The present invention is related to a method and programmable apparatus for quantum computing, and, in particular, a general method and programmable apparatus that uses quantum state propagation for quantum computing.
Computer technology has evolved at an amazing rate in the past few decades. Further increases in the density of semiconductor integrated circuits may soon end due to the practical difficulties in patterning features with dimensions smaller than the wave length of ultraviolet light and soft x-rays. Ultimately, features cannot possibly be smaller than the length scale of single atoms and molecules.
At the molecular level, quantum effects may provided huge advantages as well as problems not encountered at larger dimensions. Quantum computing has recently emerged as a possible approach to developing smaller computing devices that operate on the atomic level. In general, a traditional computer encodes information in a series of bits for computation that are manipulated via Boolean logic, which is based on binary mathematics. For example, a 32-bit digital computer generally manipulates one or several 32-bit operands during execution of a single instruction. A single instruction generally produces one or several 32-bit result values, each representing one of 232 different possible result values. Thus, a single instruction maps one or several operands to one or several results, each within a range of 232 values. On the other hand, a typical quantum computer utilizes the +½ and −½ nuclear spin states for isotopes such as 13C and 19F to represent the Boolean logic one and zero. In addition, the nuclear spin is also a quantum mechanical object that can exist in a superposition of +{fraction (1/2)} and −½ nuclear spin states. In theory, a typical 32-quantum-bit quantum computer can produce any combination of 232 values (i.e., 232! combintations) as a result of executing an instruction, providing for massive parallelism. However, in order to take advantage of the inherent {fraction (1/2)}-spin state of isotaopes such as 13C and 19F, the processor must be operated at temperatures near absolute zero.
Computer manufacturers, engineers, and physicists have recognized the need for quantum computers that can handle the increasing demand for speed and computational volume and that are capable of operating at room temperature.
One embodiment of the present invention is directed towards a method and apparatus for quantum computing. In a described embodiment, data, a program, and uninitialized variables, or program output is provided. A compiler program converts the source code into an assembler code of computable functions. The computable functions are encoded by an encoding function. A continualization method is employed to determine a first-order, time-dependent, differential equation from the encoded functions. The variational principle is used to construct a Lagrangian whose minimum geodesic is the solution for the first-order, time-dependent, differential equation. The Lagrangian is converted into the quantum, canonical, Hamiltonian operator which is realized as an excitation field produced by an excitation generator. A control and scheduling system is employed to moderate the intervals between discrete applications of the excitation field produced by the excitation generator. The excitation field is repeatedly applied to a quantum processor consisting of a lattice of polymer nodes. The light radiation emitted by the quantum processor lattice of polymer nodes is converted by a transducer into an intensity-versus-vibrational-frequency spectrum. A running average of the intensity-versus-vibrational-frequency spectrum is maintained in the coherent memory. The average spectrum intensity values are used as coefficients in a polynomial approximating the encoding function. The output consists of the original data and program, and the substantiated variables, or program output.
FIGS. 5A-B illustrate a simple example input function.
FIGS. 6A-B illustrate the application of the encoding in equations (3)-(6) to the simple example function.
FIGS. 8A-F illustrate the continualization method for a hypothetical sequence in three-dimensions.
FIGS. 10A-C illustrate the Morse potential and spectrum for a hypothetical diatomic molecule.
FIGS. 20A-C illustrate a single hypothetical run of the excitation field Hamiltonian Hƒ used to obtain a hypothetical spectrum from the quantum processor.
The present invention relates to a method and programmable apparatus termed the Quantum Function Evaluator that uses quantum state propagation for computational processing.
A. Input Function and Encoding
The computable functions generated in step 104 above are discrete valued functions referred to as “input functions.” The input functions may be of the form:
ƒ:S1× . . . ×SN→D (1)
where N is the dimension of the domain S1× . . . ×SN, and the sets Si and D are finite subsets of the natural numbers given by:
Si={0, . . . , Ni}
D={0, . . . , Nd}
where Ni and Nd are the largest natural numbers in the sets Si and D, respectively. The function ƒ in equation (1) maps an N-tuple denoted (x0, . . . , xN−1) in the domain S1× . . . ×SN, where xi−1 is an element in the set Si, to a single natural number in the range D. The N-tuples (x0, . . . , xN−1) are referred to as “points” in the domain S1× . . . ×SN.
