The camera 120 is connected to a conventional computer system 130, e.g., a PC or laptop device via input ports. The computer system includes a microprocessor, memory, busses, and I/O devices. The computer system is also connected to the projector via output ports.
There can be several sources of distortions in the system. There can be barrel distortion in the camera lens and/or the projector lens. There also can be non-linear distortion due to mirror 230 curvature, and a small amount of distortion due to curvature of the screen 210. These distortions cause misalignments between tiles. Therefore, the computer system can perform an aligning method 250 according to an embodiment of our invention, as shown in
The method first performs a parametric coarse alignment 500 independently for each projector. Then, optionally, a first non-parametric fine alignment 600 is performed independently for each projector. Finally, a second non-parametric alignment 700 is performed jointly for each projector and adjacent projectors. The parametric alignment solves some equation to directly compute adjustment parameters. The non-parametric alignment is an iterative approach that tries to minimize an error in alignment. The first non-parametric is performed independently for each projector, while the second non-parametric alignment is performed jointly for each projector and adjacent projectors.
During the alignment, each projector displays an alignment pattern (projection) with known features on the screen.
Coordinates of the camera image plane are denoted by Xc=(U, V, 1)T, and coordinates of the projector image planes are Xp=(U, V, 1)T, where
U=u/w and V=v/w
for a homogeneous coordinate (u, v, w). We can relate 3D screen points to 2D image points using a camera (projector) projection matrix
x≅PX=A[R|T]X, (1)
where A is a matrix of the intrinsic parameters of the camera (projector), and R, T are the rotation and translation with respect to a world coordinate system. In our case, the world coordinate system has an origin located at the upper left-hand corner of the screen, as viewed by the camera.
Parametric Alignment
As described above, the projector 220 is mounted on the 6 DoF adjustable platform 240. The six degrees include three for rotation and three for translation. The goal of the geometric alignment method 250 is to:
determine a current pose (R, T) of the projector with respect to the screen;
determine a difference between the current pose and an ideal pose; and
adjust the platform according to the difference.
Decomposition into R and T
To determine the pose of the projector with respect to the screen, we observe from equation (1) and the 3D points representing the screen corners that
where A[R1 R2|T] is a 3×3 matrix, which in fact is the homography induced by the screen plane. If the matrix A is known, then the homography can be decomposed into R1, R2, and T by pre-multiplying with the inverse matrix A−1.
As shown in
Otherwise, we decompose 570 Hsp with the inverse matrix A−1p to obtain rotation matrices R1, R2, and the translation matrix T, and transform 580 these to motor adjustments, and adjust 590 the platform accordingly, and repeat 595.
To determine the third column of the rotation matrix R we use the property that R is orthonormal, and then find R3=R1×R2.
Projector Intrinsic Parameters
To decompose 570 the homography Hsp, we use the intrinsic parameters of the projector. This calibration is performed by moving the projector to at least three different poses with respect to the screen using the adjustable platform. Note that this process can also produce estimates of the distortion parameters for the projector lens. In principle one can estimate the intrinsic parameters for each rear-projection tile separately prior to geometric alignment. Unfortunately, estimating the intrinsic parameters is time consuming due to the latency introduced by mechanically adjusting the platform to change the pose of the projector. Therefore, we estimate the intrinsic parameters only one time for a specific model of the rear-projection tile. We assume all other tiles with same model have similar intrinsic parameters.
Ideal Projector Pose
The adjustment of the platform is computed as the difference between a current pose and an ideal pose. We define the ideal pose as the pose for the projector that exactly maps the four corners of the projection rectangle to the four corners of the screen. For the ideal pose, we assume there is no rotation, and Rideal is set to the identity matrix. The ideal position of the projector with respect to the screen is then determined by the intrinsic parameters of the projector and the four correspondences between screen corners and projection corners. Using equation (2), we can write
for focal lengths fx and fy, principal point (u0, v0)T, screen corner (X, Y, 0)T, and projector pixel (u, v)T. Given that the screen corner at the origin (0, 0, 0)T corresponds with pixel (0, 0)T, and (1, 0, 0)T corresponds with (1024, 0)T, for a 1024 resolution image.
