulse R3 can be used in order to align the magnetization along the x′ axis when the magnetization has some random phase is shown in detail in
The effect of the second refocusing pulse R2 that is radiated with a fixed phase relative to the x′ axis must hereby be taken into account in the calculation. The magnetization is mirrored on the x′ axis, and the phase is changed accordingly. The maximum time between the navigator signal and the pulse R3 is achieved via R2. This time is required in order to process the navigator signals and calculate the phase of R3. If R2 were not to be used, the time period between the middle of the navigator signal and the pulse R3 would repeat after the pulse R3, before the spin echo E1 is formed. Without R2, the first spin echo would occur after a time period that corresponds to the time span from R1 to R3. This time span is shortened to the time span between R2 and R3 by radiating R2. Only given very short processing times for the calculation and control of the pulse R3 could R2 also be omitted. The 90° excitation pulse 34 and the first refocusing pulse R1 are radiated with a phase position as it is known from the standard CPMG imaging sequence; namely the 90° excitation pulse is radiated along y′ and the first refocusing pulse R1 is radiated along x′.
Furthermore, in the calculation the connection between the measured phase in the navigator signals in each reception channel and the radiated transmission field should be known. This connection could have been determined beforehand with the use of reference measurements by acquiring non-diffusion-weighted data in which no movement-induced phase changes occur.
The amplitude shape of the multiple transmission channels can be calculated with methods as they are known from the prior art (see printed document 17 in the literature index). However, the phase amplitude response should be calculated in the short time window that is shown with 35 in
For the described correction method the B1 field should have a uniform amplitude across the examination region, such that the spatial distribution of the B1 amplitude must also be taken into account when the RF waveform is calculated for the different RF channels. In the present case the local B1 amplitude is a static property that is not affected by the movement during the diffusion-sensitive gradients. Calibration data of a B1 field presentation can therefore be used before the start of the diffusion-weighted imaging (see publication 18 in the literature index).
The method according to the invention is summarized in
In the next step 55 a phase value for each pixel in a two-dimensional navigator image is determined during the diffusion-weighted imaging. With the aid of the calibration data in Step 51 and the phase values determined per pixel from Step 55 it is possible to calculate the amplitude and phase distribution for the individual RF transmission channels in Step 56. The phase and amplitude response calculated in Step 56 for each RF transmission channel should lead to a resulting B1 field (as is shown in
In summary, the present invention enables the acquisition of multi-spin echo sequences without interfering phase errors in diffusion-weighted exposures.
Although modifications and changes may be suggested by those skilled in the art, it is the intention of the inventor to embody within the patent warranted hereon all changes and modifications as reasonably and properly come within the scope of his contribution to the art.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
10 2010 038 775.4 | Aug 2010 | DE | national |