FIGS. 5A-B illustrate a simple example input function having the form of equation (1) given by:
where the domain S1×S2 is the set of all possible combination of points (x0, x1) such that x0 and x1 are respectively elements in the set:
The range of the example function ƒ is given by the set:
It should be noted that, although two and three-dimensional illustrations, such as FIGS. 5A-B are provided in the following discussion, they are provided only for illustration purposes. In real-world applications, there may be many thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of variables, leading to extremely high dimensional problem domains. In general, these problem domains may be considered to be hyper-dimensional volumes, manifolds, or carrier manifolds. It is not possible to illustrate such problem domains, but techniques used to address hyper-dimensional domains may be analogized to three-dimensional illustrations.
The input function may also be a solution of an iterative process of the form:
yn+1,i=ƒi(yn,l, . . . , yn,k) (2)
where i=1, . . . , k, and each
where S={0, 1, . . . , NS}.
The encoding of computable functions as described above in step 206 of
and p is a natural number defined by:
The encoding functions (3)-(6) map the domain values in S1× . . . ×SN to a subset of points of the real numbers such that the values of F coincide with the values of ƒ in the range of ƒ. Furthermore, the encoding functions (3)-(6) map x to 0 for any x that corresponds to an N-tuple not in the domain of ƒ.
FIGS. 6A-B illustrate application of the encoding in equations (3)-(6) to the simple example function. The value for the natural number p given by equation (5) is given by:
The encoding function in equation (4) maps the points (x0, x1) in the domain S1×S2 to a subset of the real numbers according to the expression:
The example input functions given in equations (1) and (2) are functions of a larger class of discrete-valued functions generated by the compiler program in step 204 in
The elements of Class I are either an encoding or can be transformed into an encoding function via a finite number of steps (ii)-(vii) above. Clauses (ii)-(iv) are included because these clauses are constructed by the compiler program found in many high-level programming languages. Although the Class I of computable functions includes only completely specified functions, in alternate embodiments the method of the present invention can be modified to handle the larger class of discrete partially specified functions and indicator functions.
The central objective behind the method and apparatus of the present invention is to find effective and fast means of computing the discrete Class I functions via quantum approximations to the encoding functions.
B. Continualization
The method of continualization is described in detail in patent application Ser. No. 10/693,729 and is incorporated by reference. The example function provided in
Φ:[0, . . . , pN−1)→[0, . . . , pN−1) (8)
The continualization process is not limited to the step function given by equation (4). In alternate embodiments, other interpolation schemes can be used to construct a function Φ(y) whose values coincide with F(x) such as linear interpolations, Adams-Boshworth interpolation, splines, Pade interpolation, etc.
The interpolating function Φ(y) may be expressed for hyper-dimension manifolds as a sequence of real vectors {x0,x1, . . . } defined by the following recursion relation given by:
xn+1=xn+anh(xn) (9)
where each vector xn is a k-tuple in k-dimensional set of real numbers Rk given by:
xk=(x1,k,x2,k, . . . , xN,k)
and sequence {an} is a sequence of real numbers having the properties:
and h is function mapping from Rk to Rk. In other words, a new state-vector value xn+1 is computed, in each iteration of a computation, from a current state-vector xn and a discrete, vector-valued function h that depends on xn.
Xn+1=Xn+anh(Xn)+anbn (10)
where bn is a vector parameter.
The time sequence {tn} can be defined as follows:
Next, two time dependent vector functions X0 (t) and g0(t,a,b) are defined as follows:
X0(tn)=Xn for all n≧0 (12)
Equations (13) and (15) are linear functions with respect to time t.
A function {overscore (X)}0 can be defined by the following:
{overscore (X)}0(t)=Xn for t∈(tn,tn+1) (16)
Summing the terms in equation (10) from zero to n−1 gives the following expression:
After some algebra and applying the definition of the integral from integral calculus, equation 17 can be given as continuous, vector-valued function of time t as follows:
The functions defined as:
can be used to rewrite equation (18) in the following form:
Equation (19) can be expressed equivalently as follows:
where the sequence of functions en(t) and gn(t,a,b) approach zero as n approaches infinity uniformly on finite time intervals (tn+1−tn). The time dependent sequence {Xn(t)} is bounded and equicontinuous on interval (−∞, ∞). Thus by the Arezla-Ascoli Lemma, there is a convergent subsequence of the sequence of functions {Xn(t)} whose limit is the vector function X(t) that satisfies the following:
{dot over (X)}(t)=h(X(t))
where {dot over (X)} is a shorthand notation for the time derivative of X.
The sequence of functions {gn(t,a,b)} are also bounded and equicontinuous on interval (−∞, ∞). Again, applying by the Arezla-Ascoli Lemma, there exists a convergent subsequence of functions {gn(t,a,b)} whose limit is the vector function g(t,a,b). Thus the original discrete sequence given by equation (9) can be modeled by the first-order, time-dependent, differential equation given by:
{dot over (x)}(t)=h(x(t))−{dot over (g)}(t,a,b) (20)
C. Variational Model
The variational model is used to formulate a Lagrangian for the first-order, time-dependent, differential equation (20) in step 210 in
L(x,{dot over (x)},t)
First, the Lagrangian is assumed to have to the following properties:
(1) The Lagrangian is homogeneous of degree 1 in {dot over (x)}. In other words,
L(x,λ{dot over (x)},t)=λL(x,{dot over (x)},t) for a real valued λ≧0
(2) The Lagrangian is positive definite in {dot over (x)}. In other words,
Properties (1) and (2) allow for the definition of a metric ground form ds on the carrier manifold such that
A geodesic is the path that represents the shortest path between any two points when the path is restricted to a particular surface. The geodesics subject to the metric ground in equation (21) are the extremum of the corresponding parametric calculus of variations problem which is to find a curve on the manifold which minimizes the following integral:
satisfying the endpoint conditions. The geodesics are solutions to the Euler-Lagrange equation given by:
Second, the vector function x(t) defines a trajectory that has an integral within an ε of its minimum and is referred to as the ε-optimal control.
Third, the Lagrangian L(x, u, t) is replaced by L*(x, u, t) which is the convexification of the Lagrangian L with respect to u. Then an existence theorem for the relaxed controls can be applied to L*(x, u, t) to ensure that the optimal control problem has a relaxed solution. The relaxed solution can be approximated to obtain an ε-optimal control for the original problem.
Fourth, for any pre-specified ε, the ε-optimal control can be computed for the original problem and implement ε-optimal control as a finite-state, physically-realizable, control automaton. The actual control law issued by the finite-control automaton at state x is a chattering control. The chattering is among approximations to some local extrema of L(x, u).
The desired evolution of solution x(t) to the first-order, time-dependent, differential equation (20) is assumed to by define a path along a geodesic of the carrier manifold. In other words, there is a desired Lagrangian L(x,{dot over (x)},t) which induces a metric on the carrier manifold as described in equation (21) by the evolution of a function x(t) satisfying equation (20). The covariant partial derivatives on the carrier manifold are defined as follows:
There exists a covariant partial derivative with respect to time t, however, time is an invariant, therefore the covariant partial derivative with respect to time t is just:
Therefore, the transformation from local coordinates to coordinates on the carrier manifold is given by:
where Γl,ij are the Christoffel coefficient arising from the Levi-Civita connection associated with the metric in equation (21). The Christoffel coefficients may be computed explicitly via the formula:
where (gi,j) is the inverse of the metric ground form matrix given by:
For convenience, the covariant partial derivatives The derivation begins by taking the derivative with respect to time t of both sides of equation (20) to give the following expression:
where {dot over (x)}=[{dot over (x)}i] and {umlaut over (x)}=[{umlaut over (x)}i] are column vectors and
is a k×k matrix. The Lagrangian L is a function mapping defined as follows:
where TM is the tangent bundle and the Lagrangian L(x,{dot over (x)},t) satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation given by:
In this section the development turns to an alternative statement of the structure and formulation known as the “quantum, canonical, Hamiltonian operator” as first introduced in step 212 in
In the Lagrangian formulation given above, the system is characterized by the time-dependent, vector-valued function x(t) of k independent degrees of freedom and is a problem with k independent variables xk, and k time derivatives {dot over (x)}k. The Hamiltonian is fundamentally different from the Lagrangian, because the Hamiltonian is formulated in terms of the position coordinates xk and the associated momenta pk (Classical Mechanics 2nd Edition, Herbert Goldstein, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, 1980). The Lagrangian formulation is transformed into a Hamiltonian formulation by first taking the total time derivative of the Lagrangian L(x,{dot over (x)},t) to get:
Next, the Euler-Lagrangian equation (25) is substituted into equation (31) to give the following equation:
The quantity in the brackets is referred to as the “energy function” and is denoted by:
The energy function (33) can be reformulated in terms of the linear conjugate momenta pk which are associated with the coordinates xk and are determined by the equation:
The conversion from the Lagrangian formulation to the Hamiltonian formulation is treated strictly as a mathematical problem by substituting equation (34) into equation (33). Thus, the energy function given by equation (33) can now be represented as a Hamiltonian function of the coordinates xk and conjugate momenta pk given by:
Equation (35) is written in this manner to stress the fact that the Hamiltonian is always considered as a function of the coordinates (x,p,t), whereas the Lagrangian is a function of the coordinates (x,{dot over (x)},t).
Using the classical mechanical expression for the Lagrangian given by:
where V is a potential energy function of x or both x and time t, equation (35) can be rewritten as a function of the canonical variables (x, p) to give the classical mechanical Hamiltonian:
If the potential energy is free of the time t, the system described by the Hamiltonian in equation (36) is said to be conservative, which means that no energy is being added to or removed from the system.
The Hamiltonian expressed in equation (36) best characterizes dynamical systems that behave in a continuous manner. However, the Hamiltonian as formulated in equation (36) is not adequate for characterizing the quantum mechanical method and apparatus of the present invention, because the present invention relies on the behavior of atoms and molecules, which exists in a certain number of stationary or quantum states.
The Hamiltonian in equation (36) can be modified to characterize the quantum behavior exhibited by atoms and molecules by substituting the differential operators:
into equation (36) (Quantum Mechanics, Albert Messiah, Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 1961). The resulting equation is the quantum, canonical, Hamiltonian operator given by:
that characterizes the behavior of a quantum mechanical system such as an atom or molecule. Equation (37) is called an “operator” because the kinetic energy and total energy have respectively been replaced by the differential operators given by:
The Hamiltonian in equation (37) is a second-order, differential, wave equation. In general, the solutions to the Hamiltonian given in equation (37) are complex-valued, wave functions that depend on spatial coordinates, time, and integer parameters. The wave function solutions of the Hamiltonian are given by:
Ψn(x,t)=|Ψn(t) (38)
where the integer parameter n is referred to as the “quantum number.” In general, there are an infinite number of solutions |Ψn(t), referred to as “eigenfunctions,” “eigenstates,” or “states,” that contain all the information that can be determined about the state of the system such as position, momentum, and energy. The set of solutions {|Ψn(t)
} given by equation (38) form a basis for a Hilbert space, and therefore, given any two eigenfunctions |Ψn(t)
in the Hilbert space {|Ψn(t)
where Ψi* is the complex conjugate of Ψi.
The Hamiltonian given by equation (38) can also be rewritten as an eignevalue problem in the form:
where λn is the energy of the system in the state |Ψn(t) and is referred to as an “eigenvalue.” Prior to a measurement of the quantum mechanical system characterized by the Hamiltonian, the system is assumed to be represented by a linear combination of state functions |Ψn(t)
as follows:
where |Ω(t) is the state function for the entire system and ci are complex-valued coefficients. When a measurement of the system is made, the system is observed in only one of the eigenstates |Ψi(t)
in equation (41), where the probability of observing the system in the state |Ψi(t)
is the square of the coefficient, |ci|2.