We can Write
From equation (4), we can determine t
x/1024. (5)
We can also determine equations (4) and (5) for Y- and v-coordinates, and focal length fx. Thus, we have two equations that yield tz, and because they are similar in value, we average the values to obtain the final tz. Given tz, we can solve for tx and ty, to obtain the values Tideal.
Given the current pose of the projector, the three degrees of freedom for the rotation are taken to be the Euler angles determined from the rotation matrix R. The remaining three degrees for translation are determined from T−Tideal. Then, the adjustment 590 is applied to the motors of the 6 DoF platform 240.
We perform the first coarse stage 500 of adjusting for several iterations. This is necessary due to several sources of error residuals. First, we have the camera intrinsic parameters residual error. Next, we have the residual error of the intrinsic parameters of the projector residual error. Another source of residual error is the projector lens distortion, even in the case when we estimated these parameters. A final source of residual error is due to the fact that the screen may not be perfectly planar.
Because the actual projection corners cannot be estimated directly with enough precision, or the corners simply cannot be directly estimated because they are outside the screen rectangle, the corners are estimated from the homographies. Due to the residual errors described above, this extrapolation process itself introduces error in the projector corner locations. Even if we perform the update step for many iterations, the final accuracy of the alignment with the screen is bound by the magnitude of the aforementioned residual errors. Therefore, we perform the coarse adjusting only for two iterations, at most.
The specific type of rear-projection tiles we use allow concurrent adjustment of the platforms of multiple tiles. This results in a speed-up compared to when each adjustment is performed sequentially. An initial misalignment may require relatively large updates in the first iterations, and thus the speed-up translates to significant time reductions during the alignment process.
Non-Parametric Accuracy Refinement
The stage 600 in the alignment process is a first non-parametric approach to refine the results obtained after the first coarse alignment stage 500. The initial and possibly large misalignment during the first stage is reduced by the second stage. The remaining misalignment can be several pixels in magnitude. When the projector is within several pixels of ideal alignment, we can make two assumptions:
Single Rear-Projection Tile
In the second stage as shown in
We can express the deltas between the ideal points and the current projector position as a linear dependence on the six degrees of freedom. In fact, each feature point on the screen gives us one such dependence, and we can formulate the problem as a linear system of equations:
The deltas in the matrix A are those measured for small motor movements in each of the six degrees of freedom. The deltas in b are shown in
Equation (6) shows that we can solve the system of linear equation by computing the pseudo-inverse of the matrix A, a 2n×6 matrix. The pseudo-inverse requires the computation of the inverse of AT A, a 6×6 matrix. We assume that AT A is non-singular and full rank. The pseudo-inverse could be computed instead using a singular value decomposition (SVD) to deal with rank deficiency. However, we do not expect to encounter a situation in which AT A is non-singular. The solution directly specifies the unit steps by which each six degree of freedom motor has to be adjusted.
In principle, we could determine the deltas of the matrix A during the second stage for each rear-projection tile separately. However in practice, we “calibrate” these deltas in an off-line process for a particular model rear-projection tile. Then, we assume that all other same model rear-projection tiles approximately have similar deltas.
The calibration step requires that the rear-projection tile is approximately aligned with respect to the screen before the process starts. Then, we determine the positions of feature points, i.e., screen pixels, for this current approximately aligned state. Next, we move a single degree of freedom motor for some small number of step units, and again determine the position of the feature points. This gives us the relationship between stepping units and pixels on the screen.
The deltas between the x-coordinates and y-coordinates are stored. Next, we undo the prior move of the degree of freedom motor, re-estimate the locations of the feature points, and move another single degree of freedom motor, until all six degrees of freedom motors are calibrated. Re-estimation of feature points after each undo is necessary due to repeatability inaccuracy of the motors. We store the deltas between x- and y-coordinates, in camera coordinates.