The potential energy function V in equation (40) characterizes the particular physics of the system under observation such as the rotational and/or vibrational motion of a molecule, or the electronic states of an atom or molecule. For example, substituting a potential V characterizing the vibrational behavior of a diatomic molecule, referred to as Vvib, into the Hamiltonian, gives the vibrational eigenstates |Ψn(t) and the accompanying vibrational energy eigenvalues λn.
FIGS. 10A-C illustrate the Morse potential and spectrum for a hypothetical diatomic molecule. The vibrational potential of a diatomic molecule may be approximated by the Morse potential given by:
where De is the energy required to completely disassociate the diatomic molecule, κ is the curvature at the potential minimum, and r is bond length 1002 between atoms 1004 and 1006 shown in
where {|χn} is the set of vibrational states of the diatomic molecule, and {λn} is the set of corresponding eigenvalues. The potential energy Vvib is plotted as a function of the inter-atomic bond distance r 1002 of atoms 1004 and 1006 in
with the accompanying energy eigenvalue λ0 1010 is referred to as the “ground state.”
Atoms and molecules also emit photons to the surroundings as they transition from an excited state to a lower energy state. The process of transitioning to a lower energy state is referred to as “relaxation” or “thermal relaxation.” Edge 1020 shows the relaxation of the hypothetical diatomic molecule from the excited state |χ2 with energy eigenvalue λ2 to the state |χ1
with energy eigenvalue λ1. The transition from the state |χ2
to the state |χ1
results in the emission of a photon with the frequency v1,2. Edge 1022 shows a transition from the state |χ1
to the ground state |χ0
and the emission of a photon with the frequency v0,1.
The emitted photon can be observed by a detector to generate a spectrum of the different observed frequencies of light for an ensemble of diatomic molecules. . Therefore, according to equation (41) the state function describing the ensemble of diatomic molecules can be given by:
E. Realization
Realization is the process of transforming the canonical, quantum, Hamiltonian operator in equation (40) into a physical operation of the hardware to solve for the function Φ(x). The function Φ(x) may be expanded in terms of an orthogonal basis set of p-valued Chrestenton functions spanning the Hilbert space γp given by:
Bp={φk(x)|φk(x):[0,pN−1]→[0,pN−1],k=0, . . . , pN−1}
where the general form of a Chrestenton basis function is given by:
Therefore, the interpolating functions Φ(x), written in terms of the orthogonal basis set Bp is given by:
The set of coefficients {βk} is referred to as the spectrum of the function in equation (42), where the number of terms in the spectrum {βk} ranges from about 105 to 1012. If the spectrum {βk} is known, then the function Φ(x) can be used to determine the encoding function F(x) as described above in relation to steps 216 and 206 in
The hardware of the system is characterized by the hardware Hamiltonian operator referred to as “H0.” The realization step consists of constructing the excitation-field Hamiltonian Hƒ, referred to as “Hƒ,” so that the hardware, when interacting with the excitation field Hƒ, satisfies the following condition:
|H0+Hƒ−H|≦ε (44)
where |•| denotes an operator norm, and ε is an a parameter chosen to satisfy the precision requirements for the computation.
In general, the eigenvalues of the composite Hamiltonian H0+Hƒ approximate the spectrum {βk} of the function given by equation (42). Let {λk|k=1, . . . , N} be the subset of the eigenvalues of H0+Hƒ with the corresponding eigenstates {|Ψk(t)|k=1, . . . , N} so that if
where φk is a Chrestenton basis function. Therefore, the interpolating function Φ(x) given in equation (42) can be approximated as follows:
Thus, a discrete function can be approximated by exciting the hardware system H0, according to the excitation-field Hamiltonian Hƒ to obtain the set of coefficients for equation (48). The encoding function can then be constructed from equation (48) which in turn can be used to determine the Class I functions, as described above in relation to reversing steps 206-202 in
A. Function Input
The function input 302 in
B. Excitation Generator
The excitation generator 303 in
where |Ψj(t) is the state function of the jth node in the quantum processor.
C. Quantum Processor
The lattice of nodes is not limited to the rectilinear nodal arrangement shown in
The Hamiltonian realizing the quantum processor prior to receiving the excitation-field Hƒ from the excitation generator is given by:
where H0 is the hardware Hamiltonian. Prior to application of the excitation field, the lattice nodes are in the ground vibrational state. After the quantum processor receives the excitation-field Hƒ from the excitation generator, the quantum processor is characterized by the Hamiltonian given by:
1. The Lower Level Automaton
In the lower automaton 1404, the state transition 1408 characterizes the programmable discrete spectrum of the node and is controlled by the mixing state probability density transition computed in the upper automaton 1412. The transition selector 1406 in the lower automaton 1404 executes the commands issued by the upper automaton 1412. Each node 1402 has a set of pure states given by:
S={|Ψj|k∈Np,Np finite} (50)
where |Ψj are the pure states of the node, j is the index of the jth node in the quantum processor, k is the quantum number, and Np is number of available quantum states. Each node in the lattice begins in the ground state |Ψj
and is excited to a higher states |Ψj
by the excitation-field Hƒ, as described above in relation to
Each node in the lattice may transition between one or more states in S during the update time Δ and referred to as “chattering.” The chattering effect is described as a combination of the pure states in S and is given as follows:
are the semi-open intervals of the update time interval [t, t+Δ) and give the duration that node j spends in the pure state |Ψj. The time interval Δj
in the chattering combination (51) are arranged vertically in order of increasing energy. The semi-open intervals Ij
. Each semi-open interval Ij
during the update time interval [t, t+Δ). For example, the jth node occupies the pure state |Ψj
1502 for the length of time Δj
The chattering coefficients can then be defined as:
which allows equation (53) to be written as:
A chattering node may spontaneously transition to a lower state in S giving off radiation to the surroundings, or the node may absorb radiation emitted by other nodes in the system causing the node to transition to higher energy states in S. 1604 with energy λj
1604 spontaneously transitions to the lower state |Ψj
1608 with energy λj
1602 with energy λj
1616 with energy λj
For each update time interval [t,t+Δ), the transition selector 1406 receives a command from the upper automaton 1412 in according to equation (51).
2. The Upper Level Automaton
In general, there is not enough information to determine a specific state function that characterizes the lattice or any of the lattice nodes. Therefore, the best description of the computation is a probabilistic description. In the quantum formalism, the description is referred to as the “probability density description.” See Probabilistic Model of Quantum Relation, V. F. Weisskopf and E. Wigner, Physik 63, pp. 54-62, 1930.
Consider again the set of pure states in the lower automaton given by equation (54). Let pj be the probability that the jth node is in the pure state |Ψj(t). Then the probability density operator is defined by:
and can be used to determine the probability of a particular quantum state. Differentiating equation (56) and substituting equation (40) gives the differential operator:
The operator on the right-hand side of equation (57) is termed the “commutator” and can be written as [H, ρ]. Thus equation (57) becomes:
Equation (58) characterizes the computation carried out by the upper automaton 1412 in .
Given the density operator in equation (56) the ensemble average for the lattice can be determined by the trace of the matrix ρ·C and is given by the expression: C
=trace (ρ·C) (59)
where C can be any quantum mechanical operator. For example, the vibrational Hamiltonian characterizing the vibrational motion of the nodes is substituted for the operator C to give the ensemble average of the vibration states. The ensemble average calculated for an operator C is carried out by the transducer 305 in
Notice that the state function |Ψj(t) is given as a chattering combination in equation (51) and can equivalently be written as a linear combination of the states in S as follows:
where the coefficients αj
The Chattering Lemma says that every chattering combination of the form of equation (51) on a set S can be realized as a linear combination of elements from S with an arbitrarily small error. Under strong continuity assumptions of the state functions, the converse of the lemma is also true. By choosing the boundary conditions in the lattice appropriately, the continuity assumption is not limiting.
Although the linear combination given in equation (60) can be used to represent the state function |Ψj(t) of the jth node, formulating the state function in the form of the chattering combination in equation (51) allows for formulating the sequence of excitation steps.
3. The Input Selector Function
The Input Selector Function 1418 in
In order to distinguish the excitation field from the electric fields generated by other nodes in the lattice, the excitation-field Hamilitonian Hƒ can be written as the sum of two terms as follows:
Hƒ=He+Hl (63)
where He is the interaction of the node with the excitation field, and Hl is the interaction of the node with other nodes in the lattice. The interaction Hamiltonian Hl for a given node can be written as:
where for the jth node, Hli.
Edges 1801-1803 identify the interaction Hamiltonians Hl1.
The structure of interaction Hamiltonian Hl can be determined by constructing the Lagrangian associated with the lattice and applying the canonical quantization procedure discussed above in subsection I. D. The elements of carrying out this task are well known but the details depend on the physical characteristics of the lattice. The approach consists of defining potentials to characterize the lattice node interactions. For example, a dipole interaction as shown by oval 1702 in
where dx−y(t) is a relaxation function and rij is the distance between nodes i and j.
For purposes of analysis and to determine a detailed formulation of the realization step described above in section I.F, assume that a finite set of primitive excitation Hamiltonians is given by:
T={Hei|i=1, . . . , Ne} (66)
where Ne is the number of excited states available to the node j. The primitive excitation Hamiltonians given in equation (66) can be realized and implemented by chattering among the elements in the set T over the update time Δ. Chattering among the elements of T is given by the chattering equation:
where the sets Ii is a state function. The probabilistic resonance chattering equation (67) is central to the implementation of the quantum processor. The idea is to induce a probability distribution ρ on the states of the nodes in the lattice so that the realization criterion is satisfied.
D. The Read-Out Period
The read-out period, referred to as “ζ,” is the amount of time the transducer devotes to reading the light radiation emitted from the quantum processor in step 410 in
The read-out period ζ cannot be extended arbitrarily because thermal relaxation mechanisms inherent in a quantum mechanical system will eventually induce de coherence. In order to demonstrate this, consider the discrete spectrum {Ei} of the hardware Hamiltonian H0 given by the eigenvalue equation:
where |Ψi(t) are the corresponding eigenfunctions. Using equation (58), the transition probability matrix elements ρij satisfies the expression:
where the matrix elements are given by:
where Ψi*(x,t) is the complex conjugate of the function Ψj(x,t). If the system is in the state |Ψj(t) at time t equal to zero, then the presence of the relaxation Hamiltonian Hl given by equation (54) causes the corresponding probability density matrix elements ρjj to decay exponentially with time. See Fields and Nodes: Field Theory and Dispersion Relations, K. Nishijima, Benjamin, Inc., N.Y., 1969. For small values of t, the diagonal matrix elements ρjj are the largest terms in the matrix representation of the probability density operator. Assuming no excitation and using equation (57), the term ρjj satisfies the following equation:
for i not equal to j. The solution of equations (72) and (73) is given by:
ρjj(t)=e−t/ξ (74)
where ξ is the relaxation time that depends on the physical characteristics of the quantum processor lattice. The relaxation time is the time required for the wave train to achieve de coherence. Therefore, the effect of the inter-node excitation Hamiltonian Hl is to randomize the state transitions in each node corrupting the computation described above. Therefore, the read-out period ζ must be chosen so that this effect is acceptable. In other words, the read-out period is selected so that
ζ<<ξ (75)
The upper bound ξ is used in the design specification of the quantum processor and in the computability analysis.
Although the present invention has been presented in terms of a particular embodiment, it is not intended that the invention be limited to this embodiment. Modifications within the spirit of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art.
The foregoing description, for purposes of explanation, used specific nomenclature to provide a thorough understanding of the invention. However, it will be apparent to one skilled in the art that the specific details are not required in order to practice the invention. The foregoing descriptions of specific embodiments of the present invention are presented for purposes of illustration and description; they are not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed, obviously many modifications and variations are possible in view of the above techniques. The embodiments were chosen and described in order to best explain the principles of the invention and its practical applications and to thereby enable others skilled in the art to best utilize the invention and various embodiments with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the following claims and their equivalents:
This application claims the benefit of a provisional patent application No. 60/447,566, filed on Feb. 14, 2003.
Number | Date | Country | |
60447566 | Feb 2003 | US |