Multiple Rear-Projectors
Equation (6) is applied to a single rear-projection tile only. Our goal is to align configurations of multiple rear-projection tiles, as shown in
The alignment of multiple tiles is more difficult, because the projection of the feature pattern needs to be aligned with the screen of each tile, and with the projections on abutting screens. Another factor that makes this alignment more difficult is the fact that there is no overlap between neighboring projections. In the ideal case, the projections should agree geometrically along the seams of neighboring screens.
In our system, the screens are spaced about 1 mm apart, and the projections should compensate for this gap. To compensate for the gap, it is required that for the outermost ring of pixels, 50% of the pixel should be visible, while the other 50% extends beyond the screen boundary.
As shown in
Feature points are extrapolated along the 4-connected neighbor seams, provided that there is an actual neighbor. After the feature points are known, we can express the misalignment yet again as a delta between the feature points, as shown in
Equation (7) contains Equation (6), with additional rows for the left(l), right(r), top(t) and bottom(b) neighbors.
A solution 630 to this system of linear equations is A+·b. By encapsulating Equation (6) in Equation (7), we ensure that each rear-projection tile maintains alignment with its screen, while aligning to neighboring tiles.
With the alignment problem between neighboring tiles formulated as a linear system in equation (7), we can apply a weighting scheme. The weights influence the least squares solution given by the linear equations A+·b. The weighting scheme can either give more importance to the feature points of the individual tile, or instead more importance to the feature points along the seams with one, or more, neighboring tiles. More importance to the feature points of the individual tile maintains alignment with the screen of the individual tile, but not necessarily alignment with neighboring tiles. More importance to the features along the seams of one or more neighboring tiles results in alignment between neighboring tiles, but not necessarily maintain alignment to the screen of the individual tile. Equation (7) shows the case in which both features of the individual tiles as well as features along the seams with neighboring tiles have equal weights (with value 1).
Compensation for Non-Linear Distortion
All the above computations are accurate only when there are almost, or no non-linear distortions present in the system. As described above, this is certainly not the case here. Several different sources contribute to an overall non-linear distortion. Extrapolating and interpolating feature locations using homographies in the presence of non-linear distortions can lead to large errors. The ideal points across the screen are interpolated based on the homography Hsc, whereas the feature points along the seams between neighboring tiles are extrapolated based on the homographies Hcp. Because the solutions of Equations (6) and (7) are computed in a least squares sense, the best possible alignment has therefore a reduced accuracy.
Because the non-linear distortion is a composition of distortions from several different sources, and it is impossible to observe each one in isolation, we try to estimate the total non-linear distortion. In order to capture the complex form of the distortion, we estimate a bi-variable polynomial fpoly of degree 3 using the following model:
We estimate a similar polynomial for y′. Again, we can compute the polynomial parameters in the least squares sense. Given the polynomials, we can compute the ideal points in camera coordinates as:
{tilde over (x)}
poly({tilde over (x)}c),
where ρ( ) is a projective divide operator. Rather than estimating fpoly only once for x and y, we estimate fpoly for each iteration. The reasoning is that as we get closer to ideal alignment, the estimate for fpoly improves.
The non-parametric fine refinement stage is performed for several iterations. Although the alignment does not converge to an absolute global minimum, repeated tests show that after eight iterations, the RMS error reaches an error floor. Thus, we perform the non-parametric refinement step up to eight iterations, and terminate early if the error floor is reached in fewer iterations.
The embodiments of the invention provide a system and method for automatically aligning multiple rear-projection tiles. By applying a coarse parametric alignment stage, followed by a non-parametric fine refinement stage, we can achieve an accuracy that is very close to manual alignment. Automatic alignment has several advantages over manual alignment. First, automatic alignment does not require an alignment expert to perform the alignment. Given that each tile has six degrees of freedom for adjusting the projection, alignment is not straightforward for someone without extensive experience.
A second advantage is the fact that automatic alignment can leverage the concurrent update capability of the rear-projection tiles. Thus, the time required to perform the alignment is reduced significantly reducing compared to manual alignment.
Although the invention has been described by way of examples of preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that various other adaptations and modifications may be made within the spirit and scope of the invention. